The Girl. (3 page)

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Authors: Laura Lee Fall

BOOK: The Girl.
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Brenda and the boys all give a frown now and Paul Gene said, “No Danny Ray, we have not
heard a word in a few months, shoot I’m worried”. Brenda had tears hanging her head, as her
husband talked.
“Yep he just graduated this past summer”.

Giving a surprised look, Paul Gene said, “Okay see you soon about a week”.
“Bye Danny Ray”, as Paul Gene hung up the phone just standing there a moment.
He seem very upset hanging his head and noticing Brenda asked,
“Paul Gene what’s wrong?”

He comes back to the table frowning sat down and said, “Well you know that was my brother
Danny Ray”.
“Well of course I know who that was.”
Paul Gene sadly said, “Seems my paw Andrew took a turn for the worst.”
The boys all gave a sad expression, as Brenda said, “Oh that’s terrible dear”.

Paul Gene wiping tears from his eyes added, “My three brothers are heading to Dallas with our
Brenda was speechless, as Paul Gene said, “My paws being taken to a hospital and also
concerned about the family bar?”
“BAR!” Blurted out Seth excitedly, the other three boys looked really rolling their eyes.
With her eyebrows high Brenda asked, “What’s the problem does he want you to go to Dallas?”
Giving her a puzzled look he said, “Run the bar sugar”, then looked at his boys, knowing this was
going to be rough.
Especially with them four, as fighting was definitely in each of them Paul Gene was glad that he
taught them all to be strong.
In all honesty, his boys are very good and packed mean punches.

The Wiley boys were the best actually around those southern hills and had a reputation of fight a
Wiley it is your loss.
They can hold their own, protect themselves through any situation, and never give up, whether
their winning or losing and other boys do not really mess with a Wiley.

Since them four stubborn country boys keep going rounds and it is a losing battle.
Paul Gene was firm about them watching each other and always, because Paul Gene many years
back had lost four of his brothers tragically.
Brenda really shook her head and said, “Oh no, we just can’t, Paul Gene not in a bar”.
“My family needs me”.

Scowl raising her voice now, “That’s asking for trouble Paul Gene you know that with our boys”.
He was quiet along with the boys who were, mumbling, “Wow”, a bar that is wild”, and Brenda
carried on saying, “Oh Paul Gene never can we do this”.

Eating their homemade sweet potato pie staying silent and their maw was not though, “Y’all
know how I hate fights”, doleful expression, holding a heart shaped locket around her neck.

Paul Gene said, “Sugar I have to, this is my family, you know the family rule?”
“Yes I do, but we are in Kentucky, you want us all to pack up and head off to Tennessee”.
Rose her hand up and yelled, “This is bull Paul Gene, our life has been good here”.
“Sorry Brenda we must move”.
The boys hung their heads and did some major eye rolling.

Waving her hand up in the air and carrying on Brenda said, “Saul’s starting a job, Sebastian is
on the basketball team doing well”.
“Shane in his auto tech then Seth loves school finally after such a rocky start”.
Brenda was very upset pacing around the kitchen and everyone had stopped eating at this point
looking at Brenda who kept yelling.

Rushing by the back door staring out in tears, as the boys remain silent picking at their pie that
was a first.
“Maw get ready to pack, because this discussion is over and my rules are never broken”.
She put her hand up and was silent staring out the door, Paul Gene added, “Seth boy pass the

Highly upset, Brenda stood by the back door in tears rolling down her face sadly looking
outside towards the barn where the chickens and roosters are running around.
Glanced at two horses in the pen, playing with the falling snow and the cows were inside the
barn for it was bitter cold.

Sobbing saying to herself, “Our farm and life is here not Tennessee in some bar”.
“That’s a wild life especially for our sons”.
Brenda looking out the back door thought, the problems would just begin they will definitely not
stop their fighting now.

Held that pretty locket around her neck gripping it very tightly, Paul Gene said, “Come on
darling your dinners getting cold”. “Lost my appetite”, when he looked at his boys giving a wink
and said, “Maw will be fine boys”. That all thought Tennessee too and will not like it either.

The phone rings again and Paul Gene said, “Seth you go get it for me”, as he got up.
“Oh Sebastian, it’s your lover girl”, said Seth laughing and holding the receiver.
Sebastian got up answering it and pushed Seth saying, “Go sit down brat”.
Giggling harder and making faces blowing kisses at Sebastian then went sitting down by the
dinner table.

When Seth did, Shane whispered to him, “Little brother he may not have got you, but I am going
to finish the job”.
With his eyes huge behind his curls, Seth shrugged mumbling,
“Yikes, I’m in trouble, better take pain like paw has always told us”.
Brenda stood quietly staring out the door and at this point was heartbroken, as she liked all her
boy’s girlfriends.

Except youngest Seth, that was not interested in the opposite sex yet.
“These girls here are sweet and city girls are wild not alone their fast”, mumbled Brenda.
Paul Gene got up from the table walking over by Brenda standing in the doorway staring outside
in tears.

Turning around looking at her husband Brenda said, “What, you want me to be happy about
leaving our life that’s been good.”
“Come on maw it will be fine”, as he patted her back.

Looking sad with tears flowing again, she said, “Well Paul Gene, I’m not going to be happy
about a wild life for our boys”.


“Sugar our life is together, it will be fine, and we are Wiley’s, the word strong”.
Brenda turned around looking at her and Paul Gene’s four sons.

Raising her jet-black eyebrows high pointing at him, she said, “Okay Paul Gene, your way and
hope it’s the right way”.
“Thanks sugar, it will be”.

Then they both went to finish eating their dessert with their sons, that was still quiet and smirk,
as they ate. Paul Gene sitting by the dinner table said, “Boys get finished, gear back up warmly,
because animals need fed”.
“Sure paw don’t we always”, replied the boys cross and pointing across the table grinning he
said, “Watch it boys”. The boys gave a smile, as he did and they all had a journey ahead of them,
Tennessee in a bar.

Picking at her pie looking at the boys, Brenda quivered about that part of it, knowing bar brawls
are sure coming, as she ate in tears.
After dinner was done, Paul Gene went outside with his four sons to feed the animals.
Brenda was standing by the kitchen sink washing the pile of dishes.
There was a window above and she looked outside onto her boys feeding all the animals in the
cold just as they always have from young on, Brenda smiled, watching them four tracking
through the snow and knew they are all very strong.

They all never complained about doing the hard things on their farm either.
Brenda finished cleaning up the kitchen and her tears had stopped, but she was still upset about
the bar.

Nevertheless, knew her boys are probably looking forward to the idea.
The Wiley boys all have been suspended from school many times over roughness, as they were
fearless along with painless.

From the time, they all could walk around each of them would punch the air as though they
were fighting someone.

The other thing about these four boys is that they never shed a tear and honestly have not once,
as they have faced some terrible misfortune also.
Shane even lost two fingers at twelve-years-old from a fishing trip his middle finger and pinky
were gone on his left hand.

Never blinked an eye, as you could see him giving his all and holding the tears back taking the
pain, Shane showed much strength and courage.
His brothers as well saw their down falls and never shed a tear and took the pain.

Sebastian at just ten-years-old thrown off a horse that trampled onto him.
He somehow managed to roll out from underneath the horse, which almost stomped him and
suffered broken ribs with a broken collarbone enduring much pain.

The boy still gave his all by freeing himself and at only ten-years-old showed great strength, as
he rolled hurt underneath the big horse.

One time, Seth jumped off the top of the barn landing straight onto a nail going through his
foot, instead of tears pulled it right out actually grinning as his brothers all yelled,
Recently, Saul was in an automobile accident and suffered many broken bones.
The car went off a hill, tumbling down and hitting hard into a tree. This instantly forced Saul
right from the vehicle and threw the front windshield shattering it with his body.

He handled much pain and spent a week in the hospital with both arms fractured in a sling,
and never complained once.
Furthermore, he flirted with the young nurses constantly and Brenda knew Saul was Mr.
Popularity with females.
Especially the morning she and Paul Gene with the other three boys walked into Saul’s hospital

Catching a young nurse laying on top of him, as they were kissing up a storm, Brenda
immediately covered young Seth’s eyes and gasped out loudly, “Saul!”
The love session was broken up fast and much later that night, as the hospital had cleared its
visitors out.

Seventeen-year-old Saul and the young nurse finished what they started and had sexual
intercourse on his hospital bed.

Saul blew his one good friend off over the unfortunate accident, because his friend was drinking
and using drugs, as Saul saw red over that.
He remarked, “I don’t have room in my life for careless or ignorance”.

Saul’s girlfriend Abigail blew him off over cheating on her for the third time, she was the fourth
girlfriend Saul has had and cheated continuously on them all.
Brenda’s feeling about him being a player seem to be right on the money and Paul Gene’s feeling
about his boys was sure right.

Those boys are painless along with brave and feared nothing, as nothing fazed them.
Like their paw, Paul Gene has always told them to be as it was a rule of his to be strong and that
life can be hard sometimes and there is no time to waste with tears.
Since that cannot help a situation as it, just stalls time and you do not need that.

Their paw was right about sitting and crying can waste time, because a few years ago at the
young age of thirteen and fourteen.


Saul and Shane was walking home from school a crowd of boys jumped them both.
The fight was bad, as the five boys caught them both off guard.

Suddenly, striking them to the head with baseball bats and both fell to the ground instantly with
blood running all down the side of their split head.
Saul rolled on the ground gasping and could not catch his breath, as he was in a daze with
almost tears, he heard loud shouting with screams of torture.

In a blur, Saul rose his head up, as blood run down heavily into his eyes and saw the crowd of
boys all on his younger brother Shane.

Viciously kicked, as he was down they were even hitting him with the bat repeatedly with him
screaming out, “GET OFF ME!”

Trying very hard to get up, Shane could not, as there were many of them and blood runs down
his face badly, he was a bloody mess and covered in red.
Saul wiped his eyes quickly and stood up taking his pain, holding the hurt back.
He had to help his brother who was in need and as for crying, well fourteen-year-old Saul found
out that there really was no time for tears.

Saul helped his brother Shane out and they ended up cleaning house and took over winning by a
long shot, as them boys sure cried.
Saul along with Shane, then walked home still bleeding heavily, each of them held a bat in their
hand and cracked some heads.

Brenda was still looking outside on their many acres of land watching her family, shaking her
head at her husband, as Paul Gene had rules about everything.
A few weeks pass, wonder how Paul Gene’s family was all doing in Tennessee.
In addition, if little Seth’s one brother Shane had fought his youngest brother finishing the job
that he remarked he would.

On the drive heading to Tennessee, Seth’s two brothers glanced over at him in the white van
looking at a huge shiner; guess Seth took pain like his paw told them to take.
Also glanced over at their other brother Shane who was sleeping and had two black eyes swelled
shut and Saul with Sebastian chuckle.

Chapter 1.

Two years later.
The sun shines brightly in Chattanooga Tennessee, 1970, the first week in June, as it was
summer break.
School kids and many were enjoying their summer vacation.

Including a young girl named Ella Anderson who was content with the start of summer.
Ella and best friend Dana were sure enjoying themselves.
They went swimming and going to the mall buying neat new swimsuits.
Along with going to the little town carnival that comes every year, Ella was sure having a good

The best time of her life was right around the corner, she had no clue that the love of her life
was coming very soon.
It would hit her hard and would fall deeply for her first love, will it be a good thing though?
Let us just see and find out who is around the bend for Ella that continued to have fun with her

Ella was a natural red head, as her fire red hair went past her tiny waist Dana had long dark
wavy hair and a curvy figure.
Told Ella one warm evening, “Hey let’s do something different”.
Both girls were sitting on the front porch steps of Ella’s parents split-level home.
“What can we do?”

Eyes large, “Let’s us go into the far side of town”, said Dana smiling.
Shaking her head, “Oh no, I mean no way, it is wild there”, replied Ella.
“No Ella, it’s fun and there are males, many cute ones”.
Making a squinting face, Ella mumbled, “It’s a bad idea”, her friend smiling very big added, “I
heard there are the hottest guys there”.
“My parents will kill me or maybe not even care”.

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