The Glass Secret (Chain of Secrets) (24 page)

BOOK: The Glass Secret (Chain of Secrets)
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“Here Brielle,”—Jude handed me the photo—“take this...maybe I will see you again one day in pictures, no pun intended,” he half-chuckled and so did Amanda.

That’s not funny assholes!

I fought to hold back my tears. So much for Grandmother’s predictions, I thought.

“I guess this is goodbye?” I managed to choke out as a single tear fell to the edge of my upper lip.

Jude looked befuddled. Clearly, he was embarrassed in front of Amanda that I had tears in my eyes. I couldn’t make eye contact with him. Instead, I eyeballed the photo. Jude and I stood next to each other with his arm wrapped around my shoulder; it appeared as if we were two good ole buddies. In hindsight, meeting Amanda explained why Jude hadn’t slipped his arm around my waist for the photo. It explained a lot.

Jude was a moth flying into the light and Amanda was that light, not me.

“Are you okay, Brie?” Jude asked. 

No! I am not okay, dumb ass!

“I’m fine...the sun. It’s in my eyes.” My words trailed off as I licked away a tear. “Nice meeting you, Amanda.”

“Oh, sweetie, you too.” Her eyes met with my gaze and the thought that lay behind it. She knew and was aware that I had miscalculated my feelings—no—Jude’s feelings toward me.

“Bye, Jude,” I said then turned and walked away. A few yards from them I turned back around and they were now holding hands and watching me. Amanda eased her hand from Jude’s and ran to me. I turned on my heels, picking up my pace.

“Wait!” Amanda’s voice caught in the cool breeze that slapped against my face. A hard slap in the face, and it stung against my cheeks.

“I have to go, my parents are waiting,” I stammered. Once the tears released, I couldn’t hold them back. Amanda was on my heels.

“Brielle, please stop!” Her palm flailed against the back of my shoulder. I stopped and turned toward her.

“What do you want?” I implored. My cordial expression from seconds before turned icy. “You ruined everything.”

“Ouch...” Amanda grimaced.

“Yeah, ouch,” I mocked her.

“Brielle, I am sorry,” she spoke softly, I supposed so that Jude couldn’t hear her.

“I bet you do this all the time to girls like me,” I cried.

“Why would you say something like that?” she asked.

“Because you can, you’re so beautiful and perfect,” I mumbled in a raspy tone.

“Listen, life is not about how you look,” she said.

“Yours don’t feed me that crap,” I growled, wry.

“Okay. I won’t lie. You’re right. Life can be easier in a world that puts so much emphasis on the way we look when people perceive you as beautiful on the outside. But, our pretty faces, even our lives can be taken away in a second. Nothing should be taken for granted.”

“Yeah, well, that’s easy for you to say,” I hissed.

“You don’t know my troubles. Please, it’s not been as easy as you think it has for me.”

“I would give anything right now to be in your shoes.” I glanced down at her shoes. Eww, they were dirty and torn. This was shocking to me. As my eyes scrolled back up to her face, I noticed a terrible scar high on the thigh of her leg. It was purple and deep almost as if someone had cut out a chunk of her flesh.

“What happened?”

“Oh’s nothing.” She tugged on her shorts that had risen to reveal the scar.

“It looks like it hurts,” I said, trying not to stare.

“Not so much anymore, just here sometimes,” Amanda pressed her hand against her heart, and her eyes turned red. The tiniest tear fell from her lashes.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

“I am doing much better.”

“Well, even with that scar, I would trade places with you right this minute.”

“’re very pretty. I looked very much like you when I was your age. So natural, untouched and innocent, enjoy this time of your life.” Her words were so genuine and sincere.

“Now you’re embarrassing me.” I knotted my fingers together.

“It seems like I never say the right words.” She rocked slightly back and forth and more tears welled in her eyes. Real was the word that came to mind; she was real. And, despite the fact that she was so beautiful, on the outside, I could tell she was hurting somewhere on the inside.

“Well, maybe you shouldn’t try so hard,” I suggested.

“Awe, look at you, giving me advice now—young, beautiful and wise for your age. You win.”

“That’s not how I see it. Jude loves you, not me.”

“I know it’s none of my business, but I know how you feel...I knew you liked Jude. I could tell. You should know that he didn’t know how you felt about him. But...”—she glanced back at Jude—“he really thinks you are amazing—special.”

“Really?” I beamed, a little confused. “He likes me?”

“Oh yes, very much. He just didn’t want to get all involved because you live so far away.”

“Oh, that makes sense. But, what about you guys? You live far away too.” I bit the inside of my mouth, waiting for her answer. Amanda twisted her lips and sighed.

“I think the only reason he likes me is because he thinks I am a model with no brains and it makes him feel smarter....” She paused and glanced back at Jude again. He was busy entertaining some folks that were passing by. “I really hate to admit it, but he mentioned to me that you are one of the most intelligent girls he’s ever met.”

“I can be dumb.” I nodded.

“No, don’t ever dumb down for a man.” Her full lips stretched to a thin line and a hint of disappointment glowed in her eyes.


“Never, it’s his problem, and I’m sure he’s intimidated by you—you know how men can be, right?”

“Of course I do. You are saying men don’t like girls that are smarter than them.”

Amanda shifted her eyes upward, which was a dead giveaway. She paused, probably trying to figure out what to say next. Her hesitation was clear to me. I knew what she was up to—trying to save me. How unselfish of her. I had to give her some credit; after all she was trying hard to help me. I got it. They were in love. So, I went ahead and played along with her, but only for a minute.

“Hum...something like that...They just don’t like to admit it. But, remember not all men feel this way. Please, don’t be upset about Jude, he—” I looked at her suspiciously and was now more than convinced my hunch was right on the money. She was trying to save me from suffering from a broken heart.

I interrupted her. “It’s okay. I think you are pretty smart, Amanda.”

“Me? No. Not like you.” She contorted her lips to one side of her face.

“Well, if you say so—but, I don’t agree. I think you are smarter than what you let on.” I coyly winked at her. “Playing dumb worked, even with me, thanks.”

“Come here.” She flung her arms around me. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, thanks to you. I knew exactly what you were doing.”

“And you let me go on?” Amanda laughed. “I feel so stupid.”

“Yeah—wait, I don’t mean you’re stupid,” I gasped in a huge gulp of air, giggling. “But it was funny watching you trying to come up with something to say. Something believable you know.”

“Oh Brielle, you’re going to do more than fine when it’s your time to meet the right guy. Just remember to be yourself.” Amanda swept her arms beneath mine and gave me a hug. She held me so tightly. It was almost as if she was trying to steal a piece of me. I couldn’t help but wonder why. “I can’t wait to read your first book. Promise me that you won’t forget me when I am in line at your first book signing” Amanda whispered.

“Hey, I decided that I think I am going to model just like you. Then I can write on the side—play dumb when I have to, that way I will have it all—a hot guy, money and fame.”

We both laughed, almost like sisters would. It was nice.

A concerned look formed in Amanda’s eyes. “I don’t want to steer you wrong, and I feel like I have. Please, stick to your writing. You definitely have the figure and the face to model, but I have a feeling that you have more to offer the world by writing.” 

“Don’t worry. I won’t give up on writing.” I sighed. “You know...I can see why Jude loves you so much,” I wistfully said.

“Aww, thanks.” She exhaled, seemingly relieved and pecked the top of my head with a kiss. She was a tall glass of water and as skinny as a ruler.

“Hold on. Stay right here, okay?” I pleaded.

“Okay.” A puzzled expression flashed on her face. I quickly ran back to Jude and gave him a super big hug.

“Hey, Amanda is awesome,” I buzzed in his ear. “You two should get married. Okay?” I practically demanded.

“I will try my best to win her heart.” Jude winked at me.

“Don’t try...just do it.” With my index finger, I drew an imaginary check mark in the air. “Bye, Jude.”

“Bye cutie,” Jude said and waved me on as I floated on air back to Amanda.

“Everything is going to work out for the both us, Amanda.  Just be yourself.” I winked at her.

“For sure.” We slapped high fives. “I am already your biggest fan, Brielle. Don’t forget I am coming for that autograph one day.” She promised breathily. We embraced each other, saying goodbye like old friends.

I stood there and watched her strut back into Jude’s arms, actually, into the arms of my unofficial ex-boyfriend. That wasn’t too bad, considering we didn’t even have a breakup fight. I hoped that one day I’d be so lucky and as gorgeous as Amanda. Her stride was long, hips swinging side to side with a slight rotation. I studied her. There was
about her catwalk that resembled a stripper’s walk. I wanted to remember everything about her and to emulate her style.

“Shake it, Amanda. Don’t break it,” I yelled out to her. She put her palms on her hips and exaggerated her tush movements and then turned to me. Her mouth gaped open into a beautiful smile. We both giggled out loud as if we had shared a private joke.




Win! Win! Lose!


For some reason, Amanda and I had a once in a lifetime connection. I was sure we both felt it. I wished we had met the first day of my vacation instead of the last. We definitely had much more in common than I had with Jude. Shopping would have been the bomb with her. I swore to call her as soon as I got home.

When Amanda reached Jude, he picked her up and swung her around. The love they shared was visibly delicious. I hoped to be as blessed one day. With that thought, my jealousy vanished, and I silently wished them the best.

Smiling to myself, I sauntered back down the old brick road toward our bed and breakfast. When I reached the old house, a strange wind whipped around me. I thought I saw a huge shadow of a man in the window watching me. A shiver chased a path up and down my spine and across my heated skin.

I picked up the pace and ran the rest of the way to the hotel. When I arrived my mother was drinking lemonade with Lady Tara on the porch. Still panting from the run, I told them both I had just met Amanda Seymour. Tara could not believe it; she knew straight away who she was. I shared, in somewhat scant detail, how we had met. Of course, I omitted the details that we were both in love with the same man. Besides, my love for Jude had dissolved to a mere crush.

“Who is she?” my mother asked.

“You know that model.”

“I am not sure who she is?” my mother said.

“Hold on. She’s on the cover of my Glamour magazine this month.” I ran to my room to retrieve the magazine.

“Mom, this is her,” I said and shoved the cover into my mother’s face. “Isn’t she glamorous? I learned that Amanda and I are very much alike. We are like kindred spirits.” The excitement in my voice poured off my lips.

The word
clearly bothered my mother.

“Spirits? Uh, there’s a word,” she mumbled under her breath. Her mood shifted as her eyes transfixed on the cover page of Amanda. “Who is this girl?”

“I told you, Amanda Seymour. She’s my new best friend. She lives in New York, and we are going to hang out.” My mother’s hands were clearly trembling. “What’s wrong, Mom?”

“Nothing, I think my sugar is low.”

“Let me get you some fruit, dear.” Tara streamed into our conversation.

“No, that’s okay, Tara. I just can’t wait to leave this ghost town.”

“I can’t wait to get home, too. I’m calling Amanda as soon as we get there.”

“Brielle, this girl is much older than you. And, to be honest, I don’t think I want you to get wrapped up into her kind of world. Modeling just isn’t what your father and I want for you.” She turned the magazine face down.

I couldn’t believe my mother was judging Amanda without even knowing her. I guessed she was being protective.

This trip had taken its toll on her—she detested the ghost stories that St. Augustine was famous for. I knew we would not ever be going back there. She had been put through the wringer. Not to mention, she witnessed me grow up in a flash before her eyes on this trip. After all, I had experienced my first crush. This surely would cause any parent to crumble under the pressure of it all. Now my budding friendship with Amanda freaked her out too. Especially, since, she was so much older than me. It was all too threatening to my mother; she wanted me to stay a kid forever. However, that was not what I signed up for in this life. I could not wait to grow up.

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