The Good Student (6 page)

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Authors: Stacey Espino

BOOK: The Good Student
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“You don’t want this, Kaya,” he murmured. Her soft, pink lips were only inches from his.

“Yes, I do.”

She continued to press into him, making a retreat impossible.
Fuck it.
He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers. She closed her eyes, and made a delicate mewling sound. The feminine cry travelled through his senses, making his urge to touch her, taste her, almost unbearable. She'd awoken the beast, his dormant sexuality stretching and awakening after a long hibernation.

Her hand slid away from under his and travelled down his stomach as they exchanged soft, light kisses. The room was so quiet. He could hear their lips parting as they tasted, explored. Hayden forgot what it felt like to really kiss a woman. When she reached his lap in search of his cock, his brain jolted back to life and he leapt up to his feet.

“What’s wrong?”

“We can’t do this, Kaya. It’s not right. Please understand my position.” He tried to catch his breath, unsuccessfully. It sounded like he'd just finished a marathon.

Hayden paced the room, running both hands through his cropped hair. He’d gone and done it. He started something intimate with a student and there was no going back. If news got loose, he’d be fired on the spot. A thousand thoughts whirled in his head, his heart beating like a jack rabbit.

“Don’t you like me?” she asked tentatively.

He couldn’t push her away, not when she looked so fucking adorable. “Yes, that's the problem.”


Chapter Six


Inwardly, Kaya smiled. No matter how much he refused her now, she knew she had him. He kissed her with passion, not pity. Anything he said now was said out of fear because of their student-teacher relationship. She wouldn’t allow him to deny her, not when she was so close to unraveling his boundary line.

His breath had smelled like the chocolate mints he always carried. His lips were both firm and soft. She'd lost herself completely when they kissed—sweet, gentle, hungry. There was a soul-deep connection between them. Time seemed to stand still as they gently explored each other.

Even under her brief evaluation, she knew his cock would be impressive. She had to hold back her laughter when he leapt away from her touch. The guy’s dick was rock hard, but he still fought for control. She enjoyed the challenge, now that she knew he reciprocated her desire. He was a man after all.

“I better go to my next class,” she said. She stood and adjusted her sweater. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Kaya looked at the crotch of his pants and back up to his face and smiled before disappearing out the door.


Kaya was called in for the last round of interviews the next day. She half expected Mr. Taylor wouldn’t call her at all after what happened between them. Would he act like nothing happened? Take extra care to ignore her? She hadn’t seen him all class. He continually sent in students to call the next five to his office, never appearing himself.

Finally her name was called, along with four others, including Mike. She wondered if Hayden planned it that way. Mike was more than obvious with his crush on Kaya. He had to be sent back to his seat on numerous occasions by Mr. Taylor.

Once their group reached the office, Kaya felt ready to burst with anticipation. Mike held the door open and they all entered, one by one. Mr. Taylor sat at this desk, leaning back in the leather chair, tapping a pencil against his lips. She tried to make eye contact but he wouldn't look in her direction.

Four of them huddled together on the sofa, and a boy named Than sat in the chair facing the desk. Mr. Taylor proceeded to repeat some rehearsed speech about the assignment, lacking his usual silly mannerisms that the students respected. She knew why he was distracted, and it all revolved around her. Even with the others in the room, she could feel the sexual tension between them. He looked amazing in his red shirt which highlighted his dirty-blond hair. His silver watch fit loosely on his wrist as he played with the pencil, as if it held some great interest. She eyed the muscles twitching in his forearms and the heavy set to his eyes as he concentrated on nothing. Kaya knew better.

“Is it okay if Kaya tutors me on the assignment? I’m helpless,” said Mike. She awaited Mr. Taylor’s response even more eagerly than Mike.

“That sounds like a smart move. Students should stick together and help each other.”

“I’m really busy with school and work. I wouldn't be much help. I’m sorry, Mike. Maybe someone else?” She scowled at Mr. Taylor, but he only briefly glanced at her.

“Kaya. Always playing hard to get,” muttered Mike. He checked his own watch and rose as the period ended. She wanted to tell him to move on and leave her the hell alone. He was becoming a road block to her pursuit of Mr. Taylor.

As everyone left the room, Kaya brought up the rear. She didn’t even turn back, but slammed the door shut when the last student left and locked the door from the inside.

She took exaggerated breaths to keep up with her rising heartbeat. When she turned, she kept her back pressed to the door. Mr. Taylor didn’t budge or speak. He just sat there at his desk staring at her. She remembered their kiss and so did her body, still coiled tight.

Her mouth parted as she drank in the air which suddenly felt too thick to breathe. She knew Mr. Taylor’s plan. He wanted to stick her with Mike in hopes she would fall for his advances and forget about her teacher. “Don’t ever push me on Mike again,” she whispered, still not moving from the door.

He rose from his seat in a slow, measured wave, rising to his full height. She never noticed the broadness of his shoulders before or the squareness of his jaw. His face was a mask, an intense mask out for blood…or maybe more. He closed the distance between them with a predatory stride. His face gave nothing of his intentions away and he didn’t say a word. When he reached her, he bent in and crushed his lips to hers, hooking an arm around her waist, pulling her against his chest.

Kaya almost lost her footing, her knees felt so weak. She drowned in the taste and warmth of the man that starred in all her waking fantasies. Kaya kissed him back with more passion than she realized she had. Eric said she was cold and lacking, apparently not for Mr. Taylor. She wrapped her arms around her neck and pressed her body into his, needing to be closer. They walked into the centre of the room in clumsy steps, never parting lips. She never wanted to be apart from him, desperate for his acceptance. Craving his warmth and affection.

“Mr. Taylor... Touch me,” she said against his lips. He groaned deep in his chest and ran his hand under the hem of her shirt. The warmth of his hands against her bare flesh thrilled her. Her pussy ached and pulsed to a beat stronger than her wild heart rate. He ran his fingers along her spine in smooth, gentle strokes. The soft touch lulled her, had her drifting far from reality.

Kaya felt triumphant, and the like the luckiest girl on campus. Cynthia may have teased her about wanting a much older man, but she'd gotten exactly what she wanted. They kissed hungrily, tasting, nipping and sucking. Her pussy was slick, her inner walls cramping.

"More," she murmured. "I'm on the pill." A knock on the door made Hayden pull away from her, leaving her empty and desperate for more contact.

He left her to open the door, his back blocking the entrance from view.

“Kaya in there?” It was that idiot, Mike.

“We’re having a conference right now. You best run along to your next class, son.” Once again, his age and position made her hot. She wanted to see her superior so desperate for her that he couldn't possibly push her away.

“Okay. Tell her I’ll see her tomorrow.”
“Sure.” Mr. Taylor shut and locked the door.
“You know who else should be getting to class?”

“What are you going to do to me if I miss a class? Punish me?” She bit her lip and hoped. His role as teacher aroused her. She still yearned to be bent over and mastered by him, to feel his strong hand come down hard on her sensitive flesh.

“Kaya. Do you have any idea how much trouble I could get in for being with you like this?”

“I can keep a secret.”

He exhaled through his nose and his nostrils flared. His expression told a story in itself. A war waged within him, right and wrong, do or don’t. She only hoped his desire for her would win through.

He cupped her face and kissed her once on the lips and pulled back to examine her. She smiled. She couldn’t help herself when he looked so handsome…and so concerned. Getting Mr. Taylor into trouble was never her intention. She wanted him, all of him.

“Go on to class. Meet me here tomorrow on your lunch hour. We need to talk.” The gentle pass of his thumb over her cheek forced her to close her eyes and cherish the affection. Hopefully his talk didn't include cutting the new, fragile bond they'd created.


The small Irish pub was filled to capacity being fight night. Hayden didn’t come to watch the fight on the big screen. He came out for the companionship and to clear his head. Charlie and Ross were both teachers at the university. Charlie was fifty and Ross pushing sixty. Fifty really was the new thirty because few people he knew these days looked their age. Every one of his friends and co-workers were married, happily or otherwise, but still attached. Getting a chance to have a guy’s night out came few and far between.

“You should have seen the tits on that girl.” Charlie cupped his hands over his chest to exaggerate the size. “Fucking triple Ds.”

“Haven’t you noticed how all the girls are bigger than they were ten years ago? I’m in heaven. Don’t tell Mary,” said Ross.

Charlie was a freak. He never stopped talking about the girls in his classes. As far as Hayden knew, he never acted on his fantasies, so he kept his mouth shut. It still sickened him the way he talked sometimes.

He must have noticed his distraction. “Come on now, Hayden.” Charlie clapped him on the back. “Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed a hot little thing or two in any of your classes this semester.”

“Charlie. You’re a sick fuck.” Hayden took a drink of his Pepsi.

Apparently he told the best joke ever because Charlie started laughing out loud and slapping the bar counter. After five drafts anything would have sounded funny to him. Hayden didn’t drink. His ex-wife never admitted she had a problem but she always had a glass of wine or spritzer in her hand. It got to the point that he couldn’t stand the sight of alcohol…or her. Cassandra’s alcoholism was the least of their marital problems.

Fifteen years he'd wasted on that woman. All his best years from twenty-five to forty were gone, and he didn’t know how the fuck he was expected to start over. He had a comfortable lifestyle, his condo was paid in full and he could come and go as he pleased. But he craved love and companionship like the next guy his age. Not what he had with Cassandra, a mutual convenience, but what everyone referred to as real love. Did such a thing even exist? The kids at the university all thought they'd found the real thing in each other, but by the next semester they were onto someone new.

Could Kaya be different? She was a woman, not a kid. He couldn’t deny his attraction to her both physically and mentally. Love at first sight?
. He didn’t usually buy into any of that bullshit. He was a philosophy professor for God’s sake. Such drivel didn’t exist…but it did, didn’t it? Kaya plagued his waking thoughts and his dreams. He had to think this through, but didn’t want to face the reality of what he planned. If he dated her, it would have to be done in secrecy, and that would get old quickly. Was it worth it? He wasn’t so sure.

His role as lover would be inappropriate with her being the student, but the taboo aspect was also erotic like nothing else. He craved domination over the petite little blonde. He wanted to possess her, make her beg for him to fuck her. His ex-wife was vanilla sex all the way…if he were lucky enough to get any at all. She was a loud, domineering woman and snubbed the thought of any kink in the bedroom. Her logic insisted that since she couldn’t have children, why overindulge in intimacy at all. A total waste of time in her opinion.

Kaya brought his passion back to life in ways he never expected. Deep, dark desires rose to the surface of his mind and he couldn’t push them away. They consumed him.

Hayden watched his two friends in their drunken stupor, leaning over the wooden bar. They wouldn’t feel so hot tomorrow morning in front of their classes. Right now they couldn't have looked happier, and he felt tempted to indulge in mind numbing alcohol himself. What he wanted seemed destined for disaster before he even took a single step forward. Kaya was an oasis continually out of his grasp, like a mirage in the desert to a dying man. Their student-teacher relationship, the age factor, his intimacy and divorce issues, and the fact that he had a dominant streak just waiting to be unleashed in the bedroom—were all factors fighting against a union with the curly-haired angel.



Chapter Seven


Although her roommates AJ and Carrie had gone off to bed before Kaya got home from work, Cynthia had waited up.
“Your supper is in the microwave. Two minutes and it’ll be on the table.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” said Kaya.
“I made supper for everyone tonight. A new recipe I’ve wanted to try for a while. Turned out pretty good if I say so myself.”
“Sorry I missed it.”

Cynthia set a plate and fork on the round laminate table. She stopped and looked Kaya in the eye, disapproval marring her features. “These late hours are going to kill you.”

Kaya slipped off her jacket and washed her hands at the kitchen sink, gazing out into the darkness beyond the window. “Choices are limited with day classes.”

The microwave dinged and the smell of garlic and tomato sauce drifted through the kitchen. Kaya’s stomach rumbled. She rarely ate on her work shifts and never touched the donuts or other fattening baked goods they sold. Her crazy schedule was doing a number on the healthy lifestyle she wanted for herself.

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