The Grave: A Zombie Novel (3 page)

BOOK: The Grave: A Zombie Novel
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Suzy picked up her bag and straightened down her strawberry blonde hair
. “I don’t know what you mean. I’m here to meet the First Lady. No one else is going to get a look in, period.”

“Of course
, Suzy,” said Kelly as she picked up her handbag. She flicked the lights off and together, they left her office and began walking back up the stairs to the main hall. “I think Will Forrest will be here tonight. His flight landed a couple of hours ago, so I asked him if he would make an appearance. He
one of our best researchers.”

“I don’t know why you’re telling me that,” said Suzy as they continued up the stairs. She looked at
Kelly and couldn’t help but grin. Kelly winked back at her and they said no more.

American Museum of Natural History was buzzing. On the steps outside, photographers waited anxiously, and men in dark suits stood either side of a red carpet. Various dignitaries and celebrities had been entering the museum for the last hour. The majority had made their way through to the Guggenheim Hall where waiters served champagne and hors d’oeuvres. All the directors and employees of the museum were present, talking up the next expedition and exhibits planned in the year ahead.

elly, as Associate Director, was due to give a speech in an hour. It was not her favourite part of the job, but she understood its importance to both her own career and the future of the museum. She spent a lot of the year travelling and as much time as possible in her office studying and planning for the next trip. She had asked Suzy to pick out a dress for her to wear because she didn’t have time herself. It had been a year since she had last worn one and hoped it would be another until the next occasion.

As Kelly and Suzy
entered the Hall of Ocean Life, they spied a familiar face. Breaking away from the group of men he had been chatting with, Professor Rasmus came over to them immediately. He had worked at the museum for nearly forty years, which was far longer than anyone else had. What he didn’t know wasn’t worth knowing and Kelly made sure he was well looked after. He would be retiring in a few years and the upcoming trip was to be his last. Kelly wanted to make sure it was a worthwhile venture and that he would enjoy it.

“Ladies, you look beautiful,” he said
beaming as he gave them both a quick kiss.

“Rasmus, I’ve never seen you look so smart,” said Suzy. “Oh hang on, I don’t mean that you’re usually, you know, well...”

“Relax dear; you need a glass of champagne.” Rasmus reached over to a passing waiter and grabbed a couple of glasses. He handed one to Kelly and one to Suzy.

“She’s just nervous,” said Kelly. “We have a VIP here
tonight, don’t you know.”

“The First Lady?
Why of course. Suzy, you must just not think about it. Relax and be yourself, my girl.” Rasmus smiled at Suzy who was blushing.

Actually I think she is hoping Will Forrest is going to make an appearance.” Kelly looked at Suzy, trying to make her blush even more.

right, you guys, can it. I swear it’s like being back at school here sometimes. Look, I am a professional. I am here to work and help the museum. Whoever is here is here and whoever is not is not.” Suzy knocked back her champagne and handed the empty glass to Kelly. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have people to see and work to do.” Suzy winked at Kelly, gave Rasmus a peck on the cheek, and then waltzed off in the direction of the main hall where a chamber orchestra was playing.

“So you all set for tomorrow?
You must be looking forward to it immensely. Bags packed? Any last minute hitches?” Rasmus scratched at his white beard, thinking he should really trim it before the flight.

“Absolutely, you know me,
I love it. I have everything planned and organised down to the last, so there had better not be any last minute hitches. If you jinx me, Rasmus, you’re in for it. I don’t know whose bright idea it was to book a flight for eight o’clock in the morning, the day after the museum fundraiser. There are going to be some sore heads on the flight tomorrow.” Kelly sipped her champagne. She was purposefully making herself drink it slowly. She would need a clear head for the speech later and she didn’t want to make a fool of herself in front of the First Lady and five hundred people.

“I have to thank
you, Kelly. I thought I had been on my last field trip, but this one is just so exciting. I can’t wait to get stuck in. I was talking to Tricia earlier and she said there would be ten of us going. I knew of you and Suzy and of course, Tricia and myself. Josef rang me yesterday to say he and Wilfred were going to meet us in LA and pick up the flight there. Who else are we bringing along to the freezing depths of the Antarctic?”

Well I’ve managed to get National Geographic on board. It’s a bit last minute, but they’re sending a reporter, Mark Osborn. He’s one of their best photographers and journalists. They haven’t done a piece on the Antarctic Tundra for a while, so it’s a good opportunity for them. The museum will get a fair bit of coverage out of it too. He’s going to document what we’re doing out there and will probably do some interviews with you guys too so talk us up. Let him see the research we’re doing; this is a really good chance for some publicity for the museum.”

work, Kelly, I’m sure he’ll be a fine addition to the team. So who else?” asked Rasmus.

“Brian Hadley. Everyone calls him Tug. Don’t call him by his real name or you’ll be in for it. He hates being called Brian. He’s an English guy and I’ve worked with him a
couple of times. Officially, he is the ‘Executive Administrator’ of our trip. Unofficially - he’s the dogsbody. He’ll be doing the heavy lifting, carrying the gear, sorting out the equipment, cooking our meals, and tucking us in at night. If you need anything, you come to him or me. Our last guest is a bit of a surprise: Claire Bishop.”

“I don’t believe I know her. Where is she from? Not another
journalist, I hope. I think one is plenty, don’t you?” said Rasmus.

Actually, we’ve been running a competition in the schools and colleges in the area for the last few months. You know, trying to get the kids interested in geology and science, rather than basketball and baseball for a change. We have a wonderful young girl from Philadelphia. She’s showing real promise and the museum is paying for her to come along. I’m going to get her involved with what we’re doing, so it’s
a free holiday. Hopefully, if it works out, we might even offer her a scholarship. I’m going to be announcing it in my speech shortly.”

“Well, well, well,” said Rasmus scratching his beard furiously. “I must say you are going to have your work cut out for you, my dear: a reporter, a school girl, an old man
like me pestering you every five minutes and our two budding lovebirds. It’s certainly going to be an interesting trip.”

“I’ll say.” Kelly took Rasmus by the arm and they began walking toward the main hall where everyone was congregating. They said hello as they passed various colleagues and acquaintances
. Kelly saw Tricia as she entered the Guggenheim Hall and waved. Tricia waved back and mouthed ‘good luck’ to her as she passed.

Once inside the
hall, Kelly was taken aback at how splendidly they had made the place look. Instead of the quiet museum she knew, the hall was now full of colour, life and laughter. Huge sweeping curtains had been raised with the museum’s logo displayed on each side. Helium filled balloons bobbed around the ceiling and she saw attentive waiters skirting amongst the guests with platters of food and drink. Kelly felt proud. Every year, it seemed to get better and better. Her father would have loved to see the museum today.

The sound of the orchestra was almost drowned out by the chatter and conversations going on. Kelly spied Suzy in a corne
r of the room discreetly fixing her dress behind a glass case full of stuffed birds. She left Rasmus and went on over to Suzy.

“How’s it going?”

“Wonderful,” said Suzy straightening up. “I saw Tricia on the way in. She’s looking good. Has she lost some weight?”

Yeah, she’s on some new diet. Don’t ask me. We both know whatever she loses, she’ll put straight back on. Shit, how much of a bitch do I sound like? Anyway, have you seen Will yet? I was rather hoping he would be here so I could introduce him to...”

“Did someone mention my name?”

Will put a hand on Kelly’s shoulder and she shrieked in surprise. Nobody noticed over the noise of the room and she greeted Will with a bear hug. He was wearing a tuxedo, like most men at the fundraiser, and he looked fresh and clean. He was a little over six feet tall and at twenty-nine, still had a shockingly full head of hair.

“Will, you made it!”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he said as Kelly released him. “I got home, unpacked, packed again, and here I am. I’ve gotta say, this tie is not my thing.” Will fiddled with it, trying to loosen the button beneath the tie. “Feels like I can’t breathe in the damn thing.”

“Let me,” said Suzy. Will stood still as Suzy laced her fingers behind his collar and loosened his tie. She kept her eyes focused on his neck, knowing he was looking at her.

“How you doin’ Suzy Q?” said Will, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she stepped back. He ran his fingers around his collar, pleased he could breathe more easily now. He had christened her Suzy Q shortly after meeting her. He had a passion for old rock music, very old, and Suzy reminded him of Suzy Quatro. They looked completely different, but there was a certain confidence, a swagger about them, that they both shared. He didn’t know if Suzy had figured it out yet, but she certainly hadn’t picked up on it.

“See, you just needed a woman’s touch,” said Kelly, amused.

“Good to see you, Will, it’s been a while,” said Suzy. She couldn’t help but admire him. He certainly knew how to wear a suit and with a good shave, he smarted up well. She was more used to seeing him in combat boots and trek shirts. Like Kelly, he spent most of his time travelling and avoided office functions when possible. He had itchy feet; that was how Kelly put it.

Too long,” said Will. “I just got back from the GC.”

“The where now?” said Suzy.

“Grand Canyon. Sorry, I forgot. You New Yorkers don’t go further than the Hudson, do you.”

“Smart ass.”
Suzy shook her head and laughed.

ook I’ve got to get moving. The First Lady will be here any moment. I’d better get out there and put on my best smile. How do I look?” Kelly patted her hair and struck a pose for Will to see her new dress.

“Great,” said Will. “Knock ‘
em dead.”

Kelly left
and Will took a Snickers bar out of his pocket. He unwrapped it and took a huge bite.

Holy cow, Will. What are you doing?” said Suzy in a firm but quiet voice. She looked around conspiratorially, but nobody had noticed them.

“Oh sorry,” said Will. He held the bar out to her. “You want some?”

“No, thank you. That’s not what I...never mind.” Suzy stared at him amazed as he shrugged his shoulders and continued eating.

“What? I’m hungry,” he said between mouthfuls as he shoved the empty wrapper back into his pocket.

Suzy wanted him to tell him off, and say he was embarrassing her, but all she could do was think how much she wanted to kiss him.

Will brushed the chocolate crumbs from his lips and took Suzy’s hand. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Where?” Suzy felt a flush of excitement and grasped his hand in hers.

“The Yankees, where do you think? The First Lady just arrived, see?”

Will pointed and Suzy saw Kelly walking alongside the First Lady. She wore a sparkling deep blue dress and she was flanked on either side by men wearing dark suits. They were not museum staff or waiters.

Will led Suzy through the throng of people who were all clamouring to see the new arrival. There had been
some doubt and gossip as to whether she would show up, but now she was here, the excitement level in the room went up another notch. Will tried gently to push past the A-listers and celebrities toward Kelly, but as he got closer, the crowd became thicker.

“Let’s wait here,” he said stopping by a sarcophagus.

“Why here? Kelly said we’d get to meet her. I’m sure if we explain who we are, we’ll be able to get closer.” Suzy pressed herself back against the display, resting on Will’s arm.

“I’m sure we will, but we’ll also piss off everyone we push past to get there. And they’ve got de
ep pockets,” he whispered in Suzy’s ear. “Kelly will have to go straight past here to get to the podium, so the President’s wife will be right by her side. In about sixty seconds, she should be right here.”

As they waited to meet the guest of honour, Will turned to Suzy. “I’ve
actually been meaning to catch up with you. I’m sorry it’s been a while.”

“What do you mean?” asked Suzy innocently.

Will struggled to find the right words and hesitated before he spoke. “Truthfully, I wanted to call you, I really did. It’s just that I’ve been so busy with work. I had a great time with you and”

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