The Great Bridge (96 page)

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Authors: David McCullough

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Timbs, Patrick


Tombs (N.Y.C. prison), materials used for building

Tooker, Commodore Joe



Allegheny River Bridge




accidents and deaths




description from top of


granite for


height of


keystone of arch


masonry on


roadway to tower finished


work suspended for winter (1872)


working on top


years taken to complete


Brooklyn Bridge


architectural features of.


capstones for




drawings for


height of


cable positioning between, see Cables


of Cincinnati Bridge


of Clifton Bridge


New York


accidents and deaths




masonry on


specifications for granite for


testing steel wire on


work suspended for winter (1872)


of Niagara Bridge


“righted down” caisson and


see also Caissons


roadway to finished


stores for


wooden foundations for



Brooklyn Bridge


begin runs


cable car


for center of bridge


device invented for




passengers handled (by 1888)


plans for


Pullman and freight


first locomotive




Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A

Daily State Gazette

Trenton Iron Works

Tribune Building (N.Y.C.)

Triger (French engineer)



plans for


steel used for


to allow train travel


to widen roadways (1948)



advantages of


Big Bend Tunnel


Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel


built under Confederate lines


under Chicago River


Mont Cenis



“Turtles” used in Civil War

Twain, Mark

Tweed, Mary

Tweed, William M. (Boss)




A. Beach and


Bridge plans and


bridge stock and


death of


downfall of


as executive member of New York Bridge Company


influence of


marriage of daughter of


Murphy opposed by


political ascension of


Rink Committee investigation and


testimonies of


See also Tweed Ring

Tweed Ring


attempts to control Bridge


bookkeeper of


breakup of


Committee of Investigation


effects on Kings County Democrats


1871 elections


New York Times publishes documents


New York World investigates


Rink Committee investigates




Grant and


as product of urban environment


system of operation of

Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

Union (newspaper)


award of cable wire contract and


breakup of Tweed Ring and


Brooklyn Bridge inauguration and

Union and Argus

Union Ferry Company

Union Pacific Railroad

United States Illuminating Company

Van Anden, Isaac


Vanderbilt, Cornelius

Vanderbilt, John

Vanderbilt, William H..

Vanderbilt, Mrs. William

Van Keuren, H. R.

Van Rensselaer, Stephen

Van Schaick, Jenkins

Vaux, Calvert

Vehicle crossings, first

Verne, Jules



of Allegheny River Bridge


of Niagara Bridge.


of Smithfield Street Bridge

Victoria (Queen of England)

Vinton, Gen. Francis

Warren, Edgar

Warren, Emily, see Roebling, Emily

Warren, Gen. G. K.


W. Roebling on

Warren, John

Warren, Sylvanus

Warren, William

Washburn’s (wire manufacturer)

Washington, George

Water closet, pneumatic

Water shafts


blasting and


blowouts of


frequency of


Great Blowout


boulders and




failure of

Watson, James

Webb & Bell (shipyards)


Brooklyn caisson built by


Eads visits


location of


New York caisson built by

Weber, Max

Weir, Robert

West, the, opening (1869)

Western Union Telegraph Building (N.Y.C.)

Wheeling Bridge (W.Va.)


collapse of


river span of

Whiskey Ring

Whitman, Walt

Williamsburg Bridge (N.Y.C.)

Wilson, Mrs. William G.



Wire fraud.

Wire suspension bridges


first built (1816)

Witte, Otto

Woodhull, Victoria

Woodhull & Claflin’s Weekly

“Woodman, Spare That Tree” (Morris)

Working conditions inside Brooklyn caisson,
see also

Work crews


Brooklyn caisson


Brooklyn Bridge


for building bridge


maintenance of


New York caisson


strike of

Wright, Gen. Horatio


Young, Brigham

Young, Charles

Young Men’s Literary Association of Brooklyn

Young Men’s Reform Association

The Pittsburgh
made much of the fact that the structure was strong enough to carry the water plus six heavily loaded barges all at the same time, the editors being unaware apparently that the boats merely displaced their own weight and so the total load remained the same, whether boats were crossing or not.

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