The Greek Rule (The Greek Series) (16 page)

BOOK: The Greek Rule (The Greek Series)
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Demo covered her mouth with his palm. “Cut it out. You sound like a walking billboard.”

“Well, I look forward to seeing you in the boardroom as well,” Alexandros said. Then the conversation left the business world. “Now what about the wedding? You’ll be attending, no?”

“I wouldn’t miss it. I’ll get settled in Crete, and fly out Sunday morning at nine. That gives me enough time to check into a room and come to the church. The wedding is at six if I remember correctly.”

“When have you ever been wrong?” Athena wrapped a loving arm through her brother’s crooked elbow. “I’ll be happy to have more time with you. Can you come earlier?”

“Not really,
. I have some other things to set up first. I might extend my stay here and work out of Crete this summer. So you’ll see me plenty if things work out.”

“As for Santorini, there’s no need for a hotel. You’ll stay with us.” Alexandros insisted. “There’s plenty of room at
, and it will be a chance for you and I to get better acquainted.”

“Done, thank you for the invitation.”

They exchanged phone numbers and began to make their way through the gardens.

The sun was low on the horizon and Demo claimed he needed to get to the port—he didn’t want traffic to cause him to miss the ferry.

“Do we need anything from the office?” Alexandros asked Athena.

“Just the present and my personal things.”

“They’re already on the helicopter. It could meet us in Piraeus, that way we could drop Demo at the port since he refuses a ride to Crete with the helicopter.”

“Thank you, but that isn’t necessary,” Demo rejected the suggestion. “I’m meeting Zoe at the garden’s entrance. Coincidently, she was heading to Crete for a couple of days and we decided to take the ferry together so we could catch up.”

“Zoe? Zoe Marcos?” Athena was surprised. “You two are back together?”

“We never had a falling out. We’ve known each other since kindergarten. Why don’t you like her?”

“Oh please, you two are ridiculous. There is no spark, no fire. You both are guarded and don’t want to take a real chance at love. I think you’re cowards and don’t want to risk being hurt. You’ve been gravitating towards each other, like people gravitate towards comfort food when they have a hard day. She is not the right woman for you.”

“Athena, stop. We’re simply taking the boat together, and if you must know, we have separate cabins.” Demo gave her a disappointed look. “You are being silly and dramatic. She’s a wonderful woman.”

“She is wonderful, and I do like her. I’ve known her all my life and I think of her as a sister. You do too. You’re cheating yourself and her by continuing this relationship. You both deserve so much more.”

“Since when did my little sister turn into an expert on relationships?” Demo moved closer and gathered her into his arms. “I promise, I will think about what you said. But only because you are the one who said it. You keep an open mind, and please be polite when you see her. She is really wonderful.”

“She is. So is a pair of fuzzy blue slippers.”

Demo warned her by raising his eyebrows and giving her a stern look as he spoke. “Don’t over do it. I said I would consider what you said. Don’t push it any further.”

“I’m sorry if I over stepped. I did it because I love you.” She snuggled into her brother and kissed him on his tightened jaw. “I just don’t want you to eliminate all your other options. I want you to lose your control over a woman who will do the same for you. Just ask yourself if you could live without her. If you can, and we both know you have, she is not the one. If you can lose control over Zoe, then both of you are very lucky people.”


Alexandros listened to the siblings intently. He hoped Athena couldn’t live without him; he knew he could not live without her.

They spotted Zoe waiting with the car. She did look very beautiful and collected. She walked to Demo and kissed his cheek in greeting. Athena hugged her and introduced her to Alexandros. Zoe seemed very pleasant and sincere in her affections for both siblings. However, he too noticed that there was no flame, no spark between Demo and Zoe. They chatted for a few minutes, asked about the families back in New York, and then bid each other farewell in an amicable fashion.

The Strintzaris building was a short walk away, but instead, Alexandros had a car meet them. He did not tell Athena where they were going, but the car headed in the opposite direction. Alexandros quietly settled her against him and didn’t talk.

He was intrigued by the conversation he had been privileged to hear. Her devotion and passion to her brother’s happiness had stirred him, and he sat in deep thought, not wanting to disturb her. He would listen when she was ready to talk.

“He really does deserve more you know,” she finally said. “I haven’t seen Zoe in five years, but I know her very well. She’s nice and a good person. We spent a lot of time in each other’s homes when we were younger. They were like our extended family.”

“Then why don’t you want her for your brother? If she is that nice, why is she not good enough for Demo?”

“She would be if he loved her the right way. He loves her the way I do, platonically. As you saw, she’s very attractive and I’m sure he has no problem appreciating her body. Who wouldn’t like a body like hers?” She looked at him pensively, as if gathering the courage to explain further.

“In college, Zoe was engaged to the love of her life. Patrick was everything to her and he was a great guy. They were together since senior year in high school. Her parents didn’t approve of the relationship because he wasn’t Greek and he was a catholic. He was one of Demo’s friends, so to avoid conflict, Zoe would tell them she was going out with Demo. It wasn’t a complete lie, and it worked in high school. In college, they couldn’t hide it anymore, and her parents had to accept it.

“Three months before they were to be married, Patrick died in a horrible car accident. We were all devastated. He’d become part of the family. Zoe and Demo took it the hardest. Demo blamed himself for not driving Patrick home after the party, but the truth is that Patrick was not drunk and the accident had nothing to do with his ability to drive himself. Zoe was so depressed she left school and lived in her bedroom for a whole year. She ended up graduating when I was in school, even though she had started with Demo, who was done with school before I was there.”

Alexandros listened patiently, rubbing her upper arm gently for support. He knew this was hard for her.

“Patrick’s death brought the two of them together, as support for each other. Demo told me that they made an agreement when she graduated. If neither of them were married in ten years, they would marry each other.”

“I see.” He nodded his head and understood her objection.

“Do you think that is the right reason to get married? Do you think that is enough to base a future on and to build a life without love and passion?” She shook her head side to side answering the questions herself. “Guilt and heartbreak isn’t what a marriage needs to survive. Time has passed, and they’ve both made successes of themselves professionally. If they stop using one another as a shield from the world, they could find the love they deserve.”

How did she become so wise? He wanted to tell her it would all work out for her brother. Instead he said, “Demo promised he would think about what you said. And you did give him a lot to think about.”

“I know. I hope he isn’t angry with me.”

“I’m sure he isn’t. He can’t be angry because you love him and want the best for him. You said what you needed to say, and I’m proud of you for it.” He lifted her chin and kissed her. This complex woman stole his heart a piece at a time.

The car made its way up unfamiliar narrow streets for another few minutes. When it halted at what looked like a bus stop, Alexandros opened the door and stepped out.

“Anything else before we head home,
agape mou
?” he asked, offering his hand to help her out.

! We nearly forgot.”

Alexandros gave the driver instructions to collect the dessert and meet them at the helicopter in forty-five minutes.

She followed him inside what looked like an old bus depot and saw the cable car waiting to carry them up Mount Lycavitos.

“I thought the
was not working.” She smiled in anticipation.

“It was refurbished and has been operating since last year. Come on. The sun is setting as we speak.”

They took the romantic ride to the top and decided to sit on a small bench in the public viewing area to enjoy the view of the city. The sun settled beneath the horizon, and Athens lit up below them. The ancient marble ruins glowed and the city streets shone under twinkling lights.

They abandoned the bench and walked to the other end of the lot to see the rest of the city. He stood behind her and closed his arms beneath her breasts. She leaned her back against his warm chest and sighed with contentment.

“I’ve always loved spending this time of day here. Today I love it the most because I’m doing it with you.” She turned, and for the first time, she kissed him.

The wall between them had fallen and she was comfortable with him. She would not freeze or turn away anymore.


Athena had just settled into bed when she heard a soft knock at the door. She heard Alexandros call out and told him to enter. She wasn’t expecting him back from dropping off Costa and Heather yet and was unfortunately dressed in a yellow cotton camisole and pink smiley face boxers. Not exactly what she considered sexy lingerie, but she was happy to see him regardless.

“I just wanted to say goodnight properly.”

He walked over to the bed and sat on the side. His palm caressed her hair and her heart pounded as he brought his lips to hers. She tasted his minty mouth as he pulled her into his powerful arms. Her breathing grew heavy as she pressed her aching breasts against his hard chest. His hand roamed over her back and down the side of her thigh. Moist warmth spread between her legs, and she held him closer.

Kori mou?
Athena?” Anna called from the hallway. “Can I get you anything before I turn in?”

Athena laughed softly as Alexandros slowly pulled away. A sly smile spread across his face and he teased her with his hands. She pushed him, laughing and kicking her legs towards him. He grabbed her right foot and kissed her on the tip of her toes. He pretended to tip his hat, whispered “
, then quietly made his way towards the terrace door.

“No, thank you.
” she said, speaking to his mother as she waved her fingers and blew him a silent kiss.





Chapter Seventeen



Athena watched Alexandros help his crew guide the yacht safely out of the harbor as they headed toward the Santorini volcano. After giving final instructions to the captain, he was able to turn all his attention to her.

He came close and pulled her to his side. Her body fit his perfectly.

Pointing out various landmarks, he explained that a local institute was still monitoring the volcano’s activity, and that contrary to common belief, there were several volcanoes, not just one.

They spent hours walking the edge of the crater located in the center of the waters surrounding the crescent island. The strong black rock gleamed in the sunlight. It was invigorating to know they had so much power under their feet. Heat rising from the rock seeped into the air, and Athena moved closer to him as they climbed the jutting black peak surrounded by the azure blanket.

Returning to the yacht, they found lunch waiting for them under the canopy. Sitting together on a low couch, they continued talking as they ate. The crew conveniently disappeared, and they relaxed, dreamily discussing the existence of Atlantis below their feet. Natural and right together, it seemed they could just float out there forever.

Suddenly he stopped and turned his body, pulling her against his chest. His arms closed around her.

“I’m very happy to be alone with you.”

“I am too,” she replied, turning her head to face him.

“I can never forgive Costa for not introducing us earlier,” he said, his smile contradicting his severe tone. “You’ve filled my mind since I met you in Naples, and I’ve been wanting this moment since then.”

“Why didn’t you contact me?”

“You avoided me at all costs during the benefit, and I decided to respect your wishes. I didn’t want to scare you away.” He leaned down and placed a slow line of small kisses behind her ear. He whispered in a husky tone, “Tell me honestly, if I had tried to pursue you, would you have welcomed me?”

“No. I don’t think I could have.”

“And is that different now?” he asked, hope laced in his dark, velvet voice.

“The thought is much more appealing,” she hesitated. “I guess I’ve gotten to know the person you are, not just the public image.”

“My feelings for you haven’t changed, they’ve only grown stronger. I want you more each day.”

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