The Guardian's Bond (9 page)

Read The Guardian's Bond Online

Authors: C.A. Salo

Tags: #Erotic Romance/Paranormal

BOOK: The Guardian's Bond
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“Yeah, I’ll show you who the male is,” he mumbled, before meeting Drake’s gaze. “Lord Drake, I’ve asked Livi’s permission to claim her tonight. She’s accepted, but I’d like yours as well.”

Livi rolled her eyes when her Dad narrowed his. “Really, Dad, you’re going to give us a hard time?”

Drake snorted then smiled. “No. I give you my permission to claim my daughter as your mate. As long as you remember she’s still my baby girl.”

“Dad,” Livi groaned as her Mom smacked him on the arm.

“Livi, why did you go Fae?”

“I don’t purposely choose going Fae, it just happens when the Full Moon comes. I can go Lyken if I really concentrate, but it takes a lot of energy.”

“We’ll have to discuss this later, the pack’s assembled.”

Livi smiled as Tommy turned. “I, Tommy Moilanin of the Roven Clan, have decided to take Olivia Roven, of the Lyken Roven and Woodland Fairlawn Fae’s and Guardian of Alston, as my mate. Should anyone wish to challenge this, you’d better step up now,” he said with a loud, clear voice.

“No challengers? Then let’s start the run!” Drake called out as he shifted.

Livi tilted her head, her gaze staying on Tommy as he shifted to his wolf self.
“You’re so hot,”
she said with mind-speech.

“So are you, sweetheart. Let’s go.”

Livi sighed as he took off running, a little down that she shifted Fae. She’d always pictured being in Lyken form when she mated and had envisioned their courtship run. She glanced at him ahead of her as tears entered her eyes. She loved being in Fae shift, she really did, but Tommy was her mate, her other half, and she couldn’t even be in the same shift with him on the night he claimed her as his mate. She wished, she just wished. “Aahhh!” she cried out when she hit an invisible wall. She saw Tommy skid and turn quick, heading toward her as she hit the ground.

Livi’s eyes widened at the sight before her. “Grand…”

“So help me Olivia Roven, if you call me Grandmother I’ll smack you,” Ancient Darina said with a stern eye and then smiled. “We love you, Livi.”

Livi gasped, for when Darina waved her hand a white light surrounded Livi, pinpoints of energy encompassing her all at once.

“You may be whatever you wish to be, especially with your mate. Blessed be.”

Tingles spread throughout her body like lightning quickening upon the horizon as Darina disappeared. Livi turned and smiled at Tommy as she shifted to her Lyken form.

“What the hell just happened?”
Tommy asked as he stopped by her side.
“Was that an Ancient?”

“Yes, that was Ancient Darina, Aunt Mari’s mom. She gave me the ability to be in whatever form I want.”
Livi sighed and rubbed her nose against his.
“Especially to be with my mate.”

“Forget the run, I want you now.”

Livi chuckled. “No way, wolf boy, do you know how long I’ve waited for this?”
Taking off at a run she listened as he gave chase, catching her quickly. His paw landed on her rump spinning her, and she came up in a sparring motion. Tommy, quick to follow, reared up onto his hind legs as well, mimicking the sparring, so it looked as if they were dancing. Coming down, she smiled when he nudged her head with his before laying his head across her back.


Livi took off again, laughing, and kept him going for another ten minutes when he set his paw on her rump again. She shifted to her human self and turned, smiling, when he did the same and lay on the forest ground curling up over her. His knee went between her thighs, and his hands went to either side of her head above her shoulders, trapping her. “I think you like playing with my ass.”

“Mmm, I like playing with all of you.” His nose lowered to her neck. His eyes closed as he caught her scent before moving his mouth over hers, capturing her with a hungry kiss.

Livi grabbed his biceps, moaning as he dominated her mouth with firm, commanding strokes. His kiss made her knees weak, and her body yearned for the erotic pleasures to come. His undeniable hunger for her pulsed like a beacon in the night. Her hands cradled his face as his quiet energy echoed to touch her heart. Livi sighed, tightening her grip, trying to draw him closer.

Tommy sat back on his heels, bringing her up to straddle his thighs. Her warm wet center glided over his aroused cock and she moaned with hunger. Lowering a hand between their bodies, he slid a finger over her wetness and pressed a finger deep inside her, pleased with her arousing response. He rubbed his thumb against her clit. Her back arched toward him with a low throaty moan as she pressed herself deeper against his finger.

“Tommy, please,” she pleaded against his mouth.

“Please what, woman?” His other hand moved up her back. His fingers weaved through her hair and gripped close to her skull.

“Please take me, make me yours,” she breathed as he nibbled on her bottom lip, another finger joining the first. Her pussy closed around them, tightening, and she cried out with pleasure when he bit the side of her neck. “Master, please!”

Tommy lifted her, turned her, and brought her back down to straddle his lap with her back facing him as he thrust up into her heat. Her cries of bliss hardened his cock even more. His hand came up around and across her chest to hold her, his hand squeezing her breast. Her turgid nipple rubbed against his calloused palm as his thick cock buried itself deep inside her warm sheath. “Mine,” he groaned and began thrusting deep and hard.

Livi spiraled, jerking and whimpering softly as he thrust into her. Lowering her hand, she rubbed her fingers along his sack, smiling at his groan until he shifted slightly and slammed against her faster and faster. “Oh gods!” Slanting her hips up to take him deeper, she moved her hand up to circle around his neck and hold on. The tension within started to unravel. “Tommy!”

Tommy halted immediately, holding her to him and praying for restraint.

“What, don’t stop!”

His hands gripped her hips, keeping them from moving, his breath scorching as it bounced off her neck back at him. “Who?” Gripping her hair he tugged her head back until their eyes met. Livi’s eyes were a beautiful translucent amber color. “
am I?”


He thrust upward. Her body shuddered as he rotated his hips and she ground against him. He nipped her neck and her trembling grew as she bounced on his lap. Tommy nearly lost it. Lowering a hand between her legs he glided his fingers over her slick nub. Her body jerked, but she didn’t stop the fast pace he’d set. His other hand gripped her breast, tweaking her nipple between his fingers. “Are you ready for me to claim you?” he asked when a low keening moan escaped her parted lips.

“Y-yes, Master,” Livi breathed.

“Will you let me claim you and make you mine forever, Olivia Roven?” His breathing was harsh as he pumped into her faster and faster, his balls tightening.

“Yes, Master, please claim me and make me yours.” Olivia gasped, her orgasm so close. She felt the sweat on her upper lip appear as she tried to hold back her release.

Tommy lowered his mouth to her neck. His eyes shifted and his nostrils flared as his canines descended and his claws emerged. “Now, Livi! Come for me now!”

Livi cried out with her ecstasy as her body convulsed, his erection so hard she felt it throb inside her as he found his release the moment his canines pricked her skin, sinking deep. Her lips parted on a soundless gasp as millions of light shards erupted within. Her shudders grew deep with the quickening of the bonding. The light shards came together and euphoric waves swept over them as the mind-marking took place. Images of him appeared before her closed eyes as he thrust slowly into her several more times. Livi gasped before she collapsed against him, her head lolling back on his shoulder as his canines withdrew.

Tommy licked the punctures on her neck until they closed. He rubbed his cheek against hers, drawing her closer when her body trembled. Then he drew his head back as the full moon emerged from behind a cloud, and howled.

Livi smiled, loving the deep silver color of his eyes as he met her gaze. “Well, that’ll tell’em.”

Tommy chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her holding her close. “Love you, Livi.”

Livi smiled as she leaned back against him, loving the warmth of his body, his arms embracing her, and his thick member still snug inside her warmth. “Love you, too.”

Chapter 5

Livi stood in the middle of the field on the west side of town waiting for the Dragon Hunters to make an appearance. The entire town was out tonight in full shift. After all, you can’t have a Fun Fall Carnival without the ghouls and ghosts floating around. The town had pulled together quickly to go along with the idea Livi had come up with to thwart the Dragon Hunters, and a carnival had been erected within forty-eight hours with posters around town and cotton candy to boot.

“They’re here,” Peter announced over the earpieces. “They just passed the eastern entrance, heading for the center of town.”

“Roger that, Peter,” she replied, with a nod of her head toward her mom. Livi shifted Fae as Alston’s residents began their show. Everything had been staged out so she could show the Hunters afterward that it really was a magic show—well, a fake magic show with fake wings, fire and smoke bombs in place. It was a good thing she’d studied in Vegas for a while. Taking a deep breath, Livi waited until she felt the first of the Hunters’ energies. “Come and see the most terrifying, the most amazing sight ever! Alston’s very own
!” Well that caught their attention. Five of the Hunters turned to stare at her. “That’s right folks, our very own Dragon, and she’s here! You there sir,” she smiled as a Hunter walked her way. “Do you want to see her in all her glory, in all her magnificent mysticism? They say Dragons aren’t real, but we have one, our very own.” She smiled.

“Where is she?” the Hunter growled.

Livi smiled as she sidled up to his side. “Ahhh, so you are interested in seeing her, are you?” Meeting his eye, she grinned. “Right this way my good man, to the most fascinating sight you’ll ever
.” Stepping to the side, she tossed a smoke bomb and shimmered over to the red stone in the middle of the field. They’d found a huge piece of quartz, and with some elven magic, gave it a red glow. “Here, my good man!” she called out when the smoke cleared away. They looked around. “Come and see. Her stone is here. This is how we call her, our
Alston Dragon

“That’s it, Livi, keep them going. They’re all headed toward you,” Galen said over the earpiece.

“She only awakens every twenty years, and we can call her here tonight! Come and see, step forward, make room for everyone!” Livi called over the gathering crowd of Hunters.
Nothing like luring the sheep to the slaughter
. And when Alston’s security force stood around them at the outskirts of the field, she knew they were all here. Stepping over to the stone, she smiled at the closest Hunter. “Stay back now, give me room to call on our Dragon, and be ready to be amazed!” Drawing her hand over the quartz, she used a little Fae magic to help it glow. “We, the people of Alston, call upon you, oh great and powerful Dragon! It’s been twenty years since you last woke and we call on you
!” Tossing her arms up, smoke billowed out from either side and she watched as a mist started rolling in. “Be not afraid, my good people, ’tis only the Dragon’s steam from awakening.” Livi’s eyes narrowed as the Hunters glanced down around their feet, several hands went to weapons at their sides and a few even brought out wards to hold Dragons off. Smiling when the ground shook, Livi chuckled as they looked at each other. “That’s right. She’s awakening from the belly of the Earth! Fear not! She won’t eat you upon first waking; it would ruin her sensitive digestive tract!” Tossing her arms out to the sides Livi stood back from the stone, tossing her head up to look to the sky. “Oh great power of the Dragon, I call upon you to gift me with your very essence!”

“You have them now, Livi, keep going.”

Closing her eyes, she drew in the land’s power and levitated herself a foot off the ground. Concentrating, she formed a fireball into each hand and sent it soaring into the sky as her body jerked and a set of Dragon wings emerged from her back with a scream tossed in for good measure. The energies soaring through her heightened everything around her: sound, smell, sight. She looked down quickly toward the Hunters through a red haze. “Aahh, we have Hunters in our presence. Think you can kill me!” And just as the real Dragon Hunters stepped forward, the team they had in place rushed in toward her and the show went on. Drawing fireballs, she tossed them at Alston’s Hunters.

“Oh shit, this is good. Yhey look so confused.” Peter chuckled over the earpiece.

After a few minutes, she smiled as Tommy came up with her sword and stabbed her through the side. Livi screamed as she went down, and a huge ball of fire swept up into the night sky. Of course, the sword wouldn’t hurt her, but the Hunters didn’t know that. After all, Hephaetus bestowed it upon her and he designed and made it especially for her, so the sword would never hurt her no matter how many times it pieced her skin. Going limp when Tommy picked her up and lifted her above his head, she slowed her breathing down.

“The beast has been slain! I claim all rights to its corpse!” Tommy said loudly as he turned in a circle with her lifted above him. Bringing Livi down to lay within his arms, he started walking toward the exit with his ‘team’ of Hunters.

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