The Guardian's Bond (8 page)

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Authors: C.A. Salo

Tags: #Erotic Romance/Paranormal

BOOK: The Guardian's Bond
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“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Livi shrugged with a smile.
“I kinda like sparring with you and I thought you’d be mad. And I thought you didn’t like me.”

Tommy sighed.
“Livi, I had no choice but to step back from you. I’ve explained why. It’s not what I wanted, especially when we were teenagers. Shit, I threatened every male in school to stay the hell away from you. My hormones wanted my mate even then. I think that’s why I went into season so early. Do you know how hard it was for me to keep my distance? To stay away from you when we should have been sweethearts through school and strengthening our bond to each other? It just about killed me when I hit eighteen. I had to get out of Alston for fear of breaking my word to your father and mine.”

“That’s when you went to the police academy and college?”

“Yeah. I had such an intense need to protect you that I needed to leave.”

“That’s why you didn’t come near me when I did come home.”


Livi glanced up when the door opened and the Hunter came back in.

“Well, what the fuck is this?” the man asked as he moved toward Livi.

“Leave her alone!” Tommy growled.

Chapter 4

“Livi, come on baby, can you hear me?” Tommy asked. “Come on baby, wake up for me,” he said as she groaned.


“Yeah, sweetheart, are you alright?”

“I think I passed out.”

“You did. They carried you in here about an hour ago. What the hell did they do to you?”

“Kept hitting me…all over. Man, am I going to look pretty in the morning.”

“Baby, we have to get you out of here. They’re not taking no for an answer and me being a cop has no effect on their actions,” he said loudly enough for the person coming to hear. His gaze narrowed when the Hunter strode in. “You stay the fuck away from her!” Yanking at the ropes around his wrists he flinched when they ripped into his skin.

“I’ll say it again, where’s the Dragon?”

“And I’ll say it again, you’ve lost your fucking mind.”

“We know there’s a Dragon in the area and the little bitch here was the last one seen with Barrett…”

“Yeah and we’ve already been over this before, asshole! The little bastard scurried like the rat he was when I caught him smacking her around and attempting to rape her in the woods. There’s an APB out on his ass.”

“What?” He turned lifting his walkie-talkie.

Tommy smiled. “You heard me. An all-points bulletin has been issued for him.” Stupid Hunters, they didn’t realize Other Kin knew how to take care of their shit. After all, they’d had enough practice over the centuries hiding from humans. Other Kin just learned to use the human laws against them when the humans thought to attack one of their own.

“We know the Dragon is on Alston somewhere and we will be going in force to scare her out.”

“What you’re going to do is scare a bunch of townspeople. Have you lost your mind?”

“She’s there,” he said as he grabbed Tommy up by the neck. “I heard her myself twenty years ago. The roar was horrendous.”

“I’ve lived there all my life and have never heard what you’re describing. For your sake, I hope you have a good shrink.” Tommy’s eyes went to the door when it opened, another man stepping in.

“Sir, sorry to interrupt, but neither of them are tainted.”

“Are you sure?” the first man asked.

“Yes sir, Barrett must have been mistaken. They have no Dragon blood in them.”

“Well, no shit, you dumb asses!” Tommy yelled as they both left the room. “Livi, can you move?”


“We have to get out of here, babe. I don’t think they’re the type to keep witnesses around for long.”

“Okay.” Livi lowered her head and transformed to Fae. Rolling back and forth, she shook out her wings and then shrunk to the size of a dragonfly. The ropes slid away from her as she flew over to Tommy.

Tommy kept her gaze as she returned to her normal size. “Now that is something to see.” Livi untied the ropes and he winced as he brought his arms up. “Let’s go babe, through that window.”

“You know they’ll be looking for us.”

“Hell yeah, but by then, they won’t know what hit them.” Jumping up and out through the low window, he kept a look out as she crawled through. “You’re slow.”

“Sorry ‘bout that. I seem to have gotten beaten up recently.”

The side of his mouth lifted as he brought her to him, wrapped his arm around her waist, and took off running for the woods. They knew they still had to make it look like they were human, just in case they had security cameras up around the grounds. Stopping off at the cabin they had been in he grabbed his phone and they headed back out.

Dialing the Sheriff’s station in Alston, he knew the call would be recorded, and listened as one of the dispatchers answered. “Krystal, it’s Tommy Moilanin. Officer needs assistance. We just escaped from a basement. Livi and I have been held for the last day at Hunters Campground. She needs a bus. They beat the shit out of her.”

“My God, Tommy, hold on.”

Tommy waited, listening as she made the call out over the radio.

“Hold on, Tommy, your Dad is here.”

“Tommy what’s happening, are you alright?” Galen asked.

“We need back up. The owners just spent the last day torturing Livi and keeping me tied to the wall.” Moving quickly he lowered the both of them behind a bush when headlights came toward them.

“We’re rolling, what’s your location?”

“We made it to the sign going into the campground. We’re hiding behind it waiting for help. I can’t move her anymore dad, she’s bad.”

“We’ll come in silent. Just stay on the line with Krystal. I’m on my way, son.”

Tommy glanced down as Livi breathed hard. “Livi?”

“I think I have a punctured lung. It’s hard to breathe, Tommy.”

“It’s okay, honey, help is on the way. Just stay with me.” Lifting his head his eyes narrowed when the gates to the campground started shutting. “Krystal,” he whispered. “They’re shutting the gates.”


Twenty minutes later, Tommy noticed four Sheriff’s vehicles and an ambulance rolling up to the gate, and two armed men going toward them.

“I’m Sheriff Moilanin, we have a call for assistance from this location, open the gates,” Galen called out.

“You’re mistaken, no one called.” One of the guards called back.

“My dispatch is on the phone with them right now, open these gates.”

“Sorry, Sheriff, this is private property and you need to leave.”

“Sheriff, help us!” Tommy called out. He knew all his Dad needed was probable cause, and he just gave it to him.

Tommy ducked, hiding them as the guard ran their way and his Dad lifted his hand motioning for the SUV to go. Tommy covered Livi’s head as it smashed through the gates and Alston’s forces quickly took over the situation. “Krystal, they’re here. I have to go and get the paramedics.” Tommy hung up as his Dad ran to them.

“Are you alright? Holy shit, Livi! I need paramedics now!” Galen yelled.

Tommy stayed behind when the ambulance took Livi away to Alston’s clinic. He brought his Dad down to the room they’d been held in and thankfully, the Hunters hadn’t had time to clean the evidence up yet. Six arrests were made and the entire campground was shut down as a crime scene.

* * * *

Livi smiled, or tried to, when Tommy walked into her room at the clinic. “Hey you.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Fine,” she said as he sat down on the bed. “Mom was waiting here when I arrived.”

“Did they take pictures first?”

“Yes, Deputy Moilanin. And took my statement and documented all my injuries, etcetera etcetera.”

Tommy chuckled, glancing up as one of their lead healers walked in. “So Doc, when can she come home?”

“Tomorrow, but you may want to keep her indoors for a few days. We’ll list that she’ll be here for the week to
from her injuries.”

“Not possible,” Livi grunted, sitting up. She met Tommy’s gaze. “They weren’t kidding. They’re coming. The last thing I heard before I passed out in the basement was the back-up they requested is here. They’ll hit Alston in two days time.”

“There’s no way in hell you’ll be ready to fight by then Livi,” Tommy said as he rose up. “Does my dad know?”

“Yeah, I told him everything in the report. He’s probably called an emergency session of the Elder Council by now. I need to go and check in with my contacts.”

“I don’t think so, you’re in no condition!”

Livi watched his eyes shimmer silver and smiled. “I may not be able to heal others as well as Mom, but I can heal myself.” Closing her eyes, Livi breathed deeply. Tingles raced through her veins. Her skin being hyper-sensitive made goose bumps appear as she concentrated. Taking from her gifts, she sent points of energies to each wound and used the land’s energies to speed the process. Within thirty minutes Livi had healed herself completely. Drawing a large breath in, she smiled as she opened her eyes, meeting Tommy’s. “All right, let’s go.”

“How in the hell did you do that?”

“Part of my gifts.” Tossing the covers off, she dropped the Johnny. “Come on, hot stuff.” Livi smiled as she shimmered out.

* * * *

Livi stood to the side listening as the Elder Council deliberated. Glancing over she met her Aunt Mari’s gaze. The Council had been going back and forth for over two hours about defending Alston from human Dragon Hunters.

“If we show our strength as Other Kin, they’ll never leave us alone,” Noela of the Elves stated.

“And if we don’t, they’ll rip this town apart,” Drake Roven said.

“Why don’t we let the human laws take care of them when they come? Galen can arrest them for invoking a riot or something,” Elder Morgan of the Druids said.

“How are we going to explain that, Morgan?” Drake growled.

“Well, what are they going to defend with, Drake? We attacked Alston because there’s a Dragon there? The courts will have all of them in an institution for the insane.”

“Or bring the government’s eye to us. You can’t have that many people saying they believe in Dragons without someone taking interest.”

Livi’s gaze moved as her Pappy sat forward.

“I don’t often speak of violence,” Amias Fairlawn of the Woodland Fairies said, “but our town is going to be coming under attack. Whether it be by Other Kin or Human, we must defend the same way we always have. We show our strength as the town we are. If these Hunters want to take on Alston, then by all means let’s show them how tough Alston really is.”

Livi stepped away from the wall, noticing Tommy look her way. “I agree with Pappy. Just because they are human does not give them the right to come here and attack us because of their beliefs. We have not attacked them since they built their tribe close by. We could have wiped them off the face of the Earth if we’d wanted to, but we didn’t, and now they want to come here attacking us. They need to know we will not put up with their shit. But I will not have Aunt Mari there,” Livi stated, turning when Mari grumbled. “No, Auntie! Grandfather Dragon almost woke when the first Hunter came here. If he wakes up before he’s supposed to, it could be dangerous to all, not just the humans. You are the one they are after, and I will not let them hurt you or the baby.” Turning again she met her Uncle Rhys’ gaze. “You need to take her to her sanctuary. It’s spell protected and probably the safest place on Alston right now.” Her chin lowered and she narrowed her eyes as she met each of the Council members’ gazes. “If they want a Dragon, let’s see what they can do with me,” she said, puffing out a stream of smoke from her nostrils and smiling as her vision tinted red.

* * * *

“I’m beginning to think you just like a good fight,” Tommy said as he undressed.

Livi chuckled. “Ha, don’t you know it, stud.”

“Are you letting me claim you tonight?”

Her brow lifted. “I’m not sure. I don’t remember being asked.” Her lips parted with a gasp as he yanked her to his strong body, his mouth lowering, fitting perfectly over her lips. Livi moaned, her arms lifting to his back.

“Will you let me claim you as my mate tonight, Olivia Theresa Roven of the Lykens and Woodland Faes?”

His hot breath against her sensitive skin had her trembling with want. “Will you love me forever?”

Tommy smiled. “Yes.”

“Yes,” she breathed, her Fae-self emerging. She sighed as she unfurled her wings.

“I love you, Olivia.”

Livi smiled, bringing her hand to lie against his cheek. “I love you too, Tommy.”

Tommy grinned as he flash-stepped them to the meeting spot for the run tonight near Roven Manor.

When they arrived, Livi sought her parents out. “Mom, Dad, Tommy has something he wants to tell you.”

“What and you had no say in this?”

Livi shrugged. “You’re the male, so go for it.”

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