The Heart's Warrior (21 page)

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Authors: Leigh Bale

BOOK: The Heart's Warrior
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Kirsten no longer stood in the main yard and he

wondered where she had gone. Dare he admit he missed her? Filled with glum thoughts, he wished to see her, to hear her laughter and see her sparkling eyes as she fed him broth and changed his bandage.

Maybe she would give him another backrub.


The Heart’s Warrior



He hesitated, craning his neck for some sight of her.

Despite his best efforts to resist her, he longed to be near her. Damn the magic spell she had over him.

Ah, there she was, standing by the bathing hut. Her gaze scanned the crowd of men, as if looking for someone.

His gut tightened and his eyes narrowed.

Her hands were clasped together, her movements

furtive as she stepped back into the shadows. What was she up to?

Moving toward her, Jonas planned to find out.


Now that Alrik bid her farewell, Kerstin was anxious to be by herself. But she couldn’t seem to get away from the throng of men. Crowds always made her nervous, ever since her eldest brother, Harald, died in battle when she had been no more than four. Upon hearing the news, she had run out of the hall and into the press of warriors, almost being trampled until Knut swept her into his arms and returned her safely to her mother.

Several of Alrik’s warriors bid Kerstin farewell and she gave them her blessing. Some asked her to cast a special spell on them for extra prowess in battle. At least they believed she was a good witch and she whispered words of encouragement. Off they went, acting satisfied her magic would keep them safe.

The fools! Why wouldn’t they believe she was no


Making her way across the yard, she headed for the quiet beauty of the fields. A long walk would do her good.

Beside the rock wall circling her father’s steading she gasped when Elezer rushed up and caught her by the arm. Although far from the hall, anyone could turn and see them. She shot him an annoyed look and tried to pull free. “Let me go.” She pried off his fingers. “Do you want to have us both tied and thrown in the river to drown?”

“I must speak with you before I leave.” His whisper sounded urgent as he removed his conical helm.

For the first time, Kerstin noticed the helmet

glimmered without a single scratch. Jonas’s helmet appeared worn and used, and the blacksmith had

pounded dents out of her father’s on numerous occasions.


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Maybe Elezer’s helmet was new.

“Won’t you send me into battle with your blessing?”

he asked.

Kerstin sighed with exasperation. She could not

refuse him.

His tussled hair curled about the nape of his neck and his lopsided smile gave him a boyish charm. Though she had lost respect for him, she couldn’t forget his friendship and what they once meant to each other. He had been one of her few friends after Bjorn’s death.

“Of course you have my blessing, but you are too

reckless, Elezer. My husband will have us drowned for adultery if you persist in this madness.”

He showed a lecherous grin. “We haven’t committed adultery. Yet.”

“Nor will we.” Kerstin glared and pressed her palms against the wall to keep from slapping him.

“Jonas can’t harm you. The king has decreed it.” He flashed a confident smile.

“But what about you, Elezer? You have no such


His mouth curved in a skeptical frown, telling her he hadn’t thought about that.

No one had noticed them yet, but they could be seen together at any moment. If she and Jonas were to ever find peace, they must come to trust one another.

“Go with God,” she said, then turned to flee.

Clasping her arm, he pulled her back with enough

force that her chin bumped his chest.

She pushed away. “Are you insane? Let me go.”

“I cannot leave until I have your forgiveness for last night. I wasn’t in my right mind, Kerstin.” His voice rose, his face flushed. “That scoundrel has taken you from me.

I’m crazed with jealousy and consumed with love for you.

Have mercy on me. Please.”

Surprised, she thought him a little pathetic. Yet, she tightened her mouth with pity. “Shh, don’t speak such things. Jonas only waits for a reason to kill you. I cannot return your love.”

“Then, say you’ll forgive a foolish man.” Elezer pulled her to his chest and tried to brush her lips with a kiss.

She turned her face away and wedged an arm between 140

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them. She swallowed a scream, knowing it could seal his doom.

He smelled of scorched grease and horse dung and

she held her breath. Cringing with disgust, she tried to slap him. “Let me go!”

“I am besotted with you, Kerstin. I should have

challenged Jonas last night. Instead, I lost my mind.

Forgive me.”

Oh, what should she do? Had he let his emotions

carry him away, or was he trying to trick her? She didn’t know what to believe. “I forgive you, Elezer. Now let me go.” Elezer clasped her hand in his and kissed her open palm. The moistness of his mouth caused her to fight off a shudder of repulsion. Strange how she no longer desired his kiss.

She jerked her hand away.

A loud growl came from behind. Kerstin turned to see Jonas striding toward them like a charging bull. His hands were clenched, his jaw tight, his brows lowered in a brutal scowl. His shoulders tense, he showed none of the weakness Kerstin witnessed earlier that morning. He looked livid with rage.

Without pause, Jonas wrapped his hand about

Kerstin’s upper arm and pulled her to him. Kerstin gasped in surprise, yet she was grateful to be free of Elezer. To her dismay, she saw they now had the full attention of the entire host of men, women, and children standing in the yard. The people gawked at them,

pointing and muttering amongst themselves.

Jonas’s glare fixed on Elezer as he kissed her

brutally, bending her over his arm in the process. His warriors shouted encouragement, laughing and cheering.

The kiss went on and on, hard and cruel. Gone was the gentle man who filled her with passion. He punished her for being with Elezer. He didn’t know she had tried to get away. She doubted it would change anything if she told him.

Filled with outrage, Kerstin couldn’t breathe and she struggled against him, her fists hammering on his chest.

Her woolen scarf came undone, floating to the ground.

Her curls swung about them as he savaged her lips.


Leigh Bale


When he released her, she stumbled backward. Her

people glared at Jonas with loathing while his men grinned in victory. The feud still remained.

Kerstin reached her hand up to touch her swollen

lips. She heard the callous snickers from Jonas’s men. She was so outraged, so humiliated and angry, she didn’t stop to think before she drew back her hand and slapped Jonas across the face.

An audible gasp filled the air. Though Jonas didn’t flinch from the blow, he scowled at the insult. Kerstin tensed, realizing what she had done. By her deed, she rejected Jonas and showed their people that she preferred Elezer.

“The battle is here,” one man yelled.

“Aye, kill the filthy pigs.”

Kerstin glanced at Elezer. He showed an evil grin and she felt betrayed.

The warriors glared at one another, drawing their swords and daggers. The scrape of steel cried through the air. “Wait!” Jonas called. “There will be no fighting here.”

The tension escalated. Kerstin realized war could begin right here, right now. Praise the goddess Freya, her father and Sigurd were not here to witness this scene.

Undoubtedly both men would hear of it—and also the king. “Go to battle for our king. Fight the Eirikssons, not one another,” she said in desperation.

“To the Eirikssons!” Jonas roared.

Cheering, the men turned and headed for the ships and Kerstin breathed a sigh of relief.

With a low growl, Jonas picked her up and slung her over his good shoulder. Her breath left her in a quick whoosh. Backing away from Elezer, Jonas strode with her toward the hall. His step was confident, strong, showing no weakness. He was the conqueror, and she the


Kerstin didn’t fight him. It would do no good.

Knowing how he felt about Elezer, she thought the situation could be far worse. She held on for dear life, trying not to jar his wound and break open the stitches.

Jonas didn’t hesitate until he threw her down upon the 142

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box bed and slammed the door against intrusion.

Kerstin sank deep into the mattress and would have risen up on her elbows but Jonas leaned over her. She brushed hair out of her eyes and found Jonas’s face right in front of her nose. She stared into his angry eyes, wishing she could calm him.

His large hands rested on either side of her head. A lean muscle along his jaw started to tick.

“Little fool,” he growled, his mouth a scant inch away from hers. “Do you think our people will fight together against the Eirikssons after they’ve seen how deeply you care for me? Who will your father’s men follow if one of my captains gives an order? They can’t be successful when they fight each other.”

She opened her mouth but he cut her off.

“Your little display of affection could have done more damage than the Eirikssons. Hate me all you want, Kerstin, but I’ll not be betrayed with another man.”

“Elezer simply asked my forgiveness and my

blessing. I’ve never betrayed you with him. Never!”

His mighty hands snaked about her throat, cupping her jaw. His touch was gentle, but she felt his strength.

“You’re a fool, Kerstin. After last night, I would think you had learned what Elezer is capable of. Perhaps you hope we’ll kill each another so you can be free and gain our lands.”

Kerstin recoiled with outrage. “You’re daft if you think I would do such a thing.”

He leaned so close she felt the warmth of his breath against her bruised lips. Never before had she seen him so enraged. What began as an innocent meeting with Elezer had turned into a scandal. She tried to get away, but it seemed that he—

She gasped. Had Elezer purposefully stirred up

trouble between them?

As she looked into Jonas’s chilling eyes, she saw the turnings of his mind. He thought the same thing. His mouth opened several times, as if he wanted to say more but was too angry to speak.

He kissed her, fierce, but not brutal. She felt the weight of his chest crush against hers as he lowered his head. His hands burrowed beneath her, cradling her in 143

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his arms as he pulled her up until she hung suspended in his embrace. Her head fell back, exposing her neck. The scalding heat of his mouth nipped her throat and her eyelids grew heavy. He kept kissing her, breathing her in while trapping her hands between their bodies. She felt his heat, his hardness, his fury. His wound seemed forgotten.

She grew breathless, her head spinning, her throat dry. Her bones felt as if they would crack beneath him.

Then, in a subtle change, his hands moved over her body, gentle and caressing. He lowered her back to the bed and eased the bulk of his weight away so he no longer crushed her. She breathed through her nose, inhaling his scent.

No longer did he smell of garlic. He must have bathed earlier that morning. Her senses spiraled out of control.

She returned his kiss, wanting more. The furs cupped her, pulling her downward into the soft mattress. His body followed hers.

Suddenly, he let her go and sat on the side of the bed.

She gave a cry of dismay and bit down on the inside of her cheek, her body throbbing with desire.

Hanging his head, he reached to rub his injured

shoulder. She could tell it still pained him. She wondered if she dared move. “I’ll prepare you a cup of angelica tea to ease the ache.” She slid her legs over the edge of the bed and sat up.

Jonas leaned his elbows on his knees and glanced at her. “One day you’ll run out of time, just as Elezer has already run out of time.”

Kerstin brushed strands of hair away from her face.

“What do you mean? Elezer is innocent of any crime. He only asked my forgiveness and bid me farewell. It was I that—”

“Cease!” he thundered and she flinched. “I’ll no

longer listen while you make excuses for that bumbling fool. Elezer knows exactly what he’s doing.”

She feared that truth. Elezer deliberately planned to make trouble between her and Jonas. Why would he be so cruel to her? She was sick of conniving men who wanted to use her for their own gain.

Tossing a glare at Jonas, she stood up. “When will 144

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you leave to join the battle?”

His head lifted, and he turned to look at her. His eyes had softened but they glittered like chips of ice, his expression ominous. “Are you so eager for me to die?”

“Of course not.” She jutted her chin.

He flashed her a morbid smile. “Perhaps I’ll be killed in battle and you’ll be a wealthy widow, free to marry your beloved Elezer after all.”

The thought made her heart stop, then thump madly in her chest. He couldn’t die. He was too strong, too vital.

Jonas would live forever. She refused to entertain the thought of his death.

Jonas frowned and sighed wearily. “I’ll leave in the morning.”

“You’re in no condition to fight yet.”

“I will go nevertheless.”

“I…I’d rather you stayed here a few more days. You’ll accomplish nothing by getting yourself killed.”

He didn’t respond, but she sensed that his furious gaze followed her as she walked to the door. She paused there and turned to look at him. “If you’re determined to go, I’ll see that your things are packed.” She opened the door to leave.

“While you pack my things, you may pack your own.”

She hesitated, her fingers squeezing hard against the oak door. “I’ve gone into battle before, to fight and tend the wounded, but now I’m a married woman. You would still take me to the battlefield?”

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