The Hidden Paths to Power (19 page)

BOOK: The Hidden Paths to Power
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Three of the women wanted legal justice but Barbara, who had a kind heart, calmed everyone, “Maybe she had a good reason that she was ashamed to tell us. If we make the claim that we call her friend, let’s give her the benefit of the doubt; not condemn her on a small amount of information.”

I looked at Doriane, as I had my fill of sticking my nose into things for the moment.

She smiled back, “The least we can do is ask. I don’t think I could let this go without hearing her side. She was a good customer since I opened the place. I don’t think simple, petty larceny, would change her from the woman I knew.”

After Barbara provided an address we went to visit. I stayed quiet as this was Doriane’s thing. I was just there as an emotional boost, as she went to find out why a good woman turned thief.

We pulled up to a decent two-toned brick house in one of the wealthier neighborhoods of Denver. Doriane noticed Sheila’s car was still parked in the driveway. I followed her up to the front door as she rang the bell.

A very nervous looking woman with blonde hair and blue eyes named Sheila Hampton answered.

When she saw Doriane, her face fell in shame, “Come on in, Kim.”

“Do you mind if my friend Debbie comes in as well?”

“It’s nice to meet you Debbie. Come in.”

Sheila’s nerves were even more apparent as she asked us to take seats.

It also showed something of her mental state that she didn’t notice Doriane call me Debbie instead of Deana. I wasn’t disguised.

The tears welled up, “I feel like the most horrible person but was ashamed. Derek, my husband, has a small gambling problem. This last time he told me about his debt, I nearly divorced him on the spot and made him deal with it alone but I love him. He swears to me, each time he’s forced to tell me, that it’s the last time. I feel like a fool for believing him but I keep hoping someday, he’ll see the error of his ways. We almost didn’t come up with my son Greg’s tuition this last semester. I had to go to my parents and ask for it.”

Doriane realized her mistake, “I’m sorry, Deana. I got so used to calling you Debbie, when you were in hiding, it just slipped out.”

Sheila’s blue eyes widened when she finally paid attention to who was in her house.

I hoped the slip was covered enough as the woman said, “You’re Deana Boller. It’s nice to meet you. I’m so sorry about what you’ve had to endure. My daughter Megan is a huge fan.”

I almost cried hearing that name. I knew many girls possessed it but Megan Donahue was the one I knew the longest of my friends. I viewed them all as special but Megan had been it my life since I was three.

I responded, “Tell her, I appreciate it, but given what I’m famous for, I hope you’ll understand, if I’m not particularly interested in fans.”

Sheila answered, “I do understand and I’ll not make it a big issue. I may tell her, I met you but I think she’ll understand too.”

Doriane said, “What was the money from the stolen items at the store for?”

“The man my husband owes money to, is planning to come by today. Derek is currently seeing if he can get enough to pay some of his debt. The money I got from selling the items from the store, is to try to appease the man, if he comes while Derek is out. We’re scared of this man.”

I asked, “This means the gambling your husband has been doing is under the table?”

“Just a few poker games in people’s garages. This was the first time this man had come to one. He came as a guest of one of the other regulars. It turned out, the two of them were hustling, as the new man was a professional player but with a violent history.”

I was taking all my cues from Doriane here. She was the one always telling me we couldn’t stop all the bad things that happen to people.

I felt bad for Sheila and her kids but this was a typical problem Derek brought on himself and his family. My teacher sat in thought for several minutes. I could tell she wanted to help and was trying to find the best way without getting fully invested.

While she was thinking, I asked, “I don’t want to be nosey here, as I’m publically known for shouting down those who are, but are you willing to share how high the debt is?”

“Five thousand. I know that doesn’t seem like much, given where we live, but this isn’t the first time Derek’s gambling has left us with money problems, and we have a lot invested in our children’s education.”

I responded as I shook my head, “This isn’t a criticism of your choices but it seems to me, you’re enabling Derek’s vice. I’m not saying get divorced but every time you give in, it’s the same as giving him permission to do it again. You’ve helped him put your children’s future at risk, and your relationship with your parents. At some point, you have to put your foot down and make him think about his priorities. What is more important, sitting at a poker table with a few friends, or the relationship with you and his kids? I can’t imagine Greg and Megan feel very secure about their futures right now.”

“My daughter is seventeen. She’s a senior in high school and I’m not sure we’ll have the money to send her to college. Megan’s an honor roll student. It’s one of the things she got from her admiration of you and is aiming for a scholarship. As you know, those aren’t guaranteed, no matter how hard you work for it.”

Doriane asked, “How is your son feeling after almost, not having his tuition paid?”

“He was spitting mad because this semester is very important for the computer aided drafting classes he takes. Greg is in school for architecture and goes to an expensive school.”

Doriane responded, “I can help you but you’ll have to figure out a way around your husband’s pride. Can you get your friends to buy you out of your share of the store?”

“I’ll have to. I was planning to anyway but we needed to take care of this man’s visit first. I’ve also had to work up the nerve to tell them.”

I interjected, “If you think of them as friends then don’t insult them. Barbara stepped up to your defense, when the others wanted to go the legal route. That’s why you saw us and not a lawyer with papers for a lawsuit. That would’ve left you in an even worse tailspin.”

Sheila was on the verge of tears from the stress, “I’ll talk them as soon as this is done. How can you help, Kim?”

“I can pay this man off but if I do, you need to do some hard thinking. I can’t help with your children’s education. Greg may be forced to transfer to a less expensive school. I realize this might put him in a less favorable position, when it’s time for him to seek employment, but the responsibility starts with Derek, and you shoulder some blame too, by enabling him.”

I saw a determined light blossom in her eyes, “If you can help us get passed this then I’ll do whatever I have to, to protect my children’s future.”

I said, “It’s also yours to shoulder the burden, if Derek’s pride takes a hit for this.”

Just then Megan walked in the house with two of her friends.

I tensed because the girl looked a lot like my friend too.

Doriane grabbed my hand, as the sudden tension became confusing to the girl.

She recognized me instantly and was on the verge of turning bubbly with excitement.

Sheila wisely got up and whispered in the girl’s ear. I don’t know what she said but it brought the excitement down to a tolerable level.

Sheila whispered in the other girls’ ears too, as Megan hesitantly took a seat next to me, “I’m sorry. I’ve heard you on TV and what you say is inspiring. I should’ve guessed, you wouldn’t necessarily be relishing the reason you’re so well-known. I can’t imagine what it must be like to have that in your life.”

“You wouldn’t want to. Can you guess how I feel, every time I turn on the news, and worry that, the next report is another person who died because of his obsession? I’m not against you admiring me but if you want to make me happier, support the silent cause. Your mom shared a little, about your determination to get a scholarship. I like that reaction better than the bubbly excitement just because I’m in the room. I didn’t do anything to be famous for, except garner the attention of a boy, who’s willing to turn to murder, because of that attention.”

“You’ve done some. The way you turned a horrible situation, into the strength to face down the media, and call them out for their bad behavior, is worth admiring. To see you also putting some effort into helping to catch him and showing concern for everybody helps.”

I gave her a hug, “I’m sorry for my reaction but I wonder if anybody has compared the way you look, to the pictures of Megan Donahue. Except for a few differences, you could be her sister.”

Her eyes widened, “Then, I’m doubly sorry for my reaction.”

“It’s okay but watch yourself. If you’ve been paying attention to the reports, anything that is a connection me, stirs his obsession up. He knew Megan Donahue too. I don’t have any cameras following me at the moment, so I don’t think he’s seen this place. If he ever finds reason to come to this neighborhood and sees you, it may bring a reaction from him.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Helping your mom out of jam.”

Megan turned to her mom, “You didn’t ask for help, did you? You know how dad’s going to react.”

Sheila’s eyes caught fire, “It’s time your father puts the needs of his family ahead of his pride or his whims.”

Sheila asked Megan’s friends to go home, as she didn’t want too many witnessing.

Doriane and I went out to our car to wait.

The first person to come, was the man they were worrying about. He was a white, muscle man, with a bald head that moved with purpose up to the front door.

Doriane got out, “Your business dealing is with me now.”

He ran over to put his mean face, in my teacher’s face. I was tense but Doriane was calm and steady.

He asked, “Who the fuck are you?”

“The person who is going to pay Derek Hampton’s debt, for the sake of protecting his family. You are going to accept this arrangement or the officials for the poker tournaments will find out you’ve been playing in illegal games. I was a dealer at one time, so I know they have rules about professionals engaging in these things.”

“What’s to stop me from breaking you in half right now, to keep you from squealing?”

“Please try then we can have a civil conversation.”

I was amazed, as the man tried to swing, but Doriane proved her words about studying with a master in Japan for a decade.

His fist came around but Doriane slipped behind him and punched three nerve clusters that had him doubled over in pain in a moment.

Doriane said, “I can make the pain go away, if you promise to behave like the grown man you are.”

“I promise.” Doriane pushed on two other pressure points and the man relaxed then stood up straight, “How do we do this?”

“I don’t have to cash on me but if you follow, I’ll have it for you in less than fifteen minutes. Do I have your word that once the money is in your hand, this is the end of it?”

“I’m only interested in what I’m owed.”

Just then Derek came up the street. His brown hair was mussed and his face was bleeding, like he got into a fight. He matched the picture I saw in the house.

I got out and walked up to him.

He recognized me too, “What are you doing at my house?”

“I’m connected to the woman, your wife bought the store from. Her friends asked for our help when the store was showing a loss. Kim has a fondness for that store and doesn’t want to see it go under. We discovered the theft and came to deal with it personally, rather than let her partners turn it into a legal battle. You know how strong I am and you know how your daughter feels about me. Don’t think, I won’t turn that strength on you, if you allow your pride to interfere with common sense in this case. Kim is going to pay your debt to that man. You have to do some soul searching and figure out what your priorities are.”

He slumped at that moment, showing he was hurt more than he let on, “I went to demand the return of my money, from the man I thought was my friend; the one who brought that man to the game. We got into a fight. I think he cracked a rib or two.”

“So, now you’ve just piled onto the money problems, as you now have to seek medical treatment. Do you see now, what your pride and selfishness is costing you and your family?”

His eyes misted up and let me help him into the house. I left him to the care of his family, told Sheila what I said to him then went back to the car.

Doriane pulled away, as the white guy in the van behind followed.

We got to her bank just before it closed and she managed to get the money.

Doriane had the man follow us back to the store and gave it to him there.

My teacher said once the man verified the amount, “I hope this ends any further need, for us to have anything to do with each other, Mr. Campbell.”

“How did you know?”

“As the woman standing next to me knows very well by now, you have to be careful what you do, when you have a face others have seen on TV. The next time, you might meet someone less willing, to let you off the hook.”

His brown eyes became speculative about that as he drove off.

We went inside.

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