The Higgs Boson: Searching for the God Particle (15 page)

BOOK: The Higgs Boson: Searching for the God Particle
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For the atom, the nucleus and the proton, then, the mass of the system is at least as large as the kinetic energy of the constituents and in some cases is much larger. If quarks and leptons are composite, however, the relation of energy to mass must be quite different. Since the prequarks have energies well above 100 GeV, one would guess that they would form composites with masses of hundreds of GeV or more. Actually the known quarks and leptons have masses that are much smaller; in the case of the electron and the neutr inos the mass is smaller by at least six orders of magnitude.
The whole is much less than the sum of its parts.

The high energy of the prequarks is also what spoils the idea of viewing the higher generations of quarks and leptons as excited states of the same set of prequarks that form the first-generation particles. As in the other composite systems, the energy needed to change the orbits of the prequarks should be of the same order of magnitude as the kinetic energy of the constituents. One would therefore expect the successive generations to differ in mass by hundreds of GeV, whereas the actual mass differences are as small as .1 GeV.

At this point one might well adopt the view that the energy mismatch cannot be accepted, indeed that it simply demonstrates the elementary and structureless nature of the quarks and leptons.
Many physicists hold this view.
The energy mismatch, however, contradicts no basic law of physics, and I would argue that the circumstantial evidence for quark and lepton compositeness is sufficiently persuasive to warrant further investigation.

What is peculiar about the quark and lepton masses is not merely that they are small but that they are virtually zero when measured on the energy scale defined by their constituents' energy.
In other composite systems a small amount of mass is "lost" by being converted into the binding energy of the system.
The total mass of a hydrogen atom, for example, is slightly less than that of an isolated proton and electron; the difference is equal to the binding energy. In a nucleus this "mass defect" can reach a few percent of the total mass. In a quark or a lepton, it seems, the entire mass of the system is canceled almost exactly.
Such a "miraculous" cancellation is certainly not impossible, but it seems most unlikely to happen by accident. Similar large cancellations are known elsewhere in physics, and they have always been found to result from some symmetry principle or conservation law. If there is to be any hope of constructing a theory of prequark dynamics, it is essential to find such a symmetry in this case.

There is a likely candidate: chiral symmetry, or chirality. The name is derived from the Greek word for hand, and the symmetry has to do with handedness, the property defined by a particle's spin and direction of motion. Like other symmetries of nature, chiral symmetry has a conservation law associated with it, which gives the clearest account of what the symmetry means. The law states that the total number of right-handed particles and the total number of left-handed ones can never change.

CHIRAL SYMMETRY offers a possible explanation of the "miraculous" cancellation of mass in quarks and leptons.
Chirality, or handedness, describes the relation of a particle's spin angular momentum to its direction of motion.
Suppose an observer is overtaken by a faster-moving electron (
). From the observer's
point of view the electron obeys a right-hand rule: When the fingers of the right hand curl in the same direction
as the spin, the thumb gives the direction of motion. If the observer speeds up, however, so that he overtakes the
electron (
), the handedness of the particle changes. In the observer's frame of reference
the electron is now apporaching instead of receding, but its spin direction has not changed; as a result its motion is
described by a left-hand rule. Chirality, therefore, is not conserved. There is one kind of particle to which this argument
cannot be applied, namely a massless particle, which must always move with the speed of light. No observer can move faster
than a massless particle, and so its handedness is an invariant property. If a theory of prequarks had a chiral symmetry, in
which handedness must be conserved, the low mass of the quarks and leptons might not be accidental. They would have to be
virtually massless for the chiral symmetry to be maintained.

Illustration by Jerome Kuhl

In the ordinary world of protons, electrons and similar particles handedness or chirality clearly is not conserved. A violation of the conservation law can be demonstrated by a simple thought experiment.
Imagine that an observer is moving in a straight line when he is overtaken by an electron. As the electron recedes from him he notes that its spin and direction of motion are related by a right-hand rule. Now suppose the observer speeds up, so that he is overtaking the electron. In the observer's frame of reference the electron seems to be approaching; in other words, it has reversed direction. Because its spin has not changed, however, it has become a left-handed particle.

There is one kind of particle to which this thought experiment cannot be applied: a massless particle. Because a massless particle must always move with the speed of light, no observer can ever go faster. As a result the handedness of a massless particle is an invariant property, independent of the observer's frame of reference. Furthermore, it can be shown that none of the known forces of nature (those mediated by the photon, the gluons and the weak bosons) can alter the handedness of a particle. Thus if the world were made up exclusively of massless particles, the world could be said to have chiral symmetry.

Chiral symmetry is the root of an ideathat might conceivably account for the small mass of the quarks and leptons.
The argument runs as follows. If the prequarks are massless particles, if they have a spin of 1/2 and if they interact with one another only through the exchange of gauge bosons, any theory describing their motion is guaranteed to have a chiral symmetry. If the massless prequarks then bind together to form composite spin-l/2 objects (namely the quarks and leptons), the chiral symmetry might ensure that the composite particles also remain massless compared with the huge energy of the prequarks inside them. Hence the small mass of the quarks and leptons is not an accident.
They must be essentially massless with respect to the energy of their constituents if the chiral symmetry of the theory is to be maintained.

The crucial step in this argument is the one extending the chiral symmetry from a world of massless prequarks to one made up of composite quarks and leptons. It is essential that the symmetry of the original physical system survive in and be respected by the composite states formed out of the massless constituents.
It may seem self-evident that if a theory is symmetrical in some sense, the physical systems described by the theory must exhibit that symmetry; actually, however, the spontaneous breaking of symmetries is commonplace. A familiar example is the roulette wheel.
A physical theory of the roulette wheel would show it is completely symmetrical in the sense that each slot is equivalent to any other slot. The physical system formed by putting a ball in the roulette wheel, however, is decidedly asymmetrical: the ball invariably comes to rest in just one slot.

In the standard model it is the spontaneous breaking of a symmetry that makes the three weak bosons massive and leaves the photon massless. The theory that describes these gauge bosons is symmetrical, and in it the four bosons are essentially indistinguishable, but because of the symmetry breaking the physical states actually observed are quite different. Chiral symmetries are notoriously susceptible to symmetry breaking. Whether the chiral symmetry of prequarks breaks or not when the prequarks form composite objects can be determined only with a detailed understanding of the forces acting on the prequarks. For now that understanding does not exist. In certain models it can be shown that a chiral symmetry does exist but is definitely broken. No one has yet succeeded in constructing a composite model of quarks and leptons in which a chiral symmetry is known to remain unbroken. Neither the preon model nor the rishon model succeeds in solving the problem. The task is probably the most difficult one facing those attempting to demonstrate that quarks and leptons are composite.

SPONTANEOUS SYMMETRY BREAKING is a mechanism that could spoil a prequark theory even if it has a chiral symmetry.
Both of the physical systems shown here—a simple trough and a trough with a bump in the bottom—can be described
as symmetrical in the sense that exchanging left and right leaves the system unatlered. For the simple trough the
system remians symmetrical when a ball is put in the trough; the ball comes to rest in the center, so that exchanging
left and right still has no effect. In the trough with a bump, however, the ball takes up a position on one side or the other,
and the symmetry is inevitably broken. Similarly, a prequark theory that has a chiral symmetry might nonetheless give rise to
composite systems that do not observe the symmetry. Showing that a chiral symmetry can definitely remain unbroken is currently
the principal challenge in formulating a theory of how prequarks move.

Illustration by Jerome Kuhl

If a consistent pre quark theory can be worked out, it will still have to pass the test of experiment. First, it is important to establish in the laboratory whether or not quarks and leptons have any internal structure at all. If they do, experiments might then begin to d iscriminate among the various models. The experiments will have to penetrate the unknown realm of d istances smaller than 10
centimeter and energies higher than 100 GeV. There are two basic ways to explore this region: by doing experiments with particles accelerated to very high energy and by making precise measurements of low-energy quantities that depend on the physics of events at very small distances.

Experiments of the first kind include the investigation of the weak bosons andthe search for the Higgs particles of the standard model. When such particles can be made in sufficient numbers, a careful look at their properties should reveal much about the physics of very small distances. New accelerators now being planned or built in the U.S., Europe and Japan are expected to yield detailed information about the weak bosons and will also continue the ongoing investigation of the quarks and leptons themselves.

Equally interesting are the high-precision, low-energy experiments. One of these is the search for the decay of the proton, a particle that is known to have an average lifetime of at least 10
Several experiments are now monitoring large quantities of matter, incorporating substantially more than 10
protons, in an attempt to detect the signals emitted when a proton disintegrates.
None of the forces of the standard model can induce such an event, but none of the rules of the standard model absolutely for bids it. Both the grand unified theories and the prequark models, on the other hand, include mechanisms that could convert a proton into other particles that would ultimately leave behind only leptons and photons. If the decay is detected, its rate and the pattern of decay products could offer an important glimpse beyond the standard model.

There is similar interest in the hypothetical process in which a muon emits a photon and is thereby converted into an electron. Again none of the forces of the standard model can bring about an event of this kind, but again too no fundamental law forbids it. Some of the composite models allow the transition and others do not, so that a search for the process might offer a means of choosing among the models. Experiments done up to now put a limit of less than one in 10 billion on the probability that any given muon will decay in this way. Detection of such events and a determination of their rate might illuminate the mysterious distinction between the generations.

A third class of precision experiments are those that continue to refine the measurement of the magnetic moment of the electron and of the muon. Further improvements can be expected both in experimental accuracy and in the associated calculations of quantum electrodynamics.
If the results continue to agree with the predictions of the standard model, the limit on the possible size of any quark and lepton substructure will become remoter. If a discrepancy between theory and experiment is detected, it will represent a strong hint that quarks and leptons are not elementary.

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