The Highlander's Runaway Bride (4 page)

BOOK: The Highlander's Runaway Bride
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She gasped at his declaration. ‘Betrothed?' she asked, shaking her head wildly. ‘We were not betrothed.'

‘Aye, lady, we were. Your father and I signed the documents before he gave me his blessing and sent me off to look for his runaway daughter.'

‘Nay!' she cried out, trying to get to her feet in spite of her injuries and continued weakness. ‘I cannot marry you. You cannot force this on me!'

He took her by her arms and pulled her up to him, their faces but inches apart. He stared at her, searching there for something.

‘In the eyes of the Church and by the laws of this land, we are married, lady. The vows can be spoken when we return to Castle Varrich. The rest can wait until we arrive in Glenlui.'

The rest? The rest! Eva would never share with any man what she'd given to Eirik.

She balled up her hands and pushed against his chest with them, trying to force herself free. He simply held her tighter, giving her no chance to get away. Because he was so much taller and stronger than she was, her feet did not even touch the ground.

‘You do not understand,' she began to plead. ‘I cannot marry you. I...'

‘Are you pledged to someone else already?' he demanded. ‘Tell me why you cannot marry me.'

She could not reveal the truth to him. Her father would be furious if she continued to fight this marriage. He was the only one who knew where her baby was and, if she did not do as told, the wee bairn would pay the price. Ramsey MacKay was a cold-hearted and ruthless man when it came to getting his own way. No one opposed him—not his wife, his daughter, his kith or kin—and not suffer for such defiance.

‘And tell me who Mairead is,' he said, in a quiet but no less dangerous voice. ‘Who is she?'

He could have hit her and it would not have hurt as much as hearing her daughter's name on his lips. The shock rippled through her and in the next moment, as he called out her own name, Eva fainted.

Chapter Five


Rob swore aloud, but she did not even react to the coarse words he'd said. The mention of that name had caused this. Her eyes had been glaring at him one moment and then they rolled up into her head the next. Cursing her, her father, her mother, his friend and anyone else he could bring to mind in that second, Rob carried her to the pallet and laid her there, being careful of her injured leg and foot.

She did not rouse. He tapped on her cheek, saying her name in as calm a tone as he could, but there was no sign of her coming around. Stalking as far away from her as he could get within the cottage, he watched her.

Bloody hell! Damn this woman to perdition!

She'd run from him. Refused to marry him. Worse, she placed herself in immeasurable danger because of her wilfulness. It was a miracle he'd found her in that cave before the storm blew in and flooded it. It was a miracle that she had not been attacked by ruffians or outlaws in the forests and on the roads between her father's keep and this place. A miracle.

He let out a loud breath then, releasing some of the pent-up anger within him. Walking back to her side, he knelt down and touched her cheek. Thank the Almighty—no fever. When she did not move or wake, he sought out the cloth and water and touched the rag to her head and cheeks and then along her neck. Rob repeated it several times before her eyes began to flutter open.

Rob brought over the cup of ale and held it out when she looked at him. Without a word, she pushed up to lean on her elbows and took the cup. She averted her gaze and sipped several times before handing it back to him. As he watched, those blue eyes filled with tears that began to spill down her cheeks. The lady turned away, tucking her face into the pillow and sobbing silently.

He felt sick to his stomach. He'd wanted to force a reaction from her and he got one, just not the one he was hoping for. He wanted truth, but realised he'd lied to her from the first, too. Oh, his words about their betrothal were true, for he'd made certain she was his before setting out. Now he wondered over the wisdom of his course of action.

And still she cried. The sound of it was filled with despair and grief, and it shook him in a way he did not wish to acknowledge. At least not the part he played in it. Standing, he sought out the basket of food and took out the broth and bread from Brita's mother. He poured some in a cup and placed it to warm near the flames. A glance over his shoulder told him that her weeping eased a bit.

He carried on preparing the food, not ignoring her, God, there was no way to do that, but just trying to allow her some time. Finding the meat pie wrapped in cloth, he placed it in a bowl and broke it apart with a spoon. It took its place next to her broth, warming slowly there. Soon, the enticing aroma of the food wafted through the cottage. His own stomach growled in anticipation of the taste, for Brita's mother, Helga, was a superb cook.

Testing the heat of both the cup and bowl, Rob removed them and placed them on the small stool he'd been using as a table next to her. He tore two chunks of bread from the loaf and put them there, too. After watering some ale for her, he filled his cup with the stronger spirits from his flask. And then he sat down, cross-legged, waiting for her own hunger and thirst to bring her there.

It did not take long.

He tried to focus on his food, but he could not help but watch her. First she leaned up and found the damp rag and used it on her eyes and face. Using the edge of the plaid to dry herself, she pushed up to sit, her breathing yet ragged and loud. Rob sensed that helping her now would cause her to crumble again, so he waited for her to move or to ask for help.

She would not meet his gaze. Even when she managed to sit up and lean against the wall, she would not look at him. He did not force her to, he only slid the table closer so she could reach the cup, if she wanted it. And, after a few minutes of laboured breathing, she did. Rob tore the chunks of bread into smaller pieces and moved them closer.

They ate in an awkward and yet somehow companionable silence. It took her some time to finish just the cup of broth, but she did, dipping some of the bread in it to sop up the liquid. He did the same with the meat pasty—a hearty mix of chunks of beef and root vegetables and broth. Helga was unsurpassed in her dishes, no matter that he'd eaten at palaces and castles of the noble and the royal kind over the last few months.

The lady placed her empty cup on the stool and leaned back, tugging the plaid higher and holding it against her. As he watched, her eyes closed and he knew she was almost asleep. A shiver brought her to wakefulness.

‘Your tunic is dry now, if you are chilled,' he offered.

‘The furs keep me warm enough,' she whispered back.

He jutted his chin. ‘Then go to sleep. My sister says it's the best thing for most illnesses.'

‘You have a sister?' she asked, leaning away from the wall and sliding herself down under the blankets.

‘You do not have to say it with such disbelief in your voice. Aye, I have a sister. Margaret. She serves the clan as a healer at Glenlui.'

‘I meant no disrespect, sir,' she offered. ‘I know nothing about you or the Mackintoshes.' She spoke with closed eyes and each word came out slower than the one before it. She was falling asleep in the middle of a conversation.

‘Then none is taken. Sleep, lady. We will have time to talk.'

And she was gone, deeply asleep in moments.

Rob stood and cleaned up from their meal, going out to wash the cups, bowl and spoons with water from the bucket outside. The sun had set and the air grew chilled. He closed the door tightly and dropped the latch and then did the same thing with the wooden shutters to keep out the winds.

Soon, the cottage was prepared for the night...but he was not. After adding some more peat to the fire, he lit a few candles and picked up her sack. Surely, there must be more inside than just the few items he'd seen when he opened it at the cave.

Sitting on the floor near her, he turned the sack inside out and watched as the few things fell before him.

A small
sgian dubh
, more suited for eating or mending tasks than for defence or attack. And she did not wear it in her boot where she could reach it quickly.

A leather purse holding some gold and silver coins. Not enough to live on for long, but enough to present a temptation to any thief along the road.

Another shift.

A set of prayer beads, carved out of some black stones. Well, she might appreciate the book he'd brought for her if she was a godly woman. But a godly woman knew her place and obeyed her father and then her husband. Eva MacKay did not know the first thing about obedience or her proper place if what she'd done so far was the measure used.

Rob laid the things aside and shook his head, watching her sleep there. What kind of woman would run away when given the news of an impending marriage? Especially a marriage that would hold benefits for both families involved.

She shifted on the furs and mumbled some words in her sleep. Though he could blame some of her restlessness in sleep on her illness and fever, she never seemed to be at peace when she slept. She called out names, mostly the one, throughout the time when sleep claimed her.

Something was wrong here. Very wrong.

If she did not know him or the Mackintoshes, then they could not be the reason for her refusal to accept the marriage. Yet, she did the unthinkable and left the safety and protection of her father's keep to avoid it. Was it just maidenly fear or something more? Though clearly fear was not something that seemed to rule her life if she was brave enough to do what she'd done.

Rob stared at her, trying to decipher her actions and her intentions. If she did not want to marry him and had a good reason for her objections—one that would satisfy Brodie and Arabella—he would see that the betrothal was broken. He'd not expected a love match at all, but he would be damned before he married an unwilling woman.

If she would only explain herself...

The winds howled then, rattling the wooden walls of the cottage and sending cool air through the cracks. The low flames of the peat fire danced in the current. It would grow much colder before the sun rose in the morn.

Eva shivered then, curling herself into a tight ball under the blankets. He was tempted to wake her and give her the tunic she'd refused earlier, but he would not disturb whatever rest she could get. On the morrow, he would send word to her father that he'd found her, and they would begin the journey back to Castle Varrich a day or two after that.

For now, he did what he'd done these last three nights—he took off his boots and tunic and lay down next to her, sharing his body's warmth with her. She startled a moment and then moved back nearer to him, as she did each time he shared the pallet with her. Then he pulled the extra blanket over both of them.

Although she sank into a deep sleep, it evaded him for hours. The riddle that Eva MacKay was haunted him all night. At some moment, he realised that she was awake next to him. So, he decided to ask her for her reasons.

‘Have you need of anything, lady?' he asked first. ‘Do you thirst?' Helga had told him he should give her as much to drink as possible.

‘Nay,' she whispered back.

Silence reigned for a long minute or two before she spoke again.

‘You have slept like this each night, then?' she asked.

‘Aye.' Then he explained further, ‘At first there was no sleeping, you were that ill with fever. Then, I found that you were cold more than hot, so lying this way seemed to keep you warm.'

‘And you knew of the betrothal, so there was nothing wrong in the eyes of God or the law in doing that.' Her words were more a declaration than a question, but there was something buried within them.

‘Just so.'

The lady began to say something more but paused and held her words behind her teeth. A minute later, she did the same thing—began and paused. When she did it for a third time, he spoke instead.

‘Just speak your mind, lady. Between us. Tell me what you wish to say.'

‘I mean no insult, sir. I have no intention to embarrass or insult your laird and chief. I just cannot marry you.' He could hear her trying to remain calm and failing as her voice hitched on the words.

‘Is there someone else, lady?' he asked. ‘Or do you have some other objection? Give me some reason that I can understand, for I have no wish to marry an unwilling bride.' And he did not.

‘I cannot marry you,' she repeated.

‘Mayhap if you'd remained in your father's house and discussed this before the betrothal, we could have made an agreeable arrangement. Now, though...' he said.

‘Nay, pray do not say it is too late now?' she asked, turning to face him. The grimace of pain told that she'd forgotten that injury in moving.

‘The betrothal is legal and sound. I fear it is too late.'

Rob waited, waited for tears, waited for angry words, waited for some emotional reaction from her. None came. All he heard was the sound of her ragged breathing. Once more she turned away from him, tucking her face into the pillow.

* * *

A thought occurred to him in the night some time later, as they both yet lay awake in the dark.

He'd not wanted this marriage. She wanted it not. So, why would he force this? It spoke of a disaster in the making. And problems and conflicts every step of the way. He would not even have a marriage of convenience, he would have a marriage of catastrophe.

‘I will speak to your father when we return. 'Tis clear to me that we do not suit. My laird will offer suitable compensation for breaking the betrothal contract and handle the issue.'

‘Truly?' she asked, her voice now filled with hope. And that stung worse than any of her words so far.

‘Aye. I want no unwilling wife.'

Then silence filled the cottage, broken only by the occasional crackle of the fire or burst of wind outside. He thought she might have fallen asleep as he still tried to do.

‘I thank you, sir. I will always be grateful for the mercy and good will you have shown me when you have every right to treat me otherwise,' she whispered.

Again, her words stung him. However, he'd spoken the truth. It would be easier to return to her father and his laird with a specific reason for breaking the contract, but Rob knew Brodie would have his back in this...or in anything he asked him to.

He rolled to his side and found himself drifting to sleep.

* * *

At some time in those last few hours before dawn, she turned to him and he slipped his arm over her, drawing her closer. He drifted in and out of sleep until the sound of swords being drawn got his attention.

Opening his eyes, he found Ramsey MacKay and six of his warriors standing around the pallet where he and Eva lay.

Where the MacKay's daughter lay naked in the arms of her betrothed husband. Where Eva MacKay sighed his name before opening her eyes to find her father standing above them.

Her reaction—a loud, shrill scream that filled the cottage and made him squint—was something Rob could understand. But it was the MacKay's soft words that bothered him more.

‘Well, I guess ye have no objections to taking my daughter as yer wife after all, Mackintosh. Welcome to the family.'

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