The Hunt for Snow (19 page)

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Authors: S. E. Babin

BOOK: The Hunt for Snow
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But thoughts of you, Snow, keep me burning. I pray that one day circumstances will find us in different places, so I can show you I am no monster. My actions are not my own and are driven by the darkest of magics. My willpower is sometimes the only thing that stops me from carrying out the worst of her nefarious deeds. That is not to say I am an innocent. I am no innocent and the deaths of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people weigh heavy on my soul.

I tell you this to tell you, Snow, that if there ever was a woman made for me, I am sure it is you. By now you may know that I had a wife. I loved her yes, but it was built out of mutual respect and our family’s desire to merge our families. But you, Snow, are the woman who makes me want to be a better man, who fans the fire of my fight against Naomi and all that she seeks to destroy.

I know you will not heed my wishes to stay away. And I do not know when that day will come or how much stronger Naomi’s hold will be over me by then. I beg of you to not look at me as a monster, but as a man who fights every day to be free. A man who wishes to be with you against all the odds. And a man who once again hopes to hold his daughter in his arms, free of the wicked ties that bind me.

If I can tell you one cryptic thing that could help you in the future, it is this—Naomi wears a bracelet she never takes off. Ever. I’ve had over a hundred years to watch her. I don’t know if this will help, but considering how futile my efforts have been to break away from her, it is the only thing I have to give.

I have no right to ask this of you, Snow, especially after my actions on the day you left this cursed place. Wait for me. Give me the chance to prove to you that I deserve your love.


Tears fell down my face. Years of wonder and hope and regret. This letter could have changed so much. Maybe I would have gone back sooner. Maybe I could have saved him. I lay down on top of the covers, clutching the letter to my chest, my thoughts spinning with the what if’s and what could have beens.

I dug the necklace out of my pocket and clasped it around my neck. After the cool weight lay heavy against my skin, I stripped off my yoga pants and flipped off the lamp on my nightstand. Tomorrow would be a new day. We would fix this. The entire Enchanted Forest was relying on us. And one man had placed his hopes on me. It was time I made a stand and took my place as the rightful queen of my homelands, no matter how high the odds were against me. My only hope was that my friends and Max would be standing beside me when all of the dust settled.

As I drifted off to sleep hours later that night, my dreams were filled with haunting green eyes and the wicked, triumphant laughter of the Evil Queen.

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