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Authors: J. D. Chase

The Hunted (11 page)

BOOK: The Hunted
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More minutes went by and there was still no sign of Lucas.   I wondered idly what was behind the door.  Was it an en-suite?  A dressing room?  I began to feel quite lonely and well, disappointed if I was honest.  I distracted myself by going over the sequence of events that had led to my being in his bedroom.   I began to piece together the events of this morning and I realized that it was my own petulant behavior that had led me to his office, which in turn had led to my fall and to my being here.  If I hadn’t been so tenacious about him sending me the check, it wouldn’t have happened and I wouldn’t have been talked into this arrangement. 
Oh well, too late to change it now.  He is a skilled and thoughtful lover.  I may as well just reap the rewards until the month is over.  Every cloud and all that!  Now where is he?  Why is he keeping me waiting?


Finally, I could stand it no longer.  I crept off the bed and to the door, pressing my ear against it.  I couldn’t hear a thing - not surprising when the door is solid oak.  I gingerly turned the handle and eased open the door.  Immediately, I heard the sound of running water and I realized that he must be in the shower. 


I knew that I should have left him to it but I found myself tiptoeing forward into a bathroom that could only be described as luxurious.  Ordinarily, my eye would have been drawn and held by the huge sunken bath that dominated the centre of the room.  However, once my gaze found the large walk in shower, my brain barely registered the clean lines of the frameless glass enclosure that would normally have me enthralled.  Instead, it locked on the tanned, muscular body inside that was facing away from me.  As Lucas washed his hair, I stood and drank in this sight of the clearly defined muscles of his upper back and arms and the firm buttocks resting on long, lean legs. 


As my distracted brain registered that he was turning off the shower, I quickly shot out of the bathroom and closed the door quietly behind me.  I lay back on the bed, willing my heart rate and breathing to slow down.  I’d just about managed it when the door opened and Lucas stepped out, wearing a towel around his hips.  My heart rate immediately accelerated again.  He shot me a quick grin and sauntered out of the room and into the hallway.


Gah! For a man who was keen to get our new arrangement started, he sure was taking his time.  Is he into delayed gratification?  If so, it had better be worth the wait!


I was considering following Lucas out of the room when he returned, carrying candles and a lighter.  He arranged the candles around the room and lit them before drawing the shades at the window.  He then took his iPod and placed it in a speaker dock.  Within seconds, Unintended by Muse was playing quietly.  I fleetingly wondered whether Lucas had chosen the track at random or whether the lyrics were appropriate. 


He sat next to me on the bed and took my hand.  “How are you feeling?  Is your head hurting?  Or anywhere else?”


The look of genuine concern on his face threw me for a second before I realized that I hadn’t given my head a second thought in hours.  “I’m fine.  No pain anywhere.”  I smiled as he lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed my palm. 


“I’m glad.  No concussion or lasting effects from your fall then,” he murmured as he began to close his mouth around my index finger.  He gently sucked and nibbled each finger in turn before placing gentle kisses up along my arm until he reached my sleeve.  “Either I’m seriously underdressed or you’ve got too many clothes on.”


“Hmmmmm, I think you’re seriously underdressed,” I grinned.


“No, you’re seriously overdressed - clothes are definitely overrated where you’re concerned.”


He leaned over and gently took possession of my mouth.  Quickly, the kiss deepened as his tongue explored hungrily.  I was helpless to resist and our tongues began to stroke each other, a tantalizing slow dance.  I surrendered myself to the kiss totally and felt bereft when he ended it.  I was shocked to discover that he had completely unbuttoned my blouse during the kiss - I hadn’t felt a thing. 


He turned his attention to my stomach covering me in little feather light kisses.  I ran my hands up his strong arms and up into his hair.  I loved how he wore it long enough to entwine my fingers in the silky soft locks.  It was still damp from the shower.  I gasped when he flicked his tongue into my belly button, involuntarily lifting my hips off the bed.


“Patience, Miss Prince!” he teased.  “All good things come to those who wait.”


I felt my skirt being pulled down my legs. 
When had he unfastened that?
  I jumped when I felt his fingers tracing the outline of my toes.  He then trailed his fingertips up the insides of my legs and just as I prepared to receive them at the place I longed to be touched, he lifted his hands briefly before sliding them up the outsides of my torso.  When they reached my shoulders, he gently lifted me up to slide my top down my arms. 


Clad only in my black lace underwear now, I watched as he sat back and drank in the sight of me.  Seeing him sat there with his head bowed, it felt almost as though he was worshipping my body.  I basked in his reverence although I longed to admire his naked body once again.


“Issy,” he said, quietly.  His voice was thick with desire.  “You do want this, don’t you?  I know that I was persistent earlier and I shouldn’t have forced you into this.  It was selfish of me.”


“I don’t mind, Lucas.  Nobody forces me to do anything that I don‘t want to do.”  I smiled at him in reassurance.


“Thank fuck for that,” he growled before closing in on my mouth once again.  His kisses were mind blowing; I lost all trace of rational thought.  I lost myself in them totally, responding to him when the kiss became even deeper.  It was as though nothing else mattered.  That was until I felt his hand on my breast, through the lace of my bra.  He traced the outline of my areola with his palm before circling with the faintest pressure.  My nipple stood to attention as I arched my back, pushing into his hand, seeking firmer pressure.  He denied me by switching his attention to my other breast and repeating the process.  I could feel my breasts growing plumper and heavier, longing to be released from the confines of my bra.


As if he could read my mind, Lucas expertly unclasped my bra.  One gentle tug and it was in his hand before sailing onto the floor. He broke out kiss and traced tiny kisses down my neck and onto my chest.  I held my breath in anticipation and couldn’t help letting a low moan escape from my lips when his warm mouth closed around my nipple. 


He began by gently tonguing the nipple before suckling and nibbling slightly, grazing the skin with his teeth.  It was exquisite but I was unused to being a passive partner so I reached for him, under his towel.  Immediately, I heard a low growl and he grabbed my wrist in his hand and pinned my arm to the bed, next to my head.  That nearly drove me wild … whether with frustration or with desire, I couldn’t say.  I just knew it was off the scale hot! His other hand traveled down my midriff and between my legs until he was cupping me in his palm.  Again, I froze in anticipation as he switched his mouth to my other breast. 


Slowly but surely, the pressure of his hand increased until the heel of his hand began to move in slow circles, ensuring that the area around my clitoris was massaged fully.  I pushed up my hips to further increase the pressure but immediately he nipped my nipple and his hand stilled.  I lay back and he continued as before.  God, he was infuriating with all his control freakery but it turned me on like nothing I’d experienced before. 


I could feel frustration building inside me.  I loved what he was doing to my body but I wanted more.  I wanted to touch him, to take him in my mouth or to have him inside me NOW!  I wanted-
Oooooh, now that’s better! 
His fingers had slid beneath my lace panties and he was rubbing my clit with the same small circles.  Then they parted my slick folds and slid lower.


“Ahhh.  How ready you are for me, Issy.”  His voice was so deep it was like a rumble emerging from his chest.  I realized that I was panting now, so desperate for penetration and for release.  I knew that if I moved a muscle, he would stop again.  This was a man that wanted to be in control.  I was pondering how I felt about this when one finger plunged into me and withdrew.  I gasped and then moaned when I felt the stretch and realized that he had added another finger.  I clamped down on his fingers before he could withdraw them, the sensation triggering a primal need that was so strong that I doubted if I could ignore it, even for one second.


Apparently, my action had triggered the same need in him because I heard him mutter “Fuck this!” before my panties were ripped from my body and, before I could protest, his head was between my legs.  Pleasure rippled through my belly and down between my legs. 


Both of his hands were on my breasts, massaging gently as he began to delight me
down there
with tiny licks and nibbles.  As he increased the pace and pressure on my breasts, he matched it with his mouth.  I was desperately trying to keep still, not used to being a passive partner.  Involuntarily, my hands reached down to tangle in his hair and immediately my wrists were grasped by one of his hands and held firmly on my stomach. 


His other hand moved down between my legs and he slid two fingers into me again as he continued the onslaught on my clitoris with his mouth.  Again, my muscles gripped his fingers and he responded by sucking firmly on my clit as he pumped his fingers in and out, mercilessly.  I raised my hips but had them pushed down firmly by the hand that was pinning my own to my stomach.


Very quickly, I felt pressure building as my body sought its ecstatic release.  Every muscle in my body was tightly strung; I was like a tightly coiled spring.  I could hear myself panting as I sought to remain still.  I felt a delicious stretch and realized that he must now be using three fingers.  He plunged them deeply and curled them to stroke that rough spot on the front wall of my vagina.  He suckled firmly on my clit and then, just as I felt release was upon me, he removed his mouth from me and stilled his fingers inside me.  I was completely on the edge and it was torture, all of my muscles were at full stretch, my heart was hammering and my held felt as though it would burst from the pressure built up inside. 


He raised his head slightly, looked me in the eye and whispered, “Let go, Issy.  Come for me.”  His breath tortured my swollen clit and I whimpered.  He blew across it and grinned wickedly and that was all it took to topple me over the edge.  Blood roared through my ears and my whole body convulsed as fierce waves of pleasure tore through me. 


Just as I began to recover my wits, he pulled back his fingers and then plunged them back in deeply as his tongue flicked my clit.  Immediately, another orgasm rolled through my body, more gentle than the last, but exquisite just the same.  Or it could even have been a continuation of the first. 


As my mind began to refocus and register how boneless my limbs felt, I noticed that Lucas hadn’t moved a muscle.  His face conveyed an expression of wonder - parted lips and wide eyes - until our eyes met.  Then a slow, self-satisfied smile spread across his handsome face before his head dipped and he placed a chaste kiss on my mound.


“Pleased with yourself, Mr Hunter?” I teased.


“I am very pleased with myself as it happens.”


“I can see that.  Would you care to share the reason?  Or can I guess?” 


“You could try but you mightn’t be right,” he said as he moved to lie next to me.


“Oh?” I asked, thinking that any man who had wrung pleasure out of a woman’s body, as he had just done, would be feeling pleased with himself.


“I’m pleased with myself for the restraint that I showed.  When I brought you in here, the urge to throw you on the bed and bury myself inside you was almost overwhelming.  I was worried that it would be over before it had begun.  I thought that taking a shower might help but you put paid to that!”


“I don’t follow.”  He always seemed very controlled and in control to me.


“Don’t act the innocent with me.  I know that you watched me in the shower!”


How on earth did he know that? 
“I wasn’t watching you.  I wondered where you’d gone after you abandoned me here.  Once I saw what you were doing, I left you to it.  Although I admit that I liked what I saw and that I could very easily have joined you.”


“Hmmm.  So it must be a coincidence that you left only when I’d turned the shower off.  I saw you scooting away when I turned around, Issy!  And why didn’t you join me?  Surely you don’t think that you wouldn’t have been welcome.”

BOOK: The Hunted
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