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Authors: J. D. Chase

The Hunted (14 page)

BOOK: The Hunted
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As I relaxed against his chest, lying sprawled across his lap, I realized that Lucas was still inside me and, unless I was dreaming, he was still semi-hard.  I closed my eyes, marveling at how I had been completely immobile yet I was completely out of breath. 


“Hey, sleepyhead.” 


“Hmmmmm,” was all that I could manage.


“Thank you, Issy.  That was incredible.  I’ve always wondered what it would be like to fuck to that track.  And now I know and it was so much better than I’d imagined.”


I grinned and opened one eye.  “I’m never going to be able to play that track in public.  Just the thought of it makes me want to come all over again.”


He laughed and I could feel the deep vibrations resonating against my back.  “I take it you enjoyed that then.”


“You could say that.  You were very bossy.”


“Really?  I thought that I’d been very gentle with you.  I deliberately didn’t want to overdo the dominance role on your first time.”


“So there’s more?”


He chuckled.  “Issy, there is so much more.”




“Yes, wow!”


I laughed and snuggled into his chest.  I felt so tired.


“How are your arms and shoulders feeling?  Are they stiff?”


I stretched and winced.  “They are a little.”


“I’ll go and run a bath; that’ll soothe them.  I’ll be right back.”


He lifted me up slightly and then lay me gently next to him on the rug.


Oh my god!  He is still hard!  I’ll bet he can go like a train, all night long.  How the hell he can do that after being celibate for so long is a mystery to me.


Chapter 7


I relaxed into the warm water, allowing it to caress my stiff muscles.  I could smell jasmine and orange blossom.  I think he’d overdone the scented bath oil - there was about six inches of bubbles!


“Do you want your wine?” Lucas asked, popping his head around the door.


“Oh, yes please.”


He returned, wearing a towel around his hips, and carrying our wine glasses.  He really was a gorgeous specimen of a male.  He perched on the side of the bath and handed me my glass.


I sipped the wine, thankful that it was dry and crisp. 


“Is there anything you want?” he asked.  “Candles?  Music?”


I smiled and put down my wine glass.  “There is one thing.  Put your glass down and kiss me.”


“This isn’t how this dominance thing works you know,” he muttered in mock annoyance as he placed his wine glass next to mine.


As he leaned over to kiss me, I reached up and pulled him down into the bath.  A tidal wave of water sloshed over the side as Lucas landed firmly on top of me - his legs hanging over the edge of the tub.


“Is that how it works?” I asked as innocently as I could manage.


“I think we may need to work on that,” he said before kissing me deeply.


He slid into the bath properly and threw his wet towel over the side.  Then he lay back at the other end of the tub.


“Turn around,” he said.  “Come and sit in front of me and I will massage your neck and shoulders.”


“I thought you were only going to be bossy in the bedroom,” I muttered as I did as he’d asked.


“I said no such thing.  I am going to dominate you when it came to all things sexual - that could be anywhere.  In the bedroom or in the boardroom … now there’s an idea!”


I just knew that he was grinning wickedly and I sighed in exasperation.


He began to massage my shoulders and it was so good.  He rubbed my upper arms and gently squeezed the tension out of my biceps.  I found myself relaxing against his chest as he stroked down the length of my arms.


“Better?” he asked, reaching over for our wine glasses and passing me mine.


“Much, thank you.”


We lay there in companionable silence for a few minutes, sipping our wine. 


“What are you thinking?” he asked eventually.


“Nothing much. I am just blissfully relaxed.  I can’t remember the last time I felt so chilled.  What about you?”


“I can relate to that.  I’ve had a whole day off work - I can’t remember ever doing that.  I’ve had sex with a beautiful woman who is just full of surprises.  And, right now, lying here with you, I feel content.  That’s not something that I am used to.”


“I still can’t believe that you have been celibate.  I would never have guessed.  And it didn’t show last week when … Oh!”




“I was just thinking about our first tim last week.  You restrained my hands then too - and you were bossy!  Threatening to make me beg for it.  Oh, the signs of your domineering and dominating side were there but I was too distracted to notice.”


He chuckled softly.  “Ah, but I also allowed you to have an element of control.  It nearly killed me but I allowed you to take the lead at times.”


“Yes, you did.  And I didn’t realize how much that must have bothered you.”


“Issy, you blew my mind.  I think it did me good to relinquish control for a little while.”


“Really?  I was thinking earlier that I quite liked someone else taking control for a change.  I’ve never had anyone to do things for me so I’ve had to do everything for myself for a long, long time.  I think that’s one of the reasons that I enjoy it.  It’s a relief to not have to think, or to make decisions for a little while.  That and the fact that it is so damn sexy.  But I meant what I said.  I need to be able to touch you too.  Even if you feel the need to order me to do it.”


“This just gets better and better.  So, if I ordered you to give me a blow job, you’d-”


“Yes, I suppose I would.”




“Yes, I would.  It would be my pleasure.”


He put down our wine glasses and turned me to face him.  “You are incredible, Issy.  Do you know that?”


“I do now,” I joked.


He pulled me to him and kissed me, slowly and deeply.  His hands ran up and down the length of my spine and down onto my buttocks.


I pulled back as the kiss ended.  “So?”


He pulled a face.  “So what?”


“Aren’t you going to order me to put you in my mouth?”


“Do you want me to?” he asked, tilting his head to one side slightly.


“Yes please!” I gushed.


“Well, okay then, if you insist.  I order you to place your luscious lips around my cock and suck me dry.  Okay?”


“Oh, yes sir!” I grinned in delight.


Our bodies were slick with water and bath oil so I half slid down his torso and took him into my hands. 


“There’s too much water and foam! I’ll drown!”


Lucas laughed and obligingly nudged the plug mechanism with his toe.  Immediately, the water level began to fall.  I poured water over his torso to wash away the foam. 


Hmmmm!  He really has an impressive cock!  It’s not just the glorious length and girth, it is, quite simply, beautiful lying there, against his belly, just waiting for me!


I closed my hands around the silky smooth skin, giggling when one slid off because of the bath oil.  I gently caressed him whilst the water level receded.  I licked my lips in anticipation and I heard Lucas exhale, his breath hissing between his teeth.  That was it; I couldn’t wait any longer, although the water had not yet reached the root.  I bent over and licked the tip of his cock gently.  Then I traced the ridge of the thick head with my tongue.  I heard Lucas’ breath catch and I was thrilled that I was affecting him so much.


I took the head into my mouth and sucked gently, my tongue flicking around the tip.  I felt Lucas gather my hair to one side and then I felt his hand rest on the back of my head.  I just knew that he would never try to force my head down as some men do.  He may be dominant but I knew that he was a considerate lover. My body had experienced the rewards to prove it.  Those memories sent delicious ripples through my body, making me desperate to please him.


I took him as far into my mouth and throat as I could, my face disappearing under the water, before withdrawing all the way to the tip.  I sneaked a glance at Lucas and was delighted to see that his head was thrown back and that his breathing was shallow. 
Not so dominant now, are you Lucas Hunter! 


I lapped at the head before plunging right down, relaxing my throat to take him deep. 


“Fuck!” he groaned.  “God, Issy that feels unbelievable!”


I withdrew again, this time grazing his length with my teeth. 
Man I love how he responds to me!  I have him at my mercy.


I sucked and lapped at the bulbous head as my hands pumped him.  Slowly at first and then increasing the speed and pressure.  I felt his fingers flexing against my scalp as his body tensed against my onslaught.  I continued, feeling him begin to lose control.


“Issy, I …. Oh god!” he moaned as I felt his legs tense either side of me.  I knew he was about to come.  I turned my head so that I could glance at him.  He was staring back at me, his heavy lidded eyes conveying his pleasure.  I smiled, my mouth still around his cock, before plunging down, taking him right down the back of my throat. 


I heard him moan loudly and incoherently before he cried out my name and, as I withdrew, I felt him come and swallowed the warm spurts that just kept coming.  I felt his legs relax and his hand slid off my head and onto my neck.  I licked him clean before placing a chaste kiss on the tip.  Then I sat back on my heels, feeling very pleased with myself.  I loved the feeling of this gorgeous, dominant alpha male coming undone completely, knowing that it was because of me.


“Come here,” he whispered.  “I can’t move a muscle I don’t think.”


I laughed and lay forward, placing my head on his chest. 


“Thank you, Issy.  That was … well, it was something else.  How do you do that?”


“My master ordered me to do it.  I was only obeying Master’s orders!” I said with a giggle.


He growled playfully. “Less of the ‘my master’ or I will have to refer to you as ‘slave’!”


I lifted my head and glared at him.  “Don’t you dare!”


He laughed.  “So we’re agreed then? None of that master and slave business?”


“Yes! I was only joking!”


“That’s okay then,” he said as he wrapped his arms around me.  “The little water that’s left is starting to get cold.  Come on, let’s get you out.”


“But I need to wash my hair!”


He gathered me into his arms and stood up, allowing the water to fall of us before stepping out of the tub and walking over to the shower enclosure.  He reached inside and turned on the shower.  He then stepped inside, under the warm jets of water, still carrying me in his arms.  I shrieked as the water cascaded over me and begged him to put me down.  He grinned and then bent his head to mine.  We kissed, gently at first but we both were keen to deepen the kiss and my hands found their way into his hair, pulling him even closer. 
My oh my, he is a fabulous kisser!


Lucas moaned into my mouth and abruptly broke off the kiss.  I raised my eyebrows questioningly and he muttered, “We are getting side tracked.  Let’s get your hair washed.”

BOOK: The Hunted
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