The Imprisoned Dragon and the Witch (12 page)

BOOK: The Imprisoned Dragon and the Witch
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Chapter 12


The next few hours and days were taken up with meetings, phone calls, organization and more. Ronan and Starr barely had time to spend with each other, as they worked hard to get things in place to take down Quintas Crane and
Na Cúnant Dorcha
. Matthew had finally managed to hack into their online site and the information contained was grim indeed.

Quintas’ reach was far and wide, with covens in Europe, Asia and far beyond. The sheer scale of the evil operation was like none other that Ronan, or anyone else, had ever dealt with and far too many to have one of their own Witches on-site to help the squads on the ground.

Ideally, SEB should attack every coven at the same time. But since Ronan felt it essential for each of his field squads to include a Witch, That would be impossible. There were simply far too many enemy covens.

After many discussions, it was agreed that they would go after Quintas and his property in the US first and then take out the rest. Ronan was overjoyed that Esther had managed to enlist the help of three more Witches capable of wielding dark magic. One was her sister, who lived in France but had recently arrived in Denver, as had the other two.

Josef had returned home to Vegas, with Peri and Gabe to organize his own men for the take down of the Quintas property near to them. Peri was angry as hell and Ronan wouldn’t like to be in the shoes of any Witches she came across; he had a feeling she would show no mercy.

Creed was taking overall control of the Elite squads and would be with him when they made a move on the large ranch that Quintas owned. Something that Starr was getting more and more antsier to do. Her quest for revenge growing each day.

Starr had spent quite a bit of time talking with Charmaine about Talon and it seemed to ease her pain somewhat. Ronan wasn’t stupid though, he knew his mate would need to properly grieve her loss. He wasn’t surprised when Sam started to bring Charmaine to work with him. She would sit in the corner of his office going through her spell book, and be writing furiously every time Ronan went in.

Esther had several meetings with the young Witch and Ronan was pleased that she seemed to be taking Charmaine under her wing. Bruising was still visible, though it was fading with each passing day. If he had any doubts in the beginning that Charmaine was his friend’s mate, they had long disappeared.

The way Sam looked at her was proof to anyone that witnessed it. However, it was obvious the girl was skittish, and after what she had gone through, that was no surprise. Ronan hoped it worked out for them as it had for him and Starr.

He sighed as he reached for his phone, having to call his “boss” continually with updates. More than once, he wanted to tell the President to just let him be to get on with what had to be done. Only remembering at the last minute to whom he was speaking. If he didn’t have to keep making these calls, he would gain a lot more time to put into getting things sorted.

This call went as all the others, his “boss” telling him how unhappy he was with the situation and Ronan telling him everything they were doing to resolve the issue. “Look, I know you’re unhappy. So am I. Trust me. I want to see the man who murdered my mate’s brother right in front of us taken down just as much as you do. We’re nearly there, almost ready. Another day or so and we’ll be set. The teams are set to go on the border and in the desert and my team is going tomorrow to our target. Then we take them down. All at the same time, so they can’t alert the others. Please, just let me do my job.”

Starr walked in and sat down as he finally hung up, exasperated with the waste of time spent on the calls. “He still annoying you?” she asked with a smirk on her face.

“Hell yeah!” Ronan sat back, rolling his chair away from the desk. “For an intelligent human being, he still can’t grasp that the time I spend telling him the same thing, day after day, is just a waste of my time.
! I can’t wait to get this started. Once we’ve taken out Quintas, I’ll hand over the reins to the Europe and Asia headquarters to deal with the rest.”

Starr stood up, walking around and sitting on his lap. Her violet eyes staring into his. “I think we both need a break, Fang. Want to go upstairs for a quick shower and nap?”

Her lips started to nibble on his mouth, placing little nips then running her tongue along them. His body shuddered at the touch, his response immediate. “A nap? I’m a Vampire, Puff, I don’t need naps.” He laughed as she pulled back, her eyes wide.

“Fang, when I come into your office in the middle of the day and offer you a nap, you have
to know I don’t mean an actual nap!”

Ronan grinned. “Oh, I see, what you really mean is you want to take me upstairs and abuse my body. Is that it?”

Starr wiggled her ass on his lap. “Yup, so, you coming?”

Ronan stood up quickly, placing her on her feet as he answered. “Not yet, baby, but I soon will be. Let’s go.”

They moved quickly through the offices, foregoing the elevator and taking the stairs. As soon as they entered their apartment, Ronan kicked the door closed, pulling Starr into his arms. “
Tá tú go h-álainn
, my mate. Beautiful.”

His mouth covered hers with a need he hadn’t been aware of. All the stress he had pent up released as his tongue entered her mouth, swirling around with hers. Her soft moan bringing him to a heightened state of arousal. “Bed, now,” Starr whimpered, but he had other ideas.

Ronan moved his hands between their bodies, undoing her jeans and his own, pushing hers as far down as he could before turning her around. “Palms on the door,” he gasped into her ear as he bent her over slightly.

Starr did as he said, even going so far as to wiggle that delectable ass as she did so. “Naughty, naughty,” he laughed as he moved forward, one arm around her waist to hold her in place as his feet pushed her legs further apart.

His hearing clearly picking up the increased heart rate and breathing as he entered her, slowly, completely. Ronan gasped as her sheath surrounded him, the feeling exquisite each and every time it happened. Moving his free hand to run his fingertips gently down the center of her back, tracing her spine, Starr’s body quivering at his touch and he laughed again, knowing how ticklish she was.

Ronan took his time, pulling out and entering very, very slowly. Starr’s body trying to make him move faster, harder. He held her in place and moved at his own pace until he could hold back no longer. He tilted Starr’s hips so that he touched that special place inside her, the moans and gasps telling him he was hitting his mark.

“Ronan!” she all but screamed as her body shook, shuddering as her orgasm hit, her palms fisted against the door.

He leaned over, letting his fangs descend then biting down into that soft, sweet, spot where the vein throbbed just below the surface. Her blood entering his mouth and flowing down his throat. The bite taking her higher and higher until she screamed with abandon as his own release came, spilling his seed deep within her.

Starr’s legs shook and only his arm around her held her upright as he chuckled. “You okay there?” he asked and she answered with a nod, no words.

“You sure? You’re awfully quiet there, Puff.” He asked again, stifling his laughter.

“Fine, I’m fine. Now, big boy, carry me to the shower.”

Ronan picked her up, shuffling along the hall to their bedroom, his jeans around his ankles. “Not very dignified,” he commented as her head lay against his chest.

“Don’t care,” she mumbled as they made it to the bathroom.

Ronan placed her naked ass on the marble sink before ridding himself of his boots and clothes. Starr watching keenly as he did so. “Hey, stop perving over my naked body, wench!”

Starr giggled, the sound like music to his ears as it was the first time since the cavern he had heard it. “Don’t flatter yourself, Fang. I’m just making sure you’re fighting fit for the mission. I have to say, you look mighty fit to me but, hey, I think I’m biased!”

Ronan grinned widely. “You’re not looking so bad yourself there, Puff. Now, let’s get you undressed properly and we’ll have that shower.”




Sam sat in his kitchen, somewhere he rarely went, but with Charmaine staying at his apartment, he found himself in it far more often than normal. He watched as she finished the soup that she was having for a late lunch. He had gotten caught up in organizing the operation they were going on and she waited patiently for him in his office. Twice he had said for her to go on, either to the work canteen or back home, but she refused with a small smile on her face.

“I’ll be okay, I’ll wait for you,” she said more than once.

Now, as he watched her, his stomach started that feeling again and he had to admit that he now thought Starr was right. His feelings for this Witch were so deeply ingrained in him that he feared for his sanity at times. Although he had done nothing more than hold her hand as they walked, his body craved her like a junkie craved their next fix.

The fear that had been present in her eyes when they found her was slowly leaving. She even joked with him at times, especially about the mess he left in the apartment. Charmaine was always tidying up after him and telling him he was such a slob. Although he told her time and again she didn’t need to tidy up, she would turn with a smile. “I’m used to it,” she would say and carry on.

One of the reasons he wanted her to stop was simple. Every time Charmaine bent down to pick something up, he wanted nothing more than to grab her and thrust deep inside her. Several times he had left abruptly, shouting that he would be back soon.

Maybe it’s not a good idea her staying here,”
  he thought as she washed up her dishes.

As her hands were deep in warm, soapy water, she spoke, her voice low and uncertain. “Sam, I’ve been wanting to talk to you, but I’m kinda embarrassed and scared.”

Sam watched her back, ramrod straight as she washed the same plate over and over. “Okay, well, you never have to be scared of me, or when you’re with me. I’ll keep you safe, Charmaine, always.”

He saw her nod, as if to herself, before she went on. “That’s what I sense and know. Can I tell you something and you won’t get angry?”

Sam frowned, he didn’t think Charmaine would ever make him angry. “Of course you can, don’t ever be afraid to tell me anything.”

“I did a spell,” she stopped, her hands in mid-air.

“And? I know you’ve been practicing your magic, honey, what’s to be angry ‘bout that?”

Charmaine turned slightly, facing him. “It was about you, or rather, us.”

Sam watched as her face turned scarlet, her eyes lowering. He went over to her, a finger under her chin to raise it. “And? What about us and why would I be angry?”

Charmaine looked up into his eyes and his stomach clenched tightly as he restrained himself from kissing her. Her voice a whisper as she spoke, “I felt something when you found me, though it took a couple of days to register. I was so scared then relieved and well, I didn’t know what it was or what was happening. I spoke to Esther ‘bout it and she said that she knew but wouldn’t tell me. I had to find out on my own. So, I did a spell, and it kinda told me how you were feeling, towards me that is.”

Sam stiffened, hoping his thoughts and feelings hadn’t terrified her. “I see. What did this spell tell you?”

A blush passed over her face, as she looked away. “It told me me. Also, that we are meant to be together. But, Sam, I’m scared. Really scared.”

Sam’s ebony face lowered, looking into her pale one. “Please don’t be scared. I won’t hurt you, babe, and I’ll wait. For as long as it takes for you to feel okay I’ll wait.”

Charmaine giggled. “Really? ‘Cause the thoughts you’ve been having are pretty full on, Sam.”

He smiled, a lopsided grin, “Heck, I’ll wait forever for you. Even if I do have to go for runs to cool off my...thoughts!”

Charmaine raised a hand, still wet from washing up, her finger trailing down the side of his face. “I care for you too, but, I’ve know, I’ve never done that with someone before, not willingly I mean.”

Sam scowled, the thought of what she had been through raising his anger. He tamped it down, desperate not to make her fearful. “Never?”

“No, never.”

His heart rate skyrocketed at the thought and his longing for her grew even more. “Well, I’ll just need to make it very special for you...when the time’s right. There’s no rush, Charmaine, I’ll wait and we’ll do this properly when you feel you’re ready. Only, can I ask you one thing?”

She nodded. “Can I kiss you?” he watched as she bit her bottom lip before nodding again.

He held her face between the palms of his hands as he brought his lips down, tasting her for the first time in a chaste kiss. Sam kept it short, forcing himself to pull away before lust took over. Something he had never done in his life!

Charmaine’s glassy eyed look, together with the small smile as her fingertips traced her lips, told him he had done the right thing. He needed her to know how very good it could be without overloading her senses so soon after being rescued. “How was that?” he asked, smiling, noting her pupils dilating slightly.

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