The Imprisoned Dragon and the Witch (10 page)

BOOK: The Imprisoned Dragon and the Witch
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Charmaine asked. “The Boss?”

Sam chuckled. “Yeah, Ronan’s boss, well, he’s usually better known as Mr. President.”


Chapter 10


Over the rest of the flight Charmaine filled them in on everything she could remember. Her notebook was full of valuable information; names, plans, locations, dates…anything she’d had the chance to record. However, there were some obvious gaps. If pressed, her face would flush red and she would say she was being “punished” and it had usually taken her a couple of days to recover and by then she had forgotten some details.

Although it was only the four of them, plus Esther, involved in the conversation, Ronan knew that everyone on the plane would hear every word. His ears picked up Serge and Kyra talking.

Serge almost growled as he spoke. “I smelled fresh blood a few days ago. It musta been hers. They sure beat her bad. Bastards!”

Kyra’s voice softer as she replied. “I thought I heard a female’s screams last week but then I thought it was just the wind playing tricks. I wish we’d found her sooner.”

Ronan scrutinized Charmaine, bruising showing almost everywhere he could see. Although her face was dirty he saw bruising there also, in varying stages of healing. The woman had been beaten hard and systematically over a long period of time. The Witch, Quintas, had an awful lot to pay for when they finally met up.

As the tires touched down, Charmaine tensed. “What’ll happen to me? I can’t go home, my father is one of Quintas’ men!”

Sam’s arm was where it had been for a long time, around her shoulders. “You’ll come home with us, my place has a spare room so you can stay there. Don’t worry, we’ll keep you safe.”

Ronan’s eyebrow quirked up at his friend, who studiously ignored him. Starr dug him in the ribs again so he let it go. For now.

“I think we need to take you to our clinic first and get you checked out,” Starr said quietly and Sam nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, you need looked over by the doc. Don’t worry, the clinic is in our headquarters so you’ll be perfectly safe and I won’t leave you alone. I’ll stay with you, make sure you are absolutely safe.” Sam gave Charmaine a small squeeze and Ronan saw her relax a little.

Ronan frowned. “I’ll need you later, Sam. We need to get this threat analyzed and decide our course of action. I need my Second in Command for that.”

Sam bristled. “I’ll come by later. Once I’ve got Charmaine settled at my place. It’s right next door to the offices and I’ll put a couple of guards on the building. Just in case.

Starr again dug him in the ribs, his eyes meeting hers. “Will you
that?” he stage whispered to her wide eyed innocent look.

Turning back to Sam he acquiesced. “Okay, Sam, come by once you’re done at the clinic. I’ll be in the conference room.”

As the plane came to a stop Ronan got up, Starr following as they waited on Justin opening the door. “How are you, Puff?”

Starr’s eyes turned upwards to look into his, their unique violet color much darker than normal. That happened only on two occasions; when she was aroused or when she was very, very angry. He guessed it was the latter.

Starr’s voice was clipped as she answered, “I’m as well as can be expected. Angry, upset, jeez a host of emotions are running through me, Ronan, but one thing is very clear. I have to find Quintas and make him pay.”

“Agreed, Puff, agreed.” Ronan knew this was going to be a difficult and dangerous mission but it had to be done. The alternative was unthinkable.

Justin appeared, opening the door and letting down the stairs. “Thank you, Justin. We have some important missions that’ll be coming up and we’ll need you, so stay available. I’ll give you more information as soon as I have it.”

Ronan walked down the stairs and straight over to one of the waiting SUV’s. He waited until everyone had gotten into vehicles then their convoy drove back to their offices. Parking in the underground garage, he got out and waited. Once everyone was there, except Sam who had gone on ahead to take Charmaine to the clinic, he held up his hands to get everyone’s attention.

Ronan’s tone was firm as he addressed them. “I know you all heard the conversation on the plane. So you all know what’s at stake. We’re going to need each and every one of you, and more, to carry this out. We cannot, I repeat,
allow Quintas Crane and
Na Cúnant Dorcha
to execute their plan. So, folks, I expect all leaders of units to be in the conference room in one hour, go and let everyone know. Serge, Drake, I want you two there as well. Go get cleaned up, eat something, then join us.”

Josef’s voice sounded loud as he spoke up. “I think you may need our help. As one of these places is near our home, I think we should assist you in destroying it. We will, of course, do as you wish and if you don’t require our assistance, then we’ll get out of your hair.”

Ronan had actually forgotten his Sire, Gabe and Peri were there. So focused was he on Starr and Quintas. It certainly made sense to use whatever resources he could get his hands on. Especially as Peri was one kick-ass Witch. “I’d like it if you would join our meeting and then we can take things from there. Is that okay with you?”

Josef inclined his head slightly. “Of course,” was all he said as they started moving away.

Josef, Peri and Gabe joined him and Starr in the elevator. Peri kept chuckling at Gabe as he tried to cover his nakedness with Josef’s coat. “You should take a spare set or something next time. You look so funny like that.”

Gabe gave her a lopsided grin. “Hey, I’m happy walking around naked. It’s you that doesn’t like me flaunting myself.”

Peri punched his arm. “You’re mine, that’s why! Tell ya what. How would you like it if I stripped off and paraded about stark naked? Hmm? How would you like that?”

The resulting growl from the large Wolf told them all exactly what he thought of
! His tone gruff as he exclaimed, “Hell no! Not happening, Peri, so don’t even go there!”

Josef looked between them. “Will you two behave? Peri stop goading the beast and Gabe, she’s right. You should prepare when going on any kind of mission to save you wandering around in your birthday suit. Now, what time is it? Will the baby be awake or napping?”

Peri groaned. “It’s feeding time.”

Ronan was just about to ask how she could possibly know that when he saw her jiggle about uncomfortably. He snapped his mouth shut as Starr did it again...she dug him in the ribs!

As the elevator pinged their arrival Gabe was out first with Peri right at his back and Josef at her side. Ronan and Starr hung back, letting them go on ahead. With a quick look at his mate’s face he held her in place, shouting to the others. “We’ll be there in a bit, got something we need to do first.”

Josef’s hand raised in acknowledgment and Starr looked up at him questioningly. “Roof, Puff. We’ll go to the roof, we need to talk.”

Starr nodded as Ronan led her to the stairway, taking her up and onto the large roof. Shortly after they had mated, he had a set of wrought iron garden furniture set up so they could sit and relax in the evenings. Both of them loving the sights of the city at night. He led her to this and sat down, pulling her onto his lap.

As he cradled her close he felt her quiver, knowing she was fighting back tears once more. “I’m sorry,
, that we didn’t save Talon and it’s gonna take some time for you to grieve him properly. But, I need to ask...did he do the mating ritual?”

Starr’s eyes were full of unshod tears as she peeked up at him. “Yes, that’s what he did, but I’m not even sure if it’ll work. You’re a Vampire and I’ve never heard of a mating between a Dragon and a Vampire.”

Ronan mulled this over for a minute or so, his hand rubbing her back gently. “So, we’re truly mated, Dragon style, but I don’t think the kids thing will work. Vampires don’t sire children, Starr. I’m sorry.”

Starr nodded her head against his chest. “I know. I never expected to have any, so it’s not a loss to me but it’s a great comfort that we are truly mated as I should be. That’s what I’m taking away with me today. Not the loss of my brother, but the gift he gave me.”

They sat for a few more minutes in silence as Ronan attempted to comfort his mate. With everything they found out, it would be some time before she could take the time to truly grieve the loss of her brother. As his thoughts turned to Quintas Crane, his body stiffened. “We’ll make him pay, Puff. Trust me on that.”

Starr’s violet eyes, dark with tears, met his. “I know, Fang, I know.”

They sat for a few minutes, both lost in their own thoughts. Finally Ronan stood up, placing Starr on her feet. “We better go get cleaned up and get to the conference room. There’s a hell of a lot to go over.”

Starr agreed. “I know. I think we should use some of the computer guys to find everything they can on this Crane guy. Bank accounts, property, drivers’ licenses, vehicles in his name, anything at all can only help us.”

As they made their way back to their apartment Ronan was amazed that Starr’s brain was even functioning in that way, instead of lost in thoughts of her brother.

Walking towards their apartment, both were surprised to see Gabe lugging a load of baby stuff out to the elevator. He gave them a grin as he hit the button to call the elevator. “Josef is moving us to a hotel for a day or two ‘til he knows what’s going on with this Quintas fucker. I’ll take the girls, the baby, and all the stuff and he’ll stay for your meeting.”

Ronan didn’t bother answering, just nodded and carried on into their apartment. Josef was pacing back and forth, on his mobile phone, his tone sharp as he barked into it, “I said two adjoining suites, not one! Available immediately. Yes, that’s correct, they will arrive shortly, ensure all is as it should be.”

Starr walked away, towards their room as Josef disconnected the call. “Some hotels require more intelligent staff!”

Ronan chuckled as he moved to follow Starr. “We’re gonna get cleaned up before the meeting, won’t be long.”

He passed Tania in the hallway, lugging another load of baby supplies. “Hi,” she said as they passed by.

“Hi and bye,” he grinned as she carried on.

The door to the spare room was closed but he could hear Peri cooing to her son. Obviously feeding him, if the gurgling and sucking noises his Vampire hearing picked up was anything to go by.

Closing their bedroom door behind him, he started to pull of his dirty combat gear, placing it in the hamper after removing his boots. He could hear Starr in the bathroom, taps running so he went straight to the walk-in closet, pulling out jeans and a t-shirt. Getting dressed quickly he was halfway across the room when Starr came out, all the grime and dust washed from her.

She had obviously undressed before going in as she walked towards him in only a bra and panties. His eyes squinted as he cocked his head to the side, taking in her gorgeous curves. Her eyes were sad as she moved into his arms.

“I’m sorry, Puff,” he said again, knowing she was devastated at the loss of her brother.

“You’ve nothing to be sorry for. I’m just raw right now. I’ll get better, with time. Now, let me get dressed and you go wash up a bit, your face is all dirty.”

Ronan released her reluctantly, wanting nothing more than to take her pain away any way he could, but knowing they had to get started on finding and eliminating
Na Cúnant Dorcha
. He went quickly to the bathroom, having an even quicker wash before joining Starr back in their room. She sat on the end of their bed, now fully clothed, a faraway look in her eyes.

Ronan sat next to her, taking one of her hands in his. “We’ll do this, baby, please don’t doubt that.”

Starr leaned into him, placing her head on his shoulder. “I know we will, but I’m scared.”

“Why?” he asked her gently.

Her head moved, those violet eyes meeting his. “I’m scared how much I want him to suffer. I’ve never felt this level of hatred before, Ronan, and I’m scared it’ll change me somehow.”

He leaned down, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “I won’t let it. Whatever it takes, Puff.”

Starr sighed. “I keep going over it in my head and I’m angry at myself. Why the hell didn’t I change and burn his sorry ass? Why?”

Ronan held her tightly as his mind went off in so many different tangents. “I’m glad you didn’t. He woulda hurt you or even killed you, baby, and it all happened so fast anyway. Your mind didn’t have time to think properly, not with finding Talon the way we did.”

His mate frowned, her face a mixture between sadness and anger. “I’m going to second guess that decision for a very long time, Fang. If I hadn’t let my emotions take hold, then I could’ve helped.”

Starr’s eyes held a distant look as he tried to think of the right words to help her. He wasn’t good at this type of stuff, or that’s what he thought. “I kinda like your emotions. Well, some of them anyway. Those ones that you get, around a certain time, that turn you into a she-devil, well, perhaps I don’t like those so much.”

Her lips twitched, a very small smile on them as she replied. “Thank you,
Mo shíorghrá

At her Gaelic endearment, meaning my eternal love, his heart swelled. “You’re fairly getting to grips with the Gaelic,” he chuckled, thinking back to her first, awful, attempts.

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