The Increment (21 page)

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Authors: Chris Ryan

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Thrillers, #Suspense

BOOK: The Increment
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'Shut it,' he shouted. 'For Christ's sake, shut it.'
In his mirror, he could see the Vauxhall twenty yards behind him. The road was straight at this point, only starting to curve ten yards ahead. A series of five smaller streets cut across it.
The man was at the wheel, Matt saw. And the woman was lining up her gun.
Pointing right at me.
In the regiment, Matt had been given basic training in escape driving. Both police and former rally drivers would come to Hereford to instruct recruits on tactics for making a getaway. The knowledge was still there somewhere, Matt decided.
If only I can use it.
He swerved to the left, turning the Porsche into a side street. The Vauxhall was following hard behind. He checked the mirror. The woman. The gun.
Still there.
A shot rang out, then another, the bullets blasting through the air. Matt instinctively ducked, shielding himself from impact.
'What was that?' said Eleanor, breathless.
'The car behind,' said Matt. 'They're shooting at us.'
Eleanor started to turn around.
'Don't look around,' said Matt. 'That just makes it easier for them. Get down.'
Matt could hear the sound of another bullet impacting against the car. Then another one. He saw that the driver's side mirror was smashed, and the Porsche had taken a hit somewhere else. He started jamming the car from side to side, accelerating down the narrow street. At his side, Eleanor was screaming.
'Stop, stop, you're going to kill us,' she yelled, tears running down her face.
Matt yanked hard on the handbrake, swivelling left as he did so: that sent the awesome power of the Porsche all into the rear of the vehicle, spinning it hard into the ninety-degree turn. This turn was needed to take him into a very tight corner at high speed. Matt could hear the gears crunching, and the sound of metal tearing against metal. The car spun viciously, its force pinning him back in the seat as if a huge weight had just been thrown against his chest. For a brief moment, he could feel it spinning out of control, then, pushing his body forward, he gripped the wheel, hurtling it sideways and releasing the handbrake. The engine started to rev, and the Porsche accelerated down the left-hand street towards Brixton Road.
One thought was racing through his mind.
Get out on to the open road where the power of the Porsche can outrun these people.
The car bumped along the edge of the pavement, swerving and narrowly missing a parked van. Matt checked the mirror. The Vauxhall had been confused by the sudden turn, and the engine had stalled as the driver struggled to spin it round, but it was moving again now, accelerating down the road, the woman leaning out, the gun in her hand.
Matt jammed his foot harder on the accelerator, a surge of power from the engine riding through the car.
Another shot. Matt could hear a bullet impacting against the glass, and through the mirror he could see a crack in the back window. He looked ahead. They were approaching the main road, and he could see a queue of afternoon traffic snaking along the thoroughfare.
'Hold on tight,' he shouted to Eleanor.
The car swerved around the corner, then up on to the edge of the pavement, taking it on to the high street. At this point it was wide enough to take a whole car, but the Porsche only narrowly missed the shop windows. Matt crashed his fist on to the horn. A sheet of white noise was rising up from the car, sending shocked pedestrians scattering in all directions.
'You're going to kill someone,' shouted Eleanor.
Never underestimate how quickly people can react when they are facing extreme danger, Matt reminded himself. That had been a lesson he'd learnt in the regiment, and he'd never forgotten it. When they see an out-of-control Porsche driving down the street, people can move faster than they would have believed possible.
A woman jumped out of the way, and a man was screaming as the car slid across the pavement. Matt steadied the wheel, and steered past two shops. He could hear others screaming at him. Horns were blaring, and one man banged furiously on the roof of the car. Ahead, he could see a red light; in front of it a few precious yards of open space had opened up. Matt accelerated and the car leapt into the space. Matt leant back in his seat. As he raced through the red light, the road was suddenly clear. He pushed the car up to seventy, disappearing into south London.
'You OK?' he said, looking towards Eleanor.
He could see the pale terror written into the skin of her face. She tried to speak, but the words wouldn't come.
Matt looked behind. The Vauxhall was nowhere to be seen. They were safe.
For the next few minutes anyway.
Eleanor took a sip on the Coke Matt had just bought her, but turned down the chips. They had driven south for ten miles, making sure nobody was on their trail. Then Matt turned round, heading back into town, pulling the car up at the drive-in McDonald's at the roundabout on the south side of Wandsworth Bridge.
Never try to fight or think on an empty stomach.
You won't do either right.
'We go and see Abbott,' said Matt. 'We have to get Lacrierre's goons called off. Next time they might actually kill us.'
'Why can't we go to the police?' said Eleanor, her tone nervous and edgy. 'Those people just tried to kill us.'
'Trust me,' said Matt.
'Don't be ridiculous,' said Eleanor, getting angrier. 'Since when did the police stop protecting people who are getting shot at?'
'No,' he said. 'This involves the MOD, remember. Only the Firm can help us now.'
The house was larger than Matt had expected. An elegant Victorian villa, double-fronted, with its own garden both front and back, it was on the corner of Carlton Hill, just a short walk from Regent's Park. A new Land Rover was sitting on the driveway, and next to it a bright red Mini Cooper.
I might not be keeping up with London property prices.
But this place wouldn't leave much change out of two million.
'I'm busy, old fruit,' said Abbott, opening the door only a fraction. 'We'll have to talk another time.'
Matt stepped forward. 'We'll talk now.'
The door was carved from a solid chunk of wood, with at least three sets of bolts running through it. But it swung easily enough when you put pressure on it. Matt pushed with his fist and stepped quickly into the hallway. Eleanor was following close behind.
Abbott can get those assassins called off.
'Like I said, this isn't the right moment, old fruit,' said Abbott, backing away into the hallway. 'Why don't you call my secretary, make an appointment.'
'I've been shot at once today already,' said Matt. 'I need this cleared up and I need it cleared up now.'
Abbott started walking towards the drawing room. It was painted pale yellow, with a pair of hunting prints dominating one wall and huge gilt-framed mirror over the marble fireplace. From the bachelor furnishings, Matt judged that Abbott lived alone.
'Do you want a glass of sherry?' he said, walking towards a silver drinks tray with a set of three decanters on it.
'I want the truth.'
Abbott smiled. 'Nice play on words, old fruit.' He looked across at Eleanor. 'And how about the young lady? I don't believe we've met.'
Eleanor looked up towards him. 'I'm fine, thanks.'
'Who is she, Matt? Your new squeeze?' He paused. 'You certainly seem to get through them.'
'She's the sister of a friend of mine. Guy called Ken Blackman. Do you want to know what happened to him?'
Abbott started pouring himself a drink. 'Not really. Don't go much on family histories, not really my bag. But I've a nasty feeling you're going to tell me.'
'He was a soldier,' said Matt. 'XP22 was tested on him. Down at a place called the Farm in Wiltshire. A couple of weeks ago, he went crazy, killed some people, then killed himself. Same thing has happened to a whole group of soldiers across the country. We reckon XP22 was tested on all of them.'
Abbott took a sip of his drink. 'I do hope you're not going to bore me on the subject of that drug again. What do you think any of this has to do with me?'
'Very simple,' said Eleanor. 'XP22 was developed in the Soviet Union. Lacrierre bought up that technology from a gangster called Serik Leshko. He sold it to the Ministry of Defence, along with God knows what other lethal concoctions. They tested it on some soldiers. Some of those men have since suffered severe side effects. Next, to cover up what had happened, you sent Matt out to destroy Leshko's operation, and kill him.'
Abbott looked at her and smiled. 'So you're the brains of this little outfit. Sure you don't want that drink?'
Eleanor shook her head. 'I told you, I'm fine.'
'You should, you know. You're going to need it.' Abbott walked across the room, pulled aside the curtain, glancing out on to the dark and empty street. 'What do you think I'm going to do now?'
'Have Lacrierre arrested,' snapped Eleanor. 'The man's responsible for dozens of deaths.'
Abbott nodded, as if he were turning the idea over in his head. He lit up a cigarette, the smoke curling away from his face. 'Interesting idea,' he said slowly. 'But I was thinking more along the lines of having you arrested.'
The look of shock took a moment to register on Eleanor's face. Matt could see her brain working furiously.
'And why not?' continued Abbott. 'You seem to have figured out most of the story. It's just the ending you haven't guessed. True, XP22 was acquired from the old Soviet Union. True, it was tested on British servicemen. Very effective it was too. But unfortunately, as you have discovered, the drug has side effects. A few of the fifty men who have taken it – not all, about a third so far – have turned into psychopathic monsters. Many of those on whom it was tested have had to be eliminated.' He paused, taking a long, deep drag on his Dunhill. 'For the good of the wider community, you understand.'
'Ordinary squaddies are always expendable,' said Matt bitterly.
'Quite so,' said Abbott. 'Put with your characteristic verve and wit, Matt. You see, Tocah couldn't be allowed to take responsibility for the experiments with XP22. It's a big important company, and it does a lot of covert biological weapons work for the MOD. Then, of course, the Firm wasn't about to take responsibility either. That's not our bag. So, we needed someone to clear up the mess for us.' He looked towards Matt. 'We chose you.'
'It was a set-up all along,' snapped Matt.
'More an unfortunate misunderstanding,' said Abbott. 'We got you to take out the factory, then to kill Leshko, so we could cover up what had happened in the past. If you'd just done that, you could have gone home and everyone would have been happy.'
He tossed the butt of his cigarette into an ashtray. 'Your mistake, Matt, is that you seem to have stumbled across too much information. You know too much. That's why you've been shot at today.'
'The Increment,' Matt muttered darkly.
'Old friends of yours, I think,' said Abbott. 'Always good to meet up with old pals, have a jolly good get-together.' He chuckled to himself, a small mirthless giggle that rattled up from his throat.
Matt moved across the room. He was standing next to Abbott, leaning into his face. 'You miserable bastard,' he shouted. 'I should never have trusted you, never. I should never have trusted the Firm.'
'Probably not,' replied Abbott. 'Still, thanks for all your help. I would shake your hands to wish you goodnight, but I don't like touching dead people.'
The punch landed hard against the side of Abbott's face, sending him sprawling on to the floor. 'I'll kill you first,' snarled Matt.
'No,' shouted Eleanor. 'Leave him. We'll get the evidence and destroy him that way.'
Matt's fist was poised in front of Abbott's face. His shoulders were drawn back, ready to punch. Abbott looked back at him and smiled. 'I've pressed an alarm button,' he said. 'Why don't you take a seat and wait for your old pals to come and deal with you?' He pulled himself up, retrieving the end of the cigarette, taking a quick nervous drag. Then he got up quickly and walked back towards the window, looking out anxiously on to the street. 'You're good, Browning, I'll grant you that.' He turned again to look at Matt, rubbing the red stain where the blow had landed. 'But you're up against the Increment. It's the most lethal, ruthless killing machine on earth. You haven't got a chance.'
Matt moved forward. His face was red with anger, and his muscles were tense, prepared for violence. 'No,' shouted Eleanor, dragging him backwards. 'He's already called for help.'
Matt started to advance towards Abbott again but he knew Eleanor was right. The Increment would be here in a few moments.
If we're to save ourselves, we have to flee.
The room was damp and cold. The carpet had been rolled up, and the floorboards were grey and dusty. There was one chair in the corner, and some old net curtains hanging across the windows.
'It's not much,' said Ivan, putting down his kitbag, starting to whistle under his breath. 'But it can be home for a few days. And at least it's safe.'
Matt smelt the air. It could have been years since the place was cleaned. From the kitchen, he could detect some ancient, decayed food, and from the state of the floorboards it looked as if mice had been chewing their way through the place. From what he knew of the safe houses run by the IRA through London, there might well be a couple of corpses rotting out the back.
Nothing would surprise me right now.
'It's fine,' said Eleanor, looking across at Ivan and smiling. 'We'll be OK, thanks.'
'Like I said, it's not much.'
As they'd fled Abbott's house, Matt had called Ivan. From his time in the IRA, Ivan knew of some of the safe houses, and quite a few of them were empty now, abandoned and collecting dust. He'd taken them to this one, a nondescript Victorian terrace in Cambridge Grove, just off Hammersmith Broadway.
If you were fighting the Increment, decided Matt, Ivan was the man to turn to.
He'd waged war on the British Army for half his life.
Matt was aware that Ivan was putting himself on the line. But, he reflected, if the Increment is coming after me, they'll be after him next.
We're all at risk.
From his bag, Ivan pulled a few essentials: a kettle, a jar of instant coffee, some sandwiches, packets of crisps, chocolate. He handed a bottle of shampoo to Eleanor. 'Keep you hair clean,' he said, with a smile. 'When you're on the run, hiding out, it helps to wash. Makes you feel human, even when nothing else is pointing in that direction. Trust me, I've been there.'
She took the bottle, putting it to one side. 'Thanks,' she replied.
'What are you going to do now?' said Ivan, looking towards Matt.
Matt walked over to the window. The sun had already set and the sky was clear of clouds. The stars were looking as bright as they ever did through London's haze and smog. 'We fight back,' he answered. He turned to look at Ivan. 'Oh, I know what you're going to say. Maybe we should turn and run? Get ourselves some new identities and get the hell out of the country? Put it all behind us, and start again somewhere else?' He paused. 'If I could, I would. But I don't know how.'
'It's the Increment that's coming after you, Matt,' said Ivan. 'You know what they're like. Even back across the water, we were scared of them.'
'I know, I know,' said Matt. 'But those bastards tested that drug on a bunch of good men. While we still have a chance we have to keep trying.'
Ivan sighed. 'Okay, I'll help you anyway I can. But you can't say you weren't warned.'
'I understand.'
'New identities,' said Ivan. 'You'll need those for a start. Remember, the Increment has the whole government machine working for it. Use your credit card, your phone, drive your car, check into a hotel under your own name, they'll be on to you in a flash.'
'You know anyone who can help us?'
Ivan nodded. 'I know some guys,' he said. 'They used to work for my lot, doing forged passports, new credit cards, identity theft. They went freelance after the Troubles ended. I'll organise it for you.
You'll be OK for a couple of days, then, so long as you're lucky.' Ivan paused. 'The issue is what do you do next?'
'We go to the papers,' said Eleanor. 'We expose what's happened.'
Ivan shook his head. 'Not yet,' he replied. 'You haven't got enough.'
'Then we'll get it,' said Matt.
'We'll get a sample from one of the dead men,' said Eleanor. 'If we can get it analysed, then we'll have proof that XP22 was tested on British soldiers.'
Ivan nodded.
'There are only four things the Increment does,' said Matram, looking around the room. 'Killing, killing, killing and killing.' He paused, taking a sip of water. 'And there's just one thing it doesn't do. Failure.' Eight people were sitting in a semicircle around him, the entire Increment gathered in one place.
This was an emergency.
Matram put two photographs down on the desk. They were meeting at the Travelodge just next to Wandsworth Bridge in south London; if you looked out of the window, you could see a B&Q and a McDonald's. It was too sensitive for them to meet at the Firm, and although there were several barracks around London they could have used, he preferred to keep well away from the mainstream army.
We're operating off the books. The less anyone knows about what we're doing right now the better.
Matram held up the first picture between his fingers. 'This man is Matt Browning.' He picked up the second picture. 'And this woman is Eleanor Blackman.'
He paused. 'I want them both dead,' he said, spitting the words out of his mouth like little chunks of gravel. 'Immediately.'
He looked closely into the faces of his unit as he delivered Browning's name. The entire membership of the Increment was turned over every few years, so of the current unit only Harton had served alongside Browning. He, Matram knew, would say nothing to the others. Still, it was possible they might have heard of him, but judging by their expressions none of them had. They showed not even a flicker of recognition. The name meant nothing.
He was history.
And in a few more days they would have buried him.
Browning, thought Matram. Most jobs were just work, but the great God of soldiering has smiled on me this time. I always wanted to get even with that coward.
This one will be a pleasure.

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