The Initiation of Ms Holly (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels) (14 page)

BOOK: The Initiation of Ms Holly (Xcite Erotic Romance Novels)
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The leather cuffs of the sleeves remained to soften the rubbing of the chains that bound her wrists. The high leather neck, now fastened by metal buckles, formed a collar not unlike the blue pet collar she had worn for Leo, but thicker and much more sinister with its heavy metal rivets. It was attached to a strip of leather running down her spine and ending in a buckle just above her coccyx. It was all that was left of the cat suit.

Attached to the front of the collar by a spring clip was another chain, which Morgan had also taken from the panniers. It clipped into the chains that crossed between her breasts, then ran down over her belly where it ended in a buckle that lay loosely just above her pussy.

At last, Morgan stepped back and inspected his work. ‘Almost finished sweetness. Just have to add the finishing touches.’ Once again he dug in the panniers and pulled out a leather strap about as wide as the crotch of her knickers. It contained two holes.

She squirmed as Morgan attached it to the chain resting low on her belly. He offered her a wicked, but somehow reassuring smile. ‘Don’t worry, darlin’, a chastity belt this ain’t.’

Then he rummaged in the panniers again, bringing out a thick black dildo, which he secured into the belt before he inserted it into her grudging cunt making her gasp. ‘There, now wasn’t that easy, just slipped right in, didn’t it?’

The butt plug came next, but not before he lubricated it well with his own saliva. She was surprised that the invasion of her back hole served only to make her cunt more slippery.

As he secured the attachments, he spoke softly to her. ‘You’re scared, kitten. I can see it in your eyes. I won’t tell you there’s no need to be because the one thing I’m not is a liar. What I will say is that you’d be amazed at what other feelings can erupt out of a little bit of fear and a little bit of pain.’ He leaned over to suckle each of her breasts in turn as he cinched the butt plug and the dildo into place and tightened the straps until Rita cried out.

‘There,’ he said, rubbing his hands together and approving the over-all effect. ‘That’s perfect.’

Then he left.

Rita waited.

The light was on. It wasn’t so bad, she told herself.

And she waited some more.

Outside somewhere in the trees an owl trilled.

Morgan couldn’t have gone far, she reassured herself. After all, she had the Harley.

But what if there was a car nearby? What if someone had been waiting to take him away? What if this was that dreadful end she had imagined back the first time Aurora had locked her in the office and spanked her.

Oh that spanking. That delicious spanking. She felt her pussy clench against the dildo and her anus tightened on the butt plug in sympathy.

She pulled her thoughts back to the rather disturbing situation in which she found herself. They wouldn’t do that to her. They wouldn’t leave her here. Everyone but Vivienne had been straightforward and above board. Of course it was all a part of the initiation, but surely they wouldn’t hurt her. Not really.

Would they?

She waited a little longer and began to wonder if she should try to get loose. She lay chained over the petrol tank, her breasts saluting the ceiling, and her knees bent with her feet on the seat. The position created a delicious fullness low in her belly, and the shifting of her hips caused the front of the leather gusset to rake against her distended clit, which caused her pussy to clench, which caused her arse to clench, and when it all happened together, the sensation was much too powerful to ignore. The thought that she could be left to die crossed her mind, but there was nothing for it. Die or not. She had to come.

She concentrated on gripping and releasing the attachments that filled her. She couldn’t play with her tits, but the way they were trussed up was the next best thing. Once she got the grip and release just right, she began shifting her bottom, grinding her hips against the big leather seat.

With each shifting and gripping, the scent of her pussy grew stronger and all the training as a pet helped her to pick up Morgan’s scent as well, which had more horsepower than the Harley and was all over her body. When the first orgasm broke, she cried out, shuddered hard and had to brace herself to keep from falling off the Hog. It was a big machine, and if in her heat, she pulled it over on top of her, that probably wouldn’t end well.

Once she was stabilised and able to breathe again, she found that nothing had diminished. She still had both holes stuffed. She was still wet and her clit was still thrumming. By the third orgasm she had perfected her technique. As she lifted her hips and tightened her thighs, she wondered if she could OD on orgasms. With only her own pleasure to concentrate on and with movement restricted each orgasm built on itself, and instead of leaving her more tired, each time she came she felt more energised. Her head buzzed with endorphins, and she was certain that if Morgan returned this second, she could easily race the Harley back to London and win.

For a second fear gripped her belly. Had Morgan given her some sort of drug, maybe introduced through her skin? Maybe she really would die of orgasm overdose. But then she came again, and the orgasm was so fantastic, it really didn’t matter. Everybody had to die of something. The smell of leather and metal and pussy and sweaty male mixed with the undertones of clean stable straw and motor oil washed over her in a pheromonal cocktail that pushed her into an altered state, and it was from that altered state, just after a particularly earth-shaking orgasm, her eyelids fluttered open to find Morgan standing next to her with his cock in his hand.

She smiled up at him and opened her legs. ‘Wanna play?’

‘Could do.’

She nodded down to her attachments. ‘You’ll have to make room.’

He straddled the bike and scooted into position, his big cock anxiously stretched between them with just enough of his groin exposed to give her a glimpse of the leopard skin tattoo. He unhooked the front of the gusset and removed only the dildo.

For a brief second she felt the void, but only for a second, then his warm, dark cock slipped into place, she half perched on his lap, half reclined over the petrol tank straining against the chains. His rough fingers pinched her nipples to cherry liquorice peaks, then pinched and stroked her clit until she flinched and thrust alternately, right at the threshold of pain until she reached the tipping point. Then she screamed and grunted the orgasm that tore through her until her throat was raw, tightening her hold on Morgan until he grabbed her buttocks in a bruising grip and pistoned out his load, his own growls echoing off the rafters.

Some time after that a limo came. Two women dressed in black suits and ties, not unlike the bouncers, or Aurora, carefully cleaned her, dressed her in a soft velour track suit, and returned her home just before dawn. As she got out of the limo, she looked around for signs of Edward, but there were none. She felt disappointed.

Chapter Fourteen

DVD player and cursed out loud into the darkened room. He sat on the leather sofa in a pair of faded jeans and nothing else. The fly was open and he gripped his cock in a strangle hold. Fuck it! He could easily come in his hand watching the DVD of Rita. He could pretend he was Morgan pushing his way into her exquisite snatch, but that’s all it would be, just pretending. Hell, if he just wanted pussy, it wasn’t hard to get at The Mount, but it wasn’t pussy he wanted. It was Rita he wanted. And he wanted all of her, every inch of her, non-stop until they were both completely sated. He figured that would take a very long time.

Then he wanted to start all over again.

She was doing great with the initiation. Morgan couldn’t stop talking about how she had ridden him on the Hog. Christ!
was doing magnificent; he was the one not handling it very well. Damn it, everyone got to experience Rita but him. He would never forgive Vivienne for that.

There was a soft knock on the door. He wrestled his cock back into the jeans and answered it.

Alex stood before him still dressed in his dance costume. ‘Leo has a couple of his men keeping an eye on Rita tonight. She’ll never know he’s there. But if anyone else shows up snooping around, we’ll know about it.’

‘I should be there myself,’ Edward growled.

‘You can’t risk any further contact, and you know it. Whatever else, if anything else, is going on with Rita, it has nothing to do with you. Personally, I wouldn’t put it past that sleazy boss of hers.’ Suddenly the dancer was shifting from foot to foot and avoiding Edward’s gaze.

‘What? What is it, Alex?’

He cleared his throat. ‘She wants you.’

‘Bloody hell! I don’t want her.’

‘Not like you have much choice, is it?’ Alex took in Edward’s state of undress and the unsettled bulge in his jeans. ‘Morgan gave you the DVD?’

Edward nodded.

‘You’ll be back in the cock stock if she finds out about it.’

Edward winced at the thought of the chastity belt and his hand came to rest protectively against his overworked fly.

‘I heard about the bet,’ Alex said. ‘Do you really think she’ll honour it?’

‘She has to. She had Lorelei write it up, and now everyone knows.’

Alex let out a low whistle. ‘Jesus, I can’t believe she’d even make such a bet. I wouldn’t trust her, Edward. She has everything to lose.’

‘And I have everything to gain. I’ll have my life back. Don’t you think that’s worth the risk?’

‘Of course it’s worth the risk. All I’m saying is be careful.’ Alex kicked off his shoes and padded to the refrigerator. ‘Mind if I watch a little telly. Mine’s on the blink again.’ He helped himself to a beer.

‘Just let yourself out when you’re done.’ Edward reached for the door.

‘You going like that?’ Alex nodded to Edward’s bare torso and feet.

‘She’s come to me in less. What does it matter?’

Alex shrugged. ‘Suit yourself.’ He plopped down on the sofa and began to channel surf.

Edward took a deep breath and pulled the door shut behind him. Best get it over with. Putting it off only made matters worse.

He was surprised when Vivienne answered the door herself dressed in an ice-blue kimono he’d given her as a birthday present. Judging from the exaggerated hourglass shape of her, she was wearing a corset beneath. She loved corsets, and she wore them well. She wore everything well. The flat was quiet, other than soft jazz playing in the background. She knew he liked jazz.

‘Where’s Lorelei?’ he asked.

‘Business. Diego from the Argentine House.’ She handed him a glass of fizz, Moet et Chandon, he noticed. ‘Lorelei has a good rapport with Diego, and they enjoy each other’s company. She sipped delicately and released a deep sigh. ‘You’ve seen Morgan?’

He nodded.

‘I wasn’t told about his little task for your girl.’

‘You know Morgan, always the spontaneous free spirit,’ Edward lied. The truth was no one wanted to risk another sabotage attempt by Vivienne.

She forced a laugh. ‘His enthusiasm is practically contagious. Whatever your little darling did, I think we can safely say Morgan was impressed. I thought he was going to shoot his wad just telling me about her.’

‘Can we talk about something else?’

‘He said she wore the suit well.’

‘Please.’ He tossed back the champagne as though it were cheap ale.

She moved close to him and ran fingernails the colour of the inside of a seashell down over his chest, bringing them to rest just below his navel. ‘You wish it had been you, don’t you?’

He set the champagne flute down on the end table. ‘Please, Vivienne, do we have to do this again?’

She leaned in and kissed the hard muscles of his pecs, her hair falling against the rise of his nipples. He caught his breath as she slipped her fingers down beneath the waistband of his jeans, a tight squeeze, since his penis was still at half mast. ‘I thought you might be needing a little help with this tonight,’ she breathed.

Hers was not the help he wanted. But, damn it, he was horny and frustrated and Vivienne was willing, and she was a good lover when she didn’t have an agenda. It was the agenda part that worried him.

Slowly, with endless fascination, she undid his fly, then chuckled softly. ‘What’s this? No underpants? Aren’t you the cheeky boy?’ She teased the head of his penis until it jutted up against his belly, then she bent and kissed just the tip, flicking her tongue over it as though she were tasting a new flavour of ice cream.

The muscles low in his stomach contracted like he’d been punched. Interesting that the response was the same, pleasure or trauma. He just had time to caress her hair before she pulled away. Holding his gaze, she slowly, deliberately untied the sash of the robe, unwrapping herself as though she were a work of art, and so she was. In the beginning he had wanted her like he had never wanted anything. She had been his wildest obsession, and his most costly. Even after what she had done to him, it was a long time before he was out from under her spell. And now that he was, well sometimes that was almost worse.

She looked virginal in the white corset, like an innocent laced tightly in silk and ribbon for her own protection, but she was never the one who needed protecting. Her breasts mounded above the tight lacings like apples overflowing a basket, and they evoked a similar desire to taste.

She turned her back to him, offering the view of her perfect bottom, peeking from beneath ribbons and lace, her legs parted just enough to intimate what was to come. ‘Unlace me, Edward. Be a dear.’

He moved behind her, so close that in its present state, his cock could almost reach out and touch her. As his hands came to rest on her back just above the swell of her bottom, she sighed a little whimper of a sigh and shifted her hips back toward him. He undid the knot and, with well-practised hands, undid the lacings until at last the corset parted, yielding grudgingly to expose the exquisite narrowing of her waist. Everything about her was exquisite, he thought, as he let his finger trace a path down her spine until his hand came to rest just above the crevice of her pillowed bottom. How could it have taken him so long to see the flaws beneath?

Unaware of his machinations, she turned and knelt in front of him, looking up from under long lashes, a gaze of adoring innocence perfected. Then she slid his jeans down just enough to take the length of him into her mouth.

He struggled to relax into the pleasure of it, to think only about how much he needed to come, to think only about how erotic their situation was. But he knew Vivienne too well. No gift was ever freely given.

Just when he had almost forgotten the niggle, just when he was almost able to give in, she stood and took his hand. ‘Come to bed with me, Edward. It’s been a long time since I’ve made love to you.’

‘It’s been a long time since you’ve wanted to.’ The minute he’d said it, he knew he shouldn’t have.

Her grip on his hand tightened and the soft laugh at the back of her throat sounded slightly predatory. ‘Consider it a sympathy fuck, then, if you like.’

By the time they had reached the bed, the patina of adoring innocence was gone. She pushed him back on to the satin duvet, tugged his jeans down and bit him just barely above his penis. ‘Ouch! Vivienne that hurt.’ Another mistake, letting her know, especially since the surging of his cock clearly indicated the pain was anything but intolerable.

She grabbed him by the hair, pulling his face only inches from the bow of her mouth, now contorted into a snarl that would have made a lesser woman look ugly. ‘What? Doesn’t she hurt you enough, Edward? What’s the matter, are you getting soft on me?’ With a quick shift of her hips, and a devastating downward thrust, she slipped onto his cock, then gave a little sigh. ‘Oooh, not soft at all.’ Her grip was tight and angry, and he couldn’t help thinking of Rita in chains, her delicious girlie grip milking the dildo and the butt plug until she came. My God, to have her do that to him. Jesus, there must be nothing sweeter on earth.

And suddenly he scooped Vivienne in his arms and rolled on top of her, then he thrust so hard that she yelped, and there was just enough pain in the yelp to encourage him. He bent and bit each of her nipples in turn, and she squealed, wrapping her legs around him, digging her nails into his back, making him flinch, making his balls feel like they would surely burst. That must have been what Morgan felt like when he saw Rita coming and coming, endlessly coming.

Vivienne bucked and dug her heels into his back as her first orgasm hit, and her pulsing grip only made him pump harder, feeling the weight of his own need like a boulder around his waist. Morgan had emptied such a load into Rita. Such a load. Watching the DVD, Edward had thought the man would never stop coming.

‘That’s it, fuck me hard, you cunt-licking bastard.’ Vivienne’s dirty talk barely registered in the back of his mind. There was no room for it next to the picture of Rita chained to the Hog, the picture that now filled his head, and his balls. Rita in chains, Rita in leather, Rita riding the Hog, her slippery pussy sliding over the hard leather saddle. The fullness in his balls was unbearable, his penis felt like it had a mind of its own, wanting nothing but relief, surrogate relief if necessary. But he knew any sort of relief would only be temporary until he could have what he wanted. ‘Oh God,’ he gasped.

‘That’s it, you fucking bastard, jizz my cunt.’ Vivienne tightened her grip and thrust harder, but he had forgotten himself, and the circumstances no longer mattered in his desperate state.

His mind was no longer capable of caution, and his body less so. As her second orgasm broke over her, he came. ‘Oh God, Rita, I’m coming.’ Too late he realised his slip.

Vivienne growled like an angry lioness and shoved him so hard he fell off the bed, ejaculating long arching spurts of semen onto the white carpet. ‘Get out,’ she bellowed. ‘Now!’ She kicked at him, but he was too fast for her, and amazingly agile considering the uncomfortable situation he found himself in.

He stood and stumbled before realizing his jeans were still around his ankles. Convenient for a quick escape, he thought. As he yanked them up and slipped hurriedly out the door, he reminded himself that there was no quick escape. He’d pay dearly for such a slip.

Inside his flat he found Alex stroking a boner in empathy with Morgan, who was doing the same on the DVD. When he saw Edward, he fumbled for the remote. ‘Sorry, mate. Didn’t expect you back for a while.’

‘It’s all right.’ Edward plopped down on the couch next to Alex, the sight of Rita writhing making him hard again. ‘She wouldn’t mind. In fact it would turn her on the two of us having a wank watching her and Morgan have a wank.’ And suddenly his mood lightened. As he watched Morgan climb on the Harley and remove the dildo from Rita’s pussy, he was reminded there might yet be an escape for him.

Alex glanced over at him. ‘You look worse for the wear. Things didn’t go well with Vivienne?’ he resumed the leisurely stroking of his cock.

‘Do they ever?’

For a long moment, the two sat in silence, watching the sexy drama unfolding on the DVD. ‘God, she’s amazing.’ Alex’s voice was breathless as Rita invited Morgan for a ride.

A glance at the dancer’s erection made Edward chuckle.

‘What?’ Alex looked down at his cock. ‘What’s so funny.’

‘It turns her on.’

Alex smiled and gave his cock an affectionate stroke. ‘Glad to hear she likes it.’

‘No, I mean yes, she likes your cock, but the thought of the two of us fucking turns her on.’

Alex chuckled softly, his attention back on the DVD. ‘You told her about that?’

‘I did, and it made her really hot.’

In an effort to release his balls from the restraint of his trousers, Alex shifted on the sofa, then he stopped mid grope. ‘I have a brilliant idea. Course it would get you into more trouble with Vivienne, which I doubt you need right now.’ His face broke into a broad smile. ‘But only if she finds out.’ He nodded to the view of Morgan’s straining backside as he pistoned Rita’s snatch. ‘It’s hardly fair you get to watch her, but she doesn’t get to watch you. Don’t you agree?’

Edward’s pulse went into overdrive. His balls ached at the very thought. He’d had more than a few fantasies about Rita watching the two of them, then joining in the fun.

Alex had already flipped the remote control, and the light on the camera, positioned to take in any interesting activity on the sofa, blinked. ‘Quick, put this on.’ He practically threw Edward’s mask at him from where he had tossed it on the coffee table after his return from Leo’s. Once it was on, it was Alex’s turn to chuckle. He nodded at the mask. ‘Can you suck cock in that?’

‘You’d be amazed at what I can do in this.’ As if to demonstrate, Edward pulled Alex into his arms and took his mouth in a rapacious kiss. It was a relief to have sex with no agenda. He and Alex didn’t have sex often. When they did it was always spontaneous and always free of ulterior motives. When Edward pulled away Alex bit his lip playfully. ‘Do you kiss Rita like that? Come on, don’t be shy. Show me how you’d kiss Rita, and when she watches, she’ll know you were thinking about her mouth.’

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