The Intern (7 page)

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Authors: Brooke Cumberland

BOOK: The Intern
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He holds out a business card where he’s written down the information. I walk toward him and grab it. I study it carefully and ask, “Why would you need to get ahold of me? I mean, it’s not like I do any real work around here.”

“That may be true, but you are scanning in files that haven’t been evaluated in years. I might need some of your new, profound knowledge.”

He’s eyeing me carefully, and I know he’s full of shit. However, I take it willingly and thank him.

“I’ll see you soon, Ceci.” His voice is filled with amusement, but for some reason, I don’t think he’s joking.

In fact, I think he’s dead serious, and that scares the living shit out of me.

Chapter Seven


The Invitation

WAKE UP Sunday morning with the taste of her still on my lips. I don’t want to go another week without talking to her, so I start thinking of things I can email her.

My mind is pre-occupied the entire time I’m having brunch with my parents. It’s a tradition we do every Sunday, and although it makes me feel like a child that I’m ‘told’ to go, I like that we make time for each other since the rest of the week is busy with work.

“So, Bentley, did you hear about the Montgomery’s?” my mother asks, breaking me out of my trance.

“The Montgomery’s?” I rack my brain quick. “Oh, you mean how Mrs. Montgomery smuggled millions of dollars out of the country? Of course, I heard about that.” I just shrug at the story that’s headlined most of the local news.

The Montgomery’s are like royalty in Nebraska. Mr. Montgomery’s the state senator who married a woman half his age.

“Well, anyway, sounds like they’re going to brush it under the rug and keep it tight-lipped.” I hear the annoyance in her tone.

“I don’t doubt that. I’ve written a few news pieces on it, but if they’d ever get the damn police files, I could write an actual report on it. People like her shouldn’t get away with shit like that.”

“Enough about work, son,” my father interrupts. “What’s going on with your new intern? I haven’t heard a thing, and it’s been what...two weeks?”

I shift uncomfortably in my chair at the mention of Ceci. My mind has been wondering about her since yesterday, and she was the last thing I wanted to talk about with my parents.

“Ah, it’s working out great, I guess.” I try to sound casual, so they don’t suspect anything. “I’ve been showing her how to use the software, scanning in documents, reading transcripts, and teaching her the basics. It’s only been a couple weeks, so as time goes on, I’ll teach her more,” I reply honestly, because there’s
a lot
more I want to teach her.

“Excellent.” He smiles wide. If there were one plus to this whole being forced to work in your family’s company, it was seeing him proud of me. I love knowing he’s happy with my work. “I knew you’d figure out how to train someone underneath you.”

I grin to myself as I imagine her underneath me.

After the not-so-brutal brunch with my parents, I head back home and pace the living room until I finally build up the nerve to email her.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Company Policy


I apologize for interrupting your Sunday. I forgot to give you the necessary paperwork while you were here. It’s company policy that I give you these.

Attached below is the company handbook. Please look it over.

Mr. Leighton

I don’t know why I’m so eager for her to respond, but it’ll make me think she’s thinking of me as much as I’m thinking of her. After our kiss, my entire body has been tense, and all I want is to feel her lips against mine again.

My phone beeps signaling I have a new email.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Company Policy?

Mr. Leighton,

Do you ever take a day off?

I’ve been there two Saturday’s now.

Ironic how you forgot.

I will familiarize myself with the company handbook right away.


I smirk as I read her email at least three times. Such a cocky-mouthed, smart ass. And I love it. She’s not intimidated by me, yet she has to submit to my demands in order to keep her internship.

And that is driving me fucking insane.

I want any excuse to keep talking to her, but I know I have to keep my distance before I become too obvious.

Oh, fuck it.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Company Policy?

Yes, I’m aware. I was a bit distracted.

Mr. Leighton

It’s a risky move, but I hope she gets what I’m saying. And now my cock wakes up, begging for attention as I think of Ceci and the way she teases me without even knowing it—or perhaps she does.

I need to do something to get her off my mind. Anything.

I grab my gym bag and decide to go for a work out. Lifting and burning my sexual frustrations off will give me a clear head. Yes, that’ll work.

And then my phone beeps again.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Re: Company Policy?

I noticed.

Enjoy your day, Mr. Leighton.


I smile as I hear her seductive voice although her email reads so professionally. I don’t know why I read her email over and over as if there’s some secret code I’m searching for, but I do.

I work out harder than I have in weeks. I run myself until my legs feel like jelly. I lift until I can no longer lift. I completely sweat through my shirt before leaving. And my mind is still running of thoughts of her...except, now it’s worse. The sound of her voice, the way her shapely legs walk in that skirt, the way her fingers carelessly brush against me—it’s all too consuming, and I have no idea why.

*   *   *

y Wednesday, my mind hasn’t cleared at all. If anything, it’s even more clogged than before, and I come to the conclusion that I need to see her and know more about her. I don’t care what it takes.

My condo is twenty minutes from work, and by the time I arrive at my office, I’ve already called in a favor—my secret weapon to seeing Ceci.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Invitation


There’s a criminology presentation with special guest speakers taking place at the Windhover Center tomorrow evening that I think will benefit you greatly in your major and the internship.

I have a ticket for you.

It starts at 7PM.


I decide to sign as Bentley—hoping she notices the transition from boss to

I grin as I hit the send button. I don’t want it to be obvious that this is my way of seeing her again, but if I request her presence for learning purposes, there’s a better chance of her coming. I can tell how much passion and interest she has in criminology, so it’s my best bet of seeing her outside of work.

I wait impatiently until I hear the sound of a new message.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Invitation


Thank you so much for thinking of me. Sounds like something I’d greatly benefit from. Please have the ticket waiting for me at check in.


She’s either extremely naïve or playing hard to get. Either way, I’m going to play.

Chapter Eight


IMMEDIATELY GET online to look up tomorrow’s presentation. My eyes bulge out of my head as I see it’s for elite members only. Bentley must’ve pulled some strings to get me that ticket.

I rub my shoulder anxiously as I wait for the response of his email. I can’t understand why he’s going through so much trouble for me, unless he truly believes in me enough to give me this chance and opportunity to learn more from him, which in that case, makes him about a hundred times hotter than he is already. I’ve never met someone like him—someone so intimidating, yet weak. Perhaps he’s just weak when he’s around me, but if that’s the case, that’s exactly the angle I need to get into the files of my dad’s case.

I sit nervously in my last class waiting for my phone to vibrate with a new message. And then finally, it does.

To: [email protected]

From: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Re: Invitation

You’ll be accompanying me, Ceci.

Meet me at Sebastian’s Steakhouse at 5PM.


Holy shit.

Now we’re going to dinner first? This guy was horrible at asking for things. Instead, he took

I clench my thighs together at just the thought of being alone with him in a restaurant. Sebastian’s was a fancier restaurant—much more romantic than a boss-intern dinner should be.

My mind floods with nerves as I anticipate seeing Bentley again—outside of work this time. Bentley wasn’t a boy. He’s a man. An older man who could make or break me. A man who could give me everything and more. A man I could see myself falling hard for.

*   *   *

could barely focus on Simon as we hung out the following day. He ranted for hours about Cora and how could she hook up with Lance, and blah blah. Like I said, I couldn’t focus and really have no idea what he said.

My mind and body were still in an aftershock from the events of kissing Bentley. The more I thought about it, the more I wanted more of it. I didn’t care how wrong it was or that I was lying to him about who I was. I didn’t want to let that get in the way of being around him. Even if it could come back to bite me in the ass.

*   *   *

hy are you so giddy?” Cora asks me in between class periods.

“I’m not giddy,” I retort. “I’m always this way.”

She looks down at my books and takes notice of the newest Cosmo magazine lying on top.

“You are so not always this way, Cecelia Rose West. Something is up with you.” She eyes me curiously, and I can’t stop the stupid grin from forming on my face.

“Okay, fine. I met a guy. And we’re going out tonight for the first time,” I blurt out, and it feels so good to get that off my chest.

She screeches to a halt. “WHAT?”

I decide to leave out that it’s with my boss where I’m working on a fake internship.

“Tone it down, Cora,” I hush at her. I bump my hip with hers to get her to cool it. “It’s not that big of a deal,” I lie. Inside I was screaming.

“This is a huge deal.” She links her arm with mine as we continue walking. “Give me the details, right now, woman.”

“Well, he’s older, so that’s why I haven’t said much. And it’s new and weird and—”

“Hot?” she finishes, raising her eyebrows.

I laugh as she teases me. “Yes, he’s hot. The kiss was pretty hot, too.”

“Damn girl. You are smitten.”

“I am
not smitten. Have you ever seen me smitten?”

“Nope, that’s exactly how I know that you are. You have never been this way with guys before.”

“That’s because guys our age are immature and annoying. There was nothing to be smitten about,” I joke.

“So true,” she breathes out and laughs.

“I’ll tell you more later,” I promise, because I know she’s going to beg for answers. And I usually tell Cora everything, so she knows I’ll come clean eventually. I just need to make sure to cover my bases, so I don’t get either of us in trouble for lying.

*   *   *

can’t stop the smiling, as I get dressed and ready for my ‘work’ event tonight. I find a classy but simple black dress in my sister’s closet with some red heels, making my whole outfit pop. I don’t want to be over-dressed or look like I’m trying too hard, but I want to look good for Bentley.

I’m sweating as I drive anxiously. I arrive at the steakhouse promptly at four-fifty p.m. Being around him at work is different. It’s business. But now, this feels much more intimate. We’re going to be in a date-type setting and the butterflies in my stomach won’t quit. I’m obviously attracted to him, but the part of me that wants to let go and let him in is fighting against bricks to keep him away. Deep down, I know it’s a bad idea, but my body doesn’t agree. My body craves every inch of him.

I tell the host who I am and that I’m waiting for Mr. Leighton. He gives me a head nod as he grabs a menu and says, “This way, Miss West.”

I nervously follow behind him taking in the setting. The lights are dim, and every table is full of couples sitting in a very close, intimate way with candles lit in the middle.

It feels as if I’ve lost my voice as I thank the host for escorting me to my table where Bentley is patiently waiting for me. His face is intense, barely showing any emotion.

I swallow nervously as I eye him. The host goes to slide my chair out, but Bentley stops him.

“I’ll do that.” He stands up quickly, and the host backs away. Bentley doesn’t say a word to me as he grabs my chair and motions for me to sit down.

The host places my menu in front of me, and I quietly thank him again.

In the office—work setting—I feel confident and invincible. But not here. I feel intimidated, weak, and hopeless.

“You look beautiful,” he finally says sitting casually across from me.

“Thanks.” I gulp as I take in his intense stare. He’s eyeing me, not giving any part of what he’s thinking away. “This place is really nice.” I try to make conversation in order to ease my nerves, but the still way he’s sitting and staring at me is putting me on edge.

“Have you never been here before?” he asks with amusement.

This was a five-star, top-notch restaurant that took weeks to get reservations for—certainly, something not a typical college-aged student has ever been to.

Rather, I shrug off his amusement and try to relax. “Oh, sure. I come here whenever I feel the need to drop a few hundred.”

That earns a small grin and finally, my body eases into the chair.

“Only a few hundred?” he muses. “Clearly, you aren’t ordering the right wine then.”

My heart stops as I realize he’s going to want to order alcohol. I don’t have Casey’s ID with me...
shit shit shit could I not think of that?

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