The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (11 page)

BOOK: The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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“Why don’t you just say no to him?”

She bit the side of her lip. “I can’t seem to do that. I have feelings for him. But I am afraid I won’t be happy living on a ranch. I don’t want to hurt him.” She kept her eyes down.

“What’s going on here?” Sam came to her side and put his arm around her waist.

“Nothing.” Sylvia put a smile on her face. “Clay and I are getting acquainted, and he’s going to pour me a glass of Riesling wine.”

Sam glanced from her face to Clay’s. “Your conversation looked very serious.”

“I was telling him about some of my ordeal in Italy.”

“I’m not sure I believe you, but I’ll let it drop, for now.”

Clay poured her wine and excused himself. She saw him go into the kitchen. He must be reporting to his mother. She didn’t believe for a second that Mrs. Brodie didn’t encourage their encounter.

“What do you think of Grace’s friend?” Sam asked.

“I haven’t had a chance to talk with him, but in appearance she couldn’t have gotten farther away from Gab Forrester.”

“Mom told me she invited Gab and his parents when she ran into Mrs. Forrester at the grocery. Grace is going to be upset, but maybe it’s best for her to see them together and evaluate what she really wants. Which I know is Gab, but he hurt her so much that she won’t admit it.”

“I thought you told me your mother never interfered in your lives.”

“She never has until now. I guess because Grace and I are the youngest, she’s more worried. I am surprised though and disappointed she doesn’t see me as the man I thought she did.”

“Don’t worry. It’s me. She’d have reacted the same way no matter which son it was.”

The doorbell rang, and when Mrs. Brodie opened the door, the Forresters stepped in. All except Gab. Sylvia saw Grace go pale, and then she took a sigh of relief when Mr. and Mrs. Forrester came in alone.

There would have been two unwelcome guests if Gab had come. Now she was the only one and would get all of their attention. Gina came out of the long hallway and hurried to her side.

“I was in the bathroom and missed you when you came in. You look beautiful. Jade is your color.”

Baby sister to the rescue. She was a fierce tiger when anyone she loved might be in danger. Sylvia glanced at her sister’s slightly rounded tummy. She’d be a good mother.
I wonder how I’d be?

Chapter Nine


All of Sam’s family was nice. She liked the wives, but they all seemed like Gina. They loved to cook, loved their children and husbands, and loved their homes. Sylvia felt like a fish out of water. But gradually Chelsea and Marian, two of the sisters-in-law, got her to the side and made her feel part of the group.

“You look exactly as I felt the first time I met all the family,” Chelsea said.

Marian nodded and added, “We were both city girls until we met the Brodies. Let’s have lunch one day next week, all three of us.”

“I work for the sheriff, but I can go to lunch whenever I want. What day?”

“Rand has Tuesday off. He can stay with the children while I’m gone. Shall we say noon?”

“Noon Tuesday is good for me. I have a lady who lives on the ranch, and she loves to babysit. Her children are all grown and far away,” Chelsea said.

“Then I’ll meet you all at Millie’s place, if that’s where you want to eat.” Sylvia glanced from one of them to the other.

“Sounds good to me. Why don’t we ask Gina to join us, too?”

Marian glanced around and waved to Gina to join them. She explained their plans, and Gina happily agreed to make a foursome.

“It sounds like fun. Graham may drive me and then go visit Rand while we eat.”

Sylvia felt better. At least the wives were accepting her. She glanced across the room and caught Clay intently watching her. She stuck her tongue out at him and was surprised when he laughed. Then she saw Grace and her friend looking rather lost.

“Ladies, I think we need to go say hello to Grace and Fred.” They looked at Grace and back at Sylvia.

“You’re right.” Chelsea led the group across the room. “Although he really doesn’t seem to fit her. But we’ll be supportive.”

“Grace, we’re all so glad to see you home for a visit. Fred, it’s nice meeting you. Where do you work in the city?”

Chelsea led the conversation.

Sylvia noticed Grace’s face and shoulders relax. As though conscious of what their wives were attempting to do, the husbands soon joined the group.

Mrs. Brodie and the Forresters were seated at the window and visiting. Their group joked, laughed, and talked. It was a nice family and they had a closeness that said,
we support and protect our own, no matter what the circumstances.
Sylvia knew that extended to her as long as Sam was around.

For just a second, she wished she could be a real part of this family. She glanced behind her at Sam. He stood close to her back. When she caught his eye, he winked and a surge of warmth ran through her. She breathed in his scent and had to stiffen herself to keep from leaning back against him as several of the wives were doing to their husbands. The loving looks on the couples’ faces made her envious.

As though sensing her feelings, Sam wrapped his arm around her and pulled her tight against his body. Oh my, she could really love this man.

Sam leaned down and whispered into her ear. “I can’t wait to get you back to my house.”

“I need to go straight home. I have to work tomorrow.”
And I’m much too vulnerable tonight.

“I’ll get you to work on time. You can wear what you have on.”

He wasn’t taking no for an answer, and she was glad. She wanted to be wrapped in his arms tonight, but it scared the hell out of her.


* * * *


Sam unlocked his door and stood back for Sylvia to step inside. The new lamp glowed with a welcoming light.

“I’ll get us a drink. Is white wine OK for you?”

“Please, and a glass of ice water. Wine makes me thirsty.”

Sylvia stood at the front windows and looked out at the full moon shining across the yard to the wide-open prairie. The evening had gone better than she’d expected. Grace and Fred had left for the airport and were flying back to New York. The others had headed home. She wondered if anyone noticed which way Sam had turned when they left his mother’s home.

“Here’s your wine. It’s a beautiful sight out there with the full moon shining down.”

“You really love this country.”

“I do. I went away to college, but my heart has always been here.”

“You’d never consider moving to Washington?”

“I could, but I wouldn’t be happy. I guess you asked that so I’d see how you feel?”

“Yes. I’m beginning to like your countryside, but I don’t know if it will last or if I’d get homesick for the hustle and bustle of the hub of our country.”

Sam stared off into the distance. Finally, he shrugged. “Then let’s enjoy what we have, while we have it, and we’ll let tomorrow take care of itself.” He turned her to face him and, cupping her cheeks, he kissed her face all over. Then he picked her up and carried her into his bedroom.

He put her down and held her close against him. His arms wrapped around her, and he kissed the top of her head.

Tears ran down Sylvia’s cheeks. She couldn’t stop them. Sam smiled gently at her and licked each tear from her face. Then he undressed her slowly, placing her clothes where they wouldn’t wrinkle.

Sylvia watched as he undressed then stood in front of her in all his magnificence. Her heart pounded heavy in her chest.

Her fingers trailed across his six-pack. She watched as his eyes flared bright, with a golden light.

Sam stepped into her space. “We’re going to go slow and easy. When I finish, you’ll know how much I love you.”

His words thrilled her. She shouldn’t be thinking this way, but she shoved her doubts aside for this one time and opened her arms to him. Sam lifted her onto the bed and followed her down. He spread her legs with his, and his hard cock pulsed against her abdomen.

His fingers circled her face and brushed across her lips. One finger traced the scar on right side of her face. “I never notice this anymore until I see you rubbing it occasionally when something has upset you.”

“You must watch me closely. I didn’t realize I did that.”

“You’re always in my sight when we’re together.”

“My protective hero. I’ve never had anyone to really look out for me. My mother wasn’t responsible. My stepfather tried to take care of me, but I was a wild teenager. I loved him, but part of me resented that he wasn’t my real dad. I had a chance to apologize shortly before his death. He smiled and said he’d always understood and loved me.” Tears came into her eyes again and she blinked them away. “I’m a watering pot tonight.”

“That’s all right. I accept you as you are. You don’t have to pretend with me.” He rolled with her so he held her close, but it took his weight off of her.

“That’s a powerful statement. I don’t even know the real me. I’ve put up a façade for so long.”

“Tear it down. You might be surprised how much people will like you.”

Sylvia leaned forward and kissed his mouth. “I think you have the most sensuous lips. I like the taste and the shape of them. When you smile, I want to kiss your face all over.”

He smiled and lifted an eyebrow. She laughed and covered his face with kisses. Her breasts rubbed against his hard chest and his cock jerked against her stomach.

Sam rubbed her back and buttocks, bringing his cock tighter against her. He bit the edge of her earlobe, and then kissed along her neck to her shoulder. Turning, he placed her under him and scooted down to cup her full breasts and tug on her peaked nipples with his teeth.

Pleasure shot through her body. Her pulse raced and she wrapped her legs around his to get closer. His warm skin smelled of sandalwood and musk. Her breath came in short gasps.

When he slid down to her lower lips and spread them to expose her clit, her nerve endings tingled even before he touched her hypersensitive nub. When his tongue did brush across the tiny bundle of nerves, her body bowed as the urgency to feel him closer and to have him inside her intensified.


* * * *


He put his hands under her hips and tilted her body where he could lick and taste her sweet, velvet folds. Her juice tasted like ambrosia. Her body squirmed underneath him.

“Take me now,” she pleaded.

“Soon, not yet.” He reached up and slightly tightened his fingers around her nipples. She didn’t draw away. In fact she sighed when he touched her. His cock pulsed and ached with the need to go inside her pussy.

Sam moved forward, positioned his cock at her opening, and watching her beautiful emerald eyes, he slid slowly into her warmth. She was so hot and wet. He relished the feeling of her wrapped around his cock. At first, he didn’t move. Then slowly he went back and forth.

Sylvia wrapped her legs around his middle and moved with him. They kept eye contact as the heat and desire flowed through his veins, and he saw the fire in her eyes.

He brought her almost to her climax and although it was hard, he pulled back twice. She grabbed his hips.

“Take me now,” she demanded.

He laughed and rolled with her where she was on top of him.

“You take me.”

And she did, moving up and down faster and faster. Her pussy clenched tight around his cock. It took all his restraint to hold on for a few minutes, then as his cock exploded, she threw her head back and rode him hard to the end.

She fell across his body. They were wet with perspiration and breathing heavily. He pushed her hair back from her face.

“I love you,” he said simply. He caught the flash of fear in her eyes, but then she smiled.

“I think I’m glad.”

He kissed her mouth. “We’re making progress.”

They lay entwined until their hearts quit racing and they could breathe normally again.

“Go take a shower. I’ll join you in a moment. I’m going to change these sheets. We’ll sleep better.”


* * * *


Sylvia walked into the large bathroom and adjusted the water for the shower before getting in. She was lathering her front when Sam joined her and washed her back. His hands massaged her buttocks.

She swatted at him. “Stop. We both have to work tomorrow and I’m getting turned on again.”

“Good, but I will let you rest. We’ll take up where we left off in the morning.”

She wanted to turn and lather his front, but she needed time to process what had happened tonight. She’d let herself go as she never had before, and he had touched her more deeply than she’d allowed any other man. Her heart sang with joy, but her mind felt confused and unsure. Until the two were together on what direction she should take, then she had to be a little cautious. But being safe and cautious was getting harder every day.

She got out of the shower first and into the bed with the clean sheets. Sam wasn’t far behind. He cuddled up to her back, put his arm around her waist, and said, “Go to sleep, love.”

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