The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (2 page)

BOOK: The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Sam opened the back door to his brother Rand’s medical office. He walked in and waved at Andy, Rand’s partner.

“Is Rand in his office?”

“Yes, our new secretary is the bossy type. She said she’d lock him in there until he signed the paperwork she needed to send out.”

“I’ll go save him,” Sam said. He walked around the corner to Rand’s office and put his head in the door. “Have time to go for coffee?”

“I’d better just take a break here.” Rand got up and poured Sam a cup. “My secretary filled the coffeepot for me, but I have to sign these papers before I can leave this room. I think she took lessons from Mom.”

“Sounds like it. You should have seen Mom convincing Sylvia she had to eat breakfast. It reminded me of when we were all at home.”

“Those were good times, but these are good, too. I’m a happily married man with two babies.”

“I think it must be catching. I’ve been feeling lonely myself lately.”

“Mom’s houseguest wouldn’t have anything to do with those feelings?”

“She might.”

“Be careful.”

“Mom’s already said all that needs saying.”

“Then why are you here?”

“Because I’m thinking of jumping in with both feet and trying to win the city girl.”

“Don’t look at me to try to change your mind. We all have to do what we have to do. Why aren’t you on the ranch at this time of day?”

“I took some time off.”

“You never take a break.”

“I brought Sylvia to the hospital for rehab.”

“Ah. A woman who can pull you away from your duty. You are serious.”

“I have a good foreman and lots of good cowboys.”

“We’ve been telling you that for years and you’ve never listened. Next you’ll be going on your first vacation in five years.”

“Maybe if Sylvia goes with me.”

“Sam, I think you should visit Graham and Regina. Discuss your feelings with them. I’m afraid you may be headed for heartbreak.”

“I know what I’m doing.”

Rand chuckled. “I think we all said that at one point or another and look at us now.”

“I’m ready. I want what you all have, a wife and family.”

“Most of us thought you were waiting for Camille to move back to Frontier City.”

“I was, for a while. But I got over her. I’m keeping you from working.” Sam grinned and nodded to the stack of charts. “Have fun.”

He strolled back outside. He had forty-five minutes left to wait. Sam was not used to having idle time. Restless, he walked toward Millie’s restaurant. There was always someone to talk with, or he’d buy a paper and read it.

“My eyes must be deceiving me. I’ve never seen Sam Brodie in my place at this time in the morning. Did your momma quit feeding you?”

“No, Millie. She fed me fine. I have some time to kill, and I figured there’d be someone to talk with at your place.”

“Time to kill? Now I know the world is coming to an end. You never take time off. Tell me the truth.” She stared up at him. “What really brought you to town?” She picked up a menu and walked him to a booth while waiting for his answer.

Sam sat and took the menu. “Our guest is getting rehab on her wrist. I drove her to the hospital.”

“Your momma could’ve done that.”

“Yes, she could have.”

“Love is in the air for you Brodie brothers.” She didn’t wait for a comment back. But with a big smile on her face, she rushed off to greet her next customer.

Damn, there were no secrets in this town. He loved living here, but not being able to hide anything was one of the downfalls. Was he in love with Sylvia or in lust? He hadn’t taken a vacation in a long time and his love life had been rather sparse.

There was no rush. He had time to figure out his feelings. By having Sylvia at the main house he was getting to know her better than if she’d stayed with her sister, Gina. His house would be finished next week. He’d ask her to help him decorate.

Although Grace had plans to arrive Monday and help him. He’d let them both guide him in his purchases. He and Grace were close, and he wanted her opinion of Sylvia.

Sam picked up his paper and opened it. Time would tell, but it was probably lust, not love.


* * * *


Sylvia waved to the rehab tech and went down on the elevator. She glanced at her watch. It had been exactly one hour.
Sam is probably bored. Good, maybe he’ll let me drive myself on Friday.

He was waiting in the car. Her heart did that silly lurch it always did when she first saw him. When he spotted her, he got out and opened her door.

“My lady.” He made a flourish with his arm. Then he waited until she was seated, closed the door, and walked around to the driver’s side. “How did it go?”

“Fine. I’m a little sore from the exercises today. But the tech said he didn’t think it would take much longer to get my wrist in as good a shape as possible.”

“Don’t rush things. We enjoy having you around.”

“In a few weeks you’ll be wishing I’d go back to the big city.”

“Never.” Sam started the car and drove toward the ranch.

Sylvia looked at him. “Sam, don’t let me hurt you. I don’t know what I’m going to do in the future, but I’ve never planned to live in a small town, not since I left home and went to the city.”

“What didn’t you like about where you grew up?”

“My mother.”

“Well, she isn’t here.”

“No, but I also felt hemmed in. There’s so much going on in the big world out there. Aren’t you curious? Don’t you want to see other countries?”

He turned into the drive to the ranch house. “I visited Dirk when he was working overseas. He took a vacation, and we visited a number of countries. I guess that satisfied my curiosity. I came home and started working on the ranch and haven’t gone anywhere since.”

“The rest of your family has all lived away from here for a while. Why not you?”

“I love the ranch and always knew it was where I wanted to stay and work. Before Dad died we talked about it. He said I was a born rancher.

“So when I went to college, I studied agriculture and animal husbandry. When I graduated, I received a degree in both. Then I came back and implemented some new ideas. The ranch is doing well.”

“Your brothers and sister didn’t mind letting you take over?”

Sam laughed. “They were noticeably relieved. No one else wanted the job.” He parked the car and came around to open her door. Then he helped her out and pulled her body close to his. He tipped her face up.

“Let’s make a deal. You let me show you all the good parts of living in the country while you’re getting rehab.” He leaned down and brushed his lips across her mouth. “And I’ll show you how well we can get along together. If I can’t convince you to stay by the time your wrist is healed, then I’ll step back and let you go.”

“Just like that? No recriminations or pleading?”


“All right. But I’m warning you, I won’t change my mind.”

“Maybe you’ll be surprised. I’ve got to get to work. See you this evening.”

She watched as he strolled off to the barn. She admired his strong shoulders, his sexy butt, and his long legs encased in faded, worn jeans. He was one good-looking cowboy.

Her body shivered in anticipation of their deal. She’d seen the look in his eyes and knew he planned on getting to know her in more ways than one. A fling would be fun, but she mustn’t let her heart get involved. She planned to leave Frontier City and head to Washington, DC, as soon as her wrist had recovered as much as it could.

She moved her wrist around and remembered the doctor’s warning. He’d said it would never be as strong as it had been before the break.

Her injuries had taken away many of the opportunities she’d had before in her undercover job. No matter how she tried to deny the changes in her life, they were there.

Chapter Two


Sam knocked on Sylvia’s bedroom door early the next morning. “Get up. I’m going to show you around the ranch.”

“Go away. No normal person is awake at this hour.”

“It’s already five thirty. I’ve usually eaten my breakfast by now.”

“Your poor mother.” Sylvia opened the door. She’d put on her pink robe. She was barefooted and frowning. “What has got into you?”

“You agreed to let me show you some of the pleasures of living on a ranch.”

“If getting up this early is part of it, count me out. The sun isn’t even up yet.”

“It will be soon. Come on. I have egg sandwiches, coffee, and coffee cake packed in my saddlebag. We’ll watch the sun come up together. Hurry.”

“Oh, all right. I’m awake now.”

Sam paced outside her room. He really wanted to go inside, pull off her robe and gown, and make love to her. But this was too soon, and they were staying in his mother’s house. When the door opened after a few minutes, he gave a sigh of relief.

“You were quick.” He took her good hand and pulled her along the hallway. They went out the back door to his truck.

“We’d ride horses, but with your cast off I don’t want you to hurt your wrist.” Soon, they were bouncing over back roads. He knew just the spot to take her. They were driving through the hilly section of the ranch. He went up to the highest level and parked.

A wide-open prairie stretched for miles in front of them with the mountains farther in the distance. Sam reached behind him and handed Sylvia the canteen of coffee and two cups. “You can pour while I unwrap our sandwiches.”

The coffee and sandwiches were hot and tasty. “This is good. Did your mom get up early to fix us this breakfast?”

“No, I’d never ask her to do that. I cooked the eggs, made the sandwiches and coffee. Then I cut up some of Mom’s coffee cake.” He handed her another wrapped package. “Now look around you.”

Sunlight was just starting to show at the horizon. Dew sparkled on the grass and wildflowers. Then the sun popped up as though pulled by an unseen cord. Birds flew out of the trees and in the distance a cow mooed.

He watched the expression on Sylvia’s face. It was unguarded. She smiled at the vista in front of her. Every time he took a breath, he caught the sweet scent of lavender and rose.

She glanced at him. “You aren’t watching the sunrise.”

“I’ve seen it a number of times. It’s always beautiful, but this morning I’m enjoying another view just as lovely.”

A blush covered her cheeks. He reached out and slid his fingers along the soft skin of her face. Her green eyes darkened as she stared at him.

“You know it’s only a matter of time before we make love.”

“Perhaps I’m not interested in making love.”

He ran his finger across her full bottom lip. “You are.”

“Men, you are always so sure of yourselves.”

Sam smiled. “I am. You wouldn’t be interested, if I wasn’t. You want a strong man, one stronger than you.”

“And you think you are that man?”

“I know I am.” He pulled his hand back and picked up his coffee cup from the holder. Then he stared out at his land.


* * * *


Sylvia was more moved than she expected. She didn’t want to like him too much. She studied his profile. She watched his throat move as he swallowed his coffee. He had a firm jaw and chiseled cheeks. There was a quiet strength about him.

He reminded her of her stepfather, Dan Piercy. Some might have thought his quietness was from weakness, but it wasn’t. When their mother left her and Gina with him, he loved them, disciplined them, and helped them grow into strong women. Sam would be the same way with any children he had.

Sylvia forced herself to look back at the scene in front of her. She was treading dangerous waters getting interested in Sam Brodie.

“Do you own all this land?” Sylvia asked to take her thoughts off of the man sitting next to her.

“As far as the eye can see. Dad bought lots of land. He pictured us all living here. Garth lives on a portion of the ranch, but Dirk and Rand wanted their own place. Clay is a businessman. He’ll never settle here, and my sister, Grace, well, I don’t know whether she’ll stay in New York or come home for good. I miss her. She’ll be here Monday to help me furnish my new house.”

“You have a new house?”

“Yes. I thought we’d ride out there tomorrow. I’ll show you around, and then I’ll take you to visit Gina. But for now, I’ll drive you back to Mom’s house. I have to go to work.”

He gathered up the trash and put it in a bag, then started the truck. They didn’t talk on the way back.

When Sylvia started to open her door and get out, he stopped her and pulled her close. “I ought to get a good-morning kiss for breakfast.”

His hand cupped around her neck and he drew her to him. Slowly, he lowered his head, and his mouth touched hers. Then he gathered her into his arms and kissed her hard. “Don’t forget me. See you later.”


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