The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) (3 page)

BOOK: The Intriguing Billionaire Cowboy [Wives for the Western Billionaires 8] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)
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Sylvia slipped inside the house and went to her bedroom. She stood at the mirror and touched her lips. Her heart still pounded from the feeling of being held in his arms. Sam didn’t fit the image she had of the man she’d fall in love with, not at all. She’d dated many men and had a few affairs, but not as many as people thought. She let them believe what they wanted to and rather enjoyed her reputation as a femme fatale.

She touched the ragged scar from the cut she had received on the right side of her face. She must see a plastic surgeon when her wrist was well. When Sam called her beautiful, she almost forgot that she wasn’t anymore. But until it was removed, she’d never feel pretty again. Others would look at her in pity.

Sylvia went to the computer in the den and looked up plastic surgeons in Washington then she checked their credentials. One doctor was considered outstanding. She’d make an appointment with him as soon as she had a discharge date from rehab.

Until then, she had Sam to make her feel better. The phone rang as she got up from the computer. She waited a moment, but Mrs. Brodie didn’t answer. Sylvia picked up the receiver.

“Hello, this is the Brodie residence.”

“I know where you are. When the time is right, we will meet.” The person disconnected the call.

Sylvia stared at the phone. Who was it, and what did they want with her? All the reports she’d heard said they’d gotten all the members of the group they’d been after. Did they miss one? Checking the phone, she wrote down the last incoming call’s number, then she went back to her room and got her phone. She punched in her boss’s number.

“Sylvia, how can I help you?”

“You told me you got everyone.”

“We did.”

“No. Someone just called me. The voice was garbled, but I think it was a woman. She knows where I am and is going to contact me later.”

“Did you get the number?”

“I did, but it’s probably one of those throwaway phones.”

“Give it to me anyway. I’ll check it out, and then I’ll call Graham. Someone needs to keep an eye out for you.”

Sylvia told him the phone number and hung up. She wasn’t sure whether to tell Sam or not. But if someone came snooping around for her, Mrs. Brodie might get hurt. She took out her cell phone to call him.

“Good morning, Sylvia.” Mrs. Brodie stood in the doorway. Her arms were full of flowers from her garden.

“Good morning. I wondered where you’d gone to.”

“I like to get my flowers early and arrange them in vases before they can wilt. Do you want to help?”

“Sure.” Sylvia put her cell phone in her pocket. She’d call Sam later. She followed Mrs. Brodie into the laundry room, where she had a long table with all the empty vases setting on it.

“You start at that end and I’ll start here.” Mrs. Brodie filled a vase partially full of water and started making arrangements with the flowers she’d laid on the table.

“Do you want them a certain way?”

“No, dear. You fix them anyway you’d like.” She glanced at Sylvia. “I noticed you were gone early this morning.”

“Sam took me out to see the sunrise. It was lovely with all the wildflowers blooming and birds waking up.”

“One of my favorite sights.”

“Didn’t you mind moving here and having to get up early and work so hard? It must have been difficult at first, especially with having all your children so close.”

“It would have been, if I wasn’t so in love with my husband. I also loved the land almost immediately. We worked to build up the ranch and have a good life for our children and ourselves.

“Sam is attracted to you.” Mrs. Brodie stopped arranging her flowers and turned toward Sylvia. “I’ve gotten the impression that you don’t care for living in the country, and Sam is totally a country boy.”

“I know. I’ve tried to tell him we’re two very different people.”

“I’ve heard opposites attract, but it doesn’t work unless they can find a happy medium. Rand was engaged to another doctor and she wanted to work and live in the city. When Rand realized he wanted to be a country doctor, they split up.”

“Are you warning me away from Sam, Mrs. Brodie? Because he is pretty persistent.”

“No, you two have to work it out, or not, in your own way. I guess I am a little worried. Sam’s always been so self-possessed and realistic. I’ve never had to be concerned about him.”

“If it’s any help, I don’t want to hurt him.”

“I know dear. Please ignore me. Sam would hate it if he knew I’d even brought up this subject.”

“I won’t tell him.”

“You’re a sweet girl like your sister. You just haven’t found your place yet. Maybe it will be with Sam.”

“There’re my favorite girls. Did I hear my name?”

“You shouldn’t be listening in to other people’s conversations,” his mother said. “But don’t worry, anytime I say your name it’s something good.”

Sam walked into the laundry and put one arm around his mother and the other around Sylvia. “It’s lunchtime. I’m hungry.”

“Men”—his mother shook her head—“they’re like homing pigeons when it’s time to eat. I’ll go fix lunch for all of us. Sylvia, do you mind finishing the arrangements in the last three vases?”

“I’ll help her.”

“If he gets in the way, send him to help me,” Mrs. Brodie said as she walked out of the laundry room.

Sam moved his body against Sylvia’s. She was caught between him and the table behind her.

He sniffed her hair. “I couldn’t get you out of my mind. I kept picturing you standing at the bedroom door in your pink robe, barefoot, and with your hair all soft and wavy.”

His hard cock rubbed against her abdomen, stirring feelings she was trying to suppress. She pushed at his shoulders, and he stepped back less than an inch. His scent of fresh air, sandalwood, and musk made her want to get closer, but she remembered Mrs. Brodie’s words.

“We can’t do this, Sam. We’re too different as I’ve said before. I’ll end up leaving, and you’ll be hurt.”

“Quit worrying about me. I can take care of myself. You said you’d give me a chance to convince you about country life. I won’t let you change your mind now.”

“I think your mother is worried about us.”

“She worries about all of her children, but less once they’re married.”

The feel of his strong, muscled body against hers made her knees weak. She put her arms around his neck. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Rising on her tiptoes, she kissed him.

“You call that a kiss.” Sam put one hand behind her hips, holding her tight against his aroused cock, and one hand at the back of her head, then he kissed her.

When she opened her mouth, his tongue slid in. He touched and tasted all of the soft interior.

Sylvia’s heart pounded against his chest, and her pussy pulsed with desire. Deep inside, a craving for this man sent smoldering heat spreading across her body. With his lips and body he teased and tantalized her.

“Lunch is ready.” Mrs. Brodie’s words had them jumping apart. She glanced at the vases. “I see Sylvia didn’t get a chance to finish with the flowers.”

“I’ll do them right now.” Her face was hot from embarrassment. Sylvia turned and grabbed a vase and some flowers.

“Thank you,” Mrs. Brodie said. “Sam, you can come eat.”

She waited until he came to the door to follow her to the kitchen.

Once they were out of sight, Sylvia took a deep breath. She’d never been so mortified. Hopefully, Mrs. Brodie wouldn’t think she was trying to seduce her son. She started to work on arranging the flowers in the last vases. By the time she got to the kitchen maybe Sam would be almost through and ready to return to work.


* * * *


Sam glanced at his mom walking beside him. He knew as soon as they got to the kitchen she’d have something to say. He loved her and didn’t want to hurt her, but nothing she said would make a difference. He’d tried to tell himself to stay away from Sylvia, but it was like telling a moth to avoid the lights. He was fascinated by her. Her looks, her voice, her scent, all called to something in him. If he didn’t at least try to win her, he’d regret it.

His mom went to the counter and got a plate filled with tuna salad and chips. She placed it on the table by a tall glass of tea. “Sit. We need to talk.”

“Mom, I’m not a teenager anymore.”

“No, but you may be acting like one. I know you’re very attracted to Sylvia, and she’s a nice young woman.”

“But?” Her words had him straightening his posture and pushing his shoulders back.

“She’s a city girl.” His mother sat across from him. “You won’t change her. You’ll get hurt.”

“I realize the chance I’m taking. I’ve chosen to pursue her in spite of her warnings to me. I wish all the women in my life would quit trying to protect me. Do I seem so soft and weak that I can’t take care of myself?” Sam frowned and felt the muscles in his body tightening.

“Of course not. But a mother hates to see her children get hurt, even when they’re adults.”

Sam raised his chin. “This is something I want to do. I have to pursue this, or I’ll regret it the rest of my life. You’ve always trusted my judgment. Don’t stop now.”

He was angry, but he tried to hold it in. Actually it wasn’t so much anger as hurt. He recalled talking with Rand. They were all concerned. Part of his pride had been knowing his family saw him as strong, realistic, someone they could rely on. But was it all a façade? Now, the first time he made a decision they didn’t agree with, they were treating him as the youngest son and brother?

“Sam, did you hear what I said?”

“No, Mom. I was thinking.”

“I’m sorry if I’ve upset you. I won’t mention this to you again.”

Sam gave her a curt nod and started to eat. Mom wouldn’t mention it, but he knew she’d still worry.

His plans to move into his new home next week came at just the right time. He needed to be on his own completely and should have made the move much sooner. But he had hated to leave Mom alone. Perhaps living here had added to his family’s impression that he wasn’t ready to be independent.

Obviously, he had work to do to show them he was his own man, and he didn’t need the family protecting him from Sylvia. He’d made his own decision to go after what he wanted. It was up to him to make it happen.

Chapter Three


Sylvia felt the tension in the air as soon as she entered the kitchen. Mrs. Brodie stood at the sink washing a few dishes, and Sam was busy eating. He glanced up at her and smiled.

“Join me. Mom has made some really good tuna salad.”

Mrs. Brodie brought a plate to the table and placed it to Sam’s left. “Sit and enjoy.”

“Thanks. I finished the flowers, but I wasn’t sure where to put the vases.”

“I’ll go put them in the different rooms.” She walked out quickly.

“Your mom’s upset.”

“Yes. She’ll be all right.”

“I’m causing trouble between you and your family. I’m going to pack and call Gina. I’ll ask her to come get me. I can stay at her house the few weeks until my rehab is done.”

“No.” Sam put his hand on hers.

“Yes, Sam. It’ll be better that way. We can still see each other away from your mother’s home. I can’t stay here and see her worry. If I do stay, then I won’t see you privately at all.”

Sam stared hard at her. She didn’t look away.

“All right, if that’s what you want.” He pushed back from the table and stood. “I’ll see you, sometime.” His fast-paced stride had him out the door in seconds.

She forced herself to eat the salad. It was good. Then she cleaned the kitchen. When she went down the hall, she didn’t see Mrs. Brodie. She’d pack and call her sister before telling Mrs. Brodie her plans.

After her bags were packed, she found Sam’s mother in the study. She accepted Sylvia’s decision.

“I think it might be best. I’m sure it’s rather awkward for you and Sam with both of you living here. Please don’t think that I don’t like you. I do. I’m just not convinced you’re the best person to be Sam’s wife.”

“I understand. Gina will be here in a few minutes. She’s headed to town, so I’ll go outside and wait for her.”

“That isn’t necessary.”

“I’d rather.” Feeling uncomfortable and a little hurt, Sylvia took her small case and went out to sit on the stoop.
I guess I made a bad impression on her. She loves Gina. Who wouldn’t? But I’m not my sister, and she knows it.
It was a relief to see Gina’s car coming down the drive.

She took her bag and walked down the steps. When Gina stopped, Sylvia opened the door and got in.

“In a hurry to leave?”

“Just drive please.” Sylvia stared out the side window and blinked her tears away. Thank goodness, Gina didn’t ask any questions. They drove silently into town.

Once she’d parked, Gina turned to Sylvia. “I have to do some grocery shopping. Do you want to go along or stroll through town?”


“How about I meet you at Millie’s place in about an hour?”

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