The Irresistible Bundle (144 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"That's asinine" I snap. Nicholas glares at me but I don't fucking care. "The trust is technically hers. Why does she need to pay it back?"

"Because that's how they created the trust" Nicholas replies blatantly chagrined with me. Why the hell did they ask me to be involved then?

"Is there any way for her father, mother, or
to gain access or control of her trust now or when she turns 25? Can she somehow lose it?" Valentino pelts him with questions.

"If Desirae were to get married how would that impact everything?" Nicholas tacks on.

"The gist of the entire thing is this" Jeremy puts down his copy, leaning back into his seat. "The trust is hers and only hers as long as she isn't deemed mentally incompetent or has a physical disability that requires her family to permanently take care of her."

"And the marriage thing" They press.

"That's where it gets interesting again" Jeremy quips. "There's a built in clause in there that regardless if she gets a prenuptial or not the trust is protected. If she ever gets married, and then divorced it'll always be hers. Regardless how long she's been married. It doesn't matter if another document is created. This beauty right here supersedes everything."

"So why did they act like they have the ability to gain control of her trust if she gets married?" Nicholas ponders aloud.

"Because unless she or an attorney looking for her best interest at heart went line by line they wouldn't have found the specific clauses. It's rather brilliant how they organized this document. Most of the bullshit is in the front and the monotonous stuff is at the end. It was a bitch going through this."

"Until you found the good stuff" Valentino smiles. "So if she ignorantly married someone could easily take over the trust and clean it out before things went south in the marriage."

"Yep or she could've unknowingly designated them as an executor of the estate." Jeremy concedes.

"Any other caveats we should be aware of?" Valentino scans over the lengthy document. "Can she access the trust for medical purposes? Pay for her wedding? Things like that..."

"Nope" Jeremy confirms. "I'll begin the process regarding accessing the trust for education-related expenses. Give her a heads up. I expect her father to call once he's contacted."

"You wouldn't happen to know anyone who can uncover the deepest and darkest of secrets?" I hopefully ask. If Nicholas and Valentino don't have those kinds of contacts maybe the Wright family does.

"Like what all that's about?" Jeremy motions over to the table cluttered with paperwork and pictures.

"Yep" Nicholas confirms. "We're trying to find whatever shit we can about her father and two specific men."

"One of them was there when you were with us last time" Valentino adds.

"Ah, Pearce" Jeremy nods. "That's a slimy bastard. He's dirty but fucking impossible to prove it. I've suspected for a while now that he has ties to the mob."

The world tilts off its axis. Oxygen disappears from the room as the walls threaten to close in. His words bounce around in my head. Will my girls ever be safe? How can I protect them from a criminal organization?

"Breathe" Nicholas barks. The slap to my cheek brings me back to the present. Stars flitter before my eyes. Fuck, how long had I been holding my breath?

"She's not going anywhere" Valentino firmly states. "Neither of them" he adds for good measure. "Suspecting and proving are two completely different things."

"I can't officially say one way or the other" Jeremy looks between the three of us. What he's about to say is important and needs to stay in this room. He doesn't have to communicate that for us to know. "But word is that he's part of a big investigation years in the making. You don't need to know the nitty-gritty. Just keep the girls away from Pearce, her father, and whoever else you deem fit. You have a tight-knit group. Keep it that way. There's no need to add any new people to your inner circle."

His words weigh heavily with us. He's right. Who's not to say that one of those monsters hires someone to befriend the girls? No one's complained about feeling like they're being watched but I wouldn't put it past them. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Look how Pete and Chelsea ended up. No matter what Desirae wasn't going under. I'll move heaven and earth to keep my girls safe. Five years can flash in the blink of an eye but they can also take a fucking eternity. It'll be up to us to determine which path we'll take. I refuse to let those bastards dictate another moment of our lives.



Jaxon waltzes into the apartment with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face. I'm really accustomed to his shenanigans by now but when his good-looking uncle, the one who's an attorney, follows in behind him I instantly freeze. Carina runs into my back not expecting me to stop so suddenly. I stumble forward but manage to catch myself before face-planting into the sofa. Attorney Wright hesitantly looks around unsure if he and Jaxon should just be storming the place. Carina saunters over to him like she hasn't seen him at least a dozen times today, kissing him on the cheek. I swear that SOB eats that shit up.

"Firecracker you remember my uncle" Jaxon motions over to Attorney Wright who's looking directly at me. He smiles warmly but his intimidating three-piece suit tells me he's here for business. He looks sharp in the wool, taupe-colored suit with a bright blue tie that make his eyes pop. Everything about the suit highlights his physical features while screaming professional. I try to smile, aware that all eyes are on me but the last time I'd seen this man I was a hot mess. I don't know what to make of his presence right now. It's been months since I'd last seen him.

"It's good to see you again Desirae" His warm voice doesn't sound the least bit intimidating. I nod but can't muster a response.

"Belleza I'd like you to meet another of my uncles, this is Jeremy Wright" Jaxon motions Carina over to his uncle.

"You must be Carina" Jeremy the Attorney replies. He smiles brightly at her. None of us miss how his eyes rove all over her curvy figure. I swear the men in the Wright family are all sex feigns. First Jaxon, then the Dean, now the Attorney. Leticia is a lucky wench. She needs to take advantage of all the luscious Wright men.

"I am" Carina bites her lower lip making both men's eyes flare. She loves fucking with Jaxon and now it seems his uncle is just as susceptible.

And just like that our playful mood vanishes. Diego, Marco, Valentino, and Nicholas shuffle into the apartment suddenly making the once spacious living room feel like a fucking confined closet.

"So much for a private party" I belligerently mutter. Marco smirks but doesn't reply. Valentino and Nicholas greet me first, wrapping me in their warm embrace and affectionate kisses. It still floors me each time. I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that these amazing, powerful, alpha males can be so tender, so gentle. I've seen Valentino, Marco, and Nicholas in their elements within their places of business and pleasure. They're a force to reckon with.

Familiar arms pull me away from the others. I instantly melt into Diego's body not needing to turn around and confirm it's him.
"Mi Tesoro"
he whispers against my neck. I shiver, loving the feel of his warm breath against my skin and his endearment.

"Hey baby" I whisper just for him to hear. I still wake up every morning unsure if this is all a dream.

"Have a seat everyone" Jaxon motions as if he fucking lives here.

"Why did you give him a key again?" I mumble to Carina. I swear the sexy fucker lives here more than he does at his own place.

"I didn't tell you Uncle Richard is moving me in here next semester" Jaxon waggles his eyebrows. He's one of the fortunate few who has a one-bedroom apartment in this highly sought after complex. Student housing may come a dime a dozen but places like this are fucking gems.

"Aren't you graduating?" Valentino shakes his head in disbelief.

"And who are you kicking out" Nicholas smirks.

"I'm getting my Master's so I'll be here for a few more years. I figure one of the girls can move into my place. I plan to take Des' room so I can be right across from Carina." Jaxon winks at me. Arrogant fucker.

Marco hurls a throw pillow at him while Diego launches a random book.

"Assholes" Jaxon howls in pain. He manages to dodge the pillow but not the heavy textbook.

"Stop talking out of your ass then" Diego barks. My insides warm as my
, shit did I just actually apply that term to Diego? I'm getting warm and wet by Diego's protectiveness.

"Jeremy I suggest you get to it" Nicholas speaks over Jaxon's muttered curses.

"I went ahead and filed the appropriate paperwork requesting reimbursement for all education-related expenses" Jeremy states as he passes a financial statement to the majority of the group. Marco and Carina sit there looking pretty while I'm confused as fuck.

I look down at the financial statement in my lap. The paper blurs a bit as my hands begin to shake. My eyes register the letters that come together to make something that my brain claims to appear as a document pertaining to my trust but that's just fucking insane.

"What is this?" My barely coherent voice doesn't travel far. Carina looks over to me equally as confused. Everyone seems very interested in this particular document but I have no fucking clue what's going on.

"Jeremy requested a copy of your trust" Diego softly replies. I bite my tongue wanting to snap at him, them, everyone. Why the fuck wouldn't they involve me? I'm not fragile. I don't break easily. Almost everyone in this room should know that by now.

"Desirae, while reviewing your trust I learned that you have the right to request education-related reimbursements from your trust if your family doesn't directly cover them." Jeremy professionally replies.

"What if she had an academic scholarship?" Carina replies.

"We're not all like you nerds" Marco steals my line as he motions between Carina and Jaxon.

"According to the verbiage you'd still be entitled to the reimbursement" Jeremy states directly to me although he's answering Carina's question. My head feels a little funny. Too many people are stealing precious oxygen from this room.

"Breathe baby" Diego kisses my temple. He rubs my arms reminding me that I'm still here in this room with him and the people I love.

"Nicholas and I have a contractual agreement" My brows furrow as I look between Nicholas and Jeremy. I don't need shit from my family, now or ever. I've managed to cut the shackles that bound me for so long and I plan to keep it that way.

"I'm aware of it" Jeremy responds, "But this is something separate."

"It's one and the same" I snap. I'm not fucking stupid. I hate being talked down to and that's exactly what it feels like right now.

Valentino gets off the sofa, kneeling directly in front of me. He waits until I make eye contact with him. He sees the anger and frustration in my eyes. His large warm hands wrap around mine. I feel Diego tense around me but I can't do jack shit to reassure him. I'm barely hanging on myself. Why the fuck are they meddling with this shit? Father is a greedy, relentless bastard. The moment he gets wind of me touching my trust he'll be all over me.

"Your tuition reimbursement agreement between the estate still remains" Valentino softly replies. He's not fooling me with his comforting touch and soothing tone. He knows better than to fucking placate me. "The money that comes from the trust regarding your education is for you. You can choose how to spend it."

"I don't want anyone to fucking touch it" I snarl. I know I'm being a bitch but I'm close to having a panic attack. Diego pulls me into him as I begin to hyperventilate.

"Listen to me" Valentino's sharp voice has me blinking several times. Stars line my vision but I fight against it. "That trust belongs to you and you only. They can't fucking touch it. They've tried. Believe me; they've done everything within their power to gain access to it. You gain unfettered access in a few years but in the meantime we're going to assure that anything and everything that is rightly yours comes to you."

"He's going to say I owe him... That I'm stealing from him" I hate sounding so helpless, so weak. I still can't shake the last time I spoke with Father over the phone. Then seeing Mr. Pearce and Mr. McNamara in person again; it's shaken the small security I felt being away at college.

"It doesn't belong to him" Valentino nearly growls. "I'll be damned if he takes anything else from you. He'll have to come through us."

"All of us" Nicholas firmly echoes.

"Desirae" Jeremy attempts to regain my attention. Valentino sits on the floor between my legs. He places my hands on his shoulders while Diego presses closer into me. A part of me recognizes that Diego is bothered by Valentino's actions but I can't deal with his insecurities. I'm so fucked up I need more than one lifeline to keep me tethered.

"I came here today to make you aware of two things" Jeremy continues now that he has the entire room's undivided attention. Valentino squeezes my hands as we wait for the good attorney to continue. I lean into Diego trying to let him know that I need him as much as I need V.

"First, that we've filed the appropriate paperwork to have the funds disbursed from your trust for the last two semesters' tuitions and all related expenses. If you see anything that I've failed to account for like lab fees, dues, anything school-related, please let me know. The funds will be deposited into your account. What you do with it is up to you. You can spend it, invest it, apply it to future expenses; I don't care. The trust only stipulates that the funds can be accessed only
your family hasn't covered your expenses which they haven't done for the last two semesters."

"And what's the other thing" I ask knowing there's always a catch. Nothing good ever comes from the Philippe Family.

"Expect to hear from your father" Jeremy taps the file folder in his hands. "I don't expect for him to take this well. He's already had his attorney contest this in court and he hasn't been pleased with the response."

"We expect he'll bully you next" Nicholas elaborates.

"The housing stipulation" Valentino waves his hand in the air like he wants Jeremy to move onto something specific. Wasn't the warning of my father's ire the second item?

"I've had another attorney review a specific section of your trust" Jeremy walks over handing me what appears to be pages from my trust. "It stipulates that the trust will cover any and all expenses related to housing while you're away at college. I've had a legal team dig further into this..." He pauses for effect but all it does is seriously irritate the shit out of me. "You can purchase any home within a reasonable distance of the college you're attending and the trust will not only purchase the house and hold it in your name, but all utilities, maintenance, insurances, and related expenses will be covered."

"So Des" Jaxon drawls, "You can buy a place big enough to include me too, and then we don't have to kick anyone out."

"Who says they want to live with you?" Marco retorts.

"You don't want belleza to have a room big enough to allow you two comfortable sleepovers?" Jaxon motions between Marco and Valentino.

"We want her to move in with us." Marco shrugs his shoulders, not hiding the fact that he and Valentino are dying for Carina to move in with them. They've been true to their word not harassing or manipulating anything. I need my best friend close to me, now, maybe forever. We still have junior and senior year of college before they can attempt to convince her to move in. Andrea and Sati are a year ahead of us so I know a lot's going to change in the next two years. I can only focus on the now.... But with this...

"Aside from the distance to the college" Carina interjects. "What are the other restrictions?"

Jeremy smiles brightly. He really is a handsome bastard. "The two stipulations are the distance and that Desirae has to reside within the home."

"Well duh" I snort. "So I can buy the estate from Nic and as long as I'm living in it the trust will fund it?"

Marco bends over howling with laughter while Nicholas narrows his eyes at me. "It's not for sale" he ominously replies.

"Money talks" I shrug purposely inciting him. I would never want to take the estate from him but seeing him posturing is hot as hell. "Everything has a price." My voice cracks. What I intended as a snarky comeback ends up a heartbreaking revelation. My father proved that.
has a price.

"Not everything" Diego firmly states to the room as a whole. Valentino turns around facing me but he allows Diego to pull me into his arms. I feel V's hand pressing into my thigh, letting me know he's there too. "There are things in this world that are too precious, too priceless to be bought."

"And you're one of them" Carina and Valentino simultaneously reply.

"That almost sounds canned" I try for humor but no one's laughing. Instead the huggy-feely bastards surround me, smothering me with their hugs and kisses.

Rihanna's voice breaks through the silence as she sings about monsters under her bed. "We're changing that fucking ringtone" Carina grumbles as she walks to the counter grabbing my phone. Her mouth tightens, instantly letting me know who's on the other line.

"Put it on speakerphone" Nicholas instructs. He presses the answer button on the touch screen not giving me the option. The fucker goes so far as holding the phone so I can't have this conversation in private. Anger fuels me as I stare at the offensive object. I refuse to allow anyone to belittle or humiliate me anymore. This group's seen me during my dark days. I can handle having a phone conversation in their presence.

"Most people answer with hello" Mother screeches into the phone. Marco and Jaxon wince but her high-pitched whine doesn't faze me.

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