The Irresistible Bundle (142 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"We need to go now" my quiet but harsh voice gets their attention. Valentino looks around immediately spotting the man dressed in all black who's trying to appear inconspicuous.

"Who is that" V's ominous tone stiffens everyone's spines. The man realizes he's been spotted. He walks away from us around the building.

"I'm pretty sure he belongs to one of
" I emphasize the word not wanting to get into details with the entire group present. Not everyone knows my dirty little secrets and I prefer to keep it that way.

Diego stands next to me. He isn't sure what's all going on but I'm tremendously grateful that he trusts his instincts right now. Valentino stands on my other side while Nicholas and Marco lead the way. The group makes a small formation around me. Any amount of fear and trepidation is swept away by this tremendous sense of humility and awe. I never imagined having to face these bastards again, much less in front of the people I care most the about. I've worked so hard to keep my demons hidden and my monsters at bay... but for what. When it seems like I've needed them the most they've taken me completely by surprise and helped me. How have I not seen this before?

"All the years we invested" the voice that haunts my dreams speaks aloud.

"Wasted" the other voice retorts.

My knees lock in an automatic defense mechanism. I refuse to let them see me fall apart. Diego stops making the others take notice. My body goes cold trying to fight through the shock of knowing they're here. They're right fucking here. Not hundreds of miles away on the other end of a telephone. Mr. Pearce's abrupt arrival after I attacked Chelsea was certainly a surprise. I suspected that he was close by but this actually confirms it. But Mr. McNamara. Bile rises threatening to spew out of my mouth. Father's words echo around my head. I'm promised to

"You look like a cheap whore in your leather pants and hooker heels" his voice bites in bitter disapproval. Diego threads his fingers through mine. The warmth of his hand clears my mind a bit. There's a reason why I've always loved leather.
hate it.
think it looks trashy. I learned a long time ago that it's too hard to hastily remove. Making it all the reasons why I love leather.

"Then it's a good thing you have no say-so in my life" I don't recognize my voice but the words come out of my mouth. My words lash out at both of them. If they'd found me alone things might have been different. But I have the most important people to me in this world standing beside me. They close ranks not allowing the two men to get within proximity.

"Don't let her fool you" Mr. McNamara's frosty voice pierces me. "She belongs to me."

"You're out of your fucking minds" Diego snarls. He stands in front of me blocking their line of sight. His protective stance would normally chafe but right now I feel like I've won the fucking lottery. Diego knows these men are bastards. It hasn't taken him long to figure out who they are and what they want.

"Why are you here?" Valentino's menacing tone gets the attention of the valet and hostess at the entrance.

"We're having dinner just like you kids" Mr. Pearce's condescending tone lets V know he's not the least bit intimated. The men stare at each other for a long time remembering their last encounter several months back. Mr. Pearce glances between Valentino and Diego who both look like they'll defend me to the death. I blink back tears unsure if I want to cry because of the bastards trying to intimidate me or because of the magnificent display of love and loyalty this group is showing me.

"Then we'll leave you to it" Nicholas politely states. "Good evening." He purposely leaves out
although he tends to say it to strangers and acquaintances alike.

"I'll see you soon" Mr. McNamara calls out as we head back to the cars. "Your mother's already hired a wedding planner. Expect to hear from them soon."

"The hell she will" Diego roars as he lunges out of the tight formation towards the men. Rafe catches him right in time preventing him from getting any closer. Mr. Pearce steps back but Mr. McNamara stands there waiting for one of the guys to attack him.

"Don't please" I beg of Diego. I don't want to emasculate him but I've seen what Ken McNamara can do. He's killed a man with his bare hands right in front of me. I refuse anything of the sort to happen to the people I love.

"Let's go" Carina ushers Diego and Valentino away. Her haunted eyes let me know she's thinking of Piper. I can't have any more blood on my hands. I barely sleep as it is.

Instead of three separate cars waiting for us, we all get into a black limo. The heavy silence is suffocating. The questions weigh heavily amongst everyone but no one dares to ask. Diego and Valentino surround me but it's Carina who finally makes me break down. She pulls me into her lap making me feel like a lost child seeking comfort from her mother.

"You're safe" she keeps repeating the mantra. Her grip remains tight as a sob escapes me. I don't want to break down in front of everyone but it's too much. I'm not so naïve to think Father just talks shit. He always has a plan in place. He's always trying to come out on top of things. I'd be more surprised to hear that he was forever letting me go. That trust fund is the last thing that ties them to me. Once the funds are released to me I never have to see them again. They can rot in hell for all I care. They'll starve to death before I ever willingly help them.

"I love you" several voices interject between the "
you're safe"
mantra. Diego, Carina, Valentino, Andrea, Nicholas, even Jaxon are all whispering over and over to me. The limousine whisks us away to I don't know where. I cry myself to sleep nestled between Carina and Diego.



"Nicholas says you've got the room booked for the weekend." Leticia confirms. I'm nervous, but excited too. Diego knocked down my walls using a few simple ropes. It's my turn now to break through our remaining barriers. He's been open with me about everything but I need to know that he can give me what I need too. It's the only way I can completely give myself to him.

"Thanks so much" I call behind me as I speed off to the room. There's several things I want to ensure are in place before Diego comes to the estate. All he knows is that I'm here and I want to spend time with him. No one's talked about the other night and I love them for that. After my major breakdown in the limo I ended up back in my bed with Carina snuggled up to me. I hate that I ruined their night out but what they did for me utterly floored me.

"Have fun" Leticia giggles as I disappear up the stairs. Her laughter stays with me as I venture into my opulent suite. Nicholas has been gracious. This suite has all the furniture and hidden compartments that I requested. The mahogany Saint Andrew's cross beckons me from its place in the corner. I'm drawn to it like nothing else. My hands affectionately caress the smooth wood. I only have fond memories of this sumptuous piece of furniture unlike many other implements that have been used on me. It's the reason why I want to see Diego on it.

I force myself away from the cross and towards the drawer of goodies. My fingers trace various cuffs, blindfolds, and cock rings. I want to use everything yet I can't risk pushing him away. I squeeze a gag ball hoping to calm the storm inside me.
Need to go slow.
I keep repeating the mantra as a plan formulates in my head. I quickly slip into my favorite leather pants and corset.

A knock at the door paralyzes me. This is it. We either move forward together or go our separate ways. My hand shakes as I grab the gold door knob. I open the door quickly needing to get this part over and done with. Diego stands in the doorway looking at me. His eyes rake my body from the rhinestone heels to my leather-clad ensemble. His heated gaze caresses my exposed skin making me momentarily forget that this is my show. He's the only man that's ever been able to do that. With everyone else I'm always in charge. Even Valentino and Nicholas can't take that away from me. All I need to do is wrap my lips around their dicks and they're goners.

"Hi" his velvety voice has my body tingling in all the right places. Fuck this is going to be harder than I originally thought.

"Hi" my voice warbles with that one syllable. I still have enough of my wits about to know better than to invite him in. He might take that in a different context. Diego may be the quieter one of the group, aside from Valentino, but he most certainly has a dirty mind.

I motion for him to enter. He looks absolutely delicious in his ass hugging jeans and tight long-sleeved shirt. My hands ache to know if it's all cotton selfishly covering his beautiful chest. "Would you like to order something to eat now?"

"Maybe later" he offers. His mouth twitches and I know he wants to laugh. I'm purposely wording things carefully. Everything sounds like it has a fucking double meaning. "So what's the plan?"

"Uh-uh" I admonish. I already see what he's trying to do. "I'm the only one who gets to ask questions tonight."

His shoulders pull back. Fuck me. His eyes flash with a hint of heat and insubordination. Oh yeah baby boy... There's no getting your way tonight. Diego opens his mouth making my eyes instantly narrow. If he wants Mistress D I will gladly play the role but that isn't what I want. Mistress D rules the dungeons with an iron fist and a frosty heart. I can't have that here within these walls. I don't want this interaction to resemble anything like what I've been through, as a submissive or a mistress.

"From this moment on you don't speak unless I ask you something" I softly instruct. I can't have him asking me questions or adding his two cents. There are things he needs to just hear, just experience before we discuss anything about

Diego nods but doesn't say a word. Good. "There won't be a need for any safe words today." I can't always guarantee that but he can relax knowing I'm not going to try anything extreme; for now at least. He's not ready to hear about my darkest fantasies. I want him to surrender but I don't need his complete submission. It's taken me months to realize what he's been trying to show me. We can give and take. We don't need to outdo each other. I never wanted a man to be my equal but Diego's proven he can balance me in ways no one else can.

His chest expands as I walk towards him. I love when he inhales me like this. It's a heady feeling. I don't say a word. His warm brown eyes enrapture me. How can someone show so much emotion only through their eyes? My heart pounds an erratic rhythm. I flex my hands unsure if I should just rip off all his clothes or take them off slowly. Diego doesn't get to do the honors. I clutch the bottom of his shirt, slowly pulling it upwards. His stomach bunches as the material exposes more delicious skin. I'm in no rush to strip him naked now. He's obediently staying still, searing me with his gaze. Fuck he makes me drunk with lust and power. I nod my head letting him know to lift his arms. The shirt comes off in one easy motion revealing his toned chest and smattering of hair. I never allowed myself to appreciate a man's body in this manner. There was no point in worshipping a bare or hairy chest. I just had to perform as dictated. With Diego standing in front of me waiting, baring our vulnerability... I swallow the lump in my throat. I can't overthink this. He's freely giving me a gift few others would willingly do. He's shown he can lead without dominating. He can follow without losing himself. I need his complete submission, I don't want him to become my bitch.

His jeans go next. I take my time pushing them down past his thighs and knees bunching at the bottom. He doesn't lift his feet until I tap his ankles. My hands shake as I completely remove his jeans and underwear. Memories of the one and only time he'd been inside me taunt me. My womb clenches. My core heats several degrees demanding some attention but I ignore the greedy little thing. Her time will come.

Diego stands naked, tall, and proud as I slowly walk around him. I trace a line from his spine down around his ass to his thighs. His ass cheeks momentarily tighten but he relaxes when my fingers go elsewhere. I don't want to block this delectable view but there are things I want to do. I don't say a word. Instead I walk over to the cross waiting to see if he turns to look at me. I'd punish my subs if they tried shit like that but I need Diego to see that this is different. It takes him a few minutes before he chances a glance my way. I can't complain. I could stare at him for hours without doing anything else. He's just that beautiful to me.

"Come here please"

Diego walks slowly towards me and the cross. His steps are small, unsure; I'm asking a lot from him just as he did when he showed me those beautiful ropes. Without needing instruction he stands against the cross spreading his arms so that I can cuff him. I take my time caressing, stroking, and kneading his skin as I cuff his ankles and wrists. We're both trembling. Our ragged breaths the only sounds in the otherwise silent room.

"Do you trust me?"

Diego's eyes travel all over my face finally locking onto my gaze. "Yes, I do" he softly replies. "I'm yours. I love you."

My fingers cover his lips preventing him from saying anything else. I still haven't recovered from his profession of love. Diego doesn't look away as I reach behind him. He's not only telling me, he's showing me that I have his trust. I wrap a silk blindfold around his eyes. He momentarily stiffens unsure if he likes this. It takes a few minutes before his breathing evens. I wait for his muscles to relax. Several random objects rest on the table beside him. I want to use them all while I don't want to use anything but my bare hands. But this is an exercise in trust and of giving oneself. Hopefully he'll give me the chance to try anything and everything in the future.

I grab satin gloves slipping them onto my hands. The feather beckons me but I can't go much longer without making contact with him. I take my time exploring every inch of him. Diego's dictated every one of our previous interactions, never letting me get very far. My fingers begin with his eyebrows tracing the soft arches, following around his eyes and trailing down his nose. His breathing accelerates as I trace small circular patterns on his cheeks, outlining his lips and jawline. I bite my lip fighting against the desire to lick him. His body trembles with anticipation encouraging me to leave the exploration of his face and moving down to his neck and collarbone. It takes an eternity but doesn't feel long enough. My satin-covered hands do a thorough job of caressing, touching, and massaging every part of him. I purposely veer away from his groin area making him arch his hips towards me.

Diego groans as I tsk in disapproval. His greedy cock needs to wait its turn. I focus on his inner thighs, behind his knees, ending with his ankles and feet. His loud, ragged breaths let me know he's on the verge of losing his shit. I silently pull off the gloves going for the next item on the table. Diego holds his breath straining to hear what I'm doing. His silent acceptance washes over me. I could be grabbing any of my devious toys to use on him yet he stands there restrained and blinded patiently waiting for me to proceed.

The bucket of ice shakes in my hands. I've never been such a hot mess while playing the lead role in the bedroom but everything I do, every object I choose is important to me. I grab a piece of ice placing it on his lips. Diego sucks in a sharp breath. His tongue darts out tasting the frozen object. I lazily rub the ice on his lips, then slowly slide it down his chest to his nipples. They pucker beautifully under the frigid assault. As the last of the ice cube melts I take another one placing it into my mouth. I loudly suck on it making Diego squirm in place. I offer him a piece to suck trying to distract him from my lack of interaction. I manage to suck two pieces before putting the bucket down. In one fluid motion I get on my knees opening my mouth. Without any warning I relax my jaw taking him in deep, all the way to the back of my throat.

"Holy fucking shit" he roars. "T-that's cold" he stammers. I moan in agreement loving the wicked sensation of my ice-cold mouth against his fiery cock. His fluid teases my taste buds letting me know that he's enjoying every bit of this.

"Fuck that feels good" he moans. I want to go into auto-pilot bringing him to a quick release. Sucking dick is my Achilles heel. I'm fucking powerful with my mouth bringing men not only to their knees but making them pass out in pleasure. But it's also been the very thing that traps me. I didn't become this good because I love oral sex. I became this good by force making me hate the act while using it to my utmost advantage.

Diego's never let me suck him off. I kind of understand why he's denied me but it also pisses me the fuck off. He above anyone else should learn why I'm so good at it. It's now his mouth to enjoy. His mouth to worship. I know he'd never use me like the others in my past.

" Diego pants. "I don't want to come yet."

A loud
echoes through the room as I release his dick. We both groan with the separation. "I don't want you to have blue balls. I'm not done with you yet."

"I want to be inside you" he gasps. His hips continue arching towards me looking for some kind of contact.

"Not yet" I sternly reply. He's already forgotten what I asked of him. He's in no position to negotiate anything. I watch him for a few minutes loving the way his body radiates with blatant need. Slowly, quietly, I take off my clothes. He stills the moment he realizes that I'm doing something that doesn't involve him. I keep my heels on walking until we're mere millimeters apart. My hard nipples poke him making Diego lean into me. I press my body against his loving the feel of him, us, skin-to-skin. His shaft pokes my stomach begging for some attention. My lips follow the same path as my satin-covered hands had moments ago. Diego leans into my kisses moaning and writhing with pleasure. Again I ignore his groin choosing to cherish every inch of his skin.

Finally, I remove the cuffs from his ankles massaging them as I slowly stand up. I repeat the process with his wrists loving how his muscles bunch as I pull and knead his forearms and biceps. Diego tilts his head back completely soaking in my ministrations. He quietly follows, never asking what I'm about to do as I lead him to the bed. I crawl between his thighs instantly making his dick jump with anticipation. His hands grab fistfuls of the bed sheet but he never once tries to take off the blindfold. I take a different approach this time as my mouth and hands explore his dick and balls. He wiggles as I place soft, delicate kisses along his shaft. His ragged breaths scream of approval as I lap at his pearly fluids. My fingers separate my folds easily slipping into my soaked channel. I thrust my fingers in and out to the same rhythm as my mouth glides up and down his shaft.

Diego chants crying out with his building need. I pull out my soaked fingers moving them to his puckered rim. This is unchartered territory for him. I don't expect him to be as open and laid back about it as some of the other guys are. And that's okay. It's what makes Diego him and not Valentino or Nicholas.

"What are you doing?" He gruffly squeaks, if that's even possible. I suck his swollen shaft until the tip is down my throat. He grabs my hair thrusting his hip as my mouth drives him insane. My fingers venture again to the place he considers forbidden. He's so far gone that he doesn't resist this time. I slip in knuckle deep knowing exactly what's about to happen. My fingertip presses down on his prostate making him explode in my mouth. He tastes delicious, his body quaking beneath me. I reverently swallow every last drop. For the first time in my life I've given head without feeling a negative emotion or using it as a power play. There's no spite, no bitterness, no envy, no hate. I've swallowed a piece of Diego. He's poured his love and desire into me. My body hums with satisfaction not realizing that he was the only one who'd experienced an orgasm.

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