Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (69 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"I'll be damned" the bouncer purred. His heated gaze traveled up and down Carina's body. She lifted her chin refusing to back down. She wasn't asking for any special favors. If she needed to stand in the back of the line she would do it. The bouncer narrowed his eyes at Carina. "Aren't you DeLuca's girl?" He accused.

Carina's breath hitched but she refused to show any other emotion. She was accustomed to being recognized at all of Valentino's establishments and Nicholas' estate. This was the first time she was recognized outside of that. "I am" she nodded in affirmation.

"Checking out the competition" the bouncer challenged. He appreciatively eyed Carina. Everyone in the industry knew who Valentino DeLuca was. Valentino was well-respected. There was no way he was denying his girl entry. The bouncer wrapped the same gold wristband on Carina. "This wristband entitles you access to our VIP floor."

Jaxon's eyes widened in surprise. Generally the wristband also meant access to drinks. Carina was about to turn 20 and her ID reflected that but Jaxon wasn't going to argue the point. It was one thing for Valentino to permit his staff to serve her drinks but it was something else entirely when it was an outside establishment.

"Thank you" Carina humbly replied. Jaxon escorted her behind the rope. She sensed his apprehension with the bouncer's interaction but she wasn't going to ask him about it until they got inside. They followed Desirae and Sati into the club and headed directly to the bar positioning themselves for a good view of the club.

"Beatriz texted me while you two chummed it up with the bouncer" Sati yelled over the music. "She's with Ariel. They're waiting on Leticia to better their chances of getting in. We've all become spoiled by Valentino. They panicked when they thought Carina wasn't going to get admitted."

"Me too" Carina shook her head in amazement. She thought she could get through the night as another anonymous college girl but apparently that wasn't going to happen. Her name had appeared one too many times on different sites featuring her and the guys. She loved that people synonymously associated her with Valentino and Marco. She just hoped that the night wouldn't end with gossip sites claiming her straying with Jaxon or some random guy.

Several songs passed before Leticia, Ariel, and Beatriz entered the club. Sati hustled over to them while Carina watched Jaxon's reaction to Leticia's outfit. She wore a one-shoulder black cut-out dress with neon colored stripes. The short dress barely covered her ass and exposed a small part of her stomach and waist. Her toned legs and killer knee-high boots turned all eyes their way.

"Fuck" Jaxon muttered earning a chuckle from Desirae and Carina. He couldn't wipe his shocked expression off his face. Leticia was a knockout.

"Aren't you two just friends" Carina smirked. Desirae smothered her laugh while Jaxon sighed in frustration.

"Like you and I are" he challenged. Jaxon might be having a go at this platonic relationship thing, for the moment, but it didn't mean that he wouldn't bury himself balls deep in her if she asked.

"You and I are one-in-a-million" Carina purred. She leaned into Jaxon and smiled her most seductive smile.

"Behave belleza" Jaxon growled. "I'm enjoying being just your friend but I'd gladly become your best friend with benefits... just say the word." He playfully bit her ear loving how Carina shivered at his touch. No matter how much time they spent together, as friends or lovers, she couldn't develop immunity to him.

Leticia watched Jaxon and Carina huddled together at the bar. She gritted her teeth in frustration as they whispered to each other oblivious to the rest of the club. She'd suggested one of Valentino's competitors to get away from watchful eyes and biased staff members. Instead, Carina had received a fucking gold wristband along with Jaxon but none of the other girls had, including Leticia. She pulled down her dress frustrated that she'd gone unnoticed. She'd dressed like this knowing that Jaxon was going to be with the group... but what was the point? He was over by the bar whispering sweet nothings to his beloved Carina.

"I'm gonna scope out the place and then head out to the dance floor" Leticia tried to sound nonchalant. The blaring music helped hide the irritation from her voice.

"We can join you" Ariel offered. Leticia shook her head. She didn't want to draw any attention. Marco wanted to know how
fared against Club 69 and their other places. Leticia knew Marco expected an unbiased report. She'd been working for the guys for just under four months.

The girls headed towards the bar to join Jaxon and the others while Leticia walked the perimeter of the club. She mentally catalogued the server's uniforms and their overall appearance; the club's service; song selections throughout the night; security's presence and effectiveness. Leticia texted Marco her observations, and things that differentiated
from its competitors. She sent him the information knowing that Valentino and Marco would compare it to their processes and find ways to improve upon them. They wouldn't attempt to replicate anything or undercut prices for the sake of being priced $0.10 cheaper.

Leticia made her way back to the bar. She frowned at the sea of unfamiliar faces. Jaxon and the girls were nowhere to be found. She motioned to the bartender. "Kamikaze" she yelled over to him. She drummed her fingers on the counter as she watched him mix her drink. She reached for the glass and smiled warmly at him. Although just another nameless face, the bartender was easy on the eyes. He winked at her before heading to his next customer. She threw back the drink relishing the slow burn of the vodka.

Leticia closed her eyes as the familiar beat pulsated through her. She'd done enough working for the night. She hopped off the stool and worked her way to the middle of the dance floor swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music. She confidently looked around for a dance partner. She was secure enough with herself to dance alone but it was a hell of a lot more fun with someone gyrating against her.

Leticia's gaze narrowed on Jaxon. He danced between Carina and Desirae. She stared in disbelief. Jaxon's hands freely grabbed Carina's hips and ass. Leticia fumed with righteous anger. It didn't matter that Marco and Valentino knew that Carina was out with Jaxon and her friends but were they really okay with Jaxon feeling her up?

Leticia grabbed the first good-looking guy within her reach. She pressed her body tightly against the stranger instantly feeling his hard-on against her ass. She smugly smiled as his hands grasped her hips. She threw her head against his shoulder encouraging him to grind his erection against her. Leticia opened her eyes. She winked with satisfaction at a scowling and stone-still Jaxon. She leaned into the guy as his hands moved up her ribs, stopping just beneath her breasts. She closed her eyes the moment the guy moved her hair off her bare shoulder. Leticia refused to watch Carina regain Jaxon's undivided attention. Jaxon was nothing to her. He had no right to stop the guy's wandering hands anymore than Leticia had a right to tell Carina to back the fuck off. It didn't matter if Leticia wanted to or not. That wasn't the point.

She inhaled deeply trying to clear her muddled brain. She'd come to the club in hopes of accomplishing one of two things. She either wanted to move forward with Jaxon or shut that door completely. She hated being on the fence like this. Jaxon was everything she desired and nothing she wanted on a permanent basis. Leticia smiled as another body pressed against her. Who needed Jaxon Wright when she could have her pick of the litter?


Jaxon felt like he was in fucking heaven. Desirae and Sati danced around him while Carina rubbed her luscious body all over him. Jaxon knew that Carina felt his raging hard-on but she didn't say anything about it. If anything the little vixen was making things worse. He danced to the beat of the music, matching Carina thrust for thrust. If he couldn't have sex with her this was the next best thing. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her titties against his chest. Every muscle in his body tightened. Jaxon growled. He grabbed Carina's ass in retaliation and pressed his rock hard dick against her stomach. Her breath hitched in surprise. If she wanted to play dirty Jaxon could too.

Jaxon pulled his gaze from Carina's amazing curves. He had to focus on something else before listening to his body's impulsive needs. He'd abstained from sex since school started. It was something new and different for him. Carina and the girls fulfilled something deeper, and better, than he ever got from his one-night stands. A lot of the girls on campus were royally pissed but he didn't give a shit. For the first time in a long time he was happy.

Jaxon's gaze locked on a set of knee-high boots and a rocking body. He froze as his eyes traveled up the trim waist to the beautiful face. Leticia locked gazes with him. She winked as some asshat fondled her. Jaxon scowled. Why the hell was she allowing random guys to touch her like that? His hands fell to his side. Leticia closed her eyes effectively shutting Jaxon out. He swallowed the uncomfortably large lump in his throat. He didn't like what he was feeling as he watched Leticia get sandwiched between two strangers.

"What's wrong" Carina's breath tickled his ear. Her hands rested on his forearms helping ground him. She followed his eyesight and caught brief glimpses of Leticia between the guys.

"She's letting those assholes grab her" Jaxon practically snarled. He couldn't understand why he wanted to go over there and rip their throats out. Why couldn't Leticia be like the other girls and dance here with them?

Carina's laughter snapped Jaxon's gaze back to her. "Don't be a fucking hypocrite Jaxon" she scoffed. "That easily could've been you with some random girl tonight."

Jaxon's brows furrowed. His stomach twisted as he recalled a conversation not too long ago between him and Carina... Hell even between him and Leticia. He hadn't seen anything wrong with this kind of interaction. He'd danced with countless girls in the same manner. Touching. Dancing. Damn near fucking but with their clothes still on. Now Leticia was doing the same thing and he hated the taste it left in his mouth.

Karma was a spiteful, ugly bitch. Hadn't he been learning hard lessons for a year now? He'd lost Carina only to get her back in his life but in a totally different way. He lost a group of so-called friends only to gain new and better ones. He'd come a long way in a year's time.

He smiled as a salsa song blasted through the speakers. To Jaxon and Carina's delight half the dance floor shuffled away for a break. Jaxon grabbed Carina by the waist and allowed the music to take over. The girls cheered from the side as he twisted Carina and swiveled his hips with hers to the music.

Jaxon reveled in their synchronized movements. If he hadn't royally fucked up they could've had this. He could've been taking Carina home and getting lost in her after an amazing night out with her and her friends. Instead he'd be going home and probably jumping in the shower and jacking off to thoughts of Carina and this night. It wouldn't be anywhere near as satisfying but it would have to do. If he played things right Jaxon was sure that Valentino and Marco would allow him into their little circle. Shit for the first time in his life Jaxon contemplated a threesome with a dude just so he could ensure getting between Carina's thighs again.

Chapter Twenty

Valentino rolled his shoulders back trying to ease the tension between his shoulder blades. His driver had reported dropping Jaxon and the girls off at the campus. Carina was now on her way to Marco's townhome where they impatiently waited for her. It had taken everything they had not to drop by the club after they got off work. She needed the night out with her friends and Leticia had reported in with them throughout the night. Carina had stayed with the small group choosing not to dance with random guys. Valentino wasn't sure how he felt about that. He didn't want Carina thinking she couldn't fully enjoy herself, but at the same time he loved that she had that sense of loyalty to him and Marco.

"She's here" Marco's gruff voice came from the living room window. Valentino stalked to the foyer and threw the door open. He watched Carina walk up the steps. Valentino nodded at his driver silently thanking him for getting the group home.

Carina seductively smiled at her two eager men. She was sweaty and stinky from the club but she was horny as hell. She felt bad for the others who'd gone home without hooking up with someone but she didn't feel bad enough to stay with them.

"Did you miss me" Carina purred. Valentino growled in affirmation before throwing her over his shoulder and skipping up the stairs. Marco laughed at his overeager lover. He locked the front door before taking the stairs three at a time. Marco shrugged his shirt off before stepping into his bedroom. He leaned against the doorway loving the sight before him. Valentino kneeled before Carina who stared at him with absolute adoration and love in her eyes. Damn they were lucky bastards.

Valentino gently dropped Carina at the edge of the bed. She squirmed as he kneeled before her. Valentino knew that she wanted to take a shower but he couldn't wait that long. She looked amazing in her gold and white outfit. He slipped Carina's gold shoes off her tired feet. He kneaded her calves, ankles, and feet before reaching for the laces at the back of her shirt. Valentino closed his eyes, allowing his hands to take the lead. He untied her laces and loosened the beautiful top from around her ribs. Lust washed over him in waves as he smelled her arousal.

Valentino hated to admit it but he smelled Jaxon all over her. He wasn't sure how he knew but Leticia had insisted Carina hadn't danced outside of their circle and Jaxon was a very exclusive member of that party.

"Tell me something love" Valentino's husky voice caused Carina to shiver. Marco kneeled beside him and slowly unbuttoned Carina's white jeans. Marco pulled the jeans down her legs inhaling her scent. His eyes widened at the distinct smell of a male on her body. Marco frowned in confusion. "Did Jaxon make you come on that dance floor tonight?"

Carina's body stiffened. She warily eyed her men. Valentino massaged her thighs patiently awaiting her response. "No" She breathed.

"I appreciate that he got you ready for us" Valentino stroked her soaked panties. Marco nuzzled between her thighs inhaling her deeply. He had to give it to Valentino. He might've ruined the night if he'd allowed his alpha male to run the show. Marco smelled Jaxon on her body but nowhere near her throbbing core. Carina rubbed her pussy against Marco's face making both men groan their appreciation.

"I let Jaxon rub his dick all over me knowing that I was coming home to you two" Carina confessed.

"Fuck, I would've loved to watch" Valentino's gravelly voice had Carina's body trembling.

"Maybe next time" Carina whispered. She roughly grabbed Valentino's shirt trying to rip it off him. She needed her men in her now.

"Troublemaker's needy tonight" Marco playfully growled. Valentino and Marco ripped their jeans and underwear off while Carina shucked off her bra and panties.

"Double penetration" Carina demanded. Valentino smiled before pouncing on her. Marco groaned
fuck me
before crawling over to his nightstand drawer and grabbing the lubrication.

"Front or back" Marco asked Valentino. He stoked himself as he watched Valentino grind his overeager dick against Carina.

"I want to watch your dick slide inside her" Valentino sat up and positioned Carina. "I'll go from behind this time." Marco usually had Carina from behind but Valentino was a little insane with need right now. He couldn't get the images of Carina and Jaxon dirty dancing at the club out of his head. It drove him fucking insane. Instead of it making him blind with jealousy he fucking loved the fact that Carina rubbed all up on him for the night and then came home to them. If he was being honest with himself Valentino loved the smell of another dude on her. It made him want to take her rough and hard and then come all over her.

Marco handed Valentino the lube. Tonight wasn't one of those nights that they were going to have oral play with teasing touches before getting lost in each other. They were going straight for the gold. Marco pulled Carina onto his chest. She grabbed his thick length and easily glided into her. Valentino watched from an angle. Carina circled her hips loving the way Marco's dick fit perfectly into her. She leaned forward knowing that Valentino was about to ready her. She focused on Marco's dick as the cold jelly slithered down her crack.

"Ready" Valentino's hoarse voice inquired.

"Yes" Carina took a deep breath and relaxed her backside. Her body's automatic reaction was to tighten the moment Valentino prodded her puckered rim. She was still trying to train her body to easily welcome the intrusion. Carina closed her eyes. She allowed Marco to slowly thrust in her while Valentino slid into her backside inch by slow inch.

"Fuck" Marco groaned as Valentino slid further in. Marco held Carina still allowing Valentino to slide in the rest of the way. He kissed her trying to get her to completely relax. Although she was in the middle they preferred her to do as little as possible. Marco patiently waited as Valentino angled himself. They both groaned as their dicks made contact inside of Carina.

Valentino gasped for breath. Carina felt so fucking good. Marco's dick brushed against his driving him wild with lust. Valentino leaned to the side. He watched Marco's slick cock glide in and out of Carina. Valentino inhaled their combined scents. He could still smell Jaxon mixed in. His dick jerked within Carina's ass. Valentino pull back as Marco pushed forward. They began a slow and steady rhythm paying attention to Carina's nonverbal cues. They increased the pace as she wiggled with impatience. Valentino loved listening to her whimpers and moans.

"Too much. Too good." Carina slurred drunk with pleasure. The guys didn't do double penetration often because it was mind-numbingly good. She usually couldn't sit right for a few days and this would be another of those times.

Marco hummed with male satisfaction. He pressed his fingers against her clit throwing Carina over the edge. She screamed as the orgasm ripped through her and jerked the men with her. Valentino and Marco roared as her muscles and channels clenched and fisted the two cocks inside her. They came long and hard.

Carina's head hung in pleasurable exhaustion. She wanted to feel grossed out by Valentino's seed dripping down her ass crack and his balls but she could only feel immense sense of accomplishment. She loved knowing that she could make him come this hard.

"Let's go take a shower" Marco whispered.

"I'll draw you a bath afterwards" Valentino lovingly added. "I was a little rough with you tonight. You need to soak for a bit."

Carina's chest warmed with their love and concern. They always placed her needs and wants before their own. "I love you two" Carina stated first kissing Marco then Valentino. The men sandwiched her in a fierce embrace before pulling out of her. She watched as Valentino prepared her bath and Marco jumped in the shower. She followed her men and did as they asked; she'd do anything for them.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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