Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (68 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Carina shook her head of those thoughts. She had
amazing men in her life. They fulfilled the part of her that she thought she had to deny. Valentino and Marco took care of her sexually, spiritually, and completely. She felt loved and cherished by her two men. Indecision and insecurities couldn't exist in her world when they laid all the cards on the table.

"I think you're winning the girls over" Carina whispered. She looked into his beautiful blue eyes. They shined with hope and happiness. "You're welcome any time."

"That means a lot to me belleza" Jaxon chastely kissed her on the cheek. He waved goodbye to Sati and Desirae before exiting the apartment. Today had been perfect and he didn't want to do anything to fuck up the harmony they'd finally found.

Chapter Eighteen

Jaxon strode out of the Mathematics building ignoring the familiar voices calling out his name. It had been easy to ignore Pete and the guys over the summer since they always headed home. Now that classes were back in session the guys wanted to act like the last few months had never happened. Pete refused to acknowledge the fallout from the sorority orgy; he still acted like it was a fucking badge of honor they wore. Jaxon treated it like a cold sore that refused to disappear. It was there; he couldn't ignore it but he wouldn't do anything to bring attention to it.

Jaxon walked the short distance to the Interdisciplinary Studies building. Although he passed the Student Union, he preferred to walk there with Carina and Desirae who had classes in the same building.

"Hey nerds" Desirae greeted Jaxon and Carina as she exited the building. Who would've ever guessed Jaxon to be a math buff? The sexy fucker preferred to show off his big dick instead of his big brains.

"I am not a nerd" Jaxon scoffed. Why the hell did he show them his class schedule? Even Carina didn't know his plans after graduation.

"You're in your senior year of college and spending most of your time in the Mathematical Sciences building. What the fuck does that say about you?" Desirae huffed. "Fucking nerds. First I get Carina the Smarty-Pants and now I've got you Mr. Brilliant Mindfuck."

Jaxon's eyes widened. Did Desirae always give Carina hell like this?

"Don't mind her" Carina sighed. Her eyes sparkled with mischief. "Desirae's just PMSing and taking it out on us."

"TMI" Jaxon cringed in horror. This was why he didn't hang out with chicks.

"Let's get something to eat before Desirae starts snarling." She stage whispered. Jaxon chuckled. Carina and her friends were far more entertaining to be with than Pete and the guys. He didn't need to constantly concern himself with what he was saying or doing. There was no pissing contest with them. The girls accepted Jaxon as he was.

"I feel like Sbarro's" Desirae eagerly licked her lips before stalking off. Carina affectionately shook her head at her crazy best friend.

"You feel like pizza too?" Jaxon asked. Would it be considered inappropriate if he bought her lunch?

"Let's check it out" Carina stated. She released her grip around his waist before they entered the building. The loss of her warm embrace saddened Jaxon. He knew they were only friends but her touch soothed an ache in his soul. Carina made Jaxon feel loved in a way that no one else ever had. It was simple; it was pure; with no complications or false intentions.

Jaxon placed his hand on Carina's lower back. He couldn't walk next to her without making some kind of contact. He didn't give a shit what people thought. Carina was his girl. Not in the same sense as Valentino and Marco but Jaxon knew he could count on her for anything.

"What the hell is he smirking about" Desirae demanded.

Jaxon froze not realizing his thoughts had transferred onto his expression. Carina stared at him for a moment before her eyes glowed with understanding. He shrugged trying to be nonchalant about his trip down memory lane. Last year he relished the breaks between classes so he could tackle Carina in some vacant hallway or sweep her away to his apartment. They had a lot of sex those first three weeks as fuck buddies. A lot.

"Thinking about how far we've come in a year" He tried to keep a straight face realizing the double entendre he'd just said.

"Don't be gross" Desirae scrunched her face in disgust. She punched Jaxon in the shoulder making nearby students laugh. Carina rolled her eyes at the pair.

"A lot's happened since then" she agreed. Unlike the two jackasses she was trying to be the mature one.

"But we're in a good place right?" He asked. He never would've thought he'd end up being
just friends
with Carina but there they were. The sex would always be amazing with her, if Valentino and Marco ever allowed it to happen again. Regardless his
had turned out to be more than he ever imagined.

Jaxon followed Carina and Desirae to a table. Andrea, Sati, Beatriz, and Ariel were already there. He sighed in relief at the missing misfits. He really couldn't stomach Chelsea and Melissa for extended periods of time. "Hello ladies" He greeted. Ariel and Beatriz's eyes widened with surprise while Sati playfully blew him a kiss.

"Where are we going Friday night?" Beatriz asked, "Girls' night at your place or clubbing?"

"Whatever it is I'm included" Jaxon waved his pizza between the table's occupants. "Don't give a shit if I'm the only guy there."

"And if we decide to have a girls' night and do mani's and pedi's you're game for that?" Desirae challenged.

Jaxon shrugged. "As long as someone's getting naked or making out I can stomach the stench of nail polish and whatever other shit you chicks slather on."

"Really Jaxon" Andrea chortled, "We don't
make out with each other."

Jaxon choked on his pizza. Desirae valiantly assisted Jaxon. She pounded on his back until he fell off his chair. The girls howled with laughter, giving Desirae a high-five for her efforts.

"You make out outside of the club?" Jaxon croaked. When the hell was this and where had he been at?

The girls did a horrible job of acting all nonchalant. Their eyes glittered with the recent memory. Sati winked at Carina who licked her lips at the exotic beauty.

"Fuck me" Jaxon groaned. "When the hell did you two go at it again?"

"We live together" Sati's husky's tone made every muscle in Jaxon's body tighten with anticipation. "The opportunity is always there."

"They were so hot I wanted to join them" Desirae dramatically fanned herself.

Andrea blushed at the memory. Sati had kissed her but it wasn't anything like when she'd thrown herself at Carina. If anyone questioned whether Sati wanted to get in Carina's bed again, that make out session had left no doubts. No one really questioned Sati's sexuality. She attracted both sexes and didn't discriminate when she dated.

"You SO have to do that again" Jaxon rubbed his hands together. "But make sure I'm present!"

Carina visibly stiffened making Jaxon frown. Everyone knew they were only playing around. She knew him well enough to expect this kind of talk from him. There was no way the girls could offer that tasty morsel and Jaxon not take a bite.

"So you've chosen the stupid bitch over us" Pete snarled from behind Jaxon.

The girls subtly shifted sensing Pete's hostility. Jaxon looked at Carina who glared at Pete like she wanted to castrate him with her bare hands. Shit he would hold the fucker down so she could do it. He always knew Pete was a moocher; never a true friend but he hadn't expected Pete to take it so personally when he finally cut ties with them. Jaxon slowly turned around. He didn't intend to give Pete any opportunity to sucker punch him.

"I heard she's still fucking around with those two rich assholes. You letting her play you like that? Since when does a bitch lead you around by your dick?" Pete taunted. The guys behind him snickered.

Pete's words made Jaxon see red. His hand moved faster than his mouth. He grabbed Pete by the throat and squeezed tight. A part of Jaxon screamed for him to calm the fuck down. He couldn't get into a fight and lose his status as rowing captain. His fingers dug into Pete's neck, disagreeing with Jaxon's thoughts. Pete had always been a thorn in his side. Jaxon lost count of the times Pete sabotaged any progress he'd made with Carina.

Carina jumped from the table and ran to Jaxon's side. Pete's eyes widened with fear; he desperately clawed at Jaxon's arm and hand. Pete gasped for breath but Jaxon didn't move. His eyes flared with rage.

"Jaxon" Carina softly stated. She slowly placed her hand on his stomach. She didn't want to touch him anywhere that Pete was trying to make contact with. "Let him go... please"

Jaxon shuddered the moment Carina spoke. The red slowly dissipated. He blinked several times before loosening his grip. Jaxon threw Pete back, blankly staring at his trembling hands.

"Thank you" Carina whispered. She grabbed his shirt and pulled him into her body. It was like pulling a brick wall to her but she refused to be anything less than gentle with him.

Jaxon hugged Carina tightly. He harshly swallowed the rock in his throat. He didn't want to think about what could've happened if Carina hadn't stepped in. She grounded him. She was one of his few safe havens.

"Guess we missed the Jaxon and Carina reunion" Chelsea's voice grated their already frayed nerves.

"Let's get outta here" Desirae whispered. She glared at Chelsea and Melissa but wisely chose to keep her mouth shut. Jaxon still vibrated with unspent rage and the stupid skanks could be his next outlet. Desirae steered Jaxon and Carina out of the Student Union. They ignored a scowling Pete still sprawled on the floor.

Carina held Jaxon's hand as they walked toward their next class. They walked in comfortable silence across the campus. With each step Jaxon breathed easier. Carina stopped between a set of buildings. "We're here" she stated.

Jaxon slowly looked around. Somehow they'd exited the union and walked to class without him being aware of it. He didn't want to go to class. He just wanted to head back to the apartment complex with Carina and unwind. Adrenaline still coursed through his system making him edgy. Had Pete always been this big of an asshole? He tilted his head back, slowly filling his lungs with air trying to cleanse Pete's toxic vileness from his system.

"See you after class" Carina made the statement sound more like a question. Jaxon squeezed her hand and nodded in agreement. They separated, entering the adjacent buildings.

Chapter Nineteen

Jaxon stepped out of the shower refreshed and ready for a night out with the girls. He wrapped a towel around his waist rummaging through his closet. He knew the girls would be dressed to kill. He smiled knowing how much of a lucky bastard he was. A year ago he would've dressed to impress with the intention of bagging some random chick. Okay, maybe that wasn't entirely true. Carina would've been his first choice,
he would've fucked some nameless chick. Now things were different. He still went out clubbing but he had no intentions of getting laid. Jaxon snorted in disbelief. He cupped his sac just to make sure his balls and dick were still there. If he hadn't been so content in his life he would've thought he was growing a vagina.

He grabbed a pair of black denim straight jeans from the closet. He wanted to be comfortable for the evening. He glanced over his different shirts and sweaters. Jaxon wasn't sure where they were going but he needed to ensure that he could make it into any establishment regardless of their dress code. He grabbed a dress shirt without really paying attention to the details. It was a nice color and matched his jeans. He strode into the bedroom, stripped off his towel and slipped into boxer briefs before pulling on his jeans. So many things had changed for him in the last few months. At one time he would've gone commando just to make it easy for himself. Underwear got in the way of bathroom quickies and back alley fucks.

Jaxon looped a belt around his waist. He buttoned up his shirt and opted to leave it tucked out. He looked at the time knowing the girls were nowhere near ready to go. It didn't matter though. He had every intention of invading their personal space. He never imagined the benefits of having female friends that he didn't fuck. The girls had gotten accustomed to his presence. They walked around naked without a second thought. They asked him to zip up their outfits as if he was one of them. He didn't even try to hide his raging hard-on. He was a guy. If they wanted to flash their titties around then he had every right to his protruding bulge in his pants.

Jaxon grabbed his favorite pair of Calvin Klein boots and stepped into them before grabbing a matching beanie and heading out the door. He walked to the opposite side of the building. Carina and the girls had a two-story apartment requiring them to take up the 2
and 3
floors of their area. He strode to their wing content with their housing situation. He knew Carina suspected him of manipulating their housing request. Jaxon had no shame in admitting that he had. His uncle was the Dean and there were certain perks to that. It helped that Carina and Sati were on the Dean's List. Add the fact that Desirae's parents were loaded and donated generously to the school and voilá it hadn't taken much to get them into the four-bedroom unit ahead of everyone else on the waiting list.

Jaxon jiggled the doorknob pleased to find it unlocked. He strode into their apartment without knocking. Music blared from the second floor. He heard voices in Carina's room and decided to investigate. He burst through the door unannounced.

"Jesus" Desirae screeched. She fisted her hands on her hips and glared at Jaxon.

He stared unabashedly at the semi-naked women. "Hello ladies" he cheerfully greeted. Desirae narrowed her eyes at him. She motioned her hand up and down in frustration.

"What fucking shit is this?" She scoffed. "Mint green... You're going clubbing in mint green! You do realize summer is officially over."

"What the fuck does summer have to do with my shirt?" Jaxon shrugged off Desirae's dagger-filled stare. He liked the color of his dress shirt. The girls always told him it made his eyes "pop".

"We're in the fall season dumbass" Desirae retorted.

"And" Jaxon drawled. He still didn't get where Desirae was trying to go with this. He rolled up the sleeves allowing his forearms to show. He flexed his muscles feeling their hungry stares on his bare skin. What could he say? He had that affect on the female population.

"Leave him be" Carina rolled her eyes at the two. She strode towards Jaxon only wearing a matching set of lace panties and bra. Carina placed her hands on his lean chest and kissed his cheek. "You look nice" her breath tickled his cheek.

"Thanks" Jaxon croaked. Damn, no matter how much he hung around them Carina still affected him in a way no one else could. He swallowed the groan creeping out of his mouth. "What are you ladies wearing?" He needed Carina dressed ASAP, otherwise he couldn't be held accountable for his actions.

His jaw slackened as Carina shimmied into a pair of white skinny jeans. His eyes followed her hands as they picked up a gold-colored top. Carina pulled the top over her head and walked over to Jaxon. She patiently waited for him to regain brain functioning so that he could tighten her laces at the back of the shirt. His hands trembled as they tugged on the laces. He cinched the gold top securing the material making him softly hiss. His fingers tingled at the contact with her skin. Jaxon couldn't tear his eyes away from her outfit. She always found a way to reveal just the right amount of skin to drive a man wild.

Carina stepped away from Jaxon's grasp. The tension in the room increased with every breath he took. She slipped on a pair of gold wedges and waltzed into her bathroom to fix her hair while Desirae got dressed. Carina kept her eyes locked on her reflection. She focused on tying up her hair and putting on makeup. Valentino and Marco were working tonight. Although she'd miss her men she appreciated the time she spent with the girls.

"Put this on" Desirae handed Carina a gold-leaf headband. She smiled warmly at the beautiful piece, instantly thinking about her maple-leaf bracelet. The silver bracelet contrasted her outfit but Carina didn't care. She never took it off. It was a symbol of Valentino and Marco's love for her.

"Thanks" She replied as she added the finishing touch to her ensemble. She modeled for Jaxon and Desirae who both gave her a thumbs-up. Sati waltzed into the room earning a piercing whistle of approval from Jaxon. Desirae clapped impressed with the Indian beauty. Sati wore a colorful mini dress. The sweetheart neckline drew eyes to her olive skin. The formfitting dress alternated colors; it began with a soft orange at her breasts to a mustard yellow above her waist. The lime-green color attracted attention to her hips and the dress ended at her knees in a soft cerulean shade.

"Will you be able to dance in that dress?" Desirae teased. Sati was dressed to kill tonight.

"Looking for a good time" Sati smoothed the soft material against her thighs.

"Hey we match" Jaxon's brilliant smile made all three girls' breath hitch. "Why aren't you yelling at her Des?" Jaxon glared at a still stunned Desirae.

"What" Desirae stammered. Jaxon's mouth was moving but she wasn't sure what he was saying. All she could hear was the blood roaring in her ears.

"Sati's wearing the same color as I am" Jaxon scoffed unaware of the impact he had on the girls.

"Mint green and lime green aren't the same thing" Desirae snapped.

"It's still summery isn't it" Jaxon challenged.

"Shut up you two" Carina huffed with exasperation. She looked at everyone in the room. Their ensembles flowed well together. "You can't even complain" Carina motioned between Desirae and Jaxon. "You're both wearing dark bottoms and light tops."

Desirae huffed indignantly. "I am wearing a silver sequined midriff with a black overlay."

"But the sheer material is barely noticeable over all the bling" Sati snickered. "I'm seriously considering going through your closet and getting rid of anything leather."

Desirae's eyes widened. "You wouldn't dare" she growled.

"Children let's calm ourselves" Carina sighed. "Is Andrea not going out with us tonight?"

"She's doing something for Nicholas at the estate" Sati shrugged. Carina's eyes widened in surprise but she didn't comment. First Andrea had completed solo assignments at the estate over the summer, now she was running to the club for whatever Nicholas fancied.

Carina shoved away the unbidden spark of jealousy. She had no claims or rights on Nicholas. It didn't matter how many times she'd had sex with the man; he could be with anyone he wanted and she had no say-so in the matter. If anything Carina hoped Nicholas had some vested interest in Andrea. He could be good for her.

"Then let's enjoy our night out" Desirae snapped her fingers trying to get everyone to hurry up. Valentino and Marco were working making it a rare night for the group to hang out with Carina by herself.

"Let me text Diego" Carina grabbed her phone with the intent to let Griffin and Diego know where they were going.

"No" Sati, Desirae, and Jaxon yelled. Desirae snatched Carina's phone away before she could attempt to text the guys.

"Blondie may be coming with us but I don't want anyone else tagging along" Desirae grumbled. Diego always sabotaged her potential one-night stands and she wasn't having any of it tonight. Jaxon never interfered; if anything he helped eliminate the posers and losers.

Carina pulled Jaxon out of the room. Desirae and Sati eagerly followed them. "Can I at least invite Leticia since the other girls are coming out too?" She asked. Leticia was loads of fun and she didn't hook up with as many guys as Desirae usually did. Carina was guaranteed to have at least one wingman for the night.

"Good idea" Jaxon voiced. It was rare for Leticia to have a weekend night off. He wanted to see her away from Valentino's clubs and the estate. Jaxon texted Leticia; extending her the invitation to go out clubbing. "She's in" he replied as his phone beeped the confirmation. Jaxon looked at the girls and tapped several more key strokes into his phone. His phone beeped again irritating Desirae.

"What the hell are you two talking about?" Desirae demanded.

"Leticia wants to know if we can go out to
tonight." Jaxon inquired, completely ignoring Desirae's seething glare.

"I've been there before" Sati replied. "It's one of Valentino's major competitors."

"It's probably why she wants to go there" Desirae grumbled. Somehow Leticia was going to make their night out work-related.

"Let's check it out" Carina shrugged. She'd heard of the place before. "Leticia's coming on her own so if she wants to work then it's her thing. We can enjoy our night out."

"She better not expect you to spy for them" Desirae scowled. She was in a foul mood and needed to drink and dance the night away. It was always the two-punch combination that could improve her mood. Getting laid was just the bonus.

"When was the last time she got laid?" Jaxon mumbled. Carina snickered but didn't reply.


Jaxon frowned at the packed parking lot. A line formed around half the building. "Aren't there like 50 clubs in this fucking town?" There was no way in hell he was getting into that line.

"There are" Sati laughed, "But everyone congregates to the really good ones. We'll just have to see if we make the grade or get tossed to the back of the line."

"That would be a first" Desirae snickered. Jaxon chuckled in agreement. Even when he was with Pete and the guys he always got in even if the rest of his entourage hadn't.

"I think we'll have a better chance of getting in without the rest of the girls" Carina stated thoughtfully. She watched groups slowly walk by the bouncer in hopes of getting called to the velvet rope.

"Then we better hurry up" Sati interjected. She jiggled her phone at Carina and Desirae. "The girls are almost here. We need to approach the bouncer before they pull up."

Jaxon nodded in agreement. He confidently strode toward the velvet rope with Sati by his side. Carina and Desirae flanked their other sides. The foursome quickly got the bouncer's attention. His eyes appreciatively gleamed at the sight of Jaxon with three ravishing beauties. The bouncer licked his lips making eye contact with Sati and Desirae.

Carina smiled as she looked around. Music pulsated in the fresh autumn air. Girls flocked in groups to the side of the building while guys catcalled from their place in line. The club vibrated with a different kind of energy from Valentino and Marco's clubs.

"IDs" the bouncer barked. Jaxon smiled brightly knowing they'd passed the initial inspection. He didn't care that the girls weren't old enough to drink. Desirae flashed her ID along with Sati's while Jaxon waited for Carina to pull hers out of her back pocket. The bouncer glanced at Sati and Desirae's IDs. He stamped the inside of their wrists before motioning them through. Carina smirked at the duo. They damn near skipped behind the line as girls from the line loudly protested.

Jaxon confidently flashed their IDs. The bouncer stared at Jaxon and Carina for several moments making them both slightly uncomfortable.

"You can stand with me Jaxon" a girl screamed from the middle of the line. Carina raised her eyes in silent laughter as Jaxon rolled his eyes in disgust. Seriously could he not go anywhere without girls recognizing him?

"It seems you're a popular man Mr. Wright" the bouncer's deep voice rumbled with humor. Jaxon shrugged not sure if it was a good or bad thing when it came to gaining entrance to the club.

"Everywhere he goes" Desirae snickered in the background.

The bouncer wrapped a gold wristband around Jaxon's wrist before handing his ID back to him. Jaxon stood next to Carina refusing to go behind the velvet rope without her.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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