Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (71 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Uh-uh" Marco laughed. "Can't guarantee we'll stay PG. You're doing a good job handling yourself."

Jaxon motioned to his raging hard-on. "My fucking balls ache" he snapped.

"TMI" Griffin shook his head and covered his ears. "It's one thing to see you two going at it but I don't want to hear the specifics."

"Tell me they're done for the night" Diego interrupted before the conversation went any further.

Marco laughed at Diego's distressed demeanor. "They are" he assured the guys. "Jaxon go take care of that" Marco motioned to Jaxon's erected pants.

"Belleza" his eyes lit up as he palmed his erection.

"Fuck no you won't" Diego shot up from his seat.

"She's not yours" Jaxon growled. Diego was pissing him the fuck off. It had been months since he'd been inside Carina. Tonight was as good a night as any to get it out of his system for another few months.

"That's my sister you're talking about" Diego snarled.

"Guys" Griffin stood between Jaxon and Diego. They were beginning to attract attention. The wall of muscle the girls adored was already headed their way. Griffin silently pleaded with Marco. He was the only one who could diffuse the situation.

"Boss can I help you with anything" Brody gestured between Jaxon and Diego. He was familiar with both men and didn't want to throw them out but he wasn't going to allow them to start a brawl in the club either.

Marco looked between them. They were mad as hell and ready to rip each other's throats out. "Diego have a seat. Jaxon let's see if Nicholas can assist you."

"He's gonna blow his load with a dude" one of the guys at the table snorted in disgust.

"No you stupid fuck" Diego growled. "Nicholas owns the sex club. Jaxon can practically have anyone he wants."

"Except your sister" a voice retorted.

"He's already had her" Griffin rolled his eyes in irritation. Were the dumbasses not following the conversations?

Diego chugged his beer before he backhanded one of these asshats. Desirae had done a number on him and his dick painfully throbbed but he wasn't whining about it like Jaxon was. It didn't matter if he wanted to devour every wicked inch of Desirae. He had to be stronger than his desires. Apparently Jaxon still struggled with his lack of self-control.

"Music's back on" Griffin stated the obvious. "Let's go find some warm bodies to dance with."

The guys shuffled out of the booth and strode toward the dance floor. Diego looked around the club. He didn't really want to dance with these chicks. His pants painfully tightened as his gaze locked onto his favorite freckle-faced brunette. He slid out of the booth and stalked toward her. He didn't care if Desirae tried to run. He'd chase her down and drag her onto the dance floor. The little minx was about to get a taste of her own medicine. Diego grabbed a startled Desirae by the waist.

"What the hell are you doing Diego?" She demanded.

"About to dance with you" Diego gruffly replied. He didn't give a shit if she wanted to dance or not. He pulled her onto the dance floor. He firmly grabbed her waist not giving her a chance to get away. Diego pressed his erection against her. Her eyes widened but she wisely chose not to say anything. Instead she matched the rhythm and swayed her hips to the easy beat. Diego sang into her hair about being everything he wanted. Desirae closed her eyes as she recognized Steve Rushton's song. She tried to focus on the music and nothing more but Diego made it damn near impossible. His thick erection and firm embrace made her weak in the knees. Where were Carina and Andrea when she needed them most? Why was Diego so fucking determined?

"There's going to be plenty of give and take between us" Diego's gruff voice made Desirae tremble with need. "But know that as of this moment there's no one else but me."

Desirae clung to Diego's shirt terrified her knees were going to buckle beneath her. There was no way she could do what he wanted. She couldn't jeopardize her relationship with Carina. "I can't" she whimpered. She hated how weak she sounded. She was fearless and completely in control within the dungeon walls but here in Diego's arms she was a hot mess of insecurity and need.

"It'll all work out" Diego whispered into her neck. "I promise." He kept Desirae by his side the rest of the night. He wasn't sure where Carina and the other girls went to but it didn't matter. Carina was grown and she had several men watching over her. It was about damn time he got what he wanted. And it was all packed in this dynamite package in his hands.

Chapter Twenty-Three

"We're going to be discreet about this" Marco glared at Jaxon who waddled beside him. "I've texted Valentino to meet us in the adjacent dressing room. If Carina's onboard with this she'll suck you off and we'll take care of her."

Jaxon panted with excitement. "You're going to watch" he croaked.

"Fuck yes we are" Marco barked. "And if you have a problem with it then head straight to the showers."

"I'm cool" Jaxon's voice cracked. Marco rolled his eyes at Jaxon's miserable attempt of nonchalance. If anything Marco respected the fact that he was trying to play by the rules. If he didn't fuck this up Valentino and Marco would consider adding him to their circle.

Marco opened the door without knocking. He and Jaxon had seen most of the girls in only their birthday suits. They'd actually gotten accustomed to dressing in their presence. Ah, one of the perks to being a partner.

Jaxon froze once he crossed the threshold. The sight was unreal. Carina seethed with anger while Melissa recorded the spectacle before them. Chelsea was on her knees giving head to Pete who held tightly onto Carina's forearm with one hand and the nape of her neck with the other. Carina mercilessly struggled beneath his tight grip. Regardless of how she twisted or where she swung Pete never released his hold on her.

Carina clawed with her free hand and snarled at a smug looking Pete. Chelsea took the brunt of Carina's assault but continued to give Pete head as if she wasn't being kicked and punched by the irate Latina. Melissa sported a busted lip and swollen cheek. Apparently she'd been the first to receive the blows before getting out of the way.

Jaxon ran full speed at Pete. Jaxon punched Pete in the face before grabbing him by the throat. "Let her go" Jaxon roared. Chelsea fell spectacularly on her ass. She pouted at Jaxon while wiping Pete's cum off her face.

"Get all three of them out of here" Marco snarled. Two intimidating bodyguards entered the room.

"But I didn't do anything" Melissa shrieked. "She hit me" Melissa pointed at Carina who vibrated with rage.

"You two are officially fired" Marco hissed. "You are banned from the premises including Club 69 and any of our other establishments. There are at least four witnesses who will attest to this."

"You can't fire us" Chelsea indignantly huffed. "You're a fucking nobody!"

"Contrary to your ignorant ass" Jaxon growled, "He's as much the owner at any of those establishments as Valentino is."

"Chelsea and Melissa" Nicholas' cold voice snapped everyone's spine rigidly straight. "You heard Marco. Effective immediately you are banned from any and all of our properties. You will be arrested on sight if you so much as step foot within 100-feet of our establishments. Your invitations to any and all events involving the
Irresistible 8
have been irrevocably rescinded. After damages have been assessed if there are any monies owed to you from tonight's performance it will be mailed to you at the addresses we have on file."

Nicholas turned to Carina. Bruises and welts tainted her arm's flawless skin. "Carina" Nicholas softened his tone. "I can call the police and press charges" he offered.

Melissa paled while Chelsea narrowed her eyes in defiance. "I didn't touch her" Chelsea hissed.

"But you're an accomplice" Jaxon sneered. How the hell had his dick gotten hard with this rancid bitch?

"No" Carina firmly stated. "I won't press charges but if they get near me again the gloves are off."

"Are you threatening me" Chelsea stalked toward Carina. She eagerly looked forward to Carina hitting her again. This time she didn't have Pete distracting her. Chelsea wanted to dig her claws in Carina's face.

Melissa threw herself between Chelsea and Carina. "Let's go Chels" Melissa pleaded. She pushed Chelsea toward the door.

"Phone" the bodyguard shoved Melissa toward Nicholas.

"You can't take my phone asshole" Melissa shrilled struggling to get out of his grasp.

"That footage will be removed before you step out of this room" Nicholas' low voice emanated danger. Melissa's hand trembled as she handed the phone to the wall of muscle standing between her and freedom.

Jaxon glared at Pete wishing he could annihilate the cocky son-of-a-bitch with just his eyes. The pussy chose to harass Carina rather than come straight to him.

"You and me" Jaxon mouthed to Pete. He bit his lip fighting against the smile that threatened to show as he watched Pete blanch at his words. As much as he'd like to take satisfaction in Pete's reaction Carina was hurt. He'd have to deal with the coward later.

"Done" Nicholas coldly stated. "Remember there are no second chances with us" Nicholas' deadly tone caused everyone in the room to nervously shift. Even the burly guards reacted to Nicholas' barely restrained anger.

Chelsea glared at Carina one last time before fleeing the room. Pete stared at the ground as the guards shoved him out of the room. Jaxon stared at the closed door wishing they could've gotten there just a few minutes earlier.

"If I could take back ever meeting him I would" Jaxon numbly stated aloud.

"This isn't your fault" Carina wrapped her arms around Jaxon's still trembling body. "Chelsea and Pete are on a whole 'nother level of shit-eating scum."

Jaxon smirked at a somewhat pale Carina, trying to lighten the mood. "That's the best you got belleza" he teased.

"I need to take a shower and then maybe I can come up with something better." Carina tore at her clothes. She felt dirty. She needed to wash the remnants of that bastard off her.

"Jaxon don't leave her side" Marco instructed. "I need to locate Valentino while Nicholas escorts the trio off the grounds."

"Please don't tell Diego" Carina pleaded with Marco. She knew her brother would flip his lid and end up doing something crazy.

"I don't know if I can do that" Marco hesitated. "He needs to know."

"I'll tell him but not while he can still track them down and get himself arrested" Carina begged.

Marco's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Fine" he relented. "But if you wait too long I'll tell him myself."

"Deal" Carina whispered. She kissed him on the cheek not wanting to make any more contact until she scrubbed herself clean.

"Let's get you clean" Jaxon coaxed Carina. He watched the way she held her arms away from her body in disgust. He hated Pete and Chelsea for this. He'd tolerated Pete's shit before but not anymore. Not at the cost of belleza.

Carina allowed Jaxon to lead her to the shower. She numbly stood in the bathroom as he gently removed her clothes. His tender touch smothered the flames of rage coursing through her. She was paralyzed with anger and helplessness. Pete's grip damn near snapped her bone in two. She'd kicked the hell out of Melissa and Chelsea but it had been useless in her attempt to escape from his grasp. Carina had never felt such hateful loathing emanating from two people before.

Jaxon turned the water on testing the temperature before guiding her into the shower. He shrugged out of his clothes aware that Valentino and Marco might be unhappy with him if they walked in on them but Carina looked like a zombie. He was pretty sure she would just stand under the hot water and turn into a prune.

"I'm going to scrub you" Jaxon softly stated. He stepped under the water and lathered the washcloth with lavender scented body wash. Her head hung as he began at her neck and shoulders massaging small circles on her skin. His chest ached at the sight of her slumped posture. He carefully washed her skin, scrubbing the areas she clawed at and gently caressed her bruises and welts. Movement behind them caused Jaxon's eyes to dart toward the shadowy figures. Nicholas, Marco, and Valentino silently stood outside the shower. They nodded their heads in silent acceptance without speaking. Jaxon appreciated their quiet but supportive presence.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He quietly asked. He needed to understand how Carina had gotten herself into that situation. None of the other girls had been in the room with them.

"Melissa said she needed my help" Carina's voice trembled. Jaxon wrapped his arms around her letting the hot water wash over them both. She clung to him as her body trembled. "I sent the other girls away, thinking it was only going to take a minute. I found Pete in the room with Chelsea on her knees. I yelled at them Jax. I told him to get the fuck out of the room but Melissa surprised me. She pushed me toward them and once Pete got a hold of me I couldn't get out of his grasp without him snapping my bone. I swear I thought he was going to break it clean in half."

Jaxon squeezed Carina tighter. "I'm so sorry" he whispered over and over again.

She leaned against him. "I'm more pissed than anything" Carina growled. "I wasn't afraid of Pete forcing me or anything. I would've gladly gotten on my knees and bitten his dick off."

"You're viscous" Jaxon chuckled. "And here I was thinking you were some simpering ninny."

"As if" Carina scoffed. "It was like I was paralyzed by my own anger. It pissed me off even more and then you came and knocked the fucker's teeth out."

Jaxon kissed Carina's forehead. "I would've done a hell of a lot worse if Marco wasn't so calm and collected about everything."

"Then we need to thank Marco because you and I both would've ended up in jail tonight." Carina snickered. All her anger and frustration melted beneath the running water.

"As long as you were my cellmate" Jaxon joked. "Let's get out before we turn into prunes."

Carina sighed in agreement. Jaxon didn't release her while he turned the shower off. He turned her around to an audience of three worried but amazing men. "I'm sure they're dying to inspect you and dry you off." Jaxon whispered in her ear.

"Thank you" Carina whispered back. It was probably the first time
that they'd been naked together in a completely non-sexual manner. She felt closer to Jaxon in this moment than any other time they'd ever been intimate together.

"I think the man has officially earned his place" Nicholas admirably stated.

Carina stepped out of the shower straight into Valentino's arms. He trembled holding her tightly. He hated that he hadn't been there to protect her. Nicholas kissed Carina on the cheek before exiting the cramped bathroom. Jaxon silently slinked away but not before both Valentino and Marco thanked him.

Valentino patted Carina dry. He turned her arm carefully inspecting it. "The estate has a doctor that can x-ray your arm." He softly urged.

Carina shook her head. "It's sore but nothing more. Let's get out of here before I start getting a complex about this place." She chuckled. The last time Valentino and Marco held her like this Jaxon had cracked her chest open with his heartfelt declarations.

Marco handed Carina a pair of leggings, a long sweater and comfortable boots. "I texted everyone that we're out. They think it's just us and our horny selves."

Carina smiled. "Let's go home then" she agreed. She loved the sound of that word. No matter where they were, home was with Valentino and Marco. Valentino tucked Carina into his side as they slipped undetected from the club and estate.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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