Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (117 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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It's hard enjoying being under the palatial roof of
when my thoughts continually veer towards my sister and her exhibitionist tendencies. How can I not feel like the odd man out when everybody else, including my perverted best friend, heads over to watch Carina, Marco, and Valentino do whatever the fuck it is that they do in front of an audience?

"Dude, where the hell are you going?" Griffin squirms under my lethal glare. If my eyes could maim a certain part of his body I sure as hell would do it.

"Everybody else is going" he whines. Griffin fucking whines!

"But it's my
" I emphasize. Let alone that he's already watched the first time Carina and the guys did their thing. Why the hell does he insist on watching every time we come to visit? He hasn't fucked Carina. He hasn't tried dating her. But I'm not sure if this is any better.

"Please don't forbid me" Griffin pleads.

Where the hell have his balls gone?
has countless rooms, warm bodies, and entertainment. Watching my sister get naked shouldn't be one of those options.

"Go down to the dungeons again" he suggests. My skin tingles at the prospect. It's been months since I've been down there. The first time I'd gone was the first time Valentino and Marco brought us to the sex club. While they sexed it up in one of their suites Griffin and I had gone exploring. I've always been curious about BDSM but wasn't interested in the hardcore shit.

"You should too" I counter; I don't exactly enjoy having Griffin there watching my every reaction but it gives me peace of mind that he isn't jacking off or getting a blowjob while watching Carina get fucked every which way.

"I'll pass" he shrugs. "That's more your thing than mine. I'm pretty vanilla compared to most of the group."

We both chuckle. That's probably the most accurate understatement of the evening. Our large group has very sexual individuals. Some, like Valentino and Marco love to be watched while Desirae loves a more hands-on approach with implements.

"Are you coming?" Nicholas approaches us looking directly at Griffin. I sigh in defeat knowing that he'll only sulk for the remainder of the evening if I insist he stays.

"Thank you" Griffin reaches out to kiss me but I dodge his effort. Nicholas rolls his eyes at my best friend while I shove him away. Valentino and Marco may be some alpha males to the world but it's easy to see their attraction to each other under this roof.

"Bambi's expecting you downstairs" Nicholas nods his head before steering Griffin away. Blood roars through my veins at his revelation. Bambi is in charge of the intermediate level. I've graduated from the beginner's room but haven't quite made it to Desirae's domain. No one can enter her room without the proper screening and vetting process. I've heard disgruntled members who've offered to pay insane amounts of money just to be able to interact with her within those walls.

"Thank you" I belatedly call out. My legs tremble as I descend the stairs. The erotic artwork on the wall is both foreplay and a salve to my frayed nerves. I pause at both the piece in front of me and my momentary epiphany. Nicholas doesn't have this kind of artwork throughout the estate, although he should. But if it weren't anywhere else but here it's in the perfect place. The artwork both distracts and builds anticipation for what's to come. If a member was apprehensive of what lay beneath, the artwork on the wall serves it's every purpose.

My eyes devour the erotic scene before me. A woman's bare breast captures the viewer's attention. But the focal point is the man's curled tongue around her pierced nipple. My pants tighten as I tilt my head for a better view. The image shows the slightest hint of teeth as if he's about to bite her piercing. My hand automatically palms my erection. I've never considered what it would feel like playing with a pair of pierced nipples but this fucking image has me longing to give it a try. Saliva pools in my mouth. Fuck. I reluctantly pull away. I could technically pass the hours away in this stairwell but I don't need security being summoned because of my creepy old man tendencies.

"Took you long enough" a sultry voice greets. My eyes shoot up just in time to see Bambi flick her wrist and whip some whiny bastard, immediately shutting him up. She motions for me to follow her deeper into the room blatantly ignoring the guy crawling around on his hands and knees. My stomach tightens with revulsion. I'm not like this pussy. I like pain. I don't mind getting manhandled on occasion but I'm nobody's bitch.

"You know the rules" she states rather than asks. "Safe word is still

I smirk at the lack of originality. Apparently unless you personally have your own master or mistress everyone uses the same banal safe word. Bambi motions for me to take everything off. This is the part where I prefer not to have Griffin around. Unlike Valentino and Marco I do care about who sees me doing what.

I carefully yet efficiently remove my shoes, socks, shirt, jeans, and underwear; yes, in that order too. Our personal items have to be stored in a specific way for easy access and organization. I've watched one too many members get punished for sloppy work or not following directions.

I like pain; but at my dictation not as retaliation. I've discovered a lot of things since stepping through the doors of
I don't have to be the perfect student, the ideal role model, or resembling anything close to flawless while under this roof. Nicholas' estate provides me the opportunity to explore my sexuality, push my limits, and just let go without worrying about what anyone else thinks.

"On your knees" Bambi commands. I momentarily close my eyes before slowly dropping to my knees. I know what she wants next but wait for her command. My body shudders with anticipation.

"You're a greedy thing aren't you" she croons. I keep my eyes on her fishnet stockings refusing to look at the floor but knowing better than looking her in the eyes.

"Get in position" she barks. A thrill runs through me as I sit on my heels parting my knees. My chin touches my chest while my hands rest spread-fingers on my tense thighs. Her soft groan instantly hardens my dick. Yeah, I both love and hate this part. My fucking nut sac rests on the floor while my dick caresses my stomach. I can't see where she's looking or if she's touching herself. Her short, sharp inhalations let me know she likes what she's seeing though. Luckily for me she can't see my small smirk.

Griffin doesn't really understand this part. Power constantly shifts between a Dom and their Sub. A good Dom understands the needs and wants of their Sub. I have a feeling Bambi and I are going to get along fabulously.

Bambi quietly walks over to the wall. I quickly peek trying to glimpse what she wants to play with. She caresses several whips before proceeding to the selection of floggers. My body hums with pleasure as she selects a braided leather flogger. I don't know how to use one but I love the feel of the harsh contact and stinging pleasure against my skin.

"I want you here" Bambi instructs. Her cool, firm voice has me scuttling to the cushioned bench beside her. "Kneel facing this way; elbows here; make sure your dick isn't pressed against anything."

My body tightens while I expel a small rush of air. I've watched certain mistresses torture their sub by pinning their dicks into an uncomfortable position. A purple dick is not a pretty thing to look at. A throbbing dick is not only painful but overly sensitive because even a fucking breeze is too much sensation.

I close my eyes knowing that I need to focus on the moment and not tense with anticipation. Floggers are beautiful bastards, both pleasurable and painful in one phenomenal flick. Darkness surrounds me making every other sense go into hyper-mode. The sound of Bambi's stilettos echo in the large room while the other man's heavy pants and grunts slowly fade away. Every time she circles me I smell her arousal. My dick jerks forward eager to make some kind of contact.

My body jolts as the flogger sets my back on fire. "Be still" she instructs as I instinctively squirm. Each time the flogger makes contact Bambi croons her approval. My hips jerk in surprise as she swipes the leaking fluid from my tip.

A groan escapes my lips as she makes a sucking noise behind me. I don't dare look but I know it'd be a fantastic sight to see. The hedonistic state she has me in is a precarious one. My rational processes disintegrate. All she has to do is say the word and I'll gladly welcome her warm wet mouth on my dick.

A growl from the doorway has us both freezing. "Don't move" she snarls pressing my head down. My body tenses ready to fight against her. My body screams to turn around and look at who's watching. I hate not knowing how many people are in the room. My dick pulsates but not with the same level of excitement as before. Whoever is at the door isn't happy to see this.

Bambi reaches over my stretched back. Her pebbled nipples press into my sensitized skin. She cups my nuts with one hand while repositioning herself. I welcome her soft but knowing touch. Just as my muscles relax I feel the rush of air by my ass before the contact. The slapping sound is louder than the actual contact. My thoughts implode while she rubs away the stinging pain. It isn't her hand hitting me but it wasn't the flogger either. Fuck.

Her hand releases my balls and moves up to my dick. My ass still stings but everything is centered on where her hands are. She begins stroking me making my hips automatically thrust forward. I try pulling back knowing her game now but my body has other ideas. My ass tilts up while my hips meet her torturous pace.
It's a fucking wooden paddle. But why is it so loud? And it stings like a mother....

"You've been so good" she praises after several smacks. Bambi tosses the paddle on the ground within my eyesight. Fucking-A, the damn thing has a giant hole in the middle accounting for the sound and sting. Bambi expertly uses both hands to jack me off. The paddle is all but forgotten as lightning zips through my veins racing towards my dick. In moments I come all over the floor.

"Fuck you look spectacular" she whispers before picking up the flogger and paddle, walking away. My hazy vision clears in time to watch her place the items in the "
to be cleaned and sterilized
" pile before summoning someone to clean up my fluids. Somehow I manage to drag myself off the cushioned bench and stumble to my pile of clothes.

"Keep your shirt off for a while" Bambi rubs a cool ointment on my ass cheeks and stinging back. I can't help but moan in pleasure, leaning into her touch. This part is almost as good as the orgasm. "I'm always available for you" she whispers into my ear before turning away. Slowly but surely I put on my clothes and shoes. My body vibrates with pleasure. My semi-hard dick is perfectly content with the hand job.

"See you later handsome" she calls out as I exit the room. My body feels too heavy to lift my hand and wave goodbye to her. I stumble into the hallway immediately freezing upon hearing

"What did I say would happen if you disobeyed me again?" She snaps. My heart races knowing she's only a few feet away from me. Was she here when Bambi approached me? A wicked
jolts me. Damn I do not want to be in this dude's place. Desirae sounds fucking pissed.

"I'm sorry Mistress D" the man stammers. My chuckle's lost amongst the pleadings and groans coming from the largest room. A behemoth of a man stands by the doorway already shaking his head 'no' at me. I roll my eyes at the fucktard. I know I'm not permitted in this room, yet - if ever. But I have to see Desirae in her domain. I need to see what it is that drives her.

"Put him in the cage until he learns his lesson" she barks. I peek around the silent giant and watch as another wall of muscle drags the flailing man into a cage beneath a monstrous bed.

"I'll do better Mistress D" he continues to plead to deaf ears.

"Understand something" Desirae informs the room of slightly terrified members. "I rule here. I don't give a shit what your standing is with the club. I don't care how much you pay in dues. And I certainly don't give a shit who you are away from this property."

"Yes Mistress D" the room responds in unison. My dick instantly hardens at the sight of Desirae dominating the entire room. She caresses a wicked looking cane. My balls shrivel a little as she approaches a table. Part of me gawks at her leather ensemble. She's all tits and ass wrapped up in skin-tight leather. My hands itch to caress the supple material and slowly undress her until I bury myself balls deep into her. But the other part blanches as she switches her cane for a wand. And not just any wand but one meant for electric play.

Desirae is fucking hardcore. Nicholas has her ruling this room not only because she can flick her wrist better than any expert but because she isn't afraid to use the kind of shit that turns most guys' balls into raisins. She rules the dark realm and she does it with a sparkle in her eyes and a wicked smile on her face.

"Your bio says you love electric stimulation" her deceptively soothing tone has most of the room breathing a sigh of relief. My body remains stiff; I recognize her body language. Desirae is still tense. Her muscles twitch ready to spring into action. She looms before a man who's kneeled in the required position. He's tatted from the neck all the way down to his feet.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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