The Irresistible Bundle (121 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Drip. Drip. Drip.
The sound tears my eyes away from the destroyed dress. On the floor beneath her, the puddle of blood slowly grows in size. For the first time since I entered the room I make myself truly look at Piper. Her beautiful freckles vanished beneath chalky skin. Her blue lips and sunken eyes haunted me. I couldn't see where she was bleeding from but the amount of blood still flowing only meant one thing. Piper was an anatomy genius. Her life's goal had been to become a doctor and travel the world and provide healthcare to third-world countries. That was the kind of girl Piper was. She intended to save the world one person at a time... Starting with me... But she'd never get the chance because Piper is the best at everything she does. She's at the top of her class academically. She's the most valued and trusted volunteer at the hospital. She's the shit. And because she's the fucking shit, without even looking I know that she's chosen her femoral artery.

Go big or go home, right Pipe?

My hands clumsily dial 911. I don't know who answers or what they say. I just keep repeating the same thing. "She's dead. She's dead." Eventually someone pushes me aside and goes to her. I want to say don't bother but I can't. The paramedic checks her pulse. He touches her skin. I know the answer to both before he even communicates it to his partner. There's no pulse; she's cold as ice. I stare, still as a statue, as they carefully place her in a body bag. They've forgotten I'm here. I've watched as they've taken pictures, gathered evidence. But it's clear to everyone in the room. Piper did this to herself.

My phone rings drawing all eyes to me. I can't see through the tears but I need to answer it. Piper's parents might be trying to contact me.

"Next time, obey and I won't have to punish you."

Oh God... The phone clatters to the floor. It couldn't be but it was. I'd dismissed the similarities in the cars. I'd taken the secrecy as the naïveté of two young kids but I was so fucking wrong. So. Fucking. Wrong. He'd told me I couldn't have any friends. He'd told me my time was his and his only. He'd warned me time and time again that he wasn't fucking around.

Vomit spews from my mouth before my knees buckle.

"Shit" is the last word I hear before my world goes entirely black.

And it stays that way for two more years.



I wasn't sure if I could sit by Carina's side waiting for her to wake up. It's all too much. Everything is too fucking overwhelming. The barrage of emotions suffocates me, assaults me; it threatens my fucking frail sanity. I'm a hairsbreadth away from losing my shit and sitting here looking at Diego who still refuses to make eye contact with me is only making it worse.

The plethora of emotions roiling under my skin quickly surfaces. Everyone's upset about the assault but Diego's taking it to the fucking extreme. His refusal to be cordial with anyone is pissing me the fuck off. He still won't look at me.

It fucking stings to be treated like a piece of shit; like I'm not worth his breath or time because I'm not Carina... I'll be damned if he sees me crying. I close my eyes fighting against the tears that burn my eyelids. I need to expend some of this negativity, fast.

"I'm heading to the dungeons" I'm not asking for permission but I don't want them looking for me either.

"Are you fucking kidding me" Diego hisses. He narrows his eyes at me curling his lips in disgust. It's the fucking icing on the cake. I'm seconds away from slapping the shit out of him and his holier-than-thou attitude.

"You're enough of a fucking martyr for all of us" I sneer. He still doesn't fucking look me in the eye and it takes everything in me not to claw his fucking face. "Drea let me know if anything changes."

Andrea nods telling me to be careful but I book it out of there before Diego says something else. Diego hasn't done anything at all to me and it already fucking hurts. Each fleeing step away from the medical wing doesn't dilute the pain. His indifference is just as cutting as his hostility. I can't deal with anyone else's shit except mine.

I'm out of breath by the time I descend the steps to the lower levels. By the puzzled expressions on a few faces I'm sure I'm quite the sight to see but I don't care enough to slow down or glance in any mirrors. Whoever's down here is in for a hell of a night. Bambi better not have graduated any pussies into my room. I'll eat them for dinner and then shit them out late in the night.

"Master Gregory asked me to summon him if you made it down tonight" Bambi abandons her mewling submissive to flag me down. I nod my head wishing I'd feel even a hint of excitement at the fact that another Dom wants to watch me in action. Apparently he's a preferred Master and had been Nicholas' go-to person before I stepped foot on this level.

My roller coaster of emotions is so off track that I can't even get excited or horny at the prospect. Greg, aka Master Gregory to all the little people on this level, is a devilishly handsome bastard. His good looks and warm brown eyes are fucking deceiving though. The man is a masochist, a sadist, and everything in between. Wonder what monsters lurk under his bed that has shaped him to be the Dom that he is today?

Bambi whispers to an attendant who silently disappears into the shadows. It's not often someone's interrupted with whatever they're doing to be escorted elsewhere. I want to be flattered but that requires feelings and effort, none of which I have.

I step into my domain bitterly disappointed that I feel nothing warm and welcoming. I shouldn't be here while my best friend lays unconscious upstairs. Common sense and decency bitch and whine about it but they're easy to ignore. I've never been known for doing the right thing. I don't want another night spent clubbing, getting drunk as fuck, only to end up in some asshat's bed who doesn't know how to please a girl.

"Mistress D" a soft baritone voice gets my attention. I can't see his face which pleases me. He's in the expected submissive position for this room; ass resting on his heels, knees on a pillow, spread apart with his hands splayed on his thighs. His short buzz cut hair is all I see of his face and head letting me know that he literally has his chin to his chest. Good boy.

He hasn't spoken again which is a good sign. The moment they repeat themselves or look up I instantly throw them out. Don't have the time or patience to train someone to the specifications required for this room. Either you have it or you don't. Not everyone's meant to be a submissive. And only the minority is into the hardcore shit that I dole out.

"Tell me what you want as I change my clothes" my sharp tone silences the rest of the room. There's a few male Doms in here with their subs. As long as they don't get in my way we'll be all good. The room's big enough for all of us as long as they play nicely.

I strip out of my regular clothes slipping into my leather pants and vest. The supple material hugs my curves and feels as good as an old friend wrapping their arms around you. Leather is my closest friend. I wear it as a fashion symbol, coat of armor, and safety blanket. Leather looks fucking fantastic. Leather is hard to tear off the body. Leather fits like a second skin. Do I need to say more?

"Please hurt me" his soft voice pleads. I look longingly at my stiletto boots but there isn't time to put those bad boys on. Instead I slip into some spiked heels walking over to him. His body trembles as I make my approach. The hairs on my neck make me cognizant of another presence in the room. I reach for a bullwhip while discreetly glancing to see who's entered the room. Hot damn, apparently Greg has nothing better to do than watch me.

I've watched Buzz Cut with a few other Mistresses. They never do enough no matter how aggressive they get. He's even allowed a few of them to make him bleed but I suspect that isn't what he needs. He refuses to voice his desires and he's never come while I've been present in the room. It's actually a perfect distraction from the nightmare my life's become.

I stand in close proximity to Buzz Cut admiring his amazing body. He's hard and tatted in all the right places. I bet he's an animal in bed. His flaccid dick pisses me off though. Shouldn't he be excited to be here? With me especially?

"Stand up" my quiet taut tone instantly has him on his feet. I brush against his limp dick trying to see what he'll do. "Does that thing work?" I taunt.

"Yes Mistress D" he responds. Well shit... Is he really controlling his erection?

"Let's see it then?" I challenge. In seconds he goes from limp, to semi-erect, to a nice erection. It shouldn't please me so much that he has that much control. It just means it'll be so much better when I finally break him making him come all over the floor. Then to make a point I'm going to make him lick it all up.

"Safe word" I bark. He and I haven't interacted before so I have to go through the usual protocol.

"Red" he replies sounding somewhat bored. I growl instantly making him tense. I don't give a shit if it's the most generic-ass safe word. We have it for a reason. I don't need to voice it because if I do I'm going to start out using knives with this guy.

"Any hard limits" I tip his chin up with my whip. I need to look into his eyes when we speak about this. Some people lie about their limits while some claim not to have any.

"Haven't encountered any yet Mistress D" He contritely replies. Good... Don't fucking act indifferent with me. I like his answer too. Nobody's infallible. No one's invincible. Even the mighty fall from grace.

"Master Gregory" I address him with respect while I'm rummaging through my naughty drawer. I've got something wicked in mind for Buzz Cut. He's either going to love or hate me by the end of this session. "Did you have a preference where you wanted me to do this?"

No, I'm not asking for his input on what to do. Just trying to be polite so the man doesn't have to stand by the entrance to watch. "I'm flexible" he drawls. His voice causes tingles up and down my spine. Hot damn it's been a very long time since someone's elicited that kind of response from me.

I position Buzz Cut away from the center of the room. Everyone else can have at the main stuff. My focus isn't on the furniture and predictable toys. "What I'm about to do to you might be uncomfortable but it shouldn't cause you outright pain. Are you allergic to anything?"

Buzz Cut's brows crinkle in confusion. He shakes his head but quickly corrects himself. I don't waste any time. In moments he's cuffed standing spread eagle. I really wish the girls were here to appreciate this with me. The thought of Carina quickly has me turning away from prying eyes. I can't allow myself to think about anything else while in this room. That's a recipe for disaster.

Buzz Cut and Greg quietly watch as I strap a cock ring onto him. His semi-erect dick likes the squeeze. I watch in delight as their faces scrunch in puzzlement as I put on latex gloves and open a small container. This is my personal touch; something the other Mistresses don't do. Got the inspiration from Anne Rice's
Sleeping Beauty
series... What can I say?

"As I said" I'm repeating while slathering some of the ointment onto my fingertip. "Slight discomfort but not painful" I walk around to his backside instantly putting him on alert. I rub the all-natural ointment right at his puckered rim watching as the ingredients make contact with his delicate skin.

Buzz Cut hisses but doesn't say anything. Damn he's good. The ointment is going to make him itch and burn like a mother. He's going to want some friction against his rectum to alleviate that maddening sensation. Ever had a bastard of an itch that no matter how much you scratch you can't get enough? It'll only be a matter of time before he's begging me to remove the ointment or alleviate the sensation. Friction baby. Friction. Rub that fucker till it bleeds.

"May I?" Greg motions to the small jar on the table. I nod my acceptance, watching while Buzz Cut struggles to remain still. The concoction is maddening when you can't rub against it or apply some pressure to it; I would know. Personally tried and tested.

"You can look, smell, and feel but I'm not giving away my secrets" there's no way anyone will get the ingredients without my consent. They can sniff and taste all they want; they won't be able to figure it out.

I flick the whip at Buzz Cut loving the rush flowing throw me as he arches his back at the contact. The whip cracks again this time landing in a different spot. Greg steps back allowing me full access to my current object of obsession. His skin reddens beautifully while he pants with lust. Seconds later his hips squirm as the troublesome concoction cries for attention. I repeat the actions for the next few minutes. Flick. Crack. Wait.

"Mistress D" he finally gasps. I know the stuff is driving him insane but he needs to remember that I'm in charge.

"Yes" my sultry voice gets both men's attention. I grab Buzz Cut's engorged cock ready to take things up a notch. I stroke it a few times loving the heavy weight in my hands. A man's dick is a truly wondrous thing. How can something as hard as steel feel as smooth as satin?

I bend forward keeping my legs straight; Greg has a perfect view of my ass with this stance. I succumb to the overwhelming need to lick his mushroom head. It looks so neglected and I am truly hungry.

"Fuck" he hisses through clenched teeth. His hips automatically thrust forward making Greg cluck his tongue at him. What can I say? I have a magic mouth. My tongue automatically curls around the aching head seeking to taste and touch.

"You shouldn't have done that" I huskily whisper against his lips. His entire body trembles awaiting my punishment. The other Mistresses would've automatically spanked him in some way but Buzz Cut likes pain. I can see it in the way his body curls relishing the pain, ecstasy plastered across his face.

I lean into him knowing he isn't expecting what comes next. His chest grazes my leather-covered breasts making us both shudder at the contact. I want him to know that he pleases me. He's molding into my desired form as we speak. I cup his sac massaging it for a moment. His eyes roll to the back of his head but still no pre-cum leaks from his tip. It really is fascinating. He must be one of those that can't get his jollies unless he's in a lot of pain.

Game on Buzz Cut...

My thumb presses the cock ring bringing it to life. Vibrating cock ring you ask? Nope. Been there done that. It doesn't belong in this room. But one that provides electrical pulses that zing from your dick to your balls, throughout your body? Yep, those are my kinds of toys.

"Fucking shit" he barks making me smile like a lunatic. I know, I'm just as twisted as Greg but at least I don't pretend otherwise. Outside these walls he's a professional-somebody while I'm always me.

I grab the vibrating butt plug from the small table, lubricating it before walking behind him. Buzz Cut already knows what I'm about to do but can't focus on it since the cock ring keeps shocking the shit out of him every few seconds. They're small, sharp bursts of electricity but it's enough to bring anyone to their knees; unless they're tied up like he is.

The butt plug slides right in letting me know he's an overall experienced lover. He groans with relief and delight as the plug provides the necessary pressure to alleviate some of the discomfort caused by the ointment. Before he can focus on any one sensation I'm back to flicking the whip. In no time he's sweating, shaking, and breathing heavily.

I see it on his lips. He wants to ask but doesn't dare. His mushroom head leaks with pearly fluids making my mouth water but I don't give in this time. Instead I give him the one thing no one else has been able to accomplish in this room. "You may come now."

Buzz Cut jerks his hips hard, grunting in the process. It's a good try but with a few more lashes, more shocks to his junk, and the vibrating plug massaging his backside, it all becomes too much. He roars as his seed sprays all over the floor. I watch impressed at how hard he's coming and how long it takes for him to finish. I don't remove anything from him until he's limp and blissfully passed out. Greg helps me untie Buzz Cut while the other Mistresses quietly clap in the background. I'm sure they're dying to know what I did differently but I'm not sharing anything with them.

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