The Irresistible Bundle (59 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Now tell me you
my dick" Jaxon devilishly whispered.

"I need your dick inside me now" she wailed. He didn't wait another moment. He slammed into Carina making her scream. She jerked against the cuffs while her breasts bounced to the violent rhythm he set. Jaxon widened her thighs and held her waist tightly as he slammed into her from behind. Jaxon watched as members' gazes bounced between her bouncing tits and her pussy getting rammed by him. He knew it was a fucking amazing thing to watch; if he had a mirror he'd be doing the same thing. Nicholas crept out of the shadows and kneeled at the foot of the bed. He openly unbuttoned his slacks and pulled his rigid dick out.

"Nicholas is beating off to you getting fucked as we speak" Jaxon insidiously whispered. He knew she couldn't see it but she'd love to know about it. Her pussy clenched making him gasp.

Nicholas shook his head at Desirae and Andrea's offers to take care of him. He stared at Carina's glistening sex. She was absolutely exquisite under Jaxon's ministrations. The man absolutely knew how to play her like a well-tuned instrument. Nicholas stroked himself to the same aggressive speed that Jaxon pistoned into Carina.

Jaxon watched Nicholas explode all over the floor. It only incited him more. He relentlessly pounded into Carina. He removed one hand from her waist and pressed against her swollen clit making her scream at the contact. Her entire body shook as her walls violently pulsated. Jaxon roared as his orgasm ripped from his spine and tore through her depths. He slowed his thrusts and only stopped when her aftershocks completely ceased.

"You okay baby" Jaxon reverently whispered. She mumbled something incoherent causing him to chuckle. He would've collapsed with pleasure if it wasn't for Carina counting on him to release her. He freed her wrists and massaged her arms to get the circulation flowing again. He beamed at her flushed features, pleased with her performance. He hadn't felt this sated in months.

"I have a surprise for you" Jaxon said loud enough for the entire room to hear. He didn't want them to leave just yet.

"Hmmm" Carina's eyes remained closed but she smiled her appreciation.

"Stay exactly like this" Jaxon bent down so that only she could hear. "Don't sit up and don't leave." He instructed. She nodded. He kissed her one last time before climbing off the bed completely naked.

Nicholas motioned everyone to get back in their seats as Jaxon grabbed the guitar from the corner. He slipped into his jeans, commando-style and sat in a folding chair that had been placed there just moments before. The audience held its breath waiting to see what Jaxon would do next.

Carina refused to open her eyes. She preferred the audience to believe that she was asleep. She couldn't face looking at Valentino and Marco after that world-stopping orgasm. Sex with Jaxon was always amazing and she had an audience who could now attest to it.

Jaxon strummed the guitar. He needed Carina to hear him; through his actions and his words. Their sexual interaction proved to the world just how deep their connection was. Now they would get to hear his words. He opened his mouth singing with all his heart.

Carina stiffened in the bed. A lump lodged itself in her throat as she recognized the first lines of the song
"In Case"
. Jaxon didn't care that Demi Lovato sang it. He tweaked it to be completely masculine, completely him. Carina's eyes snapped open, locking onto the picture of her and Jaxon at Club Luna. It seemed like a lifetime ago but there was physical proof that she and Jaxon had been happy at one time.

She looked at her favorite cookies and soda as Jaxon sang the next line about leaving food at his place. The room and its set up completely made sense now. She'd immediately recognized that Jaxon had replicated his room but she hadn't understood why he'd placed the photo and the food items until now. They were all meant to tie into the song he was serenading to her.

Carina's eyes burned with tears. She didn't want to remain in bed listening to him. She didn't know whether to run or stay. His beautiful masculine voice pleaded with Carina through the lyrics. She'd never hear this song again without this haunting memory. She held her breath fighting against the sob that threatened to escape. She couldn't let them see how much this affected her. She couldn't let Jaxon think he could smooth over his mistakes with the strum of his guitar.

Nicholas' chest tightened as he watched Carina's silent reaction. She fought to remain utterly motionless on the bed but he could see her heart cracking open and spilling onto the bed sheets. Jaxon wanted to make a point and he had. Nicholas looked towards the front row. Desirae stared at Carina silently sobbing. Her cheeks were soaked with tears. Andrea covered her mouth and wiped her nose, not wanting others to see her crying. Leticia's eyes glistened with tears but her gaze remained locked on a mournful Jaxon. But it was Marco who caused Nicholas to react the most. Marco desperately clung to Valentino. His anguished features and flowing tears hid nothing. His body shuddered with quiet sobs as Jaxon sung about hoping that Carina missed his arms around her waist. Valentino looked utterly defeated. He wore his sorrow like a second skin. Both men stared at Carina who never turned to face the audience or Jaxon.

Nicholas recognized the song's last lines. He made eye contact with Valentino and Marco and motioned his head for them to follow. Nicholas scooped Carina out of the bed. His pants were still undone but he didn't care. She needed to get away from the audience. Jaxon could speak with everyone. Nicholas didn't wait to see who followed. He walked briskly to Valentino and Marco's private suite. There was no need to go back to the dressing area when everyone was so emotionally ravaged. Nicholas didn't know whether to hate himself or Jaxon. This had been a brilliant business plan but a phenomenal clusterfuck on a personal level.

Nicholas used his master key to unlock the suite. He carried a sobbing Carina into the bathroom. He turned on the shower, waiting until it was comfortably hot enough before gently placing her on her feet. "Let's get you washed off" Nicholas' soothing voice was a balm to Carina's tattered heart. She wasn't sure if she could handle anyone else at the moment.

"I don't feel dirty" she quietly confessed. The water drowned out her words making Nicholas barely able to hear her confession. "Shouldn't I feel dirty?"

"It'll help clear your thoughts" Nicholas offered. He was at a loss of words. She shouldn't feel dirty but she might not actually feel clean either.

"I'm tired of feeling anything" Carina's hollow laugh made Nicholas flinch. He gently guided her into the steaming shower. He watched as she stood beneath the flowing water allowing it to soak her recently flushed skin and just-fucked hair. Carina closed her eyes and tilted her head into the water.

"I'm sorry" Nicholas whispered. He wanted to make things better but he didn't know how. That song was like a slow-motion train wreck. He watched it unfold and was helpless to do anything about it.

"We've got it from here" Valentino's shaky voice echoed in the bathroom. Nicholas stiffened ready for his old friend to berate him. Instead Valentino and Marco quickly undressed. Neither man said anything more to Nicholas, they barely acknowledged his presence. Nicholas stepped back as Marco entered the shower first. He wrapped Carina in his shaky arms and held her tightly. She openly sobbed as Marco held her tighter. Nicholas rubbed his aching chest as a chorus of Marco and Carina's sobs echoed in the tiled bathroom.

"We've got you love" Valentino's quivering voice whispered. He embraced Carina and Marco beneath the streaming water. Nicholas watched as Valentino silently reassured his lovers. Nicholas felt every bit the outsider that he was. There was no room for him. He silently left the bathroom. It hurt to be so obviously dismissed but the aftermath had no place for him.

Nicholas stepped out of the private suite and slowly trudged back to his office. There was so much he still needed to do but his heart and mind wouldn't let him. He just wanted to go to his private bathroom and take a shower. Carina might not have felt dirty but he did. He'd set this all into motion. Jaxon may have requested it but Nicholas had done nothing to deter him from it. Nicholas waived away approaching staff and he solemnly nodded at the jovial members.

"I'm not here" Nicholas mumbled to the assistant manning his office area. She openly gaped at him before nodding her head in assent. He stumbled into his office. He tore off his clothes the moment the pocket door slid open. The luxurious bathroom brought no comfort to his tattered emotions. Nicholas blinked hard as hot water showered down his tense body. He couldn't recall stepping into the shower.

His thoughts were on the repercussions of the night. Would he lose Valentino and Marco as friends? Would Carina never speak to him again? Nicholas leaned his head against the tiles. He wanted nothing more than for the water to wash away his shame and guilt.

Chapter Eleven

Diego walked towards the main room praying that Carina and Jaxon's scene was over. He'd visited all the rooms he'd wanted to and then some. There was only so much of this place he could handle. Diego wasn't sure how his sister practically lived at the estate. He was counting down for the summer to end. They would all be back at school and according to Carina and the men the girls were done working for the estate and the nightclub until next summer. Diego hoped to have another job lined up for Carina and Desirae before then.

"Dude" Griffin scratched his neck as he looked at Diego while members exited the main room.

"It's finally over" Diego didn't bother to hide his relief. As beautiful and intelligent as his sister was, he couldn't understand what attracted Carina to frolic around this place and show everyone her goodies.

"You could say that" Griffin drawled before rubbing his hand across his face. "Look man..." he hedged.

Diego stepped forward sensing that something was off. Where were the others? Why was Griffin alone? "Did Carina back out of the scene?" Diego could only dream that Carina wouldn't sleep with Jaxon in front of an audience.

"No" Griffin scoffed before reining it in. "She completed the scene ... And let me tell you that was some fucking hot shit! Your sister—"

"Shut the fuck up" Diego snarled. He didn't want to hear a single detail of what transpired in that room.

Griffin held up his hands in surrender. He had no intentions of pissing off his best friend. "Just let me finish..." Griffin pleaded. Diego glared, daring him to say anything out of context. "Jaxon decided to play the role of stud muffin and Romeo. After he got his freak on he sang Carina a song" Griffin spluttered.

"So" Diego shrugged. That's all Carina and them seemed to be doing these days; delivering hidden messages through their songs. The shit was getting old real fast.

"Yeah but Jaxon had everyone in our group sobbing. The audience was eating it up but everyone that knew Jaxon and Carina's history looked devastated." Griffin ran his hand through his hair. He was still trying to understand why everyone was so upset. Nicholas had dragged Carina out of there like a man possessed but by the expression on Diego's already livid face Griffin didn't want to share that observation.

"Is she still in there" Diego demanded as he stalked through the doors. He glanced around the spacious room. A large bed and night stand were the focal points of the room. Chairs littered the area while small groups slowly dispersed. Diego swallowed the bile that crept up his throat. The room smelled like sex. The crumpled bed sheets and hanging cuffs from a spreader bar said more than enough. Diego wanted to get the hell out of there but he needed to find the girls. They could give him more information.

He found Desirae and Andrea huddled up in a corner. They held something in their hands, their postures completely slumped over. It was like a punch to the gut. Diego never saw Desirae look so defeated. The rest of the room disappeared as Diego strode over to them. Carina was nowhere in sight but he didn't expect her to be there.

Desirae looked up just as Diego came within reach. His hands opened and closed as if he didn't know what to do with them. Desirae showed Diego the framed picture of Carina and Jaxon. Diego's indifferent expression brought a measure of relief to Desirae. It meant he didn't recognize the photo. Perhaps Jaxon was the only one holding onto stuff.

"They looked happy there" Desirae stated. There was no need to make it a question. The picture was worth a thousand words. "Do you think she misses that?"

Diego's stomach twisted. Desirae looked so distraught. He couldn't understand why she was so upset. "I think Carina enjoyed her uncomplicated relationship with him." He carefully replied.

Andrea bitterly laughed. "Well it's anything but now."

"What happened in here?" Diego quietly asked. "I don't want to know the sex details" he clarified. "Just..."

"Jaxon happened" Andrea whispered. She looked to the staged bedroom. "Nicholas let him set up the scene like it was his bedroom. Jaxon had this photo hanging on that glass wall. He had her favorite food and drink on the table. He laid out every detail

"Okay" Diego pressed. As much as he didn't like the thought of Jaxon manipulating the situation it made sense why he staged the scene that way.

"The song he sang afterwards devastated everyone" Desirae's voice trembled. "Carina wouldn't even look at us. I don't think she breathed through the entire song. He fucking chose a song that ripped out their hearts. I've never seen Marco cry. Valentino looked like someone died."

"Even Nicholas looked devastated" Andrea added. Her tears splashed against the picture frame. "He didn't waste a second scooping Carina up and taking her away from there. Marco and Valentino were right behind them. Security didn't allow anyone to follow."

"Why the hell would he allow something like this" Diego demanded. All he wanted to do was wrap Desirae in his arms and find his sister. Everything in him screamed to protect them from everyone and everything.

"Look around you Diego" Desirae replied bitterly. "This was the best scene any of them had witnessed. It's all they kept saying over and over again. Some griped about the lack of kink but the majority were couples who couldn't get enough. I swear everyone in the room came at least once while watching them."

Diego grabbed Desirae and Andrea and wrapped them in his arms. They trembled beneath his strong and comforting grasp. "I think we need to give Valentino and Marco time with Carina." Diego suggested. His entire body tensed making the girls look up. "Jaxon didn't follow right?" Diego looked around the room. He couldn't see Jaxon but the persistent motherfucker could toss good sense out the window at a time like this.

"No" Andrea breathed, "Leticia made sure he went directly to the dressing room."

Diego's entire body relaxed. None of this made sense but he understood that Carina and her men needed their privacy. "Let's get out of here" He didn't care if they had a private suite for the weekend. He was already tired of this place.

Desirae nodded before placing the picture back. They silently followed Diego. The heavy silence pressed against their chests. Desirae's eyes shot forward the moment she heard Diego growl. She expected to find Jaxon; instead it was a sullen Nicholas slumped before them.

"I fucked up" he hoarsely whispered. He couldn't meet their eyes.

"Yes you did" Desirae deadpanned. She refused to feel bad for him. She'd told him from the get-go how royally fucked up this plan was.

Nicholas felt Desirae's anger. He understood it. He welcomed it. As much as Nicholas wanted to apologize he knew there was no point. He didn't owe Desirae, Diego, or Andrea anything. They were his guests, employees. Nicholas owed Valentino and Marco an apology. They were his friends. It killed him to think that there would be a fracture in their relationship. He hated even thinking about it.

Andrea and Desirae gasped. Diego had Nicholas against the wall by the throat. The sight would've been terrifying if Nicholas was fighting back. "If this all goes to shit" Diego snarled. Nicholas stared at Diego. Carina's brother fiercely protected them. There would be no hiding from him if Carina's world turned upside down.

"Then I accept full responsibility" Nicholas croaked. As admirable as Nicholas wanted to sound, Diego wasn't giving him much slack. Diego didn't loosen his grip until security came rushing in.

"Get out" one of the guards bellowed. Nicholas slid to the floor gasping for breath. The security team surrounded him and didn't move until Diego was escorted away from the premises.

"Why didn't you jump in" Andrea accused Desirae.

"For the same reason Nicholas didn't defend himself" Desirae snapped. Andrea stood watching the entire thing go down just like she had. It wasn't Desirae's job to defend Nicholas' honor.

"You almost killed him" Andrea shrieked. She didn't know what she was more upset about: the Jaxon and Carina fiasco or Diego's assault on Nicholas.

"Next time I won't play as nicely" Diego's cold tone made Andrea and Desirae stiffen.

"Can we go to your place?" Desirae quietly asked. They were staying in a crappy place until their four-bedroom apartment became available before school started. Desirae hated the place as much as Carina did. They stayed at the estate or Valentino's condo as much as possible but she didn't want to share that tidbit of information with Diego at the moment. There was enough drama to go around.

"You know Griffin and I got a place with an extra bedroom specifically for you ladies" Diego replied. "You never have to ask. I made a copy of the keys to give to Carina."

"With Griffin around I'd say you better call first" Andrea attempted to joke around and lighten the mood. Diego's tight smile let them know that he was still seething with anger.

"I need to contact her" Diego stated as he stared at the tremendous estate. Lights glittered from various rooms while a fireworks display erupted in the background.

"Text" Desirae insisted. She knew Carina wouldn't want to speak to them right now but she felt just as uncomfortable as Diego about leaving Carina behind.

Diego pulled out his phone. His hands shook as he typed out the message. He wanted nothing more than to take his sister with him and tuck her under his arm.

Diego: About to take Desirae and Andrea back to my place. Are you ok?

The three shifted uncomfortably as they waited for Carina to reply. Diego sent Griffin a text letting him know that they were heading out. Griffin chose to take advantage of the reserved suite. At least his night hadn't been ruined.

Carina: We're heading home too. Don't want to be here. Won't be working for the rest of the week... Please let Desirae know I'll talk to her later. XOXO

Diego: You know I'm always available. Love you muñeca

Carina: Love you 2

Diego breathed a little easier as he put his phone in his pocket. Whatever messy situation this was, Diego was confident that Valentino would work through it. Diego knew that Marco was the hot-head of the bunch but only because he was so passionate about things. Regardless of how unbelievable the situation was, Diego hoped that Carina was happy with the two men.

"She good" Desirae hedged. She fought the impulse to grab his phone and read the text messages herself. It was bad enough that she'd almost succeeded in reading them while edging closer to him.

"Yeah" Diego sighed. He draped his arm around Desirae's shoulders as he led them to the car. "And you try snooping again and I might have to cut you down a peg."

Desirae sniffed with disdain. "I wasn't snooping" she haughtily replied.

Andrea giggled at Desirae's epic failure. If she was a ninja there was nothing stealthy about that. "I don't know if I like the expression on your face" Andrea admitted as they climbed into the car.

"No frets" Diego assured her. "I personally decorated the room. I think you'll love it." He boasted.

Desirae looked at Andrea. Diego was failing miserably at looking all nonchalant. His shoulders shook with silent laughter. "Anything of interest we should know about?"

"Since you asked" Diego smiled brightly at the two suspicious women, "I was strong armed to bring home the bed set Carina loved. I've got the bed done and everything."

Desirae's jaw dropped. "You wouldn't" she hissed. Diego's smile damn near broke his face.

"I wouldn't what?" He innocently inquired. "I merely did what I was told."

"Please tell me it isn't that hideous quilt set from last Thanksgiving" Desirae implored. Carina had sent her a picture of the horrific bed set. It was like a box of crayons threw up on the bed and then attempted to make shapes or art from it.

"The very one" Diego dreamily sighed. "But that isn't even the best part."

"How can it be worse than that" Desirae challenged. Andrea snickered in the back seat as Diego roared with laughter. Desirae swallowed the bubble of laughter threatening to escape. Diego's mood change and the memory of Carina's embarrassing picture helped to lift her sorrows.

"Diego" Andrea wailed. "Please tell me you didn't make a copy of that bird shitting on Carina picture."

"That's old news" Diego turned in his seat. The girls weren't going to let up. "Did I ever tell you that Carina was an awkward child?"

Andrea leaned forward waiting to hear Diego's next words. Desirae shook her head knowing her best friend was likely going to kill her brother before the summer even ended.

"How awkward" Andrea inquired. Carina was Miss Everybody-Wants-Me. It was nice to know she wasn't always the shit.

"You mean aside from the actual spinach-in-your-teeth photo and a bikini-picture where her breasts were so uneven and lopsided that even the lifeguards were captured gawking at her in the background of the picture?"

Desirae turned toward the backseat of the car. "I've got $20 that she goes for his throat and his balls."

"What" Diego screeched.

"$20 that Carina starts pounding on him but the guys manage to save his sorry ass" Andrea countered.

"We can't jump in" Desirae clarified.

"You wouldn't protect an innocent victim" Diego scoffed. What the hell were they going to do - stand there and watch?

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