The Irresistible Bundle (125 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Who is he to
firecracker?" Valentino asks. The silver-haired man with steely eyes stares us both down.
isn't pleased to see Valentino standing so close to me; another older man. A detective stands between us; we're all demanding to be let into whatever room I will be in.

Despite all my mental preparations the trembling begins. My lungs forget how to function but it doesn't stop my body from demanding oxygen. I'm completely at the mercy of my body's automatic reaction to this bastard. No matter how much my brain screams to regain control my body just locks up. I'm in fight-or-flight mode and every molecule within me is ready to flee.

Valentino senses my fear and panic. I want to play this down but there's no witty joke or snarky remark that can offset my terror. Mr. Pearce senses my presence but can't look at me with the usual coldness and ferocity while others are present. His attention is divided between the detectives and glancing at Valentino's interactions with me.

Mr. Pearce considers Valentino a rival; another older, handsome, wealthy man vying for possession of me.
may consider it competition when the reality is so far from the truth. I'd
return back to that evil bastard and Valentino could never truly be mine. I love him in a way that is different than Carina loves him but more than my affections for Nicholas or any other close male friend.

It takes every iota of self-discipline to answer V's question and remain there as if I'm completely comfortable even being 100 miles within this bastard. "My father took everything from me and gave it to him." I softly reply. It's the face that's haunted me for years. And he's here as a favor to Father, which means that I'm the form of payment. Of fucking course... This is my mess. Father will get a resolution but since I'm the problem I'm expected to be bartered into everything. Less than two fucking years of freedom and my stupidity just cost me everything.

"We don't need him" Valentino's firm voice has my heart momentarily fluttering but it only lasts a moment.

"If I refuse his assistance my father won't contribute to anything regarding the settlement." I flatly state. I've dug my own fucking grave. "I fucked up. I can't expect you guys to pay for it. I'm sure my family will negotiate to pay for her schooling and some handsome settlement so that she doesn't formally press charges and I don't see any jail time."

Valentino scowls at my personal monster. He's salivating waiting for Valentino to leave so that he can gloat. This is a fucking victory for him. I've evaded anything and everything regarding him during my time away at college. It's a guarantee that he'll take his merry ass time negotiating this settlement or agreeing to something so outrageous that Father will forever be indebted to him.

"If your father refuses to pay a settlement then I have no problem taking care of it. I've already spoken with Richard and Nicholas regarding a plea bargain. We can tie this in with Pete's case." I open my mouth to say something but Valentino stops me with his lethal glare. It's actually counterproductive; he thinks it shuts me up when in reality all it does is makes me hot and bothered. "We intend to grant Chelsea immunity for her testimony against Pete. Richard will ensure that she can transfer to another university without issue; something about sealing her disciplinary records as part of the bargain. Her tuition and medical bills will be paid. There's nothing more that your father's attorney can do."

"In all of this you haven't said that Chelsea won't press charges against me." The stupid cunt holds the power and I hate her even more for it. I wouldn't be surprised if she makes outrageous demands like having sex with each of the men in exchange for her cooperation.

"That's part of it" Valentino's face has an expectant expression, like I should know better. Maybe once upon a time I would've believed that someone would've looked out for me but that hopefulness died a long time ago. Now I always wait for the caveat, the catch, the exception; because there always is one.

Everything comes at a price.

"Let me handle him" Valentino motions to Mr. Pearce. His rigid posture and sharp eyes lets me know he doesn't trust this man. I blink hard a few times trying valiantly to appear unaffected. Does Mr. Pearce notice that I tremble at the sight of him? Do my eyes betray me?

I can't even explain the rollercoaster of emotions this asshole evokes from me. It's all wrapped up in a tangle of barbed wires ready to entangle and lacerate me with each thrashing. I teeter from anger to fear to loathing back to helplessness.

"He won't leave until he speaks to me" I grit through my clenched teeth. I should add
to that statement but Valentino will soon enough realize that. V's phone chirps. He looks at the message breathing a sigh of relief.

"If your father pays any portion of the settlement will you be indebted in some way?" His knowing eyes lock onto me and I know I can't escape. I can't lie about this. Valentino somehow already knows the answer. In the few hours he's been beside me... Observing from several yards away from Mr. Pearce... Valentino knows. He somehow fucking knows.

Mr. Pearce confidently strides over to us, visibly irritated that Valentino hasn't left. "Excuse me sir" he firmly but politely states, "But I must speak to my client in private."

"Ms. Philippe already has representation" Valentino nearly growls. "But thank you anyway."

"And you are" Mr. Pearce challenges. He narrows his eyes between us like he can decipher what's going on.

"He's with me" I coldly reply. I won't let on that my heart is threatening to burst through my ribcage about to explode against the walls of this building. I refuse to allow my breathing to give away my distress. I'm reining my body's reactions in not allowing him to see, smell, or taste the fear slowly emanating from me.

"Your father sent me" his growl has my inner adolescent girl cowering in fear. She's running around my head frantically trying to keep all the doors shut from the horrid memories of my teenage years. Just when I think I've overcome the worst something else happens to trigger those nightmares and awful memories.

"Did you call him" Valentino asks. He looks at me knowing the answer but wanting to hear Mr. Pearce's excuse for how he got here so quickly.

"No" I truthfully reply. "My father has eyes and ears wherever I go. Surprised they weren't recording my every movement." I glare at Mr. Pearce but don't say anything more. I'm sure between Father, Mr. Pearce, and Mr. McNamara they're building enough damning evidence to enslave me to them forever. I'd rather get lost at sea never to return. Feed me to the fucking sharks but I refuse to ever willingly return to them.

"I'm sorry Mr..." Valentino allows the word to linger waiting for the other man to introduce himself.

"Pearce" his sharp retort isn't lost on either one of us. He wants nothing to do with Valentino but doesn't want to appear too aggressive. This would actually be pretty entertaining to watch if my freedom wasn't at stake. I always love a good pissing match between two strong men.

"Ms. Philippe is an adult and has already attained counsel" Valentino continues on, indifferent to the man's aggressive posture and icy glare. "Unless you're here representing her father there's really no need for your presence. We apologize for any misunderstandings."

"Apparently you don't understand who I am or who her father is" Mr. Pearce snarls. I swallow the bile quickly rising in my throat. Memories flash behind my eyelids of times when I enraged this beast. He's quick to anger, quicker to strike.

"I understand you have no place here" Valentino calmly states. The angrier Mr. Pearce gets the more relaxed Valentino appears but I know it's only an illusion. Valentino's coiled tightly waiting to see if the other man moves a muscle toward either of us. It's probably the first time in my life where I feel like someone might actually place their life before mine. Almost. I know Valentino would die for Marco and Carina but I don't deserve that kind of love and devotion.

"Mr. DeLuca, Ms. Philippe" a man calls from down the hall. He motions for us to follow. When Mr. Pearce begins to do so everyone stops expectantly looking at him. I can only hold my breath, praying for once in my life, and thinking that it might actually come true. Somehow Valentino might be able to pull this off, negotiate with Chelsea, and not have to involve my father. If I have to work the dungeon every day for the rest of my life to repay the debt I will gladly do so.

"Mr. Pearce I'm sorry for the miscommunication." Valentino states, not sounding sorry at all, "But we've got it from here."

I can't help the smile spreading across my face as Mr. Pearce turns several shades of red and purple. It does look quite good on him. I hope he chokes on his spit and dies right here on the floor in front of me. That would make my fucking life.

I will my feet to confidently walk away. Instinct screams not to turn my back to him but there are too many witnesses for him to pull any bullshit moves. Memories of hair snatching, wrist grabbing, and lashes of any handheld implements assault me. Time away from him hasn't made me forget one single moment. I do not take for granted the presence of others. Mr. Pearce can find other ways to assault me. Tears clog my throat as Piper's and Carina's faces flash before my eyes. I'll kill myself before allowing him to use anyone I love against me - never again.

"V" my strangled whisper has Valentino pulling me into him. I know Marco's the only one who calls him by that but this moment is too important. Precious seconds have already been lost.

"What is it Firecracker?"

His endearment tears me in two. I want to feel as spectacular and invincible as those magnificent explosives that light the sky but right now I'm more comparable to one of those annoying snappers that pop when slammed into the ground.

"You need to make sure Carina is never left alone. He's capable..." I'm a blubbering mess. I know this. But I can't help it. Carina's face keeps replacing Piper's and I can't have her fate end up like my one and only other best friend.

"On it" he solemnly replies. Valentino knows I don't over-exaggerate things. He doesn't even hesitate; he texts Marco ensuring that Carina and the girls are with someone at all times.

"You and I are going to have a good heart-to-heart after this" he pulls my face towards his, making me look him right in the eyes "non-negotiable."

I swallow loudly. How can I refuse him? Especially if he manages to pull off some miracle... There's no way in hell he can negotiate all this without involving Father in some way. I'm in a no-win situation. I hate thinking that they'll be taking from their cash reserves to handle some sort of payout regarding Chelsea.

"Okay" the word is barely audible as we enter a room full of suits. My stomach twists at the sight before me. Only until this last year could I stomach looking at a man in a three-piece suit. Valentino, Nicholas, and Marco changed that for me. Business suits had become synonymous with pain and fear. I didn't want to feel that way again.

"Thank you for coming Ms. Philippe" a bald man with an ugly scowl almost sneers. If that's him being professional then I'm already doomed. My hackles raise ready for the backstabbing to begin. Just because he flashes a badge pretending to be a detective doesn't make him a good guy.

"Good afternoon, I'm Mr. Wright. I'm representing Ms. Philippe" some good looking bastard greets the detective, then the rest of the room. Valentino elbows me making me realizing that my eyes are bulging and my jaw has dropped to the floor. Right... I'm supposed to play it off like I know who my representing counsel is.

Wait a minute... Mr. Wright, like in Jaxon's family? My chest warms and tightens all at once; warms because it feels fucking unreal to have this many people on my side going to bat for me. Uncomfortably tight because the growing list of individuals I'm indebted to is quickly growing. Is it worth me owing several of the men in my new life to keep away the two men in my old?

"Firecracker look pretty but keep those beautiful lips shut. We've got this."

"But" my mouth clamps shut the moment Valentino glares at me. He looks almost violent. I know he'd never raise his hands to me but it's still an intimidating sight.

"That's better" his dominating response slightly ruffles my feathers. I don't like to be bossed around but Valentino is one of the few men I'll allow to manhandle me.

Somehow I miss Nicholas slipping into the room but he quietly sits in the corner listening to the others speak. The detective asks for my version of the events. He doesn't like the holes in my story but too fucking bad. When all you see is red you fail to notice any other details around you. They have enough witnesses around to piece the story together.

"Is Chelsea going to jail?" The question flies out of my mouth quickly earning a narrowing gaze from the detective.

"She was the one who was assaulted" the detective scoffs. "Why should she be going to jail?"

"Ms. Rivers violated a trespassing and restraining order" Mr. Wright the attorney, not Jaxon because I'm still trying to make sense of that shit, interjects. My eyes widen at the words
restraining order
. So I'm not the only bitch in a heap of shit. Maybe Chelsea and I can be cellmates. Then I could kick her ass again.

Nicholas stands up providing the necessary paperwork. All the while Valentino says nothing. Apparently he's my watchdog and protector. He already failed in his endeavor to keep my mouth shut.

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