The Irresistible Bundle (72 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Chapter Twenty-Four

"Why are we here so early?" Desirae whined for the umpteenth time. Carina, Andrea, Beatriz, Ariel, Sati, Jaxon, Diego, Leticia, Griffin, and Desirae entered Yvette's costume shop from a side entrance. Carina ushered the sizeable group in, hoping no one would notice them.

"Because those mobs of people outside the shop are waiting for the doors to open so that they can ransack the place" Carina replied exasperated with her best friend. They were all missing classes in order to get their costumes for Friday night's party. If they didn't get their costumes now there was no guarantee that Yvette could squeeze them in until moments before the party.

It was exactly how they'd ended up in Yvette's shop last Halloween. The girls had decided to attend the widely anticipated event at the very last minute. Scrambling they'd run into Yvette's shop. Luckily for the girls Yvette had seen their potential and herded them into a backroom where she dressed each girl. That was the night they'd become known as the
Irresistible 8.
A year later and they were technically down two girls but it wasn't like anyone was missing Chelsea and Melissa's companionship. If anything they'd added Leticia and the guys to their group.

"Good morning everyone" Yvette greeted the group as they shuffled into the back of her shop. "I've got quite a selection for you all!" The girls beamed with excitement while the guys warily looked around. Rows and racks of costumes and props littered the open space.

"We can't do anything remotely the same as last year!" Andrea sternly stated to the group.

"I've already spoken with Valentino" Yvette motioned for the group to follow her. "He's requested that at least one or two of you come dressed as couples. He's allowing his staff to dress up this year so there will be certain categories that you can't entertain at all."

"Do you have my costume?" Beatriz bounced behind Yvette making the shop owner laugh at her exuberance.

"Yes" Yvette grabbed Beatriz by the shoulders halting her springing motion. "I'll get it right now. In the meantime everyone feel free to look around. Carina, Valentino and Marco had a special request for you. I'll grab that as well."

Carina's eyebrows rose in curiosity. The men hadn't mentioned anything to her. "Guess this is another year you don't have to pick out your costume" Desirae snickered.

"What do you mean?" Griffin looked between the girls. "Carina didn't choose to be a cave girl last year?"

"Yvette chose it for her" Sati winked at Carina. "Guess we'll have to see what the guys have planned for you."

Andrea's phone rang amidst the flurry of whispers. She walked to the opposite side of the room while Ariel, Leticia, and Desirae rummaged through the racks.

"Leti, you wanna be my date for the Halloween party" Jaxon asked Leticia in front of the entire group. He tucked his hands in his pockets trying to mask his uncertainty. He'd wanted to ask her to the party since he realized that Valentino and Marco were giving her the night off but he was afraid she'd turn him down. Now he asked Leticia in front of everyone hoping it'd be harder for her to say no. Carina smiled brightly at Jaxon making him feel a little better while Leticia nervously looked around.

"Ahhh, does that mean she gets to dress you" Desirae made kissy faces at Jaxon.

"Shut up Desirae" Jaxon grumbled. He kept his gaze locked on Leticia trying to read her body language.

"I'd like that" Leticia smiled back at him. "Any suggestions on what you'd like us to wear?" She asked. Jaxon loudly exhaled in relief. He confidently strode over to her and motioned to the couples section.

"Let's see what they've got" He placed his hand on her lower back unable to refrain himself from making some kind of physical contact with her. He ensured his arms continuously brushed against hers while they sifted through various costumes. They laughed at the predictable ones and separated promising prospects.

"Can we dress in the same room?" Jaxon whispered. His pants tightened as she shivered against his warm breath.

"Only if you behave" her husky voice made him want to moan.

"I always play nicely" Jaxon purred. Leticia's smile warmed him all over. He'd forgotten how fun it was to just simply flirt. Leticia and Carina brought out all sides of him that he'd thought were long buried. It was good to hang out with a group, males and females included, and not worry about potential cat fights and pissing wars.

"What the fuck is that?" Desirae shrieked. She pointed in Yvette's direction making everyone sharply turn their heads.

"It's my costume" Beatriz squealed in delight. Ariel gaped at the sight while everyone else rushed over.

"What the hell is it supposed to be" Griffin blurted. The costume looked like it came straight from a butcher's shop.

"It's a replica of Lady Gaga's meat dress" Yvette proudly stated. "Try it on Beatriz."

The group watched in stunned fascination as Beatriz grabbed the ensemble and jogged to the nearest dressing room. Yvette handed Carina a garment bag and motioned for her to step into the dressing room as well. Carina humbly accepted the mysterious garment reminding herself that whatever was in there was per Valentino and Marco's request. She just hoped they didn't intend to dress her like some corpse bride or supermodel.

"Found what I want to wear" Desirae practically screamed as she shot off to another vacant room.

"We didn't get to see it" Diego complained. He tried to catch Desirae before she locked herself behind the door but he wasn't fast enough.

"You won't" Andrea chuckled. "It's the way the girls operate. They try it on first then ask for opinions. You might as well start looking for yours... unless you wanted to match Carina or Desirae." Andrea's insinuating tone made Griffin chuckle. Diego was no longer being subtle about his interest and pursuit of Desirae.

"If she's wearing something like she did last year then I'll pass" Diego wryly replied. He glanced over the men's rack and immediately grabbed the first acceptable thing he found and headed toward the dressing room ignoring the other's laughter behind him.

"Yvette" Andrea addressed the shop owner. She looked around to ensure the others were occupied with their selections. "Nicholas and I are going as a couple. He said he sent you his request first thing this morning."

Yvette patted Andrea's hand. "He did indeed" she tilted her head at the dark-skinned beauty. "You do know what he wants you two to go as right?"

"Yes" Andrea rolled her eyes. "I'm not sure how it'll turn out. It sounds a little cheesy to me."

"On the contrary" Yvette assured her. "I'm already separating his pieces. Your costume was rather simple to assemble. I just need you to try it on but I don't want to show it to the others. You need Nicholas with you for a more dramatic effect."

Andrea smiled wickedly. All she knew was that Nicholas wanted her dressed from head to toe in gold. He didn't let her know anything else. By the sparkle in Yvette's eyes Andrea suspected that the outfit would be provocative and eye-catching.

"Holy shit that's awesome!" Leticia practically ran over Jaxon trying to get to Beatriz. The guys followed closely behind, closing in on Beatriz. Yvette muscled her way through the tight group shushing their

Beatriz posed for Yvette and the group. The only normal article of clothing on her was the pair of fishnet stockings on her legs. The dress was an impressive replica of Lady Gaga's infamous meat dress. The synthetic material looked like real meat. It was soft and flexible, conforming to Beatriz's curves. The front of the dress barely covered her girl bits while the longer, frayed back covered her ass and thighs. Beatriz bent over revealing the flap of "meat" that gaped open allowing everyone to get a full glimpse of her ass. She wore custom-made matching wedge-type shoes and headpiece.

"Wow" they collectively gasped. Yvette cupped her hands together and brought it to her chest. The costume was a vision. It had taken several weeks to create but the stunning outcome was worth every painstaking moment.

"Beatriz you should've gone last" Carina sighed. She waltzed toward the group knowing there was no way in hell any of them could compete with her.

"What the hell are you wearing" Diego bellowed. Griffin's Cheshire grin only pissed Diego off more.

"It's what Valentino requested" Yvette sharply admonished. Diego had enough sense to appear contrite in front of the shop owner. He snuck an accusing glare at his sister before stepping out of the way for the girls to get a closer look.

Carina walked over to Yvette ready for inspection. She felt all sorts of exposed in this outfit. It was the very thing they'd vetoed when they'd done the Big & Rich number at
the other night. Carina held her head high while Yvette circled her. She tried not to twitch under everyone's interested gazes. Normally she wouldn't care but there were a few remnants of bruises from Pete's grip that she didn't want anyone to notice.

Carina never used foundation and it was the only time in her life that she'd had to make that kind of purchase. She shifted each time Desirae got too close. Her bestie had a keen eye for makeup cover-ups. She didn't want to make some lame excuse if someone noticed the rushed cover-up job on her arm or the back of her neck. The bruises were now a yellowish-green color. She prayed they'd be completely gone by the party.

Carina's tan-colored chaps were soft as velvet. The material hugged her thighs and calves but completely exposed her ass. Short fringes covered a miniscule portion of her backside but not enough to prevent her from feeling self-conscious. The thong underwear at least covered her mound. She sported a matching bra with similar fringes that covered the cups. She didn't wear a vest or anything else with it. The bra was considered the top portion of her costume. Yvette placed stiletto heels at her feet and gave her a cowboy hat to put on.

Griffin whistled in appreciation. "You looking smoking hot Chica!"

"Wait till you see the back" Desirae snickered from somewhere behind Carina.

"I'll get to you in a minute" Yvette absently replied to Desirae. She took a picture of Carina, front and back shots, and sent them on her phone.

"Let me guess" Carina sighed. "Boss man needs to make the final approval."

"Yes" Yvette laughed. "And this costume was their idea, not mine."

"Diego's going to kill someone," Jaxon bent over laughing as he pointed at Carina's backside. "Belleza you gotta put that thing away!"

"What is her ass hanging out or something" Diego snarled not liking the way Jaxon and Desirae gawked at Carina.

"Yes" Desirae and Jaxon replied. The others rushed over to Carina. Sati hooted in delight. She smacked Carina's ass, not being able to refrain herself from making contact with her luscious round globes.

"That's the kind of reaction I'm concerned about" Carina rolled her eyes. There was no way in hell she was sitting down dressed like this.

Yvette's phone beeped. She snickered at the screen. "Your men give it two-thumbs up."

Diego growled in frustration. He couldn't understand how Valentino and Marco wanted Carina to walk around like that. Diego zeroed in on Desirae. His dick instantly hardened but at least he didn't have the overwhelming urge to tell her to cover herself. He quickly eyed her costume before shuffling off to the adjacent dressing room.

"Looking good roomy" Carina beamed. "And I see you've managed to find yet another costume that permits you to brandish weapons."

"Valentino's not going to let you in with that whip" Andrea scoffed. The trifling heifer took too much pleasure in flicking her wrists and making contact with skin. Andrea had no intention of being on the receiving end of her whip this time around.

"This isn't real" Desirae drawled. She sauntered over to the group immensely enjoying their reaction. "I can't have any sex toys on me as a circus ringmaster. But maybe I'll find a few animals to tame."

The group rolled their eyes at her antics. Desirae looked magnificent in her costume. She wore a white and gold satin corset with a red velvet jacket that featured gold fringed shoulder pads. Her tiny black shorts drew attention to her exposed thighs. Desirae wore black heels and thigh-high striped stocking without garters. Her neck bowtie and small satin top-hat made the normally generic costume sexy and fun.

Diego walked out right behind Desirae. Griffin moaned in disapproval while Desirae's mouth hung like a gaping fish.

"You don't want to catch any flies do you" Diego huskily whispered. He pressed two fingers beneath Desirae's chin and helped her snapped her mouth shut. He patiently waited while Desirae got her eyeful. "Do I meet your approval?" The girls shivered at his husky inquiry. The group stared wide-eyed at the combustible couple.

"Isn't that a little predictable?" Desirae tried for nonchalance but ended up with a quivering voice instead.

"You don't like it" Diego narrowed his eyes at Desirae. Her flushed skin and heaving chest said otherwise. He rubbed his thumb against his bare chest drawing her eyes to his exposed skin. He wore firefighter pants, boots, and a pair of suspenders. The pants dipped low enough to allow roaming eyes an eyeful of his narrow hips and tight abs. The light chest hair sprinkled across his chest didn't deter eager eyes from ogling him. Diego turned around for Desirae's perusal. He knew the moment her eyes made contact with that teasing glimpse of his ass. His back muscles flexed earning him a soft groan from Desirae's throat.

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