Read The Irresistible Bundle Online

Authors: Senayda Pierre

The Irresistible Bundle (47 page)

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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The hostess winked at the men as she sashayed out of the room to answer the chiming doorbell. Richard strode over to the bar and ordered bourbon while Jaxon scanned the room. His skin tingled with anticipation as if a part of him knew there was a treasure to be discovered within these walls.

"It's good to see you again Mr. Wright" the bartender greeted the men. Jaxon nodded his head as he contemplated his next move. Several women already were attempting to make eye contact with him but they did nothing to douse this inferno building within him.

"It's good to be back" Richard replied for the both of them. As a Dean at the university, he rarely visited the club during the busy academic year but made it a point to visit during breaks. Nicholas graciously discounted his annual dues because of it.

"Give the ladies a few minutes and they can show you the designated theme rooms for the night" the bartender's eyes gleamed with lust as he looked around. "Nicholas hired them only a week ago and they're a fucking hit! We've had more visitors this past week than we've had during the entire slow season!"

"Nicholas hired fresh faces to just escort members around" Richard scoffed. The estate owner had more money than sense. Members found their way around the estate just fine without a tour guide.

"Guest relations" the bartender shrugged, "Haven't heard about them offering any additional services but I sure as hell would sign up if they were."

"Can't wait" Jaxon smirked as he leaned against the bar. If members were already talking about the new guest relations then he couldn't wait to see them. He didn't have to wait long. A commotion from the far side of the common area captured Jaxon and Richard's attention. Jaxon held his breath as his muscles tightened with anticipation. Male members crowded the supposed guest relations staff members. Richard chuckled as he pointed out the monstrous security personnel redirecting the male members.

"Fuck me" Jaxon whispered as his eyes widened to the new staff members coming into view.

"You know them" the bartender's envious voice had Richard freezing mid-motion.

"Damn they already saw me" Richard muttered as he finished the last of his drink.

"Carina already knows you" Jaxon snickered at his uncle.

"Yeah but not like this" Richard scowled at his amused nephew. "There's a reason I don't use our family name at the university."

"Dean Richards" Carina greeted the university official with a false sense of confident casualness. The last time she'd been this close to him she'd sat in his office getting reprimanded thanks to one of Jaxon's sluts.

"Jaxon" Andrea carefully acknowledged the other man. The bartender watched with avid fascination as the wildly popular ladies unwillingly approached the two VIP members.

"Nicholas said you'd be here on occasion but I didn't think he was seriously going to hire you" Jaxon hedged. There was no way to hide his physical reaction to his favorite Latin beauty. Carina wore a lilac colored bustier with embroidered cups that brought even more attention to her ample breasts. The sheer material allowed his eyes to peek at her silky skin while the cinched bustier kept everything tightly under wraps. Andrea wore a similar one but in the color red while Desirae wore a leather corset.

"Gentlemen if you could spare a moment we'd like to show you the rooms centered on our theme for the night" Andrea professionally stated. Richard nodded while Jaxon continued to gawk at Carina.

The three beauties turned around in unison and strutted off leaving the men frozen in place with their jaws on the floor. Three round flawless asses bounced as they walked away. Their tiny matching bottoms were nothing more than pieces of string in the back.

"Good God" Richard breathed. These three were going to cause trouble within these walls.

" Jaxon called out, "You're killing me. I can't even walk my dick's so fucking hard!"

"Ew" Desirae glared at Jaxon and his tented pants. "Keep the commentary to yourself. Lord knows you've seen females in a hell of a lot less than this. Get over it!"

"Let's go boys" Carina called out without giving them a second glance. "We have other guests who need some attention too."

"Nicholas owes me" Jaxon growled as he followed behind Carina. His balls ached and his dick throbbed with every step. The girls stopped in front of separate doors. They waited until the men's eyes traveled back to their faces.

Desirae opened her door first. "Please come in gentlemen. Welcome to
where everything you experience cannot be seen or heard." Desirae motioned to a room that was pitch-black.

"This room takes away both senses" Richard observed.

"Yes" Desirae confirmed. "Makes you intensely aware of your remaining senses" she stated as she stroked the Dean's skin.

"And here" Andrea called out diverting their attention to the next open room "Is where dreams
true." She emphasized. An enormous bed took up most of the room making it hard to see if there was anything else inside.

"And finally" Carina smiled at the two men as she opened her door "This is where monsters lurk in the dark. Pain and fear amplify arousal and pleasure. Only those brave enough should enter..."

"And I can personally escort either of you gentlemen to the dungeon where nightmares come to life." Desirae challenged as she caressed her leather corset. Nicholas hasn't allowed her to carry a whip or flogger with her but she could make the most of any situation with her hands.

"Do you ladies participate in any of these rooms?" Richard inquired. He couldn't afford to have an intimate interaction with any of his current students.

"No" Carina's wicked smile caused Jaxon to groan. "But please enjoy yourselves. We'll be around if you have any questions." Carina's sultry voice caressed Jaxon's skin. He didn't know how he was going to survive the night if he couldn't touch her at all.

"Uncle" Jaxon's dazed voice made the girls abruptly stop. Carina's raised eyebrows made Jaxon realize all too late that he'd revealed their familial relationship. Richard sighed at his lust-addled nephew. "I'm going to speak to Nicholas about a credit to my account. I'll meet up with you in the common area at our usual time."

Richard nodded as Jaxon headed to the administration wing. He didn't move from his spot until Carina and her friends disappeared into the common area. Richard looked at all three rooms and opened the door to
. It was time to get lost in the dark...


"Forget the credit to the account" Jaxon stormed into Nicholas' office without knocking. Nicholas stopped typing and looked up at the flustered VIP member. He cocked his head to the side waiting to hear what Jaxon had to say after that grand entrance.

"I want Carina assigned to me every time I come to this establish" Jaxon demanded. It was a reasonable request for a member of his status.

Nicholas clasped his hands together as Jaxon paced back and forth in his office. The man looked like a caged tiger. Nicholas bit back his smartass remark as Jaxon adjusted his engorged cock in his pants. It was apparent to all that he'd encountered Carina in the club.

"I hired Carina specifically for the guest services role. Although she's been here less than two weeks, we're already seeing a positive impact with the new role and fresh faces. While I acknowledge that I've mishandled certain things I will not bend over to your every demand."

"I'm not here five days a week I'm sure you can work around the club's needs and her schedule." Jaxon challenged. Just being in her presence revived him. He hadn't felt this alive in weeks and it was all because of his belleza.

"No can do Mr. Wright" Nicholas sighed. Jaxon wasn't going to budge and Nicholas didn't want to make any waves with Valentino. "Her schedule has already been made for the entire summer. Carina and the girls have other assignments within this club. I cannot ask them to add anything else onto their plates. I promised them that they could still enjoy their summer while working at the estate."

"Bullshit" Jaxon growled with frustration. He owned the fucking estate. Nicholas could do whatever he wanted. "You can make it work! You're a resourceful man Nicholas. Come up with something more satisfactory."

Nicholas gritted his teeth at the pretentious ass. The Wrights were valued members and would cause more than just a ripple if things fell to shit. Nicholas couldn't afford the repercussions of a major fuck up.

"The grand opening to the nightclub is next week" Nicholas stated. "Give me until then. In the meantime don't harass her or any members interacting with Carina and the girls. Understood?"

Jaxon nodded. He wanted to say it wasn't good enough but Nicholas was a man of his word. The Wright family was loyal to him for a reason. The man's word was gold. Jaxon looked forward to what he had to offer.


"That wasn't so bad" Andrea chirped as they slipped into her jeep. Carina sighed with relief as she massaged her sore feet. She could go clubbing in killer heels but it was a whole different ballgame when she had to wear them for several long hours at a time. Fortunately they didn't have to kill their feet every night.

"Yeah Jaxon was MIA for the rest of the night" Carina mused. Whatever he and Nicholas discussed had kept him away.

"I can't believe Jaxon is related to the Dean!" Desirae shrieked.

"When I got pulled into his office I felt like he looked familiar. I can see enough similarities between them now..." Carina recalled. "Apparently good looks, money, and a voracious sexual appetite runs in the family."

Andrea and Desirae cackled with laughter. "I think we'd break the Dean" Desirae pondered aloud. Andrea enthusiastically nodded in agreement while Carina wagged her finger at her best friend.

"Don't you dare think about it! I swear the man wanted to run in the other direction when he realized who we were..." Carina shook her head in disbelief. They'd expected to see prominent figures from the city and other interesting characters but they hadn't been prepared for the sight of the university Dean.

"This is proving to be an interesting summer indeed" Andrea giggled as she drove away from the estate.

Carina's lip quirked but her eyes remained serious. Jaxon had given in too easily. His absence left Carina unsettled. His body screamed that he'd wanted to take her right then and there but he didn't act on it. Carina wasn't sure if the added presence of his uncle was the necessary buffer to keep Jaxon at bay. Whatever it was she'd kept her eye out the entire night looking for Jaxon to make another appearance. The man was sex incarnate - he tempted even the most innocent of creatures.

"Why do you suppose Jaxon went to see Nicholas?" Desirae asked the question that niggled at Carina.

"Give her a hand folks" Andrea cried out. "She just asked the million-dollar question!"

"I'm afraid to learn the answer" Carina muttered aloud.

Chapter Three

"I saw the girls rehearse" Marco announced to the men in the office. Nicholas smirked as Valentino rolled his shoulders.

"And" Valentino impatiently waited for Marco's assessment. Nicholas had insisted that Carina and her friends perform together for the club's grand opening. They'd made a name for themselves at Club 69. The sexy minxes were now known as the
Irresistible 8

"They are a fucking wet dream come true" Marco crowed. "Fucking brilliant idea to have these kinds of performances!"

"They won't be the sole act" Nicholas warned.

"Agreed" Marco tapped the back of Valentino's chair, "But if they choose wisely we can actually charge more for nights they perform. Do the girls choose their own music?"

"Yes" Valentino and Nicholas replied. "100% their own act" Nicholas added.

"Do you know what they selected for the grand opening?" Marco looked between the men.

"Just the songs" Nicholas shrugged. "I'm confident they'll have an unforgettable performance."

"I don't typically make suggestions for the club" Marco hedged, "But I have an idea that I think will benefit both establishments."

Valentino leaned forward eager to hear his general manager's suggestion. Nicholas nodded but said nothing.

"I think you should record the performances and make them available exclusively to your members. It can be via the website or you may even consider making a room specifically for viewing these performances with a memorable twist." Marco shrugged. He was just tossing ideas out as they came to his head.

"Let's record them" Valentino agreed, "But let's see the crowd's reactions and see if we get any kind of demand for it."

Marco shook his head at his lover. "Let's just say the ladies have a short set but they will be the highlight of the night..."

"Can't wait for it" Nicholas chuckled. "Do they have everything they need?"

Marco nodded. "The club is ready for tonight's opening. We have the VIP tables reserved catered to the preferences of each VIP."

Nicholas internally sighed. It was never going to be a good time or an easy way to break the news to the men. The opening was only a few hours away and Nicholas was sure Jaxon would make his appearance soon enough. "Speaking of VIPs" Nicholas mumbled. "Jaxon Wright and his family are one of the estate's most valued clients. He is one of the VIPs reserved for the night."

"This is business" Valentino replied. "We understand. I just don't want him harassing Carina."

"He's already run into her at the estate" Nicholas' raised brows silently challenged the men. Did it mean that Carina hadn't mentioned Jaxon to them?

Marco and Valentino exchanged silent glances. Nicholas watched as Valentino's jaw tightened. Was Jaxon that much of an issue in their relationship?

"Show him the video" Marco murmured. Valentino sighed as he walked around Nicholas' desk. He stroked a few keys and clicked on a link titled, "The J & C Saga". Nicholas stared at the screen as series of short videos played. Several were of Carina and Jaxon singing songs apparently dedicated to each other. The most viewed video was of Jaxon banging some faceless girl and pulling out when he realized Carina was watching.

"Fuck" Nicholas breathed as he watched Jaxon nut all over the floor while reaching out to Carina. She didn't even have to touch him to make him come. "It's like that"

"Yeah, it's like that" Marco deadpanned.

Nicholas watched a few more videos of Carina including several dances performed at Valentino's club. "If we decide on your idea Marco would Club 69 allow these images to be used for

"I think we can work something out" Marco stated as he looked to Valentino for confirmation. "You may want to ask them to redo some of those numbers... Add something to it or the costumes would be enough to differentiate it from when they did it at our club. Their lap dance number to Alicia Keys was fucktastic." Marco adjusted his erection as he recalled Carina sitting in his lap and singing to the audience.

"If this is stuff they do on the whim then I can't wait to see what they have in store for us" Nicholas' wicked smile made the men chuckle.

"Do we have enough security to keep the girls safe during their performances?" Valentino inquired.

"Yep" Marco confidently stated. "Although I think some of their numbers will eventually require audience participation."

"I suspect there'll be some adjustments after this opening weekend. I'm not sure if each set will be too short, too long, or if we just need to base it on the feel of the night's atmosphere." Nicholas tapped his chin as his mind filtered through various scenarios. It was important to keep the audience engaged but not take away from their night of dancing and mingling.

Valentino stood from his seat as Marco headed to the door. "See you in a few hours" the men stated as they exited Nicholas' office.

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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