The Irresistible Bundle (45 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Her moan was the only confirmation he needed. Devon rolled on a condom before lifting Desirae's leg sliding into her from behind. The position allowed him to stay pressed against her while angling himself for maximum penetration. His gut told him that she wouldn't appreciate being pinned down to the bed with her face pressed into the mattress. As much as Devon wanted that he also wouldn't push her too far. He wasn't ignorant enough to ignore her nonverbal cues. She didn't like to be dominated by a guy. Normally it would irritate him if someone else thought they could dictate sex with him but he was actually okay with Desirae.

"Hmmm" the sound vibrated from her body resonating against him. He slid in and out of her warmth increasing the pace as she pressed her ass against his hips. His hand tightened on her thigh opening her up more, allowing him deeper access.

"So fucking good..." Devon murmured, his lips brushing against the nape of her neck. Her slick heat had his toes curling, his balls tightening. He couldn't seem to last long with her but that was perfectly okay with him. Devon slammed his hips against her ass loving the sound of her moans and whimpers. Her pussy clamped onto his dick knocking the wind out of him. Fire raged in his veins as lightening shot from his spine down through his dick. He bellowed as his seed filled the condom. Devon pulled out of her but couldn't move. He fell right back to sleep with the rubber slowly slipping off his sated cock.


Desirae winced as she sat on the toilet. She'd lost count of the number of times Devon had fucked her. He'd given her enough orgasms for her to stop keeping track and he'd eaten her pussy so many times she swore he still tasted like her even after breakfast and brushing his teeth.

"Looks like you need a bath" Devon leaned against the doorframe of the bathroom. "I'd say I'm sorry that you're sore but I feel about 100 feet tall right now."

"Shut up and run the bath" Desirae grumbled. The bastard did look pretty damn proud of himself but he should. She couldn't get enough of him and now she was paying the price. She was going to need to abstain from sex for a few days to just be able to sit down and take a piss.

Devon ran her a bath watching as she gingerly stepped in. As much as he wanted to join her he knew he shouldn't. Even his dick was sore and that rarely happened. He looked at the digital clock on his bedside table disappointed to see their time was almost up. Desirae had exceeded his every expectation and he really hoped this wouldn't be their only time together.

(Bonus Scene)

They were ruining everything. All the time I've spent on my back trying to get in with the right people and it's all been for nothing. Jaxon hadn't given me the time of day before
came along. I figured it was because I was a freshman last year but the stupid whore is proving that wrong. He was in her pants the moment she walked onto campus. I know he noticed me before she ever came along. I've gone out of my way to ensure that. He's flirted. I'd almost gotten him to cave in but he never gave me the time of day until she left him for someone better. Now he's thrown me away like everyone else.

Fuck him. Fuck her. Fuck all of them.

"Are you sure about this?" Melissa's whiny tone is really starting to irritate me. She's always trying to make everyone happy. When is the cunt going to learn that people don't really like her; they just use her, like I do.

"Of course I'm fucking sure" I snap. This is a brilliant plan if I do say so myself. Pete better be glad that I brought him into this. He's got a decent dick but it's his connections that I care about. Pete knows the score. We use each other. It's a win-win for both of us.

"There are legal ramifications" Melissa doesn't know when to shut the fuck up.

"Listen you little tart" I turn around towering over her shriveling frame. This is the way our "friendship" has worked since I dug my claws into her in 6
grade. She bends to my will, does what I say, and we're good. "WE don't have to worry about jackshit because we won't get caught. Keep your fucking trap shut and everything will be fine. Got it?" I glare daring her to voice another objection. I know she's a fucking chicken shit about everything but I really don't fucking care. She's my scapegoat if shit goes down.

"You know I won't say anything" She squeaks. She's so fucking weak. If I didn't need an alibi I wouldn't tolerate her presence so much. I should win an Academy Award for my fucking performance. I haven't been able to stomach the bitch for years but she doesn't get the hint. She gets backhanded but keeps coming back for more.

"Stand there and try not to look so ugly. Keep your mouth shut. He's coming." I pull my shoulders back ensuring my DD breasts jut out for his usual eye-fucking. It's so easy spotting the malleable ones within the sex club. Nicholas thought he had his staff by the balls doing whatever the hell he said and when. Well, this is as much for him as it is for the Spic. I'll show them who not to fuck with.

"Hey handsome" I purr as he struts over to us. It's amazing what a guy will do for some pussy. In Joey's case he gets ass, pussy, mouth, and tits when he does a really good job; two for one special when I'm feeling extra generous. Its nice pimping Melissa out when I don't feel like doing something.

"Hey sexy" Joey greets. He's already sporting wood with just my greeting. I love getting him riled up. He lasts like two minutes tops; makes everything so much easier.

"What do you have for me today?" I rub my tits across his scrawny chest. He isn't much to look at but his tech-saviness is what I desire most from him. He's got a little dick that curves in one direction too much. Plus he's not circumcised. Gross.

He shudders under my attention. I smile my sexy smile; the one that gets him panting. He blinks a few times trying to focus on my question. Melissa stands there just as I instructed. She smiles at him when he glances her way. His face flushes when he meets her gaze. I'm sure he's remembering the last time; he'd discovered what it was to fuck someone in the ass. Joey liked it a little too much if you ask me.

"I've got some really good stuff" His eyes brighten. "Are you looking for naked pictures or sexual positions?"

"I'm looking for raunchy, degrading, and humiliating" I slowly state. I don't want people uploading these images and making her into an internet sensation. I want people to see the kind of whore she really is. They need to see that she'll open her legs to anyone but pretend to be something else. Carina is a Mexican whore. She loves getting her taco stuffed.

"Okay" Joey swallows. "I've got a few that are pretty unflattering. You're absolutely sure that this stays between us. I don't want to lose my job over this."

"I've got you handsome" I whisper against his neck. He grabs my waist pressing his pathetic erection against me. "Your secret's safe with me." I grab his dick distracting him from asking anything else. He hands Melissa the flash drive, that's how it works between us; give up the goods first then get your mind blown.

"How do you want it today?" I stroke him hoping he wants Melissa's ass again.

"I want to fuck your titties" His hands awkwardly rub my breasts. He's so fucking clumsy about everything. Joey doesn't know how to suck a nipple right. His hands are so damn small both of them can't cup one breast.

"Ah you gonna give me a pearl necklace" I coo. He sure as shit isn't going to come all inside my mouth. Melissa can swallow.

"Please" He finally lifts his eyes to my face.

"What do you want Melly to do to you?" Melissa's face scrunches. I know she doesn't like the nickname; it's why I use it.

"Can she lick my ass while I fuck your titties?" He vibrates with excitement. Melissa blanches but I don't give a shit.

"Of course she will" I cup his tiny dick. His pants are already wet with his fluid. "She'll even stick her tongue inside."

"Really" His voice raises an octave. Melissa turns away. She looks like she wants to puke. If she does she'll be eating it.

"Let's check out the images first then we'll sex you up." He bobs his head in agreement. We walk to the car needing to access a computer away from campus and the estate. I can't wait to see what's he's got on the flash drive. It's going up tonight for the entire world to see.


Book Two: Irresistible Series


Senayda Pierre

Summer After Losing Her

Chapter One

"I appreciate your understanding" Nicholas, the owner of
, stated as he shook Jaxon's hand. Jaxon gritted his teeth refraining from any kind of response. He paid his annual dues like everyone else at the exclusive sex club and it royally pissed him the fuck off that Nicholas had practically banned him from the estate on several occasions.... Without any kind of explanation...

"I expect there will be some kind of credit to my account" Jaxon firmly stated. He'd never violated any of the estate rules or been late paying membership dues.

Nicholas nodded in agreement. The Wright family was a cornerstone to his business and he didn't want to cause an unnecessary rift. Without Jaxon's family,
wouldn't be as successful as it now was. Nicholas instructed his assistant to notate the account. "I have the Presidential Suite booked for you, free of charge, for the next two special events."

"Summer solstice and Independence Day" Jaxon immediately confirmed. There were plenty of major events at the estate but nothing like the summer parties and scenes. Nicholas nodded as he handed Jaxon the summer event calendar for the exclusive sex club. Nicholas knew he treaded on thin ice with Mr. Wright. The female members favored him and it would adversely impact the club if Jaxon left on bad terms.

Jaxon stared at the sex club owner. The man usually said a lot without saying anything at all. His commanding presence intimidated many but Jaxon greatly admired the man. He'd turned this impressive estate into one of the most exclusive and sought after establishments throughout several counties. It bothered Jaxon how he'd been treated these last few months. He'd been specifically sent notices stating that he couldn't attend certain events or dates and in the three years he'd been a member of
that had never happened before. If anything, Jaxon was accustomed to enjoying the benefits of VIP status and being one of the first invited to events.

"Why" Jaxon demanded as Nicholas stood up from his desk. He deserved some kind of explanation for his temporary banishment.

Nicholas exhaled slowly, ensuring that his face gave no indication of his internal wince. Jaxon deserved to know why. Hell, he'd run into her eventually within these massive walls. But Jaxon couldn't know the real reason - Nicholas would be up shit creek if Jaxon knew he'd been denied access as a personal favor to his close friend Valentino.

"Because of your ex" Nicholas vaguely stated giving him a half-truth. He'd heard enough to know that Jaxon and Carina had been a hot item at one time.

"Carina" Jaxon scoffed. His brows rose to his hairline. His Latin Goddess never ceased to surprise him. First, with her sexual preferences; now her involvement with this club... "Where does she fit into this" Jaxon demanded. Images of Carina featured in a scene or down in the dungeons flashed before his eyes.

Nicholas sighed. "I'm finalizing a business venture that will open up a nightclub attached to the estate. Still ironing out the details but I've been courting Carina to come and work for me. I've directed a couple of scenes with her..."

"No fucking way" Jaxon growled finally putting the missing pieces together. "And she specifically requested to deny me access."

"It gave her peace of mind" Nicholas attempted to placate one of his most valued clients. "She understands I won't grant any more of those kinds of requests."

"What do you want her to do here" Jaxon inquired. Seeing Nicholas' mouth tighten he continued, "That way neither one of us will be surprised. If it helps your cause I can avoid her until she transitions into her assigned role."

Nicholas' lip twitched. Jaxon was suave, that was for sure. Nicholas imagined Jaxon was a worthy adversary when it came to Carina. Hell he still wanted the Latin beauty but he'd make no move until Valentino and Marcus got tired of her or fucked things up. It was the first time in the history of their friendship that Nicholas had seen the men together as part of an intimate coupling. In a way their coming together had been a complete surprise but one that made absolute sense. If Valentino and Marco needed glue to keep them together then the dark haired beauty was the perfect element.

"She'd be an asset to the estate in whatever capacity she accepts" Nicholas diplomatically stated. He'd even accept her in an administrative aspect although he envisioned greater things for her.

Jaxon smiled envisioning Carina dressed in the outrageous French maid costumes Nicholas had his housekeeping staff wear. As cliché as it seemed, the outfits seamlessly fit into the sex palace. "She definitely could help increase membership."

Nicholas laughed as Jaxon snickered. "It's what I'm hoping for." Nicholas concurred. "The first half of last year was pretty stagnant but we had phenomenal holiday events."

Jaxon's jaw tightened as he thought about the summer. His intention was to spend more time at the club and away from prying eyes on campus. He needed to satisfy his needs without all of the attention, that way Carina could see he was being honest about his intentions with her. Shit... now that he knew she was so open they could explore several avenues. Jaxon didn't necessarily want to share her with anyone but he didn't mind watching her and another chick like Sati going at it.

Now with the academic year over Jaxon intended to start fresh with Carina. Pete and the guys were traveling ensuring Jaxon no interferences from the entourage of jackasses. Jaxon needed this summer to start over with his
He had her body, hands down... But he needed a game plan to win her heart. This club was the perfect place to set it all in motion.

"Are you still doing theme nights?" Jaxon asked. Nicholas impatiently stared at him as Jaxon tried to get his mind off Carina's voluptuous body.

"Yes" Nicholas replied. He escorted Jaxon out of his office. "You should receive a weekly email detailing special events and themes."

Jaxon nodded as he walked through the palatial estate. Servers made eye contact with him in hopes of meeting up with him later. Female members brushed against him vying for his attention. Jaxon ignored them all. He had every intention of making it damn near impossible for Carina to ignore him this summer.


"The grand opening will be in time for the summer solstice" Valentino assured Nicholas. "We've got marketing in place to get non-members out to visit and all club members have VIP tickets and tables. Marco and Carina are double checking all the last details."

"Has she decided yet" Nicholas inquired. He'd been patient with her but he was ready to make a firm offer to get her fine ass in gear. Carina was exactly what their new club and his estate needed.

"You'll be more likely to succeed if Desirae is included in the offer." Valentino shrugged. "Carina helps me whenever I ask her for assistance and I pay her for her time but I haven't outright hired her. There hasn't been anything I've tossed at her that she couldn't accomplish."

"I think she has the capability to help me increase membership" Nicholas tapped his fingers against the desk. "I'll take Carina however she wants but I'd prefer her to be a familiar face to the members."

Valentino leaned back in his chair. "Give her a few options and see what she decides." He suggested. The thought of Carina being a constant presence in the estate tightened his pants. Valentino loved watching the reactions of men and women when they stared at his girlfriend. She was a knockout and the complete package. He didn't care that she'd barely finished her freshman year in college while he was approaching 30. Carina was more mature and open than most of her peers on campus. His raven haired beauty had bewitched him with her brown eyes and bright smile. It also helped that she had a killer body and was great in bed.

"Will do" Nicholas said as Valentino's phone vibrated. Nicholas nodded knowing his friend and business partner was done with the conversation. He watched as Valentino strode out the room barking orders at the person on the other line in complete business mode. Nicholas spun his cell phone on the desk as he debated what he'd say to Carina. He needed to make an offer she couldn't resist but one that would still benefit him and the club.

Nicholas picked up his phone and tapped the screen. He anxiously awaited as the phone rang. If he couldn't have her to himself, Nicholas at least wanted to be near her.

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