The Irresistible Bundle (79 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Sorry" Jaxon winced as Leticia's knee brushed against his swollen appendage.

"Oh my God, are you all right?" She squeaked. She wasn't sure what she was more horrified about - that she almost kneed Jaxon or that he was rock hard.

"S'kay" Jaxon grumbled, "Can't control that thing sometimes." Damn if only he could take another ice cold shower and be done with it but he knew they'd be at it for a while.

Leticia reached over to her nightstand. Jaxon stared at her curvy backside as she moved something about. Carina's moans in the other room got his dick jerking of its own accord. Fuck. Shit. Damn.

Music pulsated through the speakers in the room providing them with a much needed distraction. He breathed a sigh of relief as the sounds of sex were drowned out by the music. Leticia snuggled into Jaxon's side again ignoring his erection.

"Tell me something you've confided to Carina" Leticia whispered. Her eyes widened in horror as Jaxon stiffened beneath her. She pulled her head up and stared into his clouded eyes.

"Why do you want to know something like that?" He asked. He fisted his hands against his gym shorts trying not to appear agitated. Holy fuck he didn't want to deal with this kind of bullshit. What would it take for everything to not be compared to Carina?

Leticia silently chided herself. Where the hell had that come from? She'd heard enough from everyone to know that Jaxon and Carina had gotten to know each other very well in a year's time. She wanted that same intimacy without all the drama in between. The question had sounded good in her head but the moment it came out she knew the nightmare it could become.

"I never talked about my parents with Carina" Jaxon stiffly replied. Did he owe Leticia this nugget of information? Would she feel the need to constantly compare herself to Carina?

"Thank you for that" Leticia whispered. Marco's shout from the other room cut through the tension in theirs. Jaxon chuckled while she rolled her eyes. "I'm starting to regret them being here."

"And the night's only started for them" He laughed. Carina's scream and Valentino's roar only solidified his point.

"They'll pass out soon enough" Leticia stated with a false sense of confidence.

Jaxon snorted. "You ain't seen nothing yet" he snickered.

Leticia's eyes widened with a silent challenge. Most guys passed out after their first nut. She'd never seen her cousin in action but she couldn't imagine that Carina could handle two hot-blooded Italians for long.

"Carina once asked what happened to make me the way I am," Jaxon numbly stated. He tucked both hands behind his head finding it easier to converse with the ceiling than facing Leticia.

"There's nothing wrong with you" She uttered indignantly.

"You know about my reputation" Jaxon snorted. There wasn't even a point in pretending that Leticia didn't know about his whoring ways.

"Half the university's student-population are sluts" Leticia sniped. "Carina has plenty of notches on her bedpost."

"But she's not a whore" Jaxon vehemently defended. Her tarnished reputation was his fault. No one knew about the Spanish beauty's bedroom capabilities until he bragged about it to his so-called friends. The stupid motherfuckers took that as their cue to inform the fucking world about Carina's sweet pussy.

"I don't want to argue with you" Leticia softly stated. She would agree to disagree with Jaxon. Carina might not be a dirty slut but she was most certainly promiscuous. It had been almost a year since Leticia had someone in her bed but it didn't bother her. The one-nighters had gotten old really fast in her line of work. She could spot a dirty bastard from a mile away; and as much as the girls talked shit about Jaxon he wasn't like those brazen fucktards who stuck it in whatever hole they could find.

"I told Carina about my first love and how she changed my entire life." Jaxon got back to the original conversation at hand. He noticed Leticia's spine stiffen but he continued as if he hadn't. "You could say I had my high school sweetheart. We dated the summer before my senior year started and stayed strong through our last year of high school. My parents adored her. She was the epitome of everything they wanted in a future Mrs. Wright. She came from a good family that had money. She'd applied to Stanford, Yale, and Columbia; and had made me do the same. If I applied somewhere, she did too. Our families were planning our futures out and so were we."

Jaxon took a haggard breath. No matter how much time had passed he still grieved the loss of the girl he loved. "We were crowned Homecoming King and Queen; Prom too. Every fucking thing was perfect in our little world. We'd been accepted to Columbia. Our families had put a deposit for our tuition. But my little glass house shattered the day she confessed she was pregnant. I'd be lying if I said I didn't blame her for getting knocked up because I did. She was on the pill. I used a rubber most of the time. We were careful. But somehow all our carefully laid plans had gone to shit. We both knew we couldn't make it at Columbia as new parents. I was scared shitless at the possibility of being a father at 18 years old. She saw it. She knew it."

"Valentino" Marco roared from the other room. Sounds of a headboard pounding and loud moans interrupted Jaxon's monologue.

"Christ" Leticia scoffed. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She sat up glaring at the wall as if she could calm the rutting animals in the other room.

Jaxon's lip curled at her horrified expression. She'd seriously thought they were done for the night. Jaxon was grateful for the momentary reprieve. He needed to be reminded that he was in a house full of people. The last time he'd spoken about this was with Carina and he'd given her the watered-down version. Her inquiry had felt more like a silent accusation while Leticia's question felt more genuine and curious. Although he hated the way she prefaced the question he appreciated her interest in his past.

After a few moments of listening to the fuckfest in the other room Leticia nuzzled against Jaxon's chest. She wanted to know the ending to this story but she wasn't sure if she could look at him as he said it. Did he have a baby out there? Did they break up because of the pregnancy?

"Immediately after we graduated she went to get an abortion. There was just no way... we couldn't..."

"It's okay" Leticia squeezed his hand. Her touch offered the comfort and support that her words couldn't. Her heart broke listening to his grief and guilt. Their decision to get rid of the baby still haunted him.

"It's not okay" Jaxon raised his voice. He sat upright keeping his back to Leticia. "She died of complications from the abortion; uncontrollable hemorrhaging. Her parents blamed me. They still hate me. My parents won't talk about it. But it's the giant elephant in the room whenever we discuss my future. I had everything and her death left me with nothing."

Leticia crawled behind Jaxon. She pressed her chest to his back and held him as he fought against his grief. "I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sorry you had to suffer that alone... but you shouldn't punish yourself for eternity because of it." She spoke softly into the nape of his neck. He shivered at the whisper of warm air caressing his skin.

"What do you mean" Jaxon's soft inquiry was hard to hear against the music and orgy going on next door.

"I mean for the longest time you didn't even attempt to have a real relationship. Then Carina walks into your life and you finally take that first step and make an effort... but I'm starting to wonder if you took the chance because she seemed so unavailable. Her rejection could've been easier because you still weren't really ready. She helped break the ice. She made you a little tougher; rougher around the edges."

Leticia rested her chin on Jaxon's shoulder. She let her hands freely wander, luxuriating in the feel of his warm skin and hard body. She kept her touch as innocent as possible. It felt great to just be able to touch him and not worry about what others would think or if he'd take that as his cue to take off his clothes. She kneaded his thighs with her hands, stroked his ribs with her fingers, and massaged small circles on his back. She reveled in his small noises knowing he was enjoying this as much as she was.

Jaxon hummed deep in his throat. Leticia's touch grounded and intoxicated him with each gentle caress. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back relishing her tender touch. Everywhere she made contact sunk deep into his body. Her nimble fingers touched more than his skin; it went bone deep.

Leticia tightened her thighs around his hips and nuzzled her face into his exposed neck. She wanted to be as close to him as possible without stepping over that invisible line she created for herself. Jaxon was delicious in every sense; she didn't need to sample the goods to know firsthand. She'd seen it through his interactions with Carina and the hordes of girls who still relentlessly pursued him.

"Leti" Jaxon groaned. Her touch seeped into his organs and flowed through his veins. He gripped her thighs trying to focus on something other than the pounding rhythm and sexual noises in the other room.

"Let me just hold you" Leticia whispered into the crook of his neck. She loved embracing this strong, spectacular man. Regardless of his flaws and past, Jaxon stood out amongst a sea of men. It went beyond his good looks and flirtatious smile. Jaxon exuded warmth, sensuality, and confidence. She couldn't help but wonder how it would feel to be beneath him; Jaxon inside her... but that would have to wait. She needed to make sure that he wanted to be with her - Leticia... and not Carina. What the hell would she do if he called out Carina's name when they were in bed together?

That would be a deal breaker and Leticia didn't want to quite test those waters just yet. She could handle their constant companionship. She could tolerate their continuous flirting and playful banter. But she wouldn't be the proxy in this situation.

Leticia was Leticia. She was here and now.

Carina was Carina. She was the past. Done, moved on....

Jaxon tuned out Carina's moans, Marco's shouts, and Valentino's grunts. He focused on the soft curvy body wrapping around him. Leticia smelled like lavender and gardenias. Her scent filtered into the depths of his lungs.

Jaxon's fingers dug into her skin as she pressed her breasts into his back. Although he was hard he didn't want to go any further. This was the kind of intimacy he'd lacked over the last few years. Her embrace, her slow breaths, and her quiet presence filled the empty spaces in his soul. He sighed with content. Leticia's entire being poured over and through him like warm molasses.

Carina warmed Jaxon's chest but never filled the void from his first love's death. He never fathomed that he'd have a female best friend. Especially one who was his ex-lover but that was precisely what Carina had become. All along they'd tried to force themselves to be something they weren't: fuck buddies, lovers, attempting a relationship. But in reality they fit together like two long-lost puzzle pieces as close, somewhat intimate friends.

Leticia pulled Jaxon back into bed. She growled in irritation at the cacophony of grunts, gasps, and growls from the other room. Under different circumstances that might've been music to her ears but at the moment the noises grated on her ears and nerves like nails scraping against chalkboard.

"I'm going to castrate someone soon" Leticia muttered.

Jaxon tucked her into his body. He chuckled at her frustration. Any other night he would've been insane with need but not tonight... Tonight he had what and who he needed wrapped in his arms. "Sounds like they're losing steam.... Close your eyes and focus on the beating of my heart."

Leticia hummed her approval. She snuggled closer to Jaxon and closed her eyes. Sure enough the sounds of the orgy next door disappeared beneath the slow and steady pulse of his heart. His firm embrace and warm body quickly lulled her to sleep.

"Night Jax" Leticia mumbled against his chest.

"Night Leti" Jaxon kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes. He fell asleep with a smile on his face and his heart full of hope.

Chapter Thirty-One

Carina exited the university library hopping down the stone steps. She grumbled frowning at her surroundings; it was already dark outside. She'd lost track of how much time had passed with her study group. Although productive she swore the group spent half the time gossiping and visiting social networking sites.

She looked at her cell phone surprised that she hadn't heard from any of the girls yet. Surely someone would've noticed her absence at the apartment. Carina quickly glanced around, there were a few students walking along the sidewalks. She slightly wiggled her hips trying to ease the soreness between her legs. The guys had been like animals the night before and she was still feeling the remnants of their insatiable appetite. She'd spent the entire day shifting in her seat trying to keep pressure off her swollen and sensitive core. She couldn't pee without wincing but she was no-more worse for the wear. Everything ached but in a good way. These were the kinds of aches and pains she lived for. She wasn't sure if her body could keep up this pace in 30-plus years but she damn sure was going to enjoy herself for as long as her body allowed.

Carina's phone vibrated in the front pocket of her bag. She looked at the name and smiled. Her and Jaxon's relationship was not easily classified but she cherished it. She loved the freedom of being his close friend without the pressure of a romantic relationship. She basked in the delicious possibility of having sex with him again, but with Marco and Valentino watching... possibly participating. She knew Valentino hadn't voiced any interest in playing with Jaxon but she knew Marco was looking forward to the opportunity. Valentino hadn't said it outright but Carina suspected that Marco was the only man Valentino had ever been intimate with. She felt incredibly honored to be an intricate part of their love.

"Hey stranger" She answered after the third ring. She'd been avoiding the real issue over the last 24-hours but knew it was time to face reality. Club 69's private party had been a great distraction but she needed to deal with the ongoing nightmare. What had started as a nuisance was now a full scale assault. Some of those pictures revealed she had a stalker to worry about.

"My uncle says he's got a lead" Jaxon didn't bother with small talk. He'd been at her apartment for the last hour waiting for her to show up. "He wants us to come in with Diego and your attorney."

Carina quickened her pace. She took long strides trying to shorten the distance. She gripped the phone tightly not liking Jaxon's tone or demeanor. "Does Nicholas' attorney need to be there as well?"

"Uncle Richard says one attorney will be enough. They can discuss this together after the meeting." He paused hating to say the next part. "The security and IT guy investigating our case believes it's someone on campus. They're zeroing in on the original source as we speak."

Carina stumbled with Jaxon's words. Her face paled while her stomach dropped to the ground. There was a plethora of students on and off campus. They could watch her at any and all times of day. It could be someone in her study group; or maybe someone sitting across the lecture hall from her. It could be a fucking TA... It could be anyone on university grounds.

Bile rose in her throat. What if they started planting cameras in the apartment? What if it was one of her neighbors? This whole time she suspected it to be one of Jaxon's former conquests or a twisted asshole at

"Carina" Jaxon's worried voice echoed around her.

"Who all knows this information?" Carina's voice cracked. She wanted to keep a clear head about this. She needed to think logically and develop an action plan. This animal knew too much about her: the places she frequented, her history with Jaxon, and her men.

"The Dean has requested that as few people know as possible until the perpetrator is caught." Jaxon tried to instill as much confidence and authority into his tone. He hated hearing Carina's apprehension and insecurity.

"Because it could be anyone" She whispered the horrifying realization. It could technically be any of their friends, acquaintances, or coworkers at the club. Someone was either enjoying her misery, profiting financially, or both.

"Yeah" Jaxon softly replied. "Belleza, I need to know where you're at. I thought you'd be back by now."

"I had study group" She numbly replied. "I left the library a little while ago. I'm almost home."

"Okay" Jaxon breathed a sigh of relief. "As soon as you get here we'll discuss with Diego what to expect tomorrow. We can call my uncle and see if he has anymore updates."

Carina nodded but didn't reply. Hurt, betrayal, and disbelief weighed heavily on her. Her hand fell by her side, still gripping the phone tightly. It had taken hours for her mind to process the journey her beautiful photos had taken. It had taken moments to feel shredded into a million pieces over the ramifications of those photos making it onto the internet. She'd valiantly ignored the leers and snide comments again today. To keep her sanity, she had to focus on getting through each class and each day.

But to know that it was someone right within their reach; someone on the constant lookout to make Carina look her worst. Because that was exactly what these pictures had set out to do - and had successfully accomplished. Carina looked like a brazen whore tied up, primed, and ready for the taking. It didn't matter that many of her fellow classmates were outdoing each other in one-night stands and debauchery. No one cared that she was in a loving relationship. The judge and jury accused and condemned her for being a dirty whore when she was like most sexually active college students out there. The only difference was that she was in a relationship with two men while guys and girls constantly cheated on each other or only held onto brief moments of pleasure before moving onto the next best thing.

Something slammed into Carina's side making her breath whoosh out of her lungs. She momentarily saw stars dance before her watery eyes. Her side felt like it was on fire. The unexpected and blinding pain caused her knees to give out. She fell to the ground trying to suck in air but her lungs refused to function. Her cell phone uselessly clattered somewhere in front of her. All Carina saw was the light of the phone; she didn't see Jaxon's face or name on the screen. She couldn't remember if he'd hung up or not.

"You stupid fucking cunt" a male voice snarled in her ear. The lack of oxygen and radiating pain made it hard for her to think. His familiar voice and words slowly processed through her fogged mind.

Pain sliced through her as a fist rammed into her ribs. Carina coughed trying to take in air. She felt a set of hands rip the front of her sweater before she had enough sense to react. She jerkily crossed her arms over her exposed chest trying to curl into a ball to better protect herself. She wheezed air in and out of her lungs just relieved that she could breathe. Weren't there people nearby? Hadn't she gotten close enough to the housing units? She prayed someone would notice.

A heavy boot stomped on her back and ribs. Carina shrieked in pain only to be silenced with a fist to her face. The blows were perfectly timed. She barely recovered from one before she was struck with another. Her face exploded with pain. Warm fluid flowed down her cheek. Carina's lungs, back, ribs, and face were on fire.

"Shut the fuck up" the voice hissed. "You ruined everything. You couldn't just stay the fuck away."

Darkness threatened to suffocate her. She knew she needed to stay conscious. She fought against the blinding pain and focused on the voice. It was familiar but she couldn't place it. Everything hurt. Nothing made sense. She was walking back from the library when...

Carina tried to scream but no sound came out. Every time she regained her breath, her assailant did something else to knock the wind of out her. She whimpered as he grabbed a fistful of hair yanking her head back. He pulled so hard tears leaked from her eyes. She blinked away the hot tears only to widen her eyes in spurning disbelief. No wonder the voice sounded familiar. Her assailant was Pete. The fucking smug bastard stood over her.

Pete's malicious gaze momentarily locked with hers before focusing on her exposed chest. He used his free hand, grabbed Carina's right breast, and viscously twisted it. Her back arched as her skin and sensitive nerve endings ricocheted with pain. She lifted several feet off the ground mewling in agony as Pete squeezed and twisted her soft tissue. She howled causing him to immediately release her breast. Her body slumped over in relief. Her breast hurt so badly she couldn't cup or cover it to protect the tender tissue from being attacked again.

Carina hurt everywhere. Blood oozed from her scalp and face making it difficult to see. She rolled onto her side unsure of what hurt worse: her breast, back, scalp, face, or ribs. Her whimpers grew in volume as his assault continued. She tried to get on her knees and scrabble away but her body refused to cooperate. Pete punched Carina just below the sternum, right at her solar plexus, knowing it would shut her up for a while.

Carina slammed into the concrete. All the air rushed out of her body with the contact. She slid a few inches making the concrete shred her exposed skin. She fought against the blinding panic. Air, she just needed some air.

"You're nothing but another one of his whores" Pete snarled. "You never should've fucking mattered." He backhanded her, cackling with venomous laughter as her head hit the pavement. "That's payback you little bitch." He slapped her again loving how her eyes rolled to the back of her head. "I fucking own you now. No one will look at you the same. They see you for the slut you are. You're so fucking used up I lost interest in wanting to get between your legs. I found me some better pussy."

Pete arrogantly stood up. Carina always had someone protecting her but not tonight. He pressed his combat boot on her shoulder pressing her into the sidewalk. "If I had time we could've played more sweetness. You keep this little get together to yourself or the whole world will see even more interesting pictures and videos of you. You got me" He snarled. Carina blankly stared at him. She didn't respond or nod her head. "You fucking got it" he roared.

Carina remained motionless with her eyes open and unfocused. She heard the words but the pain and incredulity of her situation left her paralyzed.

"That's fine then... We can play for a few more minutes sweetness" Pete sneered. The bitch hadn't reacted to his words and he wanted to see some kind of reaction from her. He unzipped his pants delighting in her horrified expression. She squirmed violently beneath his boot but couldn't pull herself away. Pete shifted his boot pressing down hard against her collarbone and ribs. Carina gasped and wheezed for air. She desperately yanked at the heavy boot trying to get it off her torso.

Pete pulled out his flaccid dick. He aimed at Carina who continued to struggle beneath his foot. "You're no better than a fucking..." his urine streamed down hitting the sidewalk at Carina's side. She pitifully screamed and fought with the little air she had left in her lungs. He laughed as his piss splattered the concrete and splashed onto her skin. He delighted in her revolted face. His hot stream continued as she gagged and fought to get away. Pete was so focused on Carina that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings. The nearby roar froze both of them.

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