The Islands (60 page)

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Authors: Di Morrissey

BOOK: The Islands
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The sun had set, so she turned to retrace her steps. But a figure riding a golden wave caught her eye and she stopped. Slowly she walked to the water's edge. He glided into the shallows and stepped off, pushing the board ahead of him before lifting it and walking onto the sand. He was certainly older, weathered, but his body was suntanned and trim. The thick hair, still curly, was silvery gold and there was about him an air of insouciance, of being contained, comfortable and oblivious to anyone around him.

He was going past her, but for a moment she couldn't speak.


He slowed, turned to her curiously with a slight, questioning smile, his blue eyes bright as he stared at her.

‘Hello, PJ.'

From the tone of her voice he sensed something was required of him.

‘Hi.' Then, ‘Do I know you?'

‘It's me, Catherine.'

‘Sorry, Catherine?'

‘I was Catherine Connor. It's been a long time,' she finished lamely.

‘A long time.' Then as if a fog lifted slightly, he said slowly, ‘From Australia?'

She nodded. ‘Last time I saw you, you were off to Mentawai for a few weeks.'

‘Yeah, yeah. Wild waves there.'

‘You were going to be in a surfing film,' she prompted.

‘Yep, I've done a few of those,' he acknowledged.

She paused. He doesn't remember me.

‘Have you been in the Islands since the seventies?' she asked.

‘Off and on.' He looked away briefly.

‘I've written a book about Lester.'

He smiled and she couldn't help wincing at the familiarity of his smile, his strange beauty.

‘Lester, eh? Miss seeing the old fox. Looked after himself. He hung in there a good time. I'm trying to do the same. A book. He'd like that.'

‘PJ! Come on.' A girl's voice called from behind Catherine.

‘Photos. Lester took lots of pictures. Did you . . . ?' A faint light started in his eyes.

A young woman in a short dress with brown limbs and long hair hurried along the sand. ‘Come on, PJ. We'll be late.'

‘Yes, I took lots of photos too.' Catherine glanced at the girl, who was staring at her, then looked back at PJ. ‘You taught me to surf,' she finished.

‘Good, that's good. Come down tomorrow, we'll have a surf.' The girl caught up to him and possessively took his hand, giving Catherine a smile that didn't touch her eyes.

The girl was probably the same age as Catherine had been when she'd loved PJ.

‘Sorry, I'm leaving for Australia tomorrow.'

‘Maybe next visit then.' He smiled at her. Did she imagine some tangled expression in his eyes, his smile?

‘Sure. I'll look you up.'

‘I'll be here. I'm never far from the beach.' The girl tugged at his arm and he turned away.

‘Oh, I know that,' said Catherine, softly. ‘I hope it makes you happy, PJ.'

But the girl was chattering and he didn't hear or acknowledge her remark.

It was dark now. The soft velvet night embraced the Islands as the moon rose, the stars began to shine and flowers perfumed the breeze.

She smiled to herself as she walked along the soft sand. Mollie would kill herself laughing at this encounter. But that was okay, Catherine was happy.

These Islands would always hold a place in a corner of her heart. But she wanted to go home now – to Rob, her girls and

The End

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