The Johnson Sisters (21 page)

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Authors: Tresser Henderson

BOOK: The Johnson Sisters
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Chapter 34
An emergency sister-meeting had been called by Serena, who rang my phone off the hook last night until I picked up to talk with her. She wanted to use my house as the location, but she wouldn't tell me what it was about. By the tone of her voice, I knew whatever she had to tell us couldn't have been good.
I really didn't need this right now after the night I had. I'd finished my bottle of wine after Sheldon dragged me from the bar and left me standing on my stoop to wallow in the grief of losing him. As soon as I entered my home, I called him, but he wouldn't answer his phone. He was sending me to his voicemail, which was something Sheldon never did. I was feeling so low about this situation.
The strength needed to maintain this demeanor of mine was wearing thin. And who could I tell, Dawn? No, because she was planning her wedding. Serena? She had her problems with Tyree cheating. Phoenix was dealing with a squatter, and then there was Shauna, who would probably tell me to get a drink and let things roll off my back. The only one who would have been here regardless of anything going on in my life was my sister Renee, and she was no longer among us. The thought of her caused water to well up in my eyes. A tear ran down my right cheek.
“I miss you so much,” I whispered, hoping her spirit heard me. I wished she could answer me.
“Why did you have to die?” I questioned. “Why, God? Why did you have to take her from me?” I asked, knowing God wasn't going to answer me. I hadn't had that moment yet where God spoke to me. I didn't know what that felt like. I always wanted it to happen to me, but I'd never experienced it. I knew there was a higher power, but I wondered why He never talked to me. What was wrong with me? What was the reason God didn't answer?
I dropped my head in sorrow, sitting on the side of my bed. It was close to eleven. That was the time my sisters were supposed to get here, and here I was still in my pajamas. I wasn't going to change. For what? I was at home. It was Saturday, my day to concentrate on me. If it were really up to me, I wouldn't have any of them over here. I would close the blinds, unplug the phone, and watch TV in darkness.
I knew I had to get it together before any of them arrived, even if it was just washing my face. I willed myself to get up, and when I did, my cell phone rang. I looked over at my nightstand, watching my cell phone ringing and buzzing as it moved around the wooden top. To my surprise, it was Sheldon's face smiling back at me. I quickly picked it up.
“Hello,” I said with eagerness.
“Yeah, Sheldon, it's me.”
“You okay?” he asked questionably. “You sound funny.”
“I'm okay,” I lied.
“No, you are not,” he said, causing more tears to form.
“Sheldon, I never could lie to you. I'm not okay. I got a lot going on right now.”
“I know some of what you are going through has to do with me,” he said.
I paused for a moment before saying, “Yes. I miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
“So what's going on with us? Things have been different ever since that night we . . . we . . . you know.”
“Slept together,” he finished.
“Look, Viv. This is not anything I want to talk to you about over the phone. Can I come over so we can talk?”
“Me and my sisters are having an emergency meeting this morning, and they should be arriving any minute, but you can come over after that.”
“What's going on now?” he asked.
“I don't know. Serena called the meeting, so I will find out when she gets here.”
“Okay. Hit me up when your sisters leave, and I will swing through then. Is that okay?”
“That sounds good. You never know; depending on what Serena has to tell me, I might need your shoulder. You know how things go once all of us get together.”
“I know, right.”
There was a slight pause before either of us spoke again.
“Sheldon, thank you,” I told him.
“For what?” he asked.
“For not giving up on me. I know I've overreacted and treated you bad after our episode, but I didn't mean to.”
“I know.”
“I'm serious. You calling me today has made me so happy, and I can't wait to see you,” I admitted.
“I can't wait to see you either. So don't forget; call me when they leave, a'ight?”
“I will.”
I hung up the phone.
Hearing Sheldon's voice was the boost I needed to get ready for whatever my sister Serena had to reveal to us. Now that I had a little bit of pep in my step, I went to my bathroom to at least wash my face. As I made my way, a small voice said,
I got you.
I halted and looked around to see who said it, and then this warm feeling came over me. I smiled, thinking God had heard me—and now He'd spoken to me.
Chapter 35
With his black jacket tossed over his shoulder, Grayson caressed the side of my face as he kissed me. I hated to see this man go. Our night together was amazing, and I wished I could rewind time to do it all over again. I was still left pondering what it would be like to sleep with this man. Well, we slept together in the sense of lying beside one another all night long, but that was as far as things went with us. There was kissing. Boy, was there kissing. That man's tongue in my mouth only piqued my curiosity, wondering how it would be to have his manhood inside me. We touched and caressed and felt each other up through our clothes to the point that I wanted to rip his off and tell him to take me right then and there, but I didn't want to come off like a common whore. We'd gone out a few times, but not enough to warrant me giving up the goodies so quickly. That was a mistake I'd made with Cal.
I knew it was wrong to start any type of relationship with my boss, but I would quit my job to keep this man in my life. So far no one knew we had anything going on. We both kept the employer-employee relationship just that at work, not wanting to give anyone any reason to get all up in our business, which we'd done a great job at so far.
“I had a wonderful time with you, Grayson.”
“I hope we can do this again real soon,” he suggested.
“How about tonight?” I asked with a smile.
“Tonight sounds good to me,” he said, smirking. He leaned in and kissed me again. “I'll see you later.”
Grayson left my apartment and left me with a smile that would last until we saw each other again—that's if whatever Serena had to tell us didn't rip the smile off my face.
I started to go to my room to get ready to go to Vivian's house when there was a knock at the door.
I jogged over, opening it with a smile, saying, “Did you forget something?”
As those words slipped from my lips, my eyes landed on an angry Cal standing before me. I quickly tried to shut the door in his face, but he placed his foot in the door, prohibiting me from closing it. As hard as I struggled to shut the door, it was no use. Cal was too strong for me. Using his shoulder, he rammed the door, causing it to knock me backward, giving him just enough time to come into my home and slam the door shut. I quickly ran across the room to get away from him.
“Get out of my place, Cal,” I told him, but the evil look in his eyes let me know he was not about to go anywhere. “Did you forget about the restraining order?”
Ignoring my question, he asked his own. “So you're cheating on me now?”
“How can I cheat on you when I'm not with you?” I asked sarcastically.
“You couldn't wait to get rid of me so you could sleep with someone else.”
“You got rid of yourself when you put your hands on me,” I told him.
“After all I've done for you. After everything I did to help you get where you are.”
I looked at him with a scowl, puzzled because I didn't know what he was talking about. I asked, “What did you do for me?”
“I helped you get this place. I gave you money. I bought you things. I made a car payment for you.”
“Ummmmm, Cal, you must be getting me mixed up with one of your other women, because you haven't done none of those things for me. If anything, I gave you money. I paid your mama rent where you were staying to help y'all, and I bought your non-dressing behind clothes. So before you come out your mouth all crazy, you better rethink the situation and the woman, because you got me mixed up with somebody else.”
Cal looked off like he was pondering my statement. He knew he made a mistake just like I said he did. Now he stood there looking stupid.
He's going to come over here like he cares about me, but sticks his foot in his own mouth by getting me mixed up with his other women.
I had suspected he was doing a little something outside of me, but I could never prove it. Now he just did.
“It's all coming back to you now,” I said, giggling. “That's what happens when you got too many women on your roster. But you know what? You can take me off permanently, because I'll be damned if I'm going to deal with any more of your bullshit.”
“Are you sleeping with dude?” he asked, dismissing my statements.
“What do you think? I mean, he is leaving this morning, isn't he?” I said disdainfully. “That's the reason why you are asking, because you saw him leave, right?”
“I thought you loved me,” he said pitifully.
“No. I never loved you. I had a strong like for you. Now Grayson, I could see myself loving that man.”
“You just met him.”
“But I've known him for quite some time. In just a few weeks, this man has shown me what it's supposed to feel like to have a good man next to me. I'm sad to say I never knew that until I met him.”
“Well, you can end it because I want you back,” Cal admitted.
“You can want me all you want. It's not going to happen, Cal. You think I'm supposed to fall into your arms after you bust your way into my place, coming up in here like you're Mr. Big Stuff. Like I'm supposed to be scared of you, but I'm not afraid.”
“You should be,” he threatened.
“Please, of what? What are you going to do, beat me again?”
“I told you I was sorry about that.”
“And I'm supposed to forget the way you pounded my head into the floor screaming, ‘I'm going to kill you, bitch'? I'm supposed to forget about all of that and say, ‘Yes, Cal, I love you and I want you back'?”
“Yes,” he said sternly.
“Then you're crazier than I thought. You need help. Go find some doctor to help you work on that mind of yours, because you have truly lost it,” I said, crossing my arms across my chest.
“Shauna, you know you want me,” he said, holding his hands out like he was some sort of male model. Little did he know he was far from it.
“Look at me and look at you. I don't need a lot of men to validate me. Ain't that why you got Laura and Janice and Cookie waiting for you to call them?”
Cal's arms fell dejectedly at the mention of their names. He rubbed his head as he pivoted from foot to foot. I knew he didn't like the way this conversation was going.
“That's right. I know about those women. Two of them called me, and another showed up at my job the other day, letting me know she's your woman and to stay away from you. Funny how things turn out, isn't it? All the while you trying to get me back, your women are going behind your back, letting me know they already have you. You better talk to them, because they blew up your spot. You are used to dealing with chickenheads who are willing to settle, but that's not me. You got the wrong one here if you think I'm going to take you back and deal with your cheating-ass, beating-on-women ways,” I said coolly.
The more I talked, the madder he got. His rage seemed to increase when he realized I knew a lot more than he thought I did. He was probably cussing those women out in his mind.
“Get out of my place before I call the cops and have you locked up again, and this time it's going to be for violating your restraining order.”
Cal didn't say anything. He stood scowling at me. I guessed he had a chance to think about what I was telling him.
I walked in his direction to the door to open it for him to leave. When I attempted to pass him, he grabbed me by the arm. “You really think it's going to be this easy to get rid of me?”
“Let me go, Cal,” I warned.
“Or what? You don't have your little boss here to protect you now.”
When Cal said that, he reared back and swung. His fist landed on my right cheek. The force from his punch caused me to fall back onto my sofa, releasing me from his grasp. Cal didn't halt one minute before he was on me, swinging and punching. I held my hands up to block his blows, but they were coming too fast. Too many were landing on my head. I think I was screaming. And then all of a sudden, he was off me.
I looked up to see Grayson throwing Cal to the floor. Cal quickly jumped up and swung at Grayson. He missed. Grayson retaliated by hitting him in his throat. That one move caused Cal to stumble back. He grabbed his neck, struggling to breathe. His eyes began to bulge like he couldn't catch his breath. Grayson grabbed him, wrapping his hand around Cal's throat.
“Don't do it, Grayson,” I yelled to him.
The look he gave me asked, “Why not?”
I answered by saying, “He's not worth it. He's not worth you ruining your future.”
I could see this registering within him. He looked back at Cal, who seemed like he didn't want any more. That one punch to his throat was enough to make Cal recoil like the coward he was. Grayson let go. Cal moaned while I ran and called the police.
The police arrived, taking Cal away in handcuffs. Once we told the police about the restraining order, Cal tried to say I called him over there. Then he tried his best to say Grayson was the one who attacked him, but it was two against one here. Plus, the bruises on my body were enough to let the police know Cal was the perpetrator.
Once the police were gone, Grayson came over to check on me again to see how I was doing. “Are you okay?” he asked for the twentieth time already.
“I'm fine, Grayson,” I told him with a smile.
“I want to make sure. I wish I would have got here in time.”
“How did you know to come when you did?” I asked curiously.
“I sat in the parking lot for a minute because the restaurant called me with an issue. After talking with my coworker for a bit, I pulled off and looked at my gas hand, seeing I needed to get some gas. Then it hit me. How could I pay for gas with no wallet?”
“You left your wallet on my dresser?” I asked in amazement.
“Yep. I turned around, and when I got to the door, I heard you screaming. That's when I burst in. I wish I would have shown up earlier than that.”
“Grayson, it's okay. I'm glad you showed up when you did. You're my hero again,” I said, reaching over and caressing his hand.
Grayson lifted his other hand to my bruised face. He gently rubbed it, saying, “We need to get some ice to put on that.”
“I know it looks bad,” I said.
“Can I ask you a question?” Grayson asked.
“You can ask me anything.”
“Do you believe in love at first sight?”
“I do,” I responded, grinning slyly. “So what are you telling me?”
“I'm saying I can see us going really far in this relationship. I know my timing may be terrible, but, Shauna, I've liked you for quite some time. I don't want to waste another minute.”
“So are you saying you want to be in a relationship with me?” I asked.
“That's if you would have me,” he said.
This man knew all the right things to say. I know this seemed like we were moving fast, but we were friends first, from back in the day. Why would I want to waste time when I could see if it could work with him?
“Do you think we are moving too fast?” I asked him.
“Not at all. No one knows when love will strike.”
I smiled at Grayson and said, “I would love to have you in my life.”
Grayson leaned toward me and planted his lips on mine. We kissed for what felt like forever. Grayson broke our connection to ask me, “Aren't you going to be late for your meeting with your sisters?”
“I sure am,” I said, leaning forward to kiss him again.

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