The Journal of Joyce Carol Oates (70 page)

BOOK: The Journal of Joyce Carol Oates
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…Lovely quiet days lately. I’ve had time to work for hours on end…short stories primarily…some pen-and-ink drawings (particularly relevant to these stark black-on-gray-on-white winter days: winter trees, winter pond, and the like). It seems to me that I have been inactive, even rather lazy, but it’s that time of year […].


…Shopping at the Pennington Market. Late-afternoon customers, drivers, a sense of impatience, pre–New Year’s Eve suspension. Ray’s bad cold of two days has lifted at last. My near-flu lifted without actually descending. (Thinking of Elaine and Stephen and other friends, and their diverse ailments, I’m forced to conclude that thus far Ray and I are amazingly healthy people. Colds, mild cases of the flu…. No days lost re. teaching in how many years?…probably about fifteen. Which is remarkable considering that one really
to have sick-days now and then: there’s something zealous and Girl Scoutish about not.)


…Nice letter from Robert Brustein of the American Repertory Theater. “I admire
work extremely,” he says. Is he serious? What work? Surely
not plays…. I admire your work extremely, Mr. Brustein, what I’ve seen of it in
: brilliantly savage reviews, the kind of throwaway lines (Stanley Kauffmann displays them too) other writers presumably struggle over…. Preparing copy, etc., for
The Profane Art
. A book which quietly pleases me. No prizes in store, no awards, modest readership indeed; not even many reviews (which can be a blessing for me, these days); but it’s a solid enough book, assembled over a period of years, much of it rewritten. There is comfort, solace, satisfaction in small things. (After the relative disappointment—commercial, I mean; Karen’s and Dutton’s and to some extent my own—of
. Which hit the market at about the drear hour the market began to sink. Will it rise again? Poor Ontario Review Press! Poor “literary magazines”! With libraries closing…bookstores closing or struggling to stay open…. The end-of-1982 isn’t a very cheery time for literary-oriented people but, well, we shall celebrate nonetheless tonight. Simply to
step foot
in 1983 is a great privilege.)

This uncollected story appeared in the fall 1982 issue of
Antioch Review

This story, “The Witness,” appeared in the spring–summer 1983 issue of
and was collected in
Last Days

This uncollected story appeared in the winter 1983 issue of
Northwest Review

The uncollected story “Sonata Quasi una Fantasia…” appeared in the winter 1985 issue of
; the essay “‘At Least I Have Made a Woman of Her’: Images of Women in Yeats, Lawrence, Faulkner” appeared in the spring 1983 issue of the
Georgia Review
and was collected in
The Profane Art

This uncollected story appeared in the October 1985 issue of

Re-titled “Last Days,” this story appeared in the summer 1983 issue of
Michigan Quarterly Review
and was reprinted in
Last Days
. Itdealt with Oates’s experiences in her University of Detroit days with a troubled graduate student, ultimately a suicide, named Richard Wishnetsky. Her early story “In the Region of Ice” had also dealt with her relationship with Wishnetsky.

This poem appeared in the spring 1983 issue of
Southern Review
and was reprinted in the volume
Luxury of Sin
(Lord John Press, 1984).

This story appeared in the winter 1983 issue of
Massachusetts Review
and was collected in
Raven’s Wing
(Dutton, 1986).

This story had appeared in the summer 1965 issue of
Kenyon Review
and was reprinted in
Upon the Sweeping Flood
(Vanguard, 1966).

This idea would culminate in two volumes of what Oates called “miniature narratives”:
The Assignation
(Ecco, 1988) and
(Ecco, 1992).

This uncollected story appeared in the summer 1982 issue of

The editor and poet Theodore Weiss and his wife, Renee, were friends of Oates and Smith at this time.

The writers Paul and Betty Fussell were also friends of theirs at this time.

Eventually, Oates changed the novel’s title to
Mysteries of Winterthurn

This is the collection that was later retitled
Last Days

James Wolcott’s extremely negative review of
A Bloodsmoor Romance
, “Stop Me Before I Write Again: Six Hundred More Pages by Joyce Carol Oates,” appeared in the September 1982 issue of

Diane Johnson’s review, “Balloons and Abductions,” appeared in the September 5, 1982, issue of the
New York Times Book Review

The uncollected story “Improvisation” appeared in the winter 1983 issue of
New Letters
; “Night. Sleep. Death. The Stars.” appeared in the autumn 1983 issue of
Queen’s Quarterly
and was collected in
Last Days

In fact, Oates decided to keep
back for the time being.
Mysteries of Winterthurn
appeared in 1984.

The uncollected story “For I Will Consider My Cat Jeoffry” appeared in the summer 1984 issue of
Michigan Quarterly Review

This story appeared in the fall 1983 issue of
and was reprinted in
Prize Stories 1985: The O. Henry Awards


Adams, Ansel

Adler, Rabbi



Akhmadulina, Bella

Akhmatova, Anna

Albee, Edward

Aleichem, Sholem

Algren, Nelson

Allen, A. A.

Allen, Woody

Ammons, A. R.

Anthony, Carol

Antonioni, Michelangelo

Archer, Elise

Arendt, Hannah


Arlen, Michael

Ashbery, John

Atkinson, Colin

Atkinson, Jo

Auden, W. H.

Augustine, Saint

Aurelius, Marcus

Austen, Jane


Bach, Johann Sebastian

Baker, Carlos

Balakian, Nona

Baldwin, James

Banks, Russell

Barth, John

Barth, Shelley

Barthelme, Donald

Barthelme, Marion

Barthes, Roland

Baskin, Leonard

Bauer, Jerry

Beckett, Samuel

Beckhl, Sherry

Beethoven, Ludwig van

Bell, Quentin

Bellamy, Joe David

Bellow, Saul

Bennett, Arnold

Bergstein, Eleanor

Berlioz, Hector

Bernhardt, Martha

Berryman, John

Bettelheim, Bruno

Bixby, George

Blackmur, R. P.

Blake, William

Bloom, Harold

Blotner, Joseph

Bly, Robert

Bogard, Herb

Boland, Eavan

Borden, Lizzie

Borges, Jorge Luis

Bosch, Hieronymus

Boswell, James

Braque, Georges

Braziller, Karen

Braziller, Michael

Breslin, Jimmy

Britten, Benjamin

Brodsky, Joseph

Brombert, Victor

Brontë, Anne

Brontë, Branwell

Brontë, Charlotte

Brontë, Emily

Brown, Deming

Browning, Robert

Brustein, Robert

Buckley William


Budgen, Frank

Burchfield, Charles

Burgess, Anthony

Burhman, Madge

Burke, Kenneth

Burnett, Patricia

Burroughs, William S.


Cage, John

Calisher, Hortense

Callaghan, Barry

Camus, Albert

Capote, Truman

Carroll, Lewis

Carter, Billy

Casnoff, Philip

Cattaneo, Ann

Cavafy, Mike

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand


C. (friend)

Charyn, Jerry

Chase, Calvin

Chaucer, Geoffrey

Cheever, John

Chopin, Frédéric

Churchill, Charles

Ciardi, John

Clark, Kenneth

Clemons, Walter

Coles, Robert

Collier, John

Cone, Ed

Conrad, Joseph

Consagra, Sophie

Coover, Pili

Coover, Robert

Copeland, Anne

Copland, Aaron

Cortázar, Julio

Cousins, Norman

Crane, Stephen

Cromie, Bob


Davidson, Peter

Debussy, Claude

de Kooning, Willem

Deleuze, Gilles

Descartes, René

DeVries, Peter

Dickens, Charles

Dickey, James

Dickinson, Emily

Didion, Joan

Dietz, Paula

Dike, Donald

Ditsky, John

Doctorow, Ed

Doctorow, Helen

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor

Doutine, Heike

Drabble, Margaret

Dreiser, Theodore

Duchamp, Marcel

Dürer, Albert


Edel, Leon

Edwards, Thomas R.

Einstein, Albert

Eliade, Mircea

Eliot, George (Mary Ann Evans)

Eliot, T. S.

Elkin, Stanley

Ellison, Ralph

Ellmann, Richard

Emerson, Ralph Waldo

Emmanuel, Pierre

Engel, Marian

Erdman, Nikolai

Ernst, Max

Evans, Donald

Evans, Walker

Ewert, William


Fagles, Lynn

Fagles, Robert

Faulkner, William

Fauré, Gabriel

Fedorenko, Nikolai

Fiedler, Leslie

Field, Andrew

Field, John

Fielding, Henry

Fitzgerald, F. Scott

Flaubert, Gustave

Flier, Yakov

F. (near-fiancé)

Ford, Kristina

Ford, Richard

Fowles, John

Frank, Joe

Franks, Lucinda

Fraser, Phil

Frazer, Russ

Freud, Sigmund

Freudenberger, Daniel

Frost, Robert

Frye, Northrop

Fuentes, Carlos

Fussell, Betty

Fussell, Paul


Gallagher, Tess

Gallant, Mavis

Gardner, Joan

Gardner, John

Gass, William

Gibbons, Reginald

Giroux, Bob

Gleasner, Gail

Godwin, Gail

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

Goldman, Eleanor.


Goldman, Michael

Gordimer, Nadine

Gordon, Mary

Goreau, Angeline

Goreau, Stephen

Goyen, William

Graham, Jim

Graham, Liz

Green, Ashbel

Gregory, Blanche

Grumbach, Doris

Guston, Philip

Guttfreund, Andre


Hammett, Dashiell

Hansell, Betsey

Hardwick, Elizabeth

Harnack, Curt

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Hayman, Geoff

Hazzard, Shirley

Heaney, Seamus

Hecht, Anthony

Heidegger, Martin

Heller, Joseph

Hellman, Lillian

Hemingway, Ernest

Heyen, William

Hilberry, Conrad

Hilberry, Suzanne

Hippus, Zinaida

Hitler, Adolf

Hoffman, Dan

Hollander, John

Holmes, David


Hopkins, Gerard Manley

Howard, Maureen

Howard, Richard

Howe, Irving

Howells, William Dean

Hughes, Ted

Hujar, Peter

Hume, David

Humphrey, Bill

Humphrey, Dorothy

Hunt, Chantal

Hunt, John

Huxley, Aldous

Huysmans, Georges


Ibsen, Henrik

Irving, John

Ivanov, Vyacheslav

Iverson, Brad

Ives, Charles


Jaffe, Anielea

Jaffee, Annette

James, Alice

James, Henry

James, William, xiv

Janeway, Eliot

Janeway, Elizabeth

Jarrell, Randall

Jaynes, Julian

Johns, Jasper

Johnson, Diane

Johnson, Greg, xii

Johnson, Samuel

Jones, Howard Mumford

Jong, Erica

Joyce, James

Joyce, Lucia

Jung, Carl



Kafka, Franz

Kant, Immanuel

Kaplan, Justin

Kaufmann, Hazel

Kaufmann, Stanley

Kaufmann, Walter

Kavan, Anna

Kawabata, Yasunari

Kayatev, Valentin

Kazin, Alfred

Keeley, Bob

Keeley, Edmund “Mike,”

Keeley, Mary

Kennedy, Edward “Ted,”

Kennedy, John F.

Kennedy, X. J.

Khodasevich, Vladislaw

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kierkegaard, Søren

King, Stephen

Klebnikov, George

Kline, George

Koch, Stephen

Kollwitz, Käthe

Krementz, Jill

Kumin, Maxine

Kunitz, Stanley

Kusnetsov, Felix

Kyriakou, Rena


Laing, R. D.

Langdon, Helen

Lardner, Susan

Laurence, Margaret

Lawford, Pat Kennedy

Lawrence, D. H.

Lebowitz, Fran

Legler, Philip

Lem, Stanislaw

Leonard, John

Levin, Herb

Levin, Marjorie “Marge,”

Levine, George

Lincoln, Abraham

Lindberg, Stanley

Lish, Gordon

Liszt, Franz

Litz, Marion

Litz, Walt

Lodge, David

Lodge, Mary

Lowell, Robert



MacLeod, Alistair

Macrae, Jack, III

Magaloff, Nikita

Magritte, René

Mahler, Gustav

Mailer, Betsey

Mailer, Norman

Mailer, Norris

Malamud, Ann

Malamud, Bernard

Mandelstam, Osip

Mann, Thomas

Manson, Charles

Márquez, Gabriel García

Martin, John

Marx, Karl

Marx, Sue

Matisse, Henri

Matthiessen, Peter

Mattiuzzio, Marian

Max (teaching assistant)

Mayakowsky, Vladimir

Mazzaro, Jerry

McCarthy, Mary

McGovern, George

McNamara, Gene

McNear, Suzanne

Melville, Herman

Mendelssohn, Felix

Merwin, W. S.

Miller, Arthur

Minaux, André

Mishima, Yukio

Moller, Hans

Molly (Plimpton’s editor)

Monet, Claude

Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de

Moore, Brian

Moore, Marianne

Moore, Richard

Morgan, Fred

Morgenthau, Bob

Morgenthau, Lucinda.
Franks, Lucinda

Morris, Donald

Moss, Howard

Mountain, Kathryn

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

Muer, Joe

Munch, Edvard

Murdoch, Iris


Nabokov, Vladimir

Nemerov, Howard

Neumann, Erich

Nevler, Leona

Nietzsche, Friedrich

Nin, Anaïs

Nixon, Richard M.

Norris, Joan


Oates, Carolina (mother)

Oates, Fred (brother)

Oates, Frederic (father)

Oates, Lynn (sister)

Oates, Nancy

O’Connell, George

O’Connor, Flannery

Ogren, Linnea

O’Hara, John

O’Keeffe, Georgia

Olivier, Sir Laurence

O’Neill, Eugene


Palmer, Dottie

Pascal, Blaise

Pater, Walter

Patton, Bob

Paz, Octavio

Pearl, Marilyn

Percy, Walker

Phillips, Judy

Phillips, Matt

Phillips, Robert

Picasso, Pablo

Pickering, Samuel F., Jr.

Pirsig, Robert

Pirsig, Wendy

Pissaro, Jean-Paul

Pitcher, George

Plath, Sylvia


Plimpton, George

Poe, Edgar Allan

Porter, Fairfield

Porter, Katherine Anne

Poulenc, Francis

Pound, Ezra

Pratt, Christopher

Proust, Marcel

Pynn, Nelia


Rachmaninoff, Sergei

Rader, Dotson

Rauschenberg, Robert

Ravel, Maurice

Reagan, Ronald

Reed, John

Rich, Adrienne

Richardson, Dorothy

Richard W.
Wishnetsky, Richard

Rieff, David

Rilke, Rainer Maria

Robbins, Henry

Roberts, Oral

Robertson, Bill

Rodriguez, Miguel

Roethke, Theodore

Rorem, Ned

Rosen, Carol

Rosenblatt, Roger

Roth, Philip

Rourke, Byron

Rourke, Carolyn

R. Q.

Rubinstein, Arthur

Rudenstine, Angelica


Sale, Roger

Salisbury, Harrison

Sand, George

Saroyan, William

Sartre, Jean-Paul

Schoenberg, Arnold

Schopenhauer, Arthur

Schumann, Robert

Schwartz, Delmore

Schwartz, Lynne Sharon

Sexton, Anne

Shahn, Ben

Shakespeare, William

Shapiro, Lois

Sheed, Wilfrid

Shelley, Mary

Shelley, Percy Bysshe

Showalter, Elaine

Showalter, English

Showalter, Vinca

Shrifte, Evelyn

Shriver, Eunice Kennedy

Shriver, Sargent

Siegal, Clancy

Simon, Abbey

Simon, John

Singer, Isaac Bashevis

Sissman, L. E.

Sjoberg, Leif

Sluckis, Mykolas

Smedick, Lois

Smith, Kay

Smith, Mike

Smith, Raymond J. (husband)

Smith, Stevie

Smith, William Jay

Sontag, Susan


Southworth, Mrs.

Spinoza, Baruch

Stackpole, Willa

Stalin, Joseph

Starer, Robert

Stearns, Philip

Steegmuller, Francis

Steinberg, Saul

Stern, Dan

Stern, Jess

Sterne, Wesley

Stevens, Wallace

Stevenson, Adlai

Stone, Irving

Stone, Robert

Straus, Roger

Streep, Meryl

Styron, William

Sullivan, Edward

Sullilvan, John

Swedenborg, Emanuel

Swenson, May

Swift, Jonathan


Tanner, Tony

Taylor, Peter

Terkel, Studs

Tertz, Abram (Andrei Sinyavsky)

Thomas, Dylan

Thoreau, Henry David

Thurber, James

Tinguely, Jean

Tolstoy, Leo

Trenner, Richard

Tuttleton, James

Twain, Mark (Samuel Clemens)

Tyler, Anne


Updike, John

Updike, Martha


Valéry, Paul

van Dyke, Henry

Van Gogh, Vincent

Vendler, Helen

Vickery, Nathan

Victor, Tom

Vidal, Gore

Vonnegut, Kurt

Voznesensky, Andrey


Walton, William

Warhol, Andy

Warner, Susan

Watson, Ed

Waugh, Evelyn

Wayman, Tom

Weil, Simone

Weiss, Renee

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