The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 (141 page)

Read The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 Online

Authors: Laurence Leamer

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Rich & Famous

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279 Scott Fitzgerald’s wife, Zelda: Peter D. Kramer, “How Crazy Was Zelda?”
New York Times Magazine,
December 1, 1996.
280 Archbishop Richard Cushing had told him: Doris Kearns Goodwin, p. 642.
280 arranged for the building: This information on Rosemary Kennedy’s treatment at Craig House and her arrival at St. Coletta’s is based on the institution’s records as stated by Alan K. Borsari, Alverno House director in 1993 when the author visited the institution.
280 The first visit: Bob Healy of the
Boston Globe
accompanied JFK on a campaign trip to Wisconsin in 1958 when he says JFK made the visit. LL interview with Bob Healy.
280 missing over one-quarter:
November 7, 1960.
280 as often as not with one woman: The pattern is discernible in JFK’s many cables: Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, April 9, 1949 (“reserving single room for Mrs. Pamela Farrington”), to Miss Jane Blodgett in New York City, April 27, 1949 (“Dear, Could you go out Friday night”), to Waldorf Astoria Towers, May 11, 1949 (requesting “double room for Miss Use Bay”), and to Mrs. Adele O’Connor, June 9, 1949 (saying he was coming to New York and would she “be interested in going to Cape for few days”). JFKPP.
281 He was an internationalist: Clay Blair Jr., “The Evolution of Cabot Lodge,”
Saturday Evening Post,
October 22, 1960.
281 “My God, man …”: interview, George Smathers, BP.
281 “Florida will not…”: quoted in Robert G. Sherill, “The Power Game: George Smathers, the Golden Senator from Florida,”
The Nation,
December 7, 1964.
281 “I’m running”: interview, George Smathers, BP.
282 “turned a strong …”: Joseph Alsop, with Adam Piatt,
I’ve Seen the Best of
/r(1992), p. 4ll.
282 “He had leukemia …”: interview, Rose Kennedy, RCP.
282 “intermittent slight…”: Dr. Vernon S. Dick to Dr. William P. Herbst Jr., March 20, 1953, JFKPP.
283 needed an imprimatur: RKIHOW, p. 436.
283 “Yugoslavia—Belgrade—Stones…”: John F. Kennedy’s diary of his 1951 trips to Europe and Asia has been ably transcribed by Robert White, who has made sense of JFK’s often almost illegible handwriting, RWC and JFKPL.
283 “the Italian economy …”: ibid.
284 “Why should they …”: “Statement of the Honorable John F. Kennedy,” February 22, 1951, BP.
284 it was not without reason: “Kennedy Acquiring Title, ‘America’s Younger Statesman,’ “
Boston’s Political Times.
Quoted in SJFK, p. 220.
284 “a pain in the ass”: Peter Collier and David Horowitz,
The Kennedys: An American Drama
(1984), p. 181.
284 “courage is the virtue”: PIC, p. xi.
284 had been on crutches: SJFK, p. 225.
285 “Eisenhower looking very fit…”: John F. Kennedy, 1951 diary, October 3, 1951, JFKPL.
286 “You can feel…”: ibid., n.d.
286 “It was almost…”: RKIHOW, p. 436.
286 “It depended on …”: John F. Kennedy 1951 diary, RWC and JFKPL.
287 the young man had : LL interview with Wilson Gathings.
287 “7
met murder…
”: quoted in John F. Kennedy diary, October 7, 1951?, JFKPL.
287 “Drove to Haifa…”: Robert F. Kennedy diary, October 5, 1951?, JFKPL.
288 Four days after: JFK and RFK met with the Pakistani leader on October 12, 1951 (JFK diary). Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan was murdered on October 16, 1951.
288 “Bored by westerners …”: John F. Kennedy 1951 diary, n.d., RWC and JFKPL.
288 “when [Indian] independence …”: ibid.
289 “would not eat…”: ibid.
289 “I would like to …”: LL interview with Seymour Topping, p. 142.
289 “Two years ago …”: ibid.
290 “One great reason …”: John F. Kennedy 1951 diary, RWC and JFKPL.
290 “that French realize”: ibid.
291 “And everybody there …”: RKIHOW, p. 438.
291 “He’d be in the hospital…”: Grace Burke, KLOH.
291 “Foreign policy today …”: John F. Kennedy, “Report on the Trip to the Middle and Far East.” Mutual Broadcasting Network, November 15, 1951, BP.
292 “Our resources …”: address to the Boston Chamber of Commerce, November 19, 1951, AAML.
292 “unconscious of the fact…”: ibid
292 “It is France…”: John F. Kennedy, address to the Boston Chamber of Commerce, November 19, 1951, AAML.
293 Jack spoke as:
Meet the Press,
December 2, 1951, BP.
293 “young college graduates …”:
Lowell Sun,
December 9, 1951, and
Springfield Union,
December 19, 1951, quoted in Ronald J. Nurse, “America Must Not Sleep: The Development of John F. Kennedy’s Foreign Policy Attitudes, 1947-1960,” thesis, Michigan State University, 1971, p. 89.
293 “the closest…”: interview, David Powers, BP.
294 had such a strong Republican: David Halberstam,
The Fifties
(1993), p. 224.
294 “no one will ever know…”: quoted in “Report of Meeting with Wickliffe W. Crider and John Elliott of the Staff of BBD&O in New York City, Tuesday, February 26, 1952, Some Observations and Recommendations” JFKPL.
294 “marked by informality…”: Mark Dalton to Joseph P. Kennedy, February 20, 1952, and “Report of Meeting with Wickliffe W. Crider and John Elliott of the Staff of BBD&O in New York City, Tuesday, February 26, 1952, Some Observations and Recommendations,” JFKPL.
295 “Oh, there’s Kennedy!”: LL interview with Mark Dalton.
295 “The father wanted me …”: ibid.
295 “Mark didn’t like …”: interview, John Galvin, BP.
296 “Mark Dalton was…”: oral history, Robert F. Kennedy, ASP.
296 “before the revolution …”: John Droney, KLOH.
296 He got right to it: interview, Anthony Gallucio, BP.
296 “like he burned my bridges”: LL interview with Sam Adams.
296 “How many people …”: interview, Joe Gargan, HP.

15. The Golden Fleece

298 “He was all…”: interview, Congressman John McCormack, BP.
298 Jack read the extraordinary:
Congressional Quarterly News Feature,
October 3, 1952, pp. 964-65, JFKPP. 298 “His theme was to …”: Edward C. Berube, KLOH, 298 Lodge had started: interview, Henry Cabot Lodge, BP.
299 In August he was sick: Vernon S. Dick to Dr. William P. Herbst Jr., March 20, 1953, JFKPP, and Dr. T. A. Morrissey to John F. Kennedy, December 21, 1954, RWC.
299 From then on: SJFK, p. 239.
299 Indeed, when Lodge: interview, Henry Cabot Lodge, BP.
299 card-carrying Communists: There is a debate over the number of Communists McCarthy named. This is the smallest figure mentioned.
300 Michael S. Sherry,
In the Shadow of War: The United States Since the 1930s
(1995), p. 170.
300 February 1947 instituted: Truman’s loyalty program provided a rude approximation of the problem of Communists in government. Of the 4,722,278 names checked, the FBI found information serious enough to refuse government positions to only 575 individuals. Most of them were considered “security risks,” perhaps having had contacts with a questionable person, and only a few were named “loyalty risks,” a far more serious accusation. Another 3,634 government employees quit before the government finished their dossiers.
300 Cincinnati Reds renamed: Sherry, p. 171.
301 “The theme of today …”: John F. Kennedy, speech to 1952 Newton College of the Sacred Heart graduation, JFKPP.
301 “knew Joe pretty well… “: John P. Mallan, “Massachusetts: Liberal and Corrupt,”
The New Republic,
October 13, 1952, BP.
301 750,000 Irish Catholics: SJFK, p. 245.
302 “the
drama … “: quoted in James Thomas Gay, “1948: The Alger Hiss Spy Case,”
302 “How dare you …”: SJFK, p. 245.
302 “Oh, Bob, come …”: LL interview with Sam Adams.
303 “I told you before …”: interview, Phil David Fine, BP.
304 “Rabbi John”: SJFK, p. 248.
304 The campaign: Jackson Holtz, KLOH.
304 Joe had offered: Joseph P. Kennedy to Arthur Krock, June 24, 1936, HTF, p. 186.
304 enough to ensure: interview, Henry Cabot Lodge, BP.
304 Lodge told the good news: interview, Joseph Timilty, BP.
305 “I don’t remember …”: RKIHOW, p. 444.
305 “You know, we …”: SJFK, p. 511.
305 he reported: Ralph Coghlan to John F. Kennedy, July 15, 1952, BP.
305 “I will work out…”: TFB, p. 127.
305 “At last the Fitzgeralds …”: Collier and Horowitz, p. 189.
305 Jack sang “Sweet Adeline”: John Droney, KLOH.
306 Thomas “Tip” O’Neill, insisted years: Congressman Thomas O’Neill, interview with Jerry Williams on WBZ-TV, JFKPP, and interview, Thomas O’Neill, BP.
306 “Paul is not going …”:TFB, p. 246.
306 During the campaign: Anthony Gallucio’s name has been spelled various
ways in previous books. This is the spelling used at the JFKPL. 306 “I’m going to run …”: interview, Anthony Gallucio, BP. 306 “very quickly and …”: interview, Jean Kennedy Smith, ASP.
306 “What are you …”: Jean Stein and George Plimpton, eds.,
American Journey: The Times of Robert Kennedy
(1970), p. 45.
307 “aiming for the post…”:
Cape Cod Times,
December 24, 1952.
307 “I’ll talk to [Senator John] McClellan …”: LL interview with Maurice Rosenblatt.
307 “political, not ideological”: TKL, p. 41.
307 “I walk in …”: LL interview with Maurice Rosenblatt.
309 “Teddy had not been …”: L. B. Nichols to Clyde Tolson, May 11, 1954, “subject: Edward M. Kennedy,” FBIFOI.
309 “apparently some of…”: ibid.
310 “was angling his columns…” J. J. Kelly to J. Edgar Hoover, August 28, 1953, FBIFOI.
310 “the most vocal…”: H. G. Foster to J. Edgar Hoover, July 2, 1954, FBIFOI.
310 “Knowing him from …”: interview, David Powers, BP.
311 “Dad says don’t…”: interview, Charles Bartlett, BP.
311 “I’ve got no …”: interview, Anthony Gallucio, BP.
311 “Well, I can’t pay …”: Mary Davis, KLOH.
311 “Mary, you wouldn’t…”: interview, Thomas P. O’Neill, BP.
312 When Sorensen was: SJFK, p. 262.
312 “far more interested …”: interview, Robert F. Kennedy, ASP.
313 After this first: James M. Landis, to Joseph P. Kennedy, January 21, 1953, Landis papers, LC.
313 nearly empty Senate: interview, John F. Kennedy, BP.
313 “The Atlantic Monthly …”: Theodore C. Sorensen to James M. Landis, November 1, 1953, James M. Landis papers, LC.
314 “chattel…”: interview, James Reed, BP.
314 “I remember …”: interview, Ben Smith, BP.
314 “You know, they’re going …”: interview, Charles Bartlett, BP.
315 “Excuse me, officer …”: Hugh D. Auchincloss, “Growing Up with Jackie, My Memories 1941-1953,” JFKPL.
315 decked out her stepbrother: ibid.
315 When she went to see: ibid.
315 “If I could be a …”: quoted in AWRH, pp. 53-54.
316 “If you’re so much …”: Janet Lee Auchincloss, KLOH.
316 The prospective groom: John F. Kennedy to Paul Fay, PFP.
316 “Flo Pritchett’s birthday! SEND DIAMONDS”: Blair and Blair, p. 553.
316 “Florence Pritchett was a serious…”: interview, Paul Fay, BP.
316 “I was very stuck …”: interview, John F. Kennedy, JMBP.
317 “too young and too old”: John F. Kennedy to Paul Fay, n.d., PFP.
317 “I am hoping…”: Joseph P. Kennedy to Torbert Macdonald, July 22, 1953, HTF, p. 662.
317 “Jack! What are…”: This section on the relationship between John F. Kennedy and Gunilla Von Post is based on LL interviews with Von Post and on her book,
Love, Jack
319 “Their wealth is from.…”: original manuscript of Fay,
The Pleasure of His Company,
320 “Oh Mummy, you …”: TFB, p. 232.
320 “When he turned …”: ibid.
320 “I was seated next…”: John Droney, KLOH.
320 “I was seated next…”: LL interview with Paul Fay, CBS interview, HP, and Fay, p. 145.

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