The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 (156 page)

Read The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963 Online

Authors: Laurence Leamer

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #General, #History, #United States, #20th Century, #Rich & Famous

BOOK: The Kennedy Men: 1901-1963
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Amory, Robert, Jr., 486, 564
Anderson, Jack, 309, 368
Anderson, Rudolph, 656
Angulo, Manuel, 61–62
anti-Semitism, in World War II,114–15, 122, 128, 136–38, 141, 150–52, 222, 527
Army-McCarthy hearings, 330–31, 342
Arnold, Thurman, 73
Artime, Manuel, 455–56, 677, 728
Arvad, Inga, 172–79, 229, 317–18, 322
background of, 172–74
JFK’s affair with, 172, 174–79, 181, 191–93, 203, 224, 680
spying allegations against, 175–76
Attwood, William, 729
Auchincloss, Hugh D., II, 315, 319–21
Auchincloss, Hugh D., Ill, 314
Auchincloss, Janet Bouvier, 315—16, 319–20, 342, 381
Ayers, Bradley Earl, 678, 728–29
Ayub Khan, Mohammad, 573
Bailey, John M., 579
Baker, Bobby, 691
Baker, Larry, 86–87
Baker, Newton, 70–71
Baldrige, Letitia, 571–72
Baldwin, James, 704–6, 711
Ball, George, 636, 642, 702, 721
Barnett, Ross, 613–16, 618
Bartels, Elmer C, 253, 339–40, 441
Bartlett, Charles, 324, 327, 578, 606
Cuba and, 649–50, 702
JFK’s Senate career and, 310–11
O’Donnell scandal and, 693–95
Baruch, Bernard, 53, 108, 113–14, 116, 174, 222
Bastian, Alice Cahill, 60
Bates, John, 605–6
Batista, Fulgencio, 381–82, 437, 453, 487, 563
Bay of Pigs invasion, 453–56, 484–89, 491–522, 529–30, 533, 537, 562–66, 611, 617, 623, 625, 629–31, 633, 635–36, 660, 667, 675, 677, 679, 736
Beale, Betty, 732
Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, Lord, 181, 221–22, 379, 395, 398, 400, 652, 741
Beck, Dave, 365–66, 369
Becker, David J. A., 526, 544, 547
Becket, Thomas, 490
Beer, Sam, 716
Beichman, Arnold, 376–77
Belafonte, Harry, 706
Bellino, Carmine, 365–66
Benedict XV, Pope, 53
Ben-Gurion, David, 286, 304
Bennett, Harry, 386–88
Berlin, Berlin crisis, 540–41
Cuba and, 610, 634, 637–38, 656, 661
JFK’s visit to, 680–81
Vienna Summit and, 530, 537–38, 540
Berube, Edward C, 298, 645
Beschloss, Michael, 488
Bethlehem Steel, 33–36
Betts, Henry, 592–94
Bickel, Alexander M., 372
Billings, Frederic Tremaine, Jr., 80
Billings, Kirk LeMoyne “Lem,” 63, 223–25, 272, 341, 348, 359, 381, 607
background and description of,80–81
JFK’s illnesses described to, 88–90, 99–101, 132–33
on JFK’s marriage, 324
JFK’s 1946 congressional campaignand, 223, 229, 234
JFK’s relationship with, 80–81, 83–84, 92–93, 96, 98–101, 103, 105, 130–31, 133–34, 159, 178, 200–201, 284, 532
World War II and, 186
Billingsley, Sherman, 105
Bilodeau, Tom, 105
Birdsong, Thomas B., 614
Bissell, Richard, 483
Cuba and, 456, 486, 488, 490, 493, 495–97, 500–502, 505, 507–8, 516, 518, 521, 565, 609
Blok, Nils, 173, 179, 192
Boccehir, Joseph, 535
Bohlen, Charles “Chip, ” 632–33
Bolshakov, Georgi, 529–31
Cuba and, 622, 625–26, 629, 648–49, 654–55, 662
Bolton, Oliver, 699
Boniface VIII, Pope, 241
Bonnano, Joseph, 382
Book for Janet, A
(Jacqueline Kennedy), 323–24
Boston Latin School, 11–12, 14–15, 17–18, 75
Bourguiba, Habib, 572
Bouvier, John “Blackjack, ” 315, 324, 696
Bowles, Chester, 483, 512–13, 515
Bradlee, Ben, 327–28, 414, 431, 523, 578–79, 688, 707
Branch, Taylor, 709
Brandon, Henry, 446
Brashler, William, 414
Bridge, Mrs. Christopher, 261
Bridges, Harry, 246
Briggs, D. R., 25
Brinkley, David, 692
Broderick, Thomas, 236
Brown vs. Board of Education,
Brugioni, Dino, 611
Buchan, John, 185, 223
Buchwald, Art, 569
Buck, Helen, 105
Bulkeley, John D., 182, 186
Bullitt William C, 123
Bunche, Ralph, 275
Bundy, McGeorge, 396, 477–79, 550, 691
Cuba and, 495–96, 506, 628–32, 636–37, 640–41, 655, 657, 660, 662, 667, 676
JFK’s assassination and, 739
Vietnam and, 724–26
Bunshaft, Robert, 47
Bunyan, John, 397
Burdick, Eugene, 562–63
Burke, Arleigh, 495, 507–8, 516
Burke, Grace, 291
Burke, Walter T., 355
Burke, William H., Jr., 355
Burkley, George G., 525–26, 528, 536, 545, 547
Burns, James MacGregor, 316, 342–43, 346, 378, 399, 440
Burns, John, 198–99
Byrnes, James F., 154
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 327
Cabell, Charles P., 505
Caesar, Porter “Pete, ” 92–93
Campbell, Bill, 410
Campbell, Tom, 19, 32–33, 35, 41–42
Canh, NgoDinh, 718
Canterbury Prep, 64–66, 78
Capell, Frank A., 605–6
Capone, Al, 40–41
Carmell, Dan, 372
Camera, Primo, 39–40
Carr, C. W., 167–68
Carter, Marshall, 625
Casals, Pablo, 573
Cassini, Oleg, 535
Castlereagh, Lord, 287
Castro, Fidel, 437, 453–54, 473, 484, 621–24, 673–79, 728–30, 740
attempted assassination of, 454–55, 488–92, 500–501, 510–11, 564, 566, 603, 607–11, 642, 663, 674–75, 713, 726, 729–30, 736
Operation Mongoose and, 562–63, 565–66, 610, 612, 621–23, 653
prisoners released by, 673, 675
and Soviet arms shipments to Cuba, 623, 626, 628, 638, 642, 653–54, 658, 661
and U.S.-backed covert missionsagainst Cuba, 728–29
and U.S.-backed invasion of Cuba(Bay of Pigs), 485–89, 493–99, 501–2, 505–21, 675, 677
U.S. diplomacy with, 675–76, 729
Castro, Raul, 506
Catholic Cranwell, 255
Cavanaugh, John, 398
Cawley, Olive, 92–93
Cecil, David, 134–35, 146, 325–26
Celeste, Vincent J., 388–89
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 454–56, 529, 562–63, 688
Cuba and, 454–56, 483–92, 494–96, 498–502, 505, 507, 509–10, 513, 515–21, 563–66, 603, 607–13, 621–26, 628–30, 653, 662–63, 674–79, 728–30, 736, 739
JFK’s assassination and, 739
Vietnam and, 717, 720–22
Chafin, Raymond, 423–24
Chamberlain, Neville, 119–23, 127, 136, 139–40, 144–45, 639
Chance, Mrs. Burton, 45
Chang, Suzy, 690
Cheasty, John Cye, 370, 373
Chiltern Hundreds, The
(Douglas-Home), 264, 269
Choate:JFK as student at, 75–76, 78–81, 84–87, 90–93, 99–100, 102, 133, 145–46, 212, 224, 504
JFK’s speech at, 248, 448
Joe Jr. as student at, 64, 75–81, 85–86, 97, 212
Christoffel, Harold, 247
Churchill, Pamela, 251–52
Churchill, Randolph, 251
Churchill, Winston, 141–43, 148–50, 153, 227, 244
civil rights, civil rights movement:
Congress and, 708, 712
FBI and, 555–56, 710–13
Freedom Riders in, 557–61, 614, 705, 708
O’Donnell and, 615, 617, 708
RFK and, 275, 361, 460–61, 554–57, 559–62, 614–19, 704–13
Sorensen and, 473, 708–9
Wofford and, 459–61, 554, 557–58
see also
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Civil War, U.S., 11, 17–18, 326
Clancy, Hal, 583
Clark, Blair, 105, 145, 409, 689
Clark, Kenneth, 706
Clarke, Patricia, 412
Clasby, Dick, 254
Clasby, Mary Jo Gargan, 254
Cleary, William, 384
Clement, Frank, 353–54
Clemmons, Jack, 605
Cleveland, Frances Folsom, 695
Cleveland, Harlan, 507
Clifford, Clark, 423, 665
Coghlan, Ralph, 305
Cohen, Eugene J., 347, 440–41, 525–26, 528, 544–47, 550
Cohn, Roy, 307–9, 330–31
Colby, William, 721
Coleman, William C, Jr., 104
Collins, Joseph, 47–48
Columbia Trust Company, 28–29, 55, 201
Joe Sr. as president of, 29, 31, 33, 42
Communists, communism:
Cuba and, 453, 483–84, 489
FBI investigation of, 596–98, 691
JFK and, 246–47, 283–84, 288, 292–93, 300–301, 328–29, 438–39, 453, 455, 487–88, 509–10, 540, 564, 566, 625, 631, 681, 703, 709–10, 712, 716, 719
King and, 709–13
McCarthy’s campaign against, 299–303, 307–10, 329, 367, 371
RFK and, 263, 329, 360–61, 371, 512, 515–16, 556, 563–64, 567, 597–98, 606, 628, 675, 678, 709–10, 712–13
Ted and, 309–10, 584
Conein, Lucien, 722, 725
Congress, U.S., 477, 508, 557
civil rights and, 708, 712
Cuba and, 493, 496–97, 625–26
and World War II, 161–62
see also
House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Connolly, John, 733
Connor, Eugene “Bull, ” 704
Convoy, Kikoo, 45
Cooke, Alistair, 680
Coolidge, Calvin, 440, 576
Cooper, Gary, 225
Corbin, Paul, 421, 578–79, 694–95
Corcoran, Tommy, 73–74
Cordova Orta, Juan, 489
Cotter, John F., 231
Coughlin, Charles, 109
Coughlin, Robert, 282
Cox, Archibald, 447
Creagh, John T., 52
Cronkite, Walter, 515, 719
Crosby, John, 294
Crowell, Chester T., 48
Cuba, 437, 483–521, 529–31, 607–13, 672–79, 716, 728–30, 739–40
Communist takeover of, 453, 483–84, 489
JFK and, 381–82, 405, 408, 453–56, 483–516, 518–22, 529–30, 533, 537, 562–66, 609–13, 617, 621–63, 667, 672–77, 696, 702, 708, 726, 729–30, 734, 736
Operation Mongoose and, 562–66, 609–13, 621–23, 628–30, 653, 677
release of anti-Castro prisoners from, 673–75
Soviet arms shipments to, 623–44, 646–49, 653–55, 657–63, 673–74
U-2 shot down over, 656–57
U.S.-backed covert missions against, 678–79, 728–29
U.S.-backed invasion of (Bay ofPigs), 453–56, 484–89, 491–522, 529–30, 533, 537, 562–66, 611, 617, 623, 625, 629–31, 633, 635–36, 660, 667, 675, 677, 679, 736
U.S. naval blockade of, 637–42, 644, 646–47, 650–53, 657, 660–62
see also
Castro, Fidel

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