The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1)
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Today I have been called to meet with my parents in my father’s study. It was not too important, my mother wants me and George to help Julien enter court. He is allowed to enter a little earlier due to the fact he is male. The King and Queen also informed me that the Prince of Scotland will be arriving very soon for father’s celebrations but my mother thinks he is here for me. Although there are other suitors at court already, the Scottish Prince is appealing to the because of his country’s wealth and strong army.

That afternoon, my little brother Julien arrives but I am quick to see why my parents want him sheltered by George and I. He does not say a word, but instead nods his head to me and storms past.

“He has not spoken in a week and will not say a single word why he chooses not to talk,” my mother whispers to me. “You and your brother need to find out why he is acting like this, I will not have one of my children embarrass me. A mute Prince will upset the King.”



“I wonder if he is handsome,” Beatrice voices as my Ladies gossip about the Scottish Prince once more.

“My mother is excited for some reason,” I walk towards the large window in my room, if only I could see what he looks like. I catch sight of the walk I used to the stables and sadness washes over me. I miss James so badly.

“You might be a Scottish Princess soon enough and move there,” Catherine reminds me.

“With all of us remember,” adds Louisa.

“I am glad,” I look around to them all, happy that I have them with me. I wouldn’t like to move to a strange place with no friends to help ease me into things. That would be awful. Wherever I go, my Ladies come with me.

“Grace!” My mother barges into my room and walks right to me, quickly embracing me. “You need to look your best while the Scottish Prince is here, he’s a very handsome man. For some reason he has not married yet, maybe no girl has caught his eye but I think you will.”

“What makes you think that?” I ask her.

“You are not like any other Princess, Grace,” my mother points out. “He is hunting with the King, so you have time to prepare yourself.”

My Ladies start to fuss as soon as my mother leaves, but I stop them, “There is no need girls, I look fine as I am.”

I have just changed into a new gown and my hair is only lying flat down my back but I think it looks lovely.

“Are you sure?” Asks Jane. “You look beautiful, but your mother wants you to stand out.”

“No, I want to stay like this,” I look to my reflection and see myself looking the way I want.

Standing in my royal blue gown, with a small head piece glistening in my hair, I think I look perfect to meet the Scottish Prince. After all, shouldn’t I be the Princess I truly am?

Jane brings me some water, “Are you ok?” I ask her.

“I am fine. Jane, you do know that my parents have arranged for potential brides for George to be here too?” I ask her.

I see the pain in her eyes when I ask her, but she continues to smile, “I suspected so.”

“Stay with the girls,” I warn her.

“Do not worry about me, Grace,” she laughs.

“But I do because you are my friend,” I remind her.

When it is time for me to meet our royal visitor, one of my mother’s Ladies knocks on instead of my mother.

“Princess Grace,” she bobs her curtsy. “The Queen asks for you in the throne room.”

Typical father wants us all to officially meet in the throne room, just in case the new royal here doesn’t know who is in charge. My Ladies walk down with me and I become very nervous the closer I get to my parents’ throne room. I eventually part ways with them as they cannot come with me. When I enter, mother and father are talking with a young man, all with their backs to me. George and Julien are also here and I manage to compose myself before they all turn to face me.

“Grace,” Father shouts.

“This is our daughter, Princess Grace,” my mother introduces, but I still haven’t managed to see the Scottish Prince just yet as George is blocking my view.

“Grace, this is Prince James of Scotland,” my father laughs.

“Thank you King Stephan,” The Prince replies and my body tenses. I know that voice. I step closer and as I do, Prince James does too and I set my eyes on him. His thick dark hair and matching darker eyes. That strong jaw and his wide frame that makes every girl feel feminine when they stand by him. It is my James from the stable!

I am so happy to see him. I forget everyone else in the room and focus on him. I see his own shock when he sets eyes on me, for he did not know I was the Princess and not a Lady in waiting.

“James,” I smile, closing the distance between us.

“Gigi,” he replies quietly, too low for anyone else to hear us. “It is you.”

We share a private smile, before my mother interrupts.

“I told the Prince that you would keep him company while he stays,” usually this would irritate me, but not this time. I have really missed him and I have pathetically spent some time in the stables, reminiscing about him.

“It would be my pleasure,” I smile up at James.

“Of course, this is my first visit to the English court. I need some guidance,” James lies, for he has been enjoying a secret stay right under my parent’s noses.

“You have never been here before?” I ask him, trying my best to hide my smile.

James breaks out in a heart stopping smile, “No I have not Princess, but I can rest easy in the knowledge that you will be my guide.”

I can feel everyone’s eyes on us, especially my mother’s but I don’t care. James is back! I’m not even mad that he lied about who he is, for I did the same. He is a Prince! I can now talk with him freely, not having to sneak away to the stables.

“You have not visited England before?” Asks George and stepping close to me. The protective big brother standing by.

“I have actually been in England for a couple of months, enjoying the country in secret before joining court and I have to say, it has been an enjoyable time,” James eyes flash to mine. “I needed time away from politics and I am really glad I did.”

“I believe the best of men need a break from their court from time to time,” George agrees.


“The future Kings getting along, just what I like to see,” my father boasts.

“Why don’t you two get to know one another before the preparations tomorrow?” My mother looks to James and I.

“If that is okay with you Princess?” James asks.

“Of course, we can take a walk in the gardens,” I reply, already walking together as we smile at one another.

“The guard’s will go with you!” George shouts as I walk away.

“I cannot believe you fooled me,” are his first words when we escape to the outdoors. My guards are obviously following, but we’re talking quietly so they aren’t able to overhear us.

“It appears we have both been tricked,” I laugh. “I cannot believe you are the Prince of Scotland.”

“Why?” James plays with his fine clothes. “Do I not look Prince worthy?”

“Of course you do,” I stop to properly look at him. “You look devilishly handsome, but I had no clue to your real identity.”

“Truth be told, I was saddened when I thought you were not the Princess and that you were just her Lady,” James laughs. “I wanted you more than, well you.”

We both laugh again and begin walking again. Our eyes keep meeting and we giggle some more. I have this huge excited bubble floating around in my belly, but I’m scared my father will come along and burst it.

“I’m sorry I never told you who I am,” I begin. “It was nice having you talk to me like I was a normal girl. The more I got to know you, the more I enjoyed your company and the worse I felt about lying to you. It was a weird cycle and it upset me when you went. I really wanted to tell you the truth, but I was so scared you would be mad before we parted ways. I thought I would never see you again and I didn’t want it to be on bad terms, I’m sorry James.”

A tear runs down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away but James reaches for my arm and halts my movement.

“Do not hide your emotions from me Grace, I want to see how you are feeling,” he smiles as he wipes my tear away himself. “We might be husband and wife one day, and I don’t want to keep secrets. I want the best marriage I can have, don’t you?”

“Of course,” I reply, my heart fluttering.

“And just so you know, I hated lying to you as well. My father is ill, and I came to see some relatives before I made myself known at court. My cousins began to tell me stories about the beautiful English Princess,” James gestures to me and I laugh. “And I had to sneak around a little.”

“And that was hiding in the stables and becoming friends with my horse?” I ask with laughter.

“Of course,” James grins widely. “I was also told how much you care for the animals, and if I cared for your horse you might have cared for me.”

“Good logic,” I laugh even more.

I have missed James. I didn’t realise how much he made me laugh and smile when we were together, the time we have been separated has made me see this. I’m just so happy that I no longer have to hide to see him and that we can freely walk around the castle grounds. Not that being of high status is everything, but with my parents it has to be. They would lock me inside if they knew what I had been up to when I didn’t know who James was.

“So tell me about this Prince Antonio,” James face turns sharp. “I remember you mentioning his name and how the Princess did not like him.”

Thinking that James has every right to know what has been happening in court before he arrives, I tell him everything. Probably more than I should do where King Louis is concerned, but like James has said, we could be married one day and I want nothing between us. However, as soon as I do tell him all about my Spanish cousin, James’ good mood disappears.

“He shouldn’t even be allowed in the same country as you, never mind the same castle!” He shouts.

“James,” I say, trying to calm him.

“I’m sorry Grace, but it’s true,” he breathes. “I care for you.”

“What is going on?” Comes from Arthur.

“Where did you come from?” I ask him in shock.

“I’m the bastard brother. When visitors come I am not needed, so I went on a walk, and then I heard this guy shouting,” Arthur points to James.

“This guy,” I say, mocking Arthur’s gesture to James. “Is Prince James of Scotland.”

“Nice to meet you Prince James,” Arthur pays his respect. “So what was the shouting about?”

“Your sister has been telling me all about Prince Antonio,” James answers Arthur, you can hear from his voice that he does not like Antonio.

Arthur’s expression darkens, and I feel like I am in trouble. That is until he speaks.

“Do not get me started on that fuck,” Arthur seethes. “I have lost count of the arguments I’ve had with the King about his stay here, even Prince George’s input won’t get rid of his presence here.”

“Why is he still here then?” I ask Arthur, puzzled as to why my father hasn’t make Antonio leave is Arthur and George strongly think he should.

“For some reason Father needs him here,” Arthur shrugs and then turns to James. “It’s good to know we have another ally where Antonio is concerned.”

“You do,” James shakes his hand.

The royal horns sound across the castle, and they’re so loud they make me jump. I look to Arthur who has a matching smile to mine.

“They’re here!” I squeal, turning to run towards the front entrance of the palace.

“Who?” I hear James ask Arthur as they quickly follow behind me.

“The Princesses,” is all Arthur says and I’m not sure if they speak anymore because all I am interested in is seeing my sisters.

I see Bridget as I get closer to the doors and she’s laughing with excitement as well. She’s closer to Isabella and Elizabeth than she is to me because they’re closer in age, so I understand her happiness.

We stop together as we look down from the top of the castle doors. Steps look down to the courtyard, decorated with its many flowers and greenery before the huge gates that protect the castle from the outside. The gates open and Bridget jumps beside me.

“Grace, your sisters have arrived,” she claps.

sisters,” I reply, looking down at her and wrapping an arm around her. She gives me a sweet smile before returning to look towards the carriage that has now entered the courtyard.

“Bridget,” Arthur interrupts. “We need to go.”

“What?” She asks, sounding shocked. “I want to see the Princesses.”

“I know, and I do too but you have to understand,” he begins, but then it’s too late.

“Arthur? Bridget?” Comes from my mother down the hall. “What are you doing here?”

“They want to greet the girls,” I answer for them.

The Queen makes an unimpressed expression towards me, but I see her anger and apparently so does everyone else.

“We will go,” Arthur adds, taking Bridget’s hand and leading her way just as I see the carriage door being opened for the girls and Isabella begins to appear.

“Honestly Grace, I thought you would understand,” Mother says as she stands beside me.

“Unfortunately for you, I do not,” I reply quietly. “She is after all related to the girls.”

Mother flashes me an angry look and I realise I have gone too far, “Those bastards may share your father’s blood but they are by no means royal and they are not your siblings.”

I do not answer her and instead choose to watch as my sisters are escorted from their carriage. I hear my mother talking to James who is still standing beside me and I feel comforted in that. Isabella spots me and her face beams.

“Gracey!” She screams and races up the steps in her grand dress.

Lady Andrews quickly gets out the carriage and looks up in horror as both girls run up towards us.

“Princesses!” She shouts, but they carry on.

When they reach me, their arms wrap around me and we all laugh.

“Let them enjoy themselves Lady Andrews,” My mother smirks at her, knowing she has won a secret battle. “There’s no need to stay, I know how to take care of my own daughters.”

My mother then holds a hand out to both Isabella and Elizabeth. They each take a hand and my mother walks away with them, leading them towards my father who stands at the opposite end of the hall. I feel a little bad for Lady Andrews.

“Thank you Lady Andrews,” I curtsey and she smiles.

“Princess Grace,” She claps. “You look beautiful.”

She looks towards James and I introduce them, “Lady Andrews, this is Prince James of Scotland. James, this is my Lady Mistress, Lady Andrews.”

They exchange pleasantries and after she leaves, I follow in the direction my mother left with Isabella and Elizabeth.

“Well, that was a show indeed,” laughs James.

“Don’t let the Queen see you laugh,” I threaten.

“It’s ok, I know her daughter, I feel safe,” he returns.

“Oh really?” I laugh.

But he’s right. Even though my mother wasn’t happy with me for standing up for Bridget and Arthur, she loves me dearly. In fact, her behaviour towards Arthur and Bridget shows me exactly how much she actually loves us and cares about our reputation. I am saddened by the way she harshly singles them out though and I make a mental note to make sure Isabella and Elizabeth see Bridget before they leave.

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