The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1)
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“Scandalous,” laughs Jane quietly when we have made it past.

I give her a pointed look, “Are you telling me you haven’t kissed my brother?”

Her face falls and I get my answer.

“It isn’t like that,” she insists.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that,” I quickly add.

“No, I understand but you have to see, it’s really not like that,” she takes a deep and calming breath. “The way George talks to me, he doesn’t make me feel ashamed, like he is hiding me away. Not like Louis was with Lady Edith. I feel something more with him.”

Jane really is falling for George and I’m terrified for her. My parents won’t allow her to marry George simply because he is the future King of England and that only means one thing. Heartbreak for one of my closest friends.

I am eating breakfast alone in my chambers when a servant delivers a note, it leaves me uninterested in anything else. The words cause me pain I was not expecting. I take my coat, and quickly begin my walk through the castle. The cold winds outside do not stop me as I race towards the stables. I practically run through the doors, out of breath and searching for James.

“Gigi!” He gasps, looking at me in a way that warms me. “You got my note?”

“Yes,” I breathe. “Is it true?”

He lowers his head and nods. “Yes, I won’t be here any longer.”

“You are going home?” I ask, absolutely devastated. “Is this because your father is ill?”

His hands hold me almost lovingly, “I am sorry Gigi.”

James leans closer and kisses my forehead. My eyes close as his lips move down to my cheeks and the neck, “This is because of him yes, I am sorry to make you sad.”

“I am going to miss you,” I admit. It is no secret that since the day I set eyes on James I was taken with him, whether I should be or not. I am a Princess and James is not of noble birth, he is not even a Lord or Duke. If he was then there could have been a chance for us.

“You might not say that when you discover what I have kept from you,” James delivers and I step back.

“What are you saying?” I ask.

“We are friends, aren’t we?” James asks me, honestly looking worried

“Of course,” I continue to watch him. “At least I thought we were,” I immediately feel bad for judging him because I have been keeping big information from him.

“Please remember what we have shared before you get angry with me,” he goes on.

“What are you hiding?” I ask, concerned by his words.

James steps closer again, so close we nearly touch noses and reaches a hand to my neck. A glorious sensation beats through me from his touch, I wish we could explore this a little more. James looks deep into my eyes, “Before you find out the truth, I want one last moment with you.”

His words upset me. James is my escape here at court, I am stripped of my status when I am with him and I can relax. No matter how wrong is it and nothing can come of our secret relationship, I do not want him to go.

“Will you allow me to kiss you?” He asks, looking from my lips and to my eyes. “I need one last feel of your lips and remember how you feel I am a dying man.”

“Yes,” I whisper, I need to have his mouth on me as much as James needs this. “Kiss me.”

James doesn’t need another word and his lips are on mine, sweeping me into a frenzy. I still have no idea what I am doing, His hands go from my neck and down my body, touching over my gown and coat. I sigh as his kisses unfortunately come to an end. My eyes are closed and all I can hear is his heavy breathing.

“What are you doing to me Grace?” He asks.

I open my eyes, James is still so close and I smile, “I do not know but I fear I feel the same.”

“I will never regret what we have shared, but I wish it did not have to end,” his voice sounds pained and my emotions mirror his.

“Never,” I answer and James kisses me again. With no permission this time, but he didn’t need it. I didn’t want the first kiss to end in the first place. I will not regret a moment I spent with him, I pray that I will find love like this in a marriage I will eventually have.



Tonight Grace is in the royal sitting room and as her Ladies, we all accompany her. Whilst we are sitting beside Grace, I catch Prince George looking at me from across the room. Just his gaze makes my body warm and I would be lying if I said it does not please me. Everything about George is exciting and has me panting for more, but I can’t take it further than the secret kisses we have shared, I will be only committing to my own heartbreak.

“Princess Grace,” Greets King Louis.

I blink through my thoughts of Prince George, I was too busy thinking about him that I didn’t see King Louis walk right by me. I have snap myself out of it, and take a sneak peek across at George. Not only is George watching me, he’s smirking and looks so sexy.

“I am sorry Louis, but I am rather tired,” I hear Grace say.

“But it is still early Princess, let us go on a relaxing walk,” Louis suggests.

Grace then looks to me, raising her eyebrows, “What do you think Jane?”

“I agree Grace, you should retire to bed if you are tired,” I suggest, playing along to her innocent game.

“I think you are quite right,” Grace smiles, accepting King Louis hand as she stands. I’m about to stand myself but George stands above me and holds his hand out. An attractive smile in place.

“Lady Jane,” he offers his hand out and I accept. Feeling everyone’s eyes on us as he helps me stand. “Will you meet me?” He whispers into my ear.

“Thank you,” I curtsey and take my place behind Grace. As we walk away, I can see George smiling at me and I try my absolute best to hide my own. I constantly think of him as we walk to Grace’s bedchamber and help her change for bed.

I enter my own room, beginning to get myself ready for bed. I’m dressed in just my white nightgown when there’s a knock on my door. I reach my dressing gown and wrap it around my body before I answer the door.  “Who is it?” I ask quietly.

“Me,” George’s voice whispers back and I step away from my door in shock. “Jane?” I hear his voice again.

“What are you doing here?” I open the door as quietly as I possibly can, seeing him smiling at me and my heart melts.

“I’m here to see you, now are you going to let me in?” His eyes sparkle, full of mischief that I can’t possibly say no.

“Quickly,” I warn him, ushering him in as I step aside. George quickly enters my room, and turns to shut the door behind him. He spins back to face me, mouth open to speak, but when his eyes land on me whatever he was about to say dies in his mouth. He stands silently, his eyes wide as he looks at me. “George?” I ask.

“Sorry,” He slightly shakes his head. “You look beautiful.”

His words embarrass me, “Stop it.”

George steps closer, “I have not seen you with all of your hair down.”

“I like to wear it up,” I add.

“It looks beautiful down,” George smiles, his eyes wondering down. “And you are in your night clothes,”

I bite down on my lip, nodding and smiling at the awkwardness. George is the only man to see me like this. “Yes,” I answer.

A knock at the door makes me jump and I look to George with wide eyes but he looks so calm. I rush to the door but George stops me. “It is Arthur,” he explains.

“Arthur!” I hiss in a whisper. “What is he doing here?”

I watch him as he answers the door. I can’t hear what he and his brother are saying because they are being so quiet. George is handed a tray and locks the door, before making his way over to me.

“You had Arthur bring food and wine to my chambers?” I ask in astonishment.

I feel flustered, but George sets down the tray and kneels in front of me, “He will not say a word.”

“How do you know?” I ask, I can’t afford a rumour to be spread about me. “If Grace finds out, or if people gossip...”

“Do not worry. Arthur will not say anything,” George assures me. “Now relax and enjoy some wine with me.”

After a glass of wine, I begin to do as George wishes and relax. I don’t know why he is truly here, but I have to admit that I really enjoy his company, “So Lady Jane, have you found any suitable husbands in your time here?”

“No,” I quickly answer.

“I have to admit that I both love and hate that,” George leans closer to me, and I suddenly become breathless. “If another man was courting you, I would be drowning in jealousy but you say you haven’t seen a worthy suitor, am I not worthy of you?” He asks, his voice deep and causing goose bumps to rise all over me.

“George,” I warn, beginning to understand what he is getting at. Although it thrills me to have the future King of England reveal himself to me, I should not entertain these feelings.

“No Jane, let me say this. I want you, so badly. I know you feel the same,” his hand rests on my knee and a jolt shocks through my body.

“We cannot do this George. I’m already in a dangerous place, we cannot take this further. At least, not as much as I would like,” I finally admit to him and George flashes me a confident smile. “That doesn’t mean we should.”

“It will be our secret,” he whispers against my mouth. “If you do not want anyone to know, I will not tell a soul.”

His words make my mind wonder if this is possible. Could I let myself enjoy George and allow it to be between just the two of us? Could I do that to Grace? Lie to her? I don’t want to, but I have to admit, the need to be with George is so strong that I can feel myself agreeing to this insanity.

“Don’t let your mind stress over it,” George insists. “Take what I know you want.”

I look into his beautiful dark eyes and I know that he knows I’ve given in to him, because he leans in for a kiss. I’m in shock for about a second, and then I kiss him back. George lets his hand travel to the back of my neck, pulling me closer to him and I moan in delight. George is such a fantastic kisser.

“You are so beautiful,” he groans in between his lavish kisses.

“And you are handsome,” I sigh as his mouth travels down my neck and onto my collar bone.

“I don’t think I can keep away from you any longer Jane,” he nibbles at my skin. “Watching you around the castle, it drives me insane that I cannot touch you.”

“You are touching me now,” I giggle as his hands wonder over my breasts.

“I want all of you,” George suddenly announces and my laughter stops.

I look him straight in the eye, I know what he wants. George wants us to have sexual intercourse. It’s totally normal for a male, but for me it could be disastrous. My life and my families honour rests with my choices while I live at court. My family are of French royal blood and if they knew what I was doing right now, they would drag me home and maybe that’s why I grab George closer and kiss him as hard as he did me.

“We can have tonight,” I declare. “I can give you tonight.”

George seems shocked and I don’t blame him. When he first appeared in my room I was adamant nothing was going to happen and here I am willing to give George my maiden head that should be promised to my future husband.

I want to do this for me. I will always remember the night I shared with Prince George, and one-day King George. If my parents happen to push me into a dreadful marriage, I will always have this one night where I chose my own path.

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