The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1) (16 page)

BOOK: The King's Daughter (High Born Book 1)
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This morning I was summoned to the Kings study and I knew it was serious. Father doesn’t usually ask me to meet him so early.

“Prince Antonio,” is all he says when I enter his study and I also see we are alone. No servants or guards, meaning what we will discuss is highly private.

“The King of Spain is arriving tomorrow. He will want to see his son,” I point out and father nods with a grim look on his face.

I have had the pleasure of seeing Antonio down in the cells and I must say, it was a privilege. Arthur and James have accompanied me a couple of times but it’s me who orders his torturing and I am not lying when I say I enjoy every second. That might make me a little crazy, but all Kings have a little craziness inside them, otherwise our enemies wouldn’t fear us as much as they do. I have to admit, the way James treated Antonio, I never want to get on this bad side of him. I am happy he will be protecting my sister.

“We need a plan of action,” Father adds. “King Alonso knows what his son has done to Grace, but that won’t stop him wanting him freed and taking back to Spain.”

I nod in agreement, “Yes, he is a Prince after all and the heir to his father’s throne.”

“I do not envy Alonso when it comes to Antonio, everyone could see as a child he was going to be a handful and he has proven us all right. I dread to think what he will do when he is King. Even your mother thinks Prince Carlos would make the better King,” Father shakes his head in annoyance.

“I would much prefer Carlos to be the King when I am, I believe he would be a much better ally,” I agree.

The King sighs heavily, “In Alonso’s letter, he ordered that Antonio was not to be hurt.”

“He may have, but I do not follow
orders,” I snap. “His son did not like them either!”

The King laughs, “Neither do I, Son.”

And I know that, he may not have been down in the cells himself but father has been doing his own ordering of vengeance. I have witnessed this myself, my father has a mean streak he saves for his enemies. It’s most likely where I have inherited it from, although I would never show it to the women who surround me.

“Seeing as you are to be King one day, what do you suggest?” Father asks me.

“Well, he has to stay alive,” I laugh and he joins in. “No matter my blood ties to Spain, if we were to kill Antonio, England would have an enemy in Spain throughout my reign, possibly longer.”

“That is correct,” the King nods. “As much as I want him dead, I see the reasons not to.”

Everyone in our family wants him dead. He hurt the Princess, my sister and the eldest Princess. I’m sure if the country knew, they would all want Prince Antonio killed too. Grace is seen as England’s sweetheart. I would not be shocked if the men and women of the country would line the streets and slit his throat themselves. Grace is widely adored by many.

“If it was not for Grace’s pride and honour I would let the whole world know what he did to her,” I growl in anger.

“It is true. Grace is adored by all and if this were known they would all want vengeance but we could not let her be shamed,” Father orders.

“I agree father. I protect my sisters with my life,” I declare. “Grace wouldn’t want England to go to war over what happened.”

The King laughs, enjoying my out loud ways of thinking, “Let us pray Alonso is in good spirits when he arrives.”

“Mother could calm him perhaps? She is his sister,” I point out.

“Good thinking,” he points to me. “The Queen could sway Alonso. You are smart my son.”

“Learned from the best,” I flash him a wink and I earn a deep laugh from my father.

“It is agreed then. Both you and the Queen will join Alonso when he arrives. I do not know who he is bringing with him,” Father pours another drink.

“No doubt that he will bring Carlos, he is forever the mediator,” I remind him.

“And possibly Lorenzo,” Father adds and I have to agree. Lorenzo is exactly like his cousin Antonio. King Alonso will want to bring fire and ice with him, I know I would.

“Now, some other business,” the King puts down his cup and I have a gut feeling I know what he is going to say. “Did any of the Princesses catch your attention yesterday?” I was right.

“No Father,” I answer truthfully because the lady who always seems to have my attention is not a Princess.

“I thought so. I did not see you conversing or even looking too long at any single female there, apart from one and there were many important and beautiful girls who attended,” he catches my attention.

“Maybe next time,” is all I can say.

“Should I be concerned about Lady Jane? You two disappeared for some time yesterday during the celebrations of your sister’s news. You may have found a bride if you were not distracted by this girl,” Father doesn’t look too pleased.

“Jane is no worry,” I insist. My parents have the power to remove her from court and I want Lady Jane here with me.

“She cannot be yours, not legally. Get married and then declare her your official mistress if you must, but focus on marriage first, George,” he advises, but I do not like his idea for Jane.

“Jane is not going to be my mistress,” I make that clear.

“I do not care who you have sex with, George, I just want you to have a wife. Ideally find yourself a Queen, young and able to bear you children but as long as she brings money and armies that would be perfect,” the King rambles.

“Not too much then father,” I roll my eyes. “I have not seen anyone of importance. I am in no rush.”

“You needs heirs!” Father becomes irritated. “A sign of a strong King is one who is already wed with children when he is crowned!”

“I am still young,” I stand, becoming annoyed. “There is plenty of time for all of this.”

“The celebrations yesterday were a great opportunity for you to meet plenty of agreeable Princesses but you failed!” He shouts.

“I’ve had enough,” I storm towards the door. I don’t want to hear any more.

“No more wasting time on your whore!” He shouts before I open the doors.

I turn back to look at him, furious, “She is not a whore!”

I do not give him chance to say anything else. I charge out the study and out of his chambers, I need to find Jane.

As I eat breakfast with my Ladies in my private room, the door bursts open and I quickly stand in a sense of alarm. When I see that it is my brother George, I walk towards him. “George?”

I watch as he looks around the room, I sense anger from him but his face shows no sign. He oddly looks calm, but I know him all too well. George’s eyes find their target and I do not even have to look to who is watching.

“Why are you here George?” I ask him.

His eyes finally come to me, snapping away from Jane, “I need to talk with Jane.”

I know what has been happening with George and Jane. I warned her about protecting her heart but she has ignored that, or maybe it is because she has gone too far to turn away from him. My brother is handsome and I am not ignorant to not see how girls flock around him. I just choose not to watch.

“I need a private word,” I gesture for him to step out the room and he does. I follow and close the door behind us, lowing my voice. “I know what you are doing.”

George frowns, “Stay out of it Grace.”

“Stay out of it? She is one of my best friends and I do not want her hurt,” I demand. “I would be taking care of her once you have broken her heart and I won’t let you do it.”

He signs, “I know you have been through a lot, so I am trying not to snap at you but I will if you do not mind your own business. Grace.”

“I do not like it,” I glare at him.

“I am the future King. I do not need my little sister’s permission to do anything. Now stand aside,” with an angry glare I walk back into the room.

“Jane my brother needs you,” I speak with very little effort, letting it be known I do not agree. Jane slowly rises, looking to me. I nod my head to let her know I am ok, but George does not like this.

“Jane, come here please. You do not need Grace’s approval,” George snaps from behind me.

Jane’s back stiffens as she looks between us both, “Yes I do, George. She is my Princess.”

As she passes me her hand squeezes mine and she offers a smile. George is a good man, so I know whatever has him acting like this is serious, so I won’t give him too much grief for it later.

When the door closes behind them Beatrice shakes her head, “She should not have gone.”

“I agree,” I take my seat. “She is playing a dangerous game with my brother and her heart may not survive it, but she has been warned.”

George is in a terrible mood and when we leave Grace’s dining room where I was happily eating breakfast with my friends, he stormed in and trampled all over it.

“I need you to follow me,” is all he says when we are alone.

George begins to walk through the castle and I wonder if I should follow. As I watch him go, he turns to face me and I see right then, that for whatever reason, he needs me. So I follow him and as we walk, he doesn’t speak another word. I am unsure whether I should ask what is wrong or not, I can feel his anger pouring from him. The way he spoke to Grace was appalling and I know he never usually snaps at her like that. He’s normally the big, protective brother who looks out for her as much as he can and just now, he wasn’t. 

“George, what is the matter?” I ask him, but rather like I had expected, George does not answer. Instead, he continues to walk in front. “Just so you know, I do not like how you spoke to Grace back there.”

I frown at his back, having enough of his silence. I quickly turn around and walk back towards Grace and the girls. I only walk so far when George runs in front of me. “Why are you leaving?”

“I am tired of being ignored,” I answer.

“I’m sorry, I have just had an intense talk with my father and I want to be alone, but I need you,” George explains. “Please come with me to my chambers?”

George looks angry, but under that I can see how upset he is.
I wonder what was said to make him react like this?

“I will, but no more silence,” I demand and he agrees.

We then continue our walk to his chambers. The same jealous looks are directed at me whenever I am with George. Girls of all ages adore Prince George and in their eyes, I must be seen as if I am blocking the path to him. I know he should have found a wife by now and I feel guilty that I might have something to do with him not selecting one, but surely George wouldn’t let me stop a marriage with a royal match. 

Forgetting about the glares of jealousy, we walk into his chambers and I have to admit to myself that I feel calm. I love George, I really do and here we can both be true to one another. The door shuts behind us and George comes from behind me, gliding his hands down my arms. There’s a fire warming the room but I shiver. George kisses my neck on the small opening on the gown, causing me to lean my head in the opposite direction and giving him more access. I sigh as his teeth bite and his tongue licks their way to my earlobe. He has me so worked up already.

“I need you,” George growls into my ear.

“Take what you need,” I give him the permission I crave and he doesn’t take long to take what he wants. George tears away my bodice and as my back becomes bare, he kisses his way down until he is on his knees, holding my waist to steady me because his lips are causing such a powerful response within me, that I am beginning to sway on my feet. My skirts are quickly removed and when I am totally naked I turn to find myself facing a naked George. His mouth covers my waiting, hardened nipple and he caresses it with his tongue, his fingers playing with the other as to nor leave it out. My head falls back as I sigh, but I am stunned when George picks me up and throws me onto his bed.

“George!” I gasp.

He doesn’t say a word, but climbs on top of me and separates my legs. His cock slips in as his mouth claims my own with a kiss. George closes his eyes and thrusts hard and urgently. I don’t take any pleasure in this, I just watch him as he uses my body as his escape. This has never happened before and it hurts that he could use me like this, but I let him believe I am alongside with him. I love him enough to do that and I allow it because he needs it. When he climaxes, George rolls onto his side and kisses me quickly. Heavily groaning as he calms his breathing, “Thank you, I needed that.”

“Did something happen?” I ask him, curious to know what has affected his mood.

“My father,” he continues to heavily breathe.

“It is because of me?” I ask and George gives me a look which tells me exactly what he is thinking. “It is.”

George sighs again, “He is one of many who have heard the rumours.”

“So what was this?” I point to our naked bodies. “An act of defiance against the King?” George doesn’t say anything and I take that as I am correct.

“Let us enjoy today,” he insists. “I want to spend all day with you.”

“Why?” I ask, sounding like a tempered child. “So you can anger your father?”

George frowns, “Not at all, I have missed you and after today I will be very busy.”

“Will Antonio be killed?” I dare to ask, I do not like the Spanish Prince and I want vengeance for what he did to Grace.

“You know I cannot answer that Jane,” George smiles at me.
Worth a try.

It appears time for conversation is over as George rolls me onto my back. He softly kisses down my body, paying special attention to my nipples and gradually works his way lower. Again he spreads my thighs and licks on top of my mound, kissing the inside of my thighs and my body shivers. My legs fall open even further, begging for him to pay my core that special attention.



After George has shown me enough pleasure to make me fall asleep, we eat in his room but he will not let me dress. He wants me naked and revealed to him. Me being naked teases George and half way through his eating he cannot take any more and takes me again. I fell a sense of urgency once more and I know the worst is yet to come, I can feel it.

“I’m sorry Jane, after speaking with my father, I had to have you with me,” he tries to explain.

“I understand,” But I don’t. Not at all.

“He’s on my case all the time, my Mother too. They are so desperate for me to find a worthy wife,” George goes on to say, and he continues on his talk but all I keep hearing are the words,
worthy wife.

I may not be of his status, but I do have enough self-respect to see that I am in fact worthy of him. When George and I manage to spend time together, I make him feel special but I do not feel that way today. Not at all.

“Do as they say and they won’t annoy you as much,” I suggest.

George slowly nods, “I might have to Jane.”

His eyes look up to me and we look to one another, sadness sweeping over me. I give him a smile and begin to stand. George watches me as I dress in the gown he removed from me this morning. I look to the window and see that it is getting dark and I am shocked that I have been here almost all day.

“My father made a ridiculous comment,” George adds as he helps me tighten my bodice.

“Oh really?” I ask.

George busies himself with tightening my gown before he answers and I know what he is about to say is not good, “He said I should make you my mistress.”

My back stiffens and I slowly turn to face him. “And what did you say?”

“I told him no of course,” he frowns, although I have a strange feeling if I tell him that I do not mind becoming his mistress, he would make it so.

“But now you think that I should become your mistress?” I ask him and he stays silent. “You do!”

I tidy my hair, making myself look as if I haven’t been fucked all day.

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