The Knight and the Dove (41 page)

Read The Knight and the Dove Online

Authors: Lori Wick

Tags: #Knights and Knighthood, #Christian, #Historical Fiction, #1509-1547, #General, #Romance, #Great Britain - History - Henry VIII, #Great Britain, #Christian Fiction, #Historical, #Fiction, #Religious, #Love Stories

BOOK: The Knight and the Dove
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“Megan?” Lady Noella spoke. “What is it?”

“That voice,” Megan said.

Both women stared at her. The room was so noisy that it was barely possible to make out any one voice, but Megan looked certain.

“What voice?” Lady Evadne asked.

Megan’s head turned slowly until she spotted a tall, well-built, dark-haired man just a few feet away. Megan stared at him, listening to his every word as though mesmerized. She was suddenly back in the forest on that awful night she had been ambushed.

We lost men tonight over a trunk full of homespun rags! There’s nothing here but some good horseflesh. Let’s ride.

“That’s him,” Megan said, her voice still soft.

“Who, Megan?”

“He’s the one.” Megan’s voice was louder now. “The man who helped kill my father’s men and steal my father’s horses.”

Everyone within ten feet of Megan stopped and stared. Megan took no notice. She was still watching the young lord when he turned cold eyes in her direction and stared at her. A shudder ran all over Megan. She wanted to cry Bracken’s name, but she was too frightened to move or speak.

The crowd that had grown so silent all began to speak at once. The noise was so overwhelming that Megan began to tremble from head to foot. A moment passed, or maybe an hour, Megan couldn’t tell. She felt a hand on her arm and someone calling her name, but everything was receding.

Megan slid into unconsciousness long before she realized that the hand holding her, and the voice calling her name, belonged to the one she had wanted to call for just moments before.


to avoid the smell that burned her nose, but still it persisted. She gasped and tried to speak, and suddenly the air cleared. With her head pounding, she attempted to open her eyes. They drifted open very slowly and she took a moment to focus. When she did, she found Bracken leaning over her, his face harsh with concern.

“Bracken!” Megan gasped weakly, her small hands fisted into the front of his shirt. “He’s here! The man who attacked us in the forest. He’s in the dining hall.”

“Hush, Megan,” his voice soothed. “You’ve had a long day.”

“No, Bracken, no.” Megan’s voice was turning desperate. “I swear to you, it’s him. He’s here.”

“Megan, Megan.” Bracken’s voice was pained. “You’re overly tired. Now try to rest; try to calm yourself.”

He didn’t believe her… wouldn’t even listen to her. Megan began to cry, and Bracken, feeling very helpless, gathered her against him and let her sob. Megan continued to try to reason with Bracken but didn’t realize that she was speaking only in her mind. He didn’t answer her because he couldn’t hear her, and Megan was growing weaker and more lethargic by the minute.

She was nearly asleep when she heard Bracken talking to Lyndon.

“What is it?”

“Henry wishes to see you.”


Bracken placed Megan gently against the pillows and began to rise, but she suddenly gripped him with a strength he didn’t know she possessed.

“Don’t leave me, Bracken. Please, don’t leave me. That man is here, and I beg you not to leave me.”

Bracken hesitated. He’d never seen her like this and was seriously considering refusing Henry.

“I’ll stay with her, Bracken.” Lyndon’s voice came low to his ears, and Bracken knew he could trust none better.

“I must go, Megan, but Lyndon will be with you all the time.”


“Shh,” he hushed her again. “I will return as soon as I am able and come directly to you.”

Miraculously Megan calmed. She knew in her panic she had not been trusting God, but now it was time. Megan wished Bracken did not have to leave, but she would accept the situation.

Bracken saw the acquiescence on her face and rose. Megan sat up, and although still shaking, walked with him to the door. They did not exchange words before he left, but Bracken looked deeply into her eyes before opening the door and stepping without.


“Tell me about the incident of which your wife speaks.”

Bracken answered his king quietly, telling him in detail of the attack in the forest, as well as the report that the same attackers had been seen near the home of Black Francesca.

James Nayland was nearby, taking in every word as well, but neither he nor Henry gave a flicker of recognition. They had been given secondhand news of all these events, and some that Bracken was not aware of, but neither man let on.

“Young Kirkpatrick denied ever seeing your wife and has now left. He was very insulted,” Henry said at last.

“Yes, my lord.”

“Can you control your wife or not, Bracken of Hawkings Crest?”

“Yes, your grace, I can. I am most sorry for the incident.”

Henry stared at him, his expression giving nothing away.

“We will not meet later today as planned.” They stood now in the wee hours of the morning. “Come to my chambers tomorrow morning. Ten o’clock.”

“Yes, my lord.”

Bracken was shown out, but neither Henry nor James Nayland made a move to retire.

“He tells the truth,” Henry stated. “I believe you are right, my lord.”

“The girl, Megan. Is she all right?”

“She is resting but very upset.”

Henry nodded. “For a time I thought she might be of her sister’s ilk, but I think not.”

“I quite agree with you, my king. I believe Megan sincere in her outburst.”

“I hate to do it, but if there is one more charge against young Kirk-patrick, I’ll give him the boot, his father’s connections or no.”

James nodded. “I can’t see as you have any choice.”

“I thought you would see it that way. Go to bed, James. I’ll see you at noon.”

“Goodnight, Henry. Sleep well.”

The faithful servant and friend left on silent feet, but even if he’d stomped away, Henry would not have heard. He was deep in thought with the task of weighing two men in the balance, and it was nearly an hour later before Henry made his choice and sought his own bed.


“I wish to try to explain to you.”

“There is no need,” Bracken told Megan the next day as they sat together for their noon meal in the private salon in their suite.

“Yes, Bracken, there is. I am calm now, but I don’t think you understood.”

“Megan,” Bracken jumped in, “I understood everything. You saw the man that attacked you in the forest and stole your father’s horses.”

Megan could only stare at him. “If you understood, then why didn’t—”

“Because you were my only concern at the moment. You were hysterical. There was nothing I could do about Roland Kirkpatrick, so I just—”

“Is that his name?”

“Yes, but as I stated, you were my concern. I also knew it was only a matter of time before Henry would wish to see me.”

“What did he say?” Megan looked uncertain for the first time.

“He wanted to know what you were talking about and then asked me if I could indeed control my wife.”

Megan’s eyes dropped, and she blushed to the roots of her hair. Bracken didn’t try to lessen her embarrassment but let the full import of her actions sink in.

“Kirkpatrick was highly insulted, and Henry did not seem overly pleased with the whole incident,” Bracken told her softly. “I understand you’re upset, Megan, but it seems nearly everyone in the room heard you accuse the man.”

“But he did it.” Megan thought this explained all.

“Be that as it may, you insulted the man. I believe you, and somehow I think Henry does as well, but what if you’d been wrong? Think of the shame. We’ve drawn enough attention to ourselves as it is.”

Bracken’s last words were voiced in irritation, and Megan became a bit testy herself. They continued to eat, but now there was a strained silence between them. After a time, Megan spoke up, telling Bracken in very few words that she wanted to be alone.

“You’d best ready yourself for your meeting with Henry.”

“That meeting is canceled. I am to see him tomorrow morning.”

Megan looked as frustrated as she felt. “What are we to do around here until tomorrow?”

Feeling put out with his wife, Bracken stood. “I don’t know about you, but I am going to the archery butts. Windsor’s targets are some of the finest in the land.”

“And what of me?”

Bracken speared her with a glance, knowing he was being ruthless. “We are delayed here, Megan, because of your outburst. Do not vent your wrath on me for something you have done.”

Megan knew he was right, but her pride rushed to the fore.

“Very well, I shall take a walk on my own.”

“I shouldn’t do that if I were you.”

“Why? Is Lord Kirkpatrick still here?” Megan’s face had become fearful, but Bracken hardened his heart against all compassion.

“No, but the entire castle is talking of you, and I should think you would want to lie low, as it were.”

Knowing he was being unfair but feeling very frustrated in the whole ordeal, Bracken turned away. It was amazing how easy it was to take things out on his wife. Had he been home, he would have pursued Roland Kirkpatrick to the ends of the earth seeking answers, but this was Henry’s domain, and he was not at liberty to take the law into his hands or even to begin an investigation.

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