The Lab Assistant (10 page)

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Authors: Jaz Monday

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: The Lab Assistant
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"Are you ready, my prince?"

I nodded. "Yes."

She squeezed the base of my cock harder, making the shaft ever more rigid and the head tighter and thicker, darker, and firmer. My urethra winked open slightly as she pulled with two fingers on the sides of my glans. I knew what she was going to do, and I was rapt with the most intense longing I'd ever felt. I didn't know what to expect, but I wanted it suddenly, and I wanted it from her. Pain or no pain. I wanted it all, and I wanted it now.

She inverted the sound, so the tapered end pointed down, and she brought the cold metal to the tip of my cock. With a lustful look I'd never seen before, she sank the instrument into my cock. The tip and the first quarter inch of the sound slipped in easily and shot an electrical storm of pleasure in and around my groin.

This was a totally new sensation. Pleasure, intense pleasure, almost orgasmic pleasure, but different. There was no pain. There was not even the threat of pain, not a single token discomfort--just intense, deep pleasure, down through my shaft and up through my rectum and into the pit of my stomach. I could feel it radiating deep up my ass, and around my prostate, and I could feel it in the depths of my balls.

But as she transferred more weight onto the sound, it suddenly became an uneasy pleasure. I could feel the shadow of pain hiding barely outside of view. But, I liked this. I loved it. I sat back and watched and drank in the pleasure and the absurdity of the situation--I had a stainless steel, tapered medical instrument sticking out of my cock, and the pleasure was none I had ever known.

The sound stopped. Sonia licked from my scrotum up to the tip of the back of my cock and flicked her tongue in lazy little circles around the head where the thick steel rod extended like an armature from my sex. Her movements were so slow, yet so pleasurable, that I found it difficult to time my breathing. Her face dropped away again, and I felt one of my balls in her warm, moist mouth. It fell out and the cold air kissed the skin firm. Then the other ball sank into her moist tunnel. The metal stud in her tongue rubbed along the rough skin and sent a tingle up my tailbone.

"This is the fun part, baby," she said.

"Oh, god, Sonia, it's

I resisted closing my eyes. I wanted to see her. Her face, her eyes. I could see the soft brown mounds of her ass behind her head, peeking out from the side and framing her head like enormous mouse ears, and I almost came. This vantage point was incredible--so many new sensations, such intensely erotic visions. It was almost too much. A sense of sadness befell me as I tried desperately to calm myself. I didn't want this to be over; I didn't want to come.

"I'm gonna come soon," I said.

"Wait. It gets better, baby."

She licked up the shaft again and then settled down with one of my balls in her mouth. She suckled it and twirled her tongue around the rough skin, isolating the ball against the side of her mouth. The pleasure was electric. With one hand, she slowly pumped my shaft, careful to keep the shaft perfectly straight so as not to bend me against the sound. Her jacking was soft at first, barely perceptible, and then built to an intensity that made my balls churn. As she pumped me, she took her other hand and began easing the steel rod further into my urethra.

The pain suddenly grew intense--sharp, white-hot, searing--as if someone had just taken a length of electrified wire and poked it unaffectionately down the length of my penis. I emitted something between a scream and a cry, and raised my hips from the floor, which only served to thrust the sound deeper inside me. But, then, it was over. Just as quickly as it had come, it was gone. An even more intense pleasure washed over me.

I panted, and large rivulets of sweat ran down from my brows, across my face, to drop into my crotch. The sweat splattered on Sonia's hands and on my cock. My jaw and teeth ached from clenching so tightly, but in my loins I felt only pleasure now. It was a dull, yearning pleasure, like an ache. Yet another new sensation. Soon five inches of the sound were inside me.

She stopped pumping for a moment.

"Watch," she said, visibly proud of this new pleasure she'd introduced me to.

As my cock throbbed, the sound slowly bobbed up and eased out of my urethra. The pleasure grew exquisite. Unspeakable. No pain at all now, just the pleasure--searing, white-hot, but pleasure. She pushed the implement back into my cock, and then allowed it to ease out. Pushed it back. Watched it slide out. Over and over and over again. In, then out. In, then out. Over and over.

The pleasure built, every second--mounting until I was sure I would lose myself, only to find the pleasure building even more. Slowly, she fucked my cock with the sound, each time wrenching my entire lower belly with a pleasure I'd never before experienced. She pumped my shaft while she fucked the hole, pushing the thick metal instrument into me, impaling my cock and setting alight every delicious nerve ending inside of the shaft. I thought I was going to pass out. The pain, which had turned to pleasure, raced back toward pain again and the sensations were simply too intense for me to process.

"I'm gonna come, Sonia," I gasped, as I felt my cock tense ever more and strain to release its load.

"Yes, baby. Come for me now." She began pumping the sound quickly into my cock. Her delicate touch was gone now. She jammed the steel into my urethra.

The sensation became too much. My balls clenched, my entire body tensed, and my cock exploded violently in a wash of warm, sticky come. She pulled the sound out of my cock after the second spasm, and a fat turret of lumpy come erupted from the purple head. She had moved herself above my cock and caught the flood against her face. Quickly, she sank her mouth over my cock and pumped violently on my shaft with her hand. Her tongue danced around my frenulum and the back of my sensitive glans as the orgasm whipped across me, and I blew the last gush of my come into her loving mouth.

I drifted back, supine, onto the floor and closed my eyes. My ears rang. My vision blurred and tunneled. I was exhausted to the core. My whole body felt weak, spent. I had come, not just with my cock, but with my entire body. I could feel Sonia over me, pressing her body into mine, whispering that she loved me. I pulled her closer to me and let myself go.

Two weeks had passed since Sonia had taken over as my lab assistant. Things between us, personally and professionally, had never been better. Graduation was coming up soon, and we were both winding down the semester--me, preparing grades and setting up my teaching schedule for next semester, and Sonia wrapping up the last of her projects and studying for finals.

"I can't believe it's almost over," she said, lancing a slice of tomato from my plate as we sat in our small corner of the cafeteria. "I mean, I'm almost

"Time flies," I said, and then immediately felt bad. "Look, I'm sorry."

"For what?" she asked, chewing.

Once again, my concerns were my own. It occurred to me that no matter how well synched we were, she couldn't, in fact, read my mind. I laughed nervously. I didn't want to lose her. "Don't mind me. I'm just being, I dunno, odd. Or something."

"Cooper, talk to me." She sat down her fork and fixed her attention on me. A group of students filed behind us to their table, their lunch trays hovering precariously over our heads. "Baby?"

"Almost over? Almost done?" I said, unable to look her in the eye for reasons I didn't fully understand. "It all sounds so final. So terminal. You know?"

"Oh, my God," Sonia laughed. "You are the smartest man I've ever known. But you're fucking retarded."

"Thank you," I said, smiling absently.

"You're some kind of stupid, Daddy."

"Well, now I feel so much better." I took the rest of my tomatoes and flung them gracefully onto her plate. She parried my fork and locked it against her plastic plate as I tried to return it to my own.

"Listen to me, Cooper Corbis. I'm not going anywhere. What you do for me, I've never had done before. What you make me feel, I've never felt before. What I feel for you, I've never felt before. You're my soul mate. You're my fuck bunny wunny. I love you. That's my cock," she declared as she dropped her eyes to my lap, "and I'm not leaving it."

"That was unusual, but romantic," I said, smiling widely, and retrieved my fork. "But what now? Where do we go from here? The semester's over soon. You're graduating. You're going to walk. Then what?"

"What do you mean, 'then what?'"

"Are you going to stay here?" I asked.

"Are you asking me to move in with you, Cooper?"

I fidgeted awkwardly and adjusted myself in the cafeteria chair, which had suddenly become very uncomfortable. "What? No, I mean... "

"So, you don't want me to move in with you?" she asked quickly.

"Where is this going?" I asked, laughing nervously. That wasn't it at all. But, suddenly, yes. I very much did want her to move in with me, as a matter of fact. Yes, I certainly did. But... "It's not what I said. I'm just... "

"It's all right, Coop. I'm fucking with you." Setting her utensils down, she placed her hand gently over mine. Her eyes drifted into mine and soothed me immediately. "I applied to grad school. It's going to be fine. Well, I hope. I haven't been accepted yet."

"You did?" I turned my hand over, holding her hand in mine. My face twisted into a wide, stupid grin. "You applied? To where?"

"Here, of course. I applied to grad school here."

"You didn't come to me for a recommendation," I said, wondering, but trying my best to avoid sounding accusatory or overly needy.

"I know. I'm sorry. Are you mad?"

"No, of course not. Not mad. It's just I would have given you one. No problem! I would have given you a great one."

She gave me her
you sweet, stupid fool
look once more: something she'd grown increasingly adept at doing. "I know, baby. That's why I didn't. I don't want it to seem as if you're doing me favors. You know, 'There go Dr. Corbis. He got Sonia into grad school, and you
they were fucking.' No, I needed to do it on my own. You know? For you, and for me, I needed to know that I could do this on my own. But your support means the world to me."

"You're an amazing woman, Sonia."

"And I want to support you, by being the best I can be."

"What did I do to end up with you?"

"I ask myself that, too." She smiled and licked her lips.

"When will you hear about your application?" I asked.

"In a couple of weeks, I think." Leaning back in her chair, she stretched. It was getting late. "I should be notified pretty quickly of a decision, I'm told. That's what the departmental secretary said. It was mostly a formality, apparently. I hope, anyways."

"So," I said, posing as sexily as I could manage, "what do you want to do after dinner?"

She laughed at my caricature. "I think we should head back to the lab for a bit. I've got some equipment to prep for tomorrow."

"Some equipment?" I asked. "Really?"

"You are a dog, Cooper Corbis."

Chapter Six

I flicked off the light at the switch on the wall. It was late, and there didn't seem to be anyone else in the building--certainly not on the fifth floor, and not in this area of the lab--but why take chances? Reaching across the mica-topped desk, I turned on the gas, and then sparked the Bunsen burner to life. On the desk behind me, I lit another burner. In total, I lit four of the thin metal burners, set in a diamond pattern around me on the two long lab desks that ran down this side of the room. They cast a warm, diffuse yellow glow across the entire room. My shadow bent into a long abstract form on the wall. Low on the shadow, a large dark shaft bent against the lab cabinetry. My cock looked huge. I smiled. "Kind of romantic," I said after a few moments of taking in the lighting and the ambiance it cast.

"Yeah, baby."

Sonia was on the floor in front of me. She was naked still, on her hands and knees. Ropy streams of my come ran across the slick, wet globes of her ass. The semen, slowly drying, formed varicose little rivers on her skin. The thick clumps of my sperm had slid down along her delicious mounds and now clung to her hard, curly pubic hairs. The slicked-through pink gash between her legs dripped its juice onto the epoxy floor. Playfully, she wiggled her ass toward me, and then thrust her hips up and down, making the cheeks clap gently. A gobbet of my sperm dislodged from her cunt as she gyrated her hips, and splattered against the floor.

"I'm so fucking hard right now, Sonia," I said, slowly pumping my cock in my hand.

"Baby boy, you just came."

"I know. But, Jesus," I said. "Your sweet ass. And your voice. Angel, everything about you."

I tweaked the head of my cock, and actively forced myself to stop, so as not to jack off all over her or to ram myself into her velvety canal again. I wanted desperately to be inside her one more time, to be one with her, to press our bodies together in ways that forced us into that deep, intense togetherness, that brutal need, that we'd both grown to live for. It was this feeling that we'd both grown to need to live. Like crack or junk or crystal meth, we needed each other, and I needed her now.

But, right now, this was about Sonia. A surprise I'd envisioned, just for her.

"I'm ready, my Professor," she breathed.

"Me, too, honey."

I walked slowly around her, running the fingers of my right hand from the top of her cunt, up between and over her ass-cheeks, and then along her outstretched spine. I felt her skin tingle under my touch and the sensation of our merging flesh caused the slow burn in my testicles to flare.
How could I be so lucky?

I needed to come again.

As I passed her head, I turned my hips to position my cock in the direction of her face. Sensing this, she raised her head to me, first to smile that familiar expression of hers--part lust, part innocent longing, part something beyond love--and then opened her lips to take the head of my cock onto her tongue. She closed her mouth over me, over just the head, and sucked tightly. Her eyes closed. The satisfied, tender look on her face almost forced me over the edge. She held me there for what felt like an age, trapped in her vacuum. The warmth overwhelmed my senses. Suddenly, it was gone. I felt a prickling cold on my skin as my wet cock fell away from her delicious mouth.

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