The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (62 page)

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      She nodded and then tried to smile which turned out wobbly, but it was an attempt at least. Since they had followed Will’s carriage across the border into Scotland, Phoebe had grown quiet and agitated, her usual happiness dampened by the knowledge that the carriage in front held her little sister, who she had never been parted from for more than a few days, yet now would be so for two months.

      “But I will miss her so much, Finn, and can’t help but wonder what will happen if she needs me.”

      “Will and I have already paid one of the staff to keep an eye on her.”

      His joke made her smile and that made him feel as if he had scaled the largest mountain.

      He caught her as she threw herself at him, which she did regularly and for no other reason than she wanted him to hold her, which he was more than happy to do. In fact, he had become addicted to his wife and the feel of her pressed against his chest.

      Lifting her chin, he took out his handkerchief and wiped her eyes. “Remember, my love, Bella needs your strength now.”

      She nodded and Finn kissed her softly before opening the carriage and stepping down. Holding out one hand, he took Phoebe’s and retained it as they moved to where the others now stood.

      The building before them was large and rambling and around the edges were rows and rows of flowers. Flat areas of grass held seats and tall trees provided shade for those who decided to sit beneath them. To Finn’s eyes, it looked welcoming.

      Livvy wore the same look as Phoebe, her belly now a gentle swell beneath her dress as she approached the birth of their first child. Will, like Finn, had a calm look that told nothing of the worry inside them. They had talked about this, leaving Bella here, and neither was happy about it. They had looked thoroughly into the clinic and its staff and had heard only glowing recommendations. In fact, it was run by a wonderful couple who, along with their children, shared their large home with those in need of rehabilitation. Will had tracked down several guests who had stayed here, and all talked in glowing terms of their time spent within these walls.

      As they made their way to the bottom of the steps, an elderly lady walked outside, smiling. Finn studied her and could see nothing to dislike.

      “Hello, you must be Miss Isabella Langley. We are delighted to have you with us.”

      Introductions were made and Finn watched Phoebe force a smile onto her face as she chatted with the woman.

      “Of course you are all welcome here whenever you wish to visit, to follow your sister’s progress,” the woman said, which Finn already knew. He wouldn’t be leaving Bella here if he couldn’t check on her often. Will also had friends who lived not far from here that would visit, when they couldn’t, just to make sure Bella was alright.

      “Well then, darling, your trunks are inside and it is time for us to leave.” Livvy was putting on a brave face as she spoke.

      “Yes.” Bella nodded. “I want this, Livvy, very much.”

“I know that you do, love, and I want it for you, too. Although it is but a short time you will be here, it is still hard to let you go,”

Finn could see Bella was nervous now the moment had come to leave them. She hugged Will first, and then Livvy, whose shoulders shook briefly as she closed her eyes and clutched her sister close. Finn was next and he crushed her to him, murmuring in her ear that they would return soon to visit.

      “I shall look forward to it, but until then just look after Phoebe and I shall be happy.” He nodded as a lump caught in his throat.

      Phoebe wrapped her sister in her arms and then rested her head on her shoulder, and Finn watched the silent tears and felt her pain deep inside him. It was such a brief time they would be parted, yet he knew the bond these sisters shared was strong.

      Bella gave them all a last smile and then started slowly for the steps with the woman who would care for her over the next few months. Leaning heavily on her cane, Finn watched her stop before she started up them. She then said something to the woman at her side and turned and made her way back to the carriages.


      Finn grabbed Phoebe’s arm as she moved to intercept her sister, shaking his head as she looked up at him. He pulled her back against his chest and held her as they watched Bella limp up to where Luke stood beside the carriage. His eyes were shadowed, feelings hidden as he watched her approach.

      Bella climbed to her toes and kissed Luke Fletcher on the cheek. She then said something, but he could not hear what. Luke’s head snapped upright, his hands reaching for her as she backed away from him, only to drop to his sides as Bella turned and started back to the clinic. The man looked like he had been punched in the stomach, his face pale, eyes wide.

      Bella made her way up the stairs slowly until she reached the top, and then with a brief wave, she walked in through the doors. They then closed and the crying began.

      Finn simply picked Phoebe up and carried her into the carriage, as Will did the same with Livvy, and soon they were on their way home.

      “Sssh, Phoebe. She is safe, love. Surely that knowledge alone helps you? They were very nice people, and it is only for a few months.” He hated her tears, and in truth she did not cry much, yet lately—

“Dear God, you’re pregnant!”

      She cried harder and Finn thought that he could perhaps have phrased that better.

      “Phoebe, my love, are we going to have a baby?

      “Y-yes. I had thought to tell on the return journey as in truth I was not sure myself until I realized I had become very emotional and I have not bled in a while.”

      “A baby,” Finn said stunned. “Christ, I love you.”

      That stopped the tears. Lifting her head she looked up at him. “You’re happy?”

      “So very much,” he whispered, kissing her.

      “I miss her already.” Phoebe nestled into his chest as she usually did when she was about to close her eyes. “But had I not you then our parting would have been far worse.”

      “We will never part, love.”

      “Never,” she whispered after a long yawn.

      Finn held her as the carriage carried them back to England and wondered what he had done to end up so happy. Sending good thoughts Bella’s way, he too closed his eyes and was soon asleep.



Isabella was the Langley sister everyone overlooked. Injured in the same accident that killed her parents, pain had become a constant part of her life, forcing her to observe from the sidelines. But now, after several months in a Scottish Clinic, she is no longer the same woman. Determined to take charge of her life and set her dreams in motion, she goes after the only man she has ever loved: Luke Fletcher, a man not born into her world but the only one she has ever wanted.

By Wendy Vella


“I hope Finn made haste to reach Livvy the day we left, Luke. I don’t want her alone.”

“Alone with Jenny, Freddy and the dozen servants you forced upon them?”

Luke Fletcher looked at the man seated across the carriage from him as he spoke, his long legs stretched out, large booted feet crossed and rested beside him on the seat. He appeared relaxed but the tension in his jaw belied that claim. Luke knew he looked the same, when inside his stomach was a cauldron, bubbling with both anxiety and anticipation.

He would see her soon, Isabella Langley. The woman who had commanded his heart since he was old enough to understand the true meaning of love.

“Three servants, no more than that, and hardly a dozen, Fletcher. And she wanted to stay with Jenny and Freddy until I return in case she should need Jenny’s assistance for anything. Phoebe and Finn will have arrived by now, too, and will travel to be with Livvy every day from my home.”

“Don’t fret, Will, she will be fine with them all caring for her.”

“I don’t fret.” Will looked indignant.

Rubbing his chest, Luke looked out the window. Nerves churned inside him as he thought about seeing Bella again. Would she be changed? For so long she had been quiet, undemanding, her emotions locked away as she battled with the pain of her injury. Had the clinic actually helped her? Luke hoped it was so.

“No, you’re right. I am fretting.”

Will was married to the eldest of the Langley sisters, Livvy. They’d had a tumultuous beginning, but now were happy and expecting the birth of their first child in a few weeks. Will was here because Livvy demanded he come and get her sister Isabella, who had been rehabilitating in a Scottish clinic.

“But I had to come, because Livvy became so agitated when I said I would just send you, two drivers and two maids to collect Bella, that I feared she would have the baby right then. Finn even offered to come in my stead, but she said Bella deserved you and I to be the ones to collect her, and that it was the right thing to do.”

Bella had been in Luke’s thoughts since the day he’d dropped her here many months ago. He’d lost count of the amount of times he’d thought of coming to collect her, demand she return to her family and him, where she should never have left.

“Not much has scared me in my life, Luke, but this impending birth is addling my wits.”

“Which is entirely natural, as I’ve said many times.”

“I’m going to be a father, Luke.”

“Yes, you are.” They’d had this conversation constantly on the journey from England to Scotland and each time Will had paled. “A good one.”

Will nodded, then shook his head, as if to clear it.

“She will be different, Luke. There is little doubt in my mind about that.”



“Weren’t we discussing Livvy, and impending childbirth?”

“It makes me nauseous so we’re moving to another topic. It’s my belief Isabella will have changed in many ways during her time here. She has never been away from her family for this long before and that alone will have given her independence.

“I think change was the reason for her visit here, Will, and should imagine she will be displeased if she hasn’t.”

Gray eyes held his steady. Luke’s never wavered; he’d fielded this particular look too many times to do so.

“More than her leg injury may have changed is what I meant, Fletcher, as you very well know.”

“Change happens to all of us, Will.”

I love you, Luke Fletcher, and I think you love me, too. It is my hope that you will give those words some consideration while I am gone and think about what the future holds.

Some consideration. Christ, he’d thought of nothing else. She’d said those words before entering the clinic, and they had stayed ingrained inside his head, rolling round and around until he was sure he’d go mad.

“Yes, you’ve certainly changed. With Freddy retired, I would have struggled had you not come to your senses and stepped into his shoes.”

“You’re welcome.”

“It’s your bloody business as well, Fletcher. It just took you awhile to understand that,” Will said.

They were friends, he and the man across from him, and had been for many years. He’d made a fortune in India when he’d accompanied Will there, but that mattered for nothing here in England. Here, you were judged by birth. As soon as he’d stepped back onto the solid soil of his homeland, he’d been reminded of that. Reminded that he was the son of a stable-master and a woman who washed clothes and cleaned houses for a living. Not many stepped over the great divide between the classes; in fact, he’d met none.

“It has not been easy for you, Luke, and I know you’ve chafed over the pompous attitude of many who will always see you as a class beneath them.”

Luke waved his gloved hand about. Even that had changed, since Isabella had left. Then, he’d still worn the clothes of a stable hand; now, he wore the clothes of gentleman, his gloves a pale gray that seemed to get soiled with ease. Of course, they were made for men who didn’t care to sully themselves with menial things, like opening doors and picking up after themselves.

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