The Language of Food: A Linguist Reads the Menu (53 page)

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Louis XIV, King of France, 138

love, use of term, 95


Macao, 89–90

macaroni, 3, 7, 8, 204

linguistic history of, 130–43

Macaroni, The

macaroni and cheese, 143

macaronic French, 7–8, 20, 143, 191

macaronic verse, 7, 136, 204

Macaroni Journal
, 135

Macaronis, 141–42,

macarons, 3, 8, 130, 138–39,
, 141, 143, 188

macaroons, 3, 159, 184–85, 189, 205

linguistic history of, 130–43

recipes for, 137, 138, 140–41

Maclay, William, 176

Mad Men
, 114

Magia Naturalis
(Della Porta), 154

Mahabharata, 152

main course, as term, 34

Maison des Soeurs Macarons bakery, 138

Maison Reglée, La
(Audiger), 150

, 134, 136

malic acid, 157

Malin, Joseph, 48

takete (bouba
experiment, 166–69,
, 207

, 121

Mandarin Chinese, 54, 55, 97, 179, 195

Manischewitz, 140

Mann, Charles, 63

Manuscrito Anonimo
, 174

Marcus, Hazel Rose, 116

Maria Theresa, Infanta of Spain, 138

Maritime Silk Road, 53

marked words, 105–6


of junk foods, 107–16

linguistic status clues in, 9, 110–16, 159

to the masses, 113–15

through sound symbolism, 161–67

to wealthy clientele, 110–13

see also
advertising techniques

marmalade, 146–47, 157, 185, 189

recipes for, 147

Martellotti, Anna, 43

Martha Washington’s Booke of Cookery
, 137

Martino, Maestro, 132–33, 136

, 132–34, 135, 142

recipe for, 133

Mason Adam pâtisserie, 138

matzo, 48

Maven, 65, 77

“maxim of quantity,” 18

“maxim of relevance,” 18

Mayhew, Henry, 121, 156

mayonnaise, 126

McAuley, Julian, 93

McGovern, Patrick, 71

McKean, Erin, 95

meals, order of courses at, 3–4, 5, 21–34,
, 171–80


preserved, 127

savory and sweet, 174–75, 177

meat stew, 39, 42

medicine, food as, 148, 155, 157, 176

(Sophocles), 78, 87, 91

, 87, 199

, 146

Menagier de Paris, Le
, 125

Menon, Geeta, 162–63, 207


author’s linguistic study of, 10–20, 93, 112, 191

historical perspective of, 7–8, 19–20, 130, 172

linguistic status clues in, 5, 7–20, 111, 143, 159

modern, 20, 34

New York Public Library collection of, 8

origin and etymology of, 26

for Washington’s inauguration, 176

Merry Wives of Windsor, The
(Shakespeare), 66

Mesopotamia, 36–41, 72–73, 148

Methodus Refrigerandi ex Vocato Sale Nitro Vinum Aquamque

, 123

Mexico, culinary contributions from, 3, 79–81, 112, 124, 182, 188

Meyers, Cindy, 138

, recipe for, 64

Mill, 66

milling, 118, 123, 129

Ming dynasty, 61

mining, 35–36, 57, 62

salt, 118

Mintz, Sidney W., 177

, 51

Misra, Reeva, 166–67

Mitchell’s, 145

Moche, 44, 48

modernist cuisine, 184

molasses, 181–82

, 80–83

molecular gastronomy, 144

mole poblano de guajolote
(Turkey with Puebla Mole), recipe for, 81–83, 91, 198

Mon-Khmer, 50–51

Montefiore, Judith Cohen, 47

Morat’s, 150

Morton, Eugene, 164–65

Moss, Michael, 108

mouth feel, vocabulary for, 96, 103

Mr. and Mrs. Miscellaneous, 145,

Mughals, 152, 157

mushrooms, in ketchup, 59–60

music, dessert association in, 103

Music Box, 28

Mutawakkil, al-, 40


Nahuatl, 79, 81

naming, sound connotation in, 159–70

nam pla
, 53

, 51

Nasrallah, Nawal, 39

Native Americans, 79, 88, 90, 91

naturalism, 159

Natvrall and Artificial Directions for Health
(Vaughan), 176

Neckam, Alexander, 127

negative bias, 98, 99, 104

negative differentiation, 96, 99, 100, 112–13

negative emotional words, negative sentiment words, 94–96

as expressed in stories, 98–99

Neige de Fleur D’orange
, recipe for, 146

New World:

cultural sharing in, 43–44, 80–83, 88–89, 91

turkeys in, 79–83, 88–91

Ngo, Mary Kim, 166–67

97 Orchard: An Edible History of Five Immigrant Families
(Ziegleman), 20

Ninkasi, 73

Noah hypothesis, 71–72

Nola, Roberto de, 174

noodles, 134–35

Normans, 118–19, 126, 132, 142, 152, 174

Nostradamus, 135–36

nougats, 131, 143

Nouvelle Cuisine, 177

(Persian New Year), 130, 131

nuns, 81, 138, 188

nuoc mam
, 2, 53

nuts, 60, 131–32, 157


Ogilvy, David, 114–15,

Ogilvy and Mather, 114

Ohala, John, 164–65, 169

Ohlone, 35

Old Clam House, 35

Oliver Twist
(Dickens), 47

omicron letters, 160

One Thousand and One Nights
, 38, 39, 173

orange blossom ice cream, early recipes for, 145–46

oranges, in marmalade, 147

Ottomon Empire, 80–81, 148, 149, 154

ovens, China’s lack of, 180

Ovid, 87

Oxford Companion to Food
(Davidson), 22

Oxford English Dictionary
, 26, 195


Pacio, Debra, 103

pain perdu
payn purdyeu
, recipe for, 120

Palace Hotel, 126

, 38

Parker, Robert, 100

Passover, 130, 135, 140


linguistic history of, 134–36, 139, 141–43

terms for, 135

pastel de nata
, 89

pastries, 131–36

and pasta, 135

savory and sweet, 135–36

, 119–21

pecan, pronunciation of, 90,

pecan pie, recipe for, 89

Pennebaker, James, 99

Perry, Charles, 125, 131, 194


culinary contributions from, 2–3, 12–13, 36–39, 48, 76, 79, 131, 142, 146, 148–49, 157, 172–74, 177, 188

in trade, 53

Persian sherbet, 156

Peru, culinary contributions from, 35–36, 43, 48, 62

pescado frito
, 43

recipe for, 45

Peters, Erica J., 115

phones (language), 160, 181

phosphoric acid, 157

Phu Quoc, 53

pieces of eight, 36, 57, 62, 63

pies, 89–90

Pilgrims, and First Thanksgiving, 88, 91

pirates, 61–63

Pisco punch, 30, 36, 64, 76

pitch, 164–65, 169

Pizarro González, Francisco, 43–44

, 21, 34

Plato, 131, 160

Poe, Edgar Allan, 78

politicians, linguistic devices of, 114–15

Pollyanna effect, 5, 105–6

Polo, Marco, 53, 135

Pomerantz, Kenneth, 61

Pop Rocks, 156

Porter, Eleanor, 105

, 9–10


in Asian trade, 62

culinary contributions from, 3, 43–46, 48, 89–90, 188

New World exploration by, 79, 83–84, 86, 189

positive bias, 104–6

positive emotional words, positive sentiment words, 94, 95, 96, 104–5

potato chips, 33, 108–16, 118, 130

potatoes, fried, 2–3, 36, 48, 49, 107

pottages, 69

Potts, Chris, 104

preservatives, preservation:

fermenting as, 50, 51, 55

hops as, 65, 69

salt as, 47, 50, 54, 55, 127–28

vinegar as, 39–40, 46–47, 128


regional, 90,

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