The Last American Cowboy (5 page)

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Authors: Vanessa Devereaux

BOOK: The Last American Cowboy
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Chapter Eleven


They’d been right. Either that, or Blake was becoming a master at fucking me. I climaxed hard and fast, and I’m sure everyone, despite Montana being a vast state, heard me. Of course, the hairless pussy wasn’t the only thing that might have added to my enjoyment. Josh knew what to do with a woman’s nipples while she had another guy inside her.

“Okay, let’s try something else,” said Blake. He went to the top of his bed, leaned against the headboard, and signaled for me to get between his legs. “Lie down, and go to work on me while Josh goes to work on you.”

I went onto my belly and played with his balls as Josh parted my legs and massaged my ass cheeks. When I put Blake’s cock into my mouth, Josh slid slowly inside my vagina.

My biggest fear was biting Blake’s cock when I came. He ran his fingers through my hair and shifted his butt as Josh pushed his dick higher up inside me. I wondered which one of us would come first and got the answer a few minutes later when Blake exploded into my mouth. Another first for me. I swallowed, actually enjoying the salty tang of him on my tongue. I took out his cock and rested my cheek on his belly, feeling my own climax just around the corner.

“Relax. Relax. Breathe,” said Blake, rubbing my back.

I dug my fingers into his arms and held on as Josh took me over the edge, and I cried onto Blake’s belly.

He held me as Josh thrust harder on his way to finding release. When he did, he stayed inside me and rested his body on top of mine, and the three of us stayed locked together for at least a few minutes.

“Josh has to leave in an hour, but you’re going to stay here with me in my bed all night.” I looked up at Blake, and he smiled. “So what do you think we should do as a grand finale?”

“I don’t know how you’d top what we’ve done,” I said.

“How about we blindfold you and let you guess which one of us is fucking you?” suggested Josh.

“You guys…”

“You want to or not?” asked Josh.

“Sure. You’re the ones who will tire yourselves out, not me,” I said.

* * * * *


They chose a bandana to cover my eyes, and I promised them I wouldn’t cheat by peeking.

I’d picked the missionary position to begin with. Before the first cock entered me, I was sure I’d know which guy it belonged to but, when I felt it slide in, I had no idea. They’d told me I couldn’t touch them either. So I placed my hands by my sides as whoever it was pumped me fast and hard.

“I think this is Josh,” I said just before I climaxed.

I’d barely had time to wonder if I was right when the second cock was inside me.

That felt like Josh again, but I knew it couldn’t be.

After I climaxed the second time, they rolled me over onto my belly, and I was sure it was Blake who was bringing me closer to the edge now. I screamed out and was rolled onto my side as one of them pulled my nipples and the other’s cock went deep and hard.

By the time I was told to get up on all fours, I had no idea which one was playing with my clit and which one was fucking me.

“Okay, guys, I give up.”

They both laughed as I flopped onto the bed and took the bandana off. They were covered in sweat as they got down beside me.

“That was harder than I thought. I mean, you’ve both got very distinctive cocks,” I said.

“Shame we both can’t be inside you at the same time,” said Josh.

I saw them look at one another.

“Hey, no, I don’t want to do that,” said Blake. “That would mean you and me would…our cocks would touch, and no way.”

“Me neither,” said Josh, turning away.

I burst out laughing. Blake slapped me on the ass as I rolled over and laughed into the pillow. “And what’s so funny, city girl?”

“You guys are.”

“Hey, that’s how we are, and that’s how it’s gonna stay,” said Blake.

Josh lifted up his wrist and checked his watch. “Hey, I gotta go, but it’s been fun. If you’re ever in town again, let me know,” he said.

“Yes, nice to meet you,” I said, wondering if that was the stupidest thing you could say to a guy who you were in a threesome with. He picked up his clothes and headed out of the room.

I leaned back against Blake, who looked pensive now as he rested his chin on his bicep and looked at me. Maybe he was just tired. I had to admit, I was.

I ran my hand down his face, sensing all of a sudden something wasn’t quite right between us. Maybe I’d said something wrong. Maybe it was the ménage…

“You don’t look very happy now. You want to tell me what’s bothering you?”

“Yeah, a whole bunch of stuff,” he said, flopping onto his back and staring at the ceiling.

“Is it me? You sick of me hanging around here?”

“No, definitely not. Just the opposite. In fact, come here.”

He reached his arm out to me so I could snuggle down next to him. I set my head on his chest and played with a few strands of chest hair that surrounded his nipples.

“Did you enjoy the ménage, or is that what’s bothering you?” I asked.

“It was fun—anything with you is fun—but shit, that was so tough on me. I mean mentally, not physically.”

I pulled myself up, rested my head on my palm, and looked at him. “I don’t understand. I thought you wanted it as much as me.”

He ran his hand down my face and let his index finger rest on my lower lip. “I did, and the first time Josh entered you and I watched him do it, it was a turn-on, but when he made you climax…when it was his body bringing you pleasure and not mine… Shit, I’ve never been so jealous in all my life.”

“Oh, Blake, why didn’t you say something? Why did you let him continue to have sex with me if it upset you?”

“I wanted you to enjoy yourself.”

“I did, but I don’t want you to think I do this sort of thing with just anyone,” I said.

“Hadn’t even entered my mind.”

I set my body next to his again. Just why Josh giving me pleasure had bothered him so much, I had to know.

“Blake, just what was it that made you so upset about Josh making me climax?”

He ran his hand up and down my arm. “We’ve only known one another for what? Forty-eight hours?” I nodded. “I think it’s because I’m starting to have feelings for you, city girl. Does that scare you? Shit, it scares the hell out of me. I’m a forty-two-year-old bachelor who’s always loved them and left them.”

I hadn’t seen this one coming at all. And, if I was honest, I’d fallen slightly for him, too. I mean, how could a normal, healthy woman not feel something for a handsome cowboy, who seemed like a sweet guy and was great between the covers? And him having feelings for me. Oh, boy. If he knew what was waiting for me at home… Well, that would probably send him running like his cowboy boots were on fire.

“You don’t know anything about me other than I’m a writer for a lifestyle magazine in Boston.” That slipped out before I’d realized I’d verbalized it rather than just thought it.

He made circles with his fingers on my shoulder. “So tell me about yourself.”

“I’ve been married. I got divorced two years ago, and I have a five-year-old daughter.” I turned to look at him. “Still think you’re falling for me?”







Chapter Twelve


I’d expected we’d be asleep by now. It had passed 1 a.m., but I guessed revealing that I’d once been someone else’s wife and had a child had opened up the conversation. At least he hadn’t run or suggested I go back to my hotel room.

“So what happened?” he asked. “I mean, why did you get divorced?”

I stroked one side of his chest while my head rested on the other half. “I came home from work one day to find him fucking the babysitter in our bed.”

“Geez, what a character…pretty sleazy babysitter, too,” he said, squeezing my shoulder.

“Needless to say, I filed for divorce the very next day and asked for sole custody of my daughter who, I might add, was taking a nap in the next room while they got horizontal. The babysitter spilled the beans later and told me my husband had been giving my little girl sleeping pills, so she didn’t disturb them every time they had sex. It had been going on for a year before I caught them.”

Blake shook his head. “For fuck’s sake, what type of person does that to a child? I hope you won.”

“Yep, I have my little girl all to myself, and he only gets to see her twice a year, and it has to be under supervision. My parents look after her every afternoon when she comes home from kindergarten and times like now, while I’m away on assignments. I know they really want to retire to Florida or somewhere warm since my dad quit work last year but, until my daughter’s in school full time, they’re holding off on their move.”

“They sound like great parents.”

“They are. And my daughter’s the main reason I don’t date a lot, and yeah, maybe why I’ve gone a little wild here in Montana. I mean, she’s my priority, and she comes before any of my own needs.”

Blake squeezed me again. “I can understand that. So what’s her name?”


“Pretty name… Is she as beautiful as you?”

“Oh, she’s much more beautiful than me.”

“Then I’m sure she’ll break lots of guys’ hearts. I still can’t believe you have a child.”

“Why? Because I don’t seem the motherly type?” I asked, looking up at him.

“Nope. I’m sure you’re a great mom, but I can’t believe you pushed a kid out of your… Well, your pussy’s so tight. All the women I’ve been with who are mothers haven’t gripped my cock like yours does. I would never have guessed in a million years that you’ve given birth.”

It was my turn to laugh. “It recovered really quickly. Do you think I’m terrible? I mean, doing all this with you…with you and Josh, and I’m also a mother?”

“Hell, don’t even think that. You’re a human being, a woman with needs, and there’s absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.”

I was relieved to hear that, especially coming from Blake. Yeah, you could say I’d fallen for him, because what he thought about me suddenly mattered.

“I’m really strict about not doing anything…you know, like spending the night with a guy when I do have a date, because she’s in the house most of the time. Bottom line is I don’t have sex that often. But I guess that’s the curse of all single moms—not just me.”

“Don’t apologize to me for anything you’ve done. I’m guessing there’s nothing you wouldn’t do for your little girl.”







Chapter Thirteen


Blake wanted to see a photo of Lily while we ate breakfast the following morning. I pulled it out of my purse and slid it across the table to him. He put down his coffee mug and picked it up.

He whistled. “You were right. She’s a beauty. She looks like a mini version of you.”

“I know I’m her mom, and I’m biased, but she’s smart as well as cute. She started kindergarten in the fall, and the teacher said she’s way ahead of all the other kids. She can count, does some addition and subtraction and…” I realized I was bragging. “I’m sorry. You probably don’t want to hear me go on about my daughter.”

“Sure, I do. And you know what I think? That your ex is getting punished big-time now. I mean, he’s missing out on this beautiful little girl’s life. What a dumbass.” He slid the photo back to me. “You’d better put that away and, whatever you do, don’t let my father see her photo, or he’ll want to adopt her as his grandkid. She’d get spoiled something awful around here.”

I put the photo safely back into my purse. “So why haven’t you ever given him a grandbaby?”

“Haven’t found myself a woman.”

I laughed, almost spilling the coffee I was in the middle of sipping. “You—a good-looking cowboy who’s hot between the sheets.”

“Okay, women have found me, but there’s not one of them I’d want to marry and make babies with.”

“Maybe you’ve been too picky.”

“You can never be too picky,” he said, picking up a slice of bacon and chewing on it.

“Yeah, maybe I should have been more of that before I married my ex.”

“See? You know what I’m talking about. So you ever think you’ll marry again?”

“I’m not sure about that, but I do know it would take a very special man, and I have Lily to think about, too, now.”

“Shit, life’s so God damn complicated at times.”

“Sure is, so let’s talk about something completely different.”

“Like what?”

“Like roping and riding lessons.”

* * * * *


I spent the rest of the day in my jeans and T-shirt, snapping photos of Blake riding his horse and showing me how he roped the cattle.

He looked so drop-dead gorgeous with his cowboy hat pushed back on his head, riding out of the stable. He tossed me the hat. I put it on, but it slid down my face and rested on the bridge of my nose.

“You have a big head,” I said, tossing it back. I was just about to add another comment when a worker walked by, so I mouthed it instead. “
It matches your big dick.

He laughed, slid off the horse, and walked over to me. I pulled on the front of my jeans where my shaved mound was starting to itch.

“Hey, baby, you hurting down there?”

“Just itching right now.”

“Then maybe we should take a look at it and get you some cream.”

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