The Last Days of George Armstrong Custer (57 page)

BOOK: The Last Days of George Armstrong Custer
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gold rush in

Great Sioux Reservation encompassing

Lakota Sioux claim to

Panic of 1873 impacting policy toward

Sherman and Terry's opinion on expedition through

Black Hills Expedition (1874)

legality of

Black Kettle (chief)

Black Shawl


Blinn, Clara

Bloody Knife

killing of

Blue Horse

body mutilation

Boots and Saddles or, Life in Dakota with General Custer
(Custer, Elizabeth)

born-again, Custer, G. A., profession of faith

Bouyer, Minton (“Mitch”)

Bozeman, John

Bozeman Trail

Braden, Charles

Bradley, James A.

Bridger, Jim

Brisbin, James



Buffalo Bill.
Cody, William F. (“Buffalo Bill”)


Burgess, Lulie

Burkman, John W.

burial site of

Butler, Benjamin F.

Calhoun, James (“Jimmy”)

body of

Calhoun, Margaret Custer (“Maggie”)(wife)

Camp, Walter

Camp Supply



Custer, G. A., memory of

Forsyth, J., use of, at Wounded Knee

Gatling guns versus

Capehart, Henry

Carr, Eugene

Carroll, John M.

Carson, Kit

cavalry recruits

brotherhood among

fatigue and malnourishment of

newly trained

Cedar Creek battle

Central Pacific Railroad


army attack of two-hundred-lodge village

at Battle of Little Big Horn

demonization of

families marching toward Bighorn Mountains

firearm superiority of

Mo-nah-se-tah story among

warriors flee Red Cloud Agency

Winter Campaign against

women and children

Chiricahua Apache

Chivington, John M.


Christiancy, James

Civil War

Custer, G. A., in

Custer, T., in

Grant, U., blunder during

Indian Policy prior to and after

surrender table gifted to Custer, Elizabeth

Clark, Ben

Clymer, Heister

Coates, Issac

Cody, William F. (“Buffalo Bill”), Yellow Hair scalped by

Comanche (horse)

Comanche-Kiowa village

A Complete Life of Gen. George A. Custer

Comstock, William “Medicine Bill”

Connelly, James

Cooke, William W.


body of

Custer, G. A., orders carried to Reno by

Cooper, Wickliffe

Corlett, W. W.

counting coup

Countryman, Horace

Court, James V.

Crawford, Samuel J

Crazy Horse (chief)

courage and battle craft

Crook surprise by

Crook's battalion versus

death of

fatal blow to Custer, G. A.

after Little Bighorn

on number of warriors at Little Bighorn

Crittenden, John J.

Crook, George (“Uncle George”)

Crazy Horse's warriors versus

in Custer's Avengers campaign

missing in action


Crow Foot

Crow's Nest promontory

Culpeper battle

Cunningham, John

Curly (Indian scout for Custer, G. A.)

burial site of

Custer, Boston (“Bos”)

body of

Custer, Elizabeth Bacon (“Libbie”)(wife)

as author


Civil War surrender table gifted to

donations to Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument from

Lee, J., letter to


on Merritt's prejudice

on Rain-in-the-Face's vengeance

relentless to clear husband's name

Tilford's letter to

Custer, Emanuel Henry (father)

out-living his sons

Custer, George Armstrong

accused of disobedience

as author

in Battle of Little Bighorn

in Civil War

decision to separate into three battalions

early years

final moments


June 1876 orders from Terry

Kidd's description of


profession of faith

promoting Colorado silver mine

race across Kansas

refusal to ignore profiteering

reprimanded in orders

as scapegoat for Little Bighorn defeat

sports hunting of

taxidermy interest of

–Terry Dakota Column

Texas duty

West Point years

wife's books about

Custer, Margaret Emma (“Maggie”)(sister)

Custer, Maria Ward Kirkpatrick (mother)

lamentation of

Custer, Nevin (brother)

Custer, Thomas (“Tom”)(brother)


body of

in Civil War

Custer Battlefield Historical & Museum Association

Custer Battlefield National Cemetery

Custer National Cemetery

Reno interred with full military honors

Custer Park Mining Company

Custer's Avengers

Dahlgren, Ulric

Dakota Sioux.

Dandy (horse of Custer, G. A.)

Darcy, James

Davis, Theodore R.

defeat, explanations for.
See also
Battle of the Little Bighorn

Custer, G. A., as disobedient to orders

Custer, G. A., as presidential candidate

Custer, G. A., decision to separate into three battalions

Custer, G. A., lust for glory

fatigue and malnourishment of troops

Gatling guns versus cannon

Indians' firearm superiority

Lee, J., letter condemning Reno

malfunction of Model 1873 Springfield carbines

pseudo-revisionist interpretation of history

Reno's disobedience of orders

untrained recruits

Denver & Rio Grande Railroad

DeRudio, Charles


on not discrediting one's organization


DeWolf, James Madison

Dickey, S. A.

Diehl, Charles S.

dinosaur fossils

Dinwiddie Court House battle

Donaldson, A. B.

Dorman, Isaiah

Dull Knife (chief)

Dunlop, William

Early, Jubal A.

Edgerly, Winfield S.

Elliott, Joel

search for

Enlisted Men's Petition

as court evidence to boost Reno's case

Evans, John

Falling Waters

Far West

converted to hospital

Federal Bureau of Investigation

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Fetterman, William J.

Finkel, Frank

Fisk, J. A.

Five Forks battle

Following the Guidon
(Custer, E.)


Forsyth, George A. (“Sandy”)

Forsyth, James W.

Fort Abraham Lincoln

Fort Cobb reservation

Fort Harker

Fort Hays

Fort Kearny

Fort Laramie Treaty (1851)

events leading up to

Sitting Bull's refusal of

Fort Robinson

Fort Wallace

Fox, Richard A., Jr.

French, Thomas (“Tucker”)

providing covering fire


Gall (chief)


on clues to Harrington, H. M., fate

on Curly's authenticity

on number of warriors at Little Bighorn

witnesses soldiers throwing away their rifles

wives and children of

“Garry Owen”

Gatling guns

Geiger, George H.

Battle of Gettysburg

Ghost Dance movement

Gibbon, John

Gilbert, Lyman

Girard, Frederic

on how best to destroy villages

testifies to Reno's mishandling of retreat

Godfrey, Edward S.

gold ore

in Black Hills

Custer Park Mining Company

“Pike's Peak or Bust”

Goldin, Theodore

Grant, Frederick (“Fred”)(son of Ulysses)

Grant, Orville (brother)

Grant, Ulysses S.

Civil War blunder of

Indian Policy of

pro-Custer, G. A., faction versus

public malice toward Custer, G. A.

Gratten, John L.

Gratten Massacre

Great Sioux War (1876–77)

Grinnell, George Bird

Grouard, Frank (Standing Bear)

Gurley, C. L.

Hall, Frank.
Finkel, Frank

Hamilton, Louis

Hancock, Winfield Scott

Hancock Expedition

Harney, W. S.

Harney's Peak

Harrington, Grace

Harrington, Henry Moore

Hart, Verlin

Havens, Edwin

Hayes, Rutherford B.

commuting Reno's sentence

Hayfield Fight

Hazen, William B.

Heath, William H.

Herendeen, George B.

Hickok, James Butler (“Wild Bill”)

Hodgson, Benjamin H.

Holland, Mary

Honsinger, John



Comanche (horse of Custer, G. A.)

Dandy (horse of Custer, G. A.)

“man who rode the horse with four white feet”

in Sioux culture

Humphrey, Annette “Nettie”

See also

hunting dogs

Indian Policy

dependence upon government rations

Fort Laramie Treaty

government ultimatum delivered to reservations

of Grant, U.

prior to and after Civil War

reservations as necessary for all Plains Indians

reservations as part of

settler's westward expansion requiring

as “total war”

Inyan Kara

Iron Shirt (chief)

Irwin, Lucretia Beaumont (“Lily”)

Jackson, William (“Billy”)

Jay Cooke & Company

Jenny, Walter P.

Jenny Expedition (1875)

Johnson, Andrew


Kanipe, Daniel

Kansas Pacific Railway

Kellogg, Marcus H. (“Mark”)

Keogh, Myles W.


body of

on Medicine Trail Coulee

Kicking Bird

Kidd, James M.

Kidder, Lyman S.

Killdeer Mountain.
Battle of Killdeer Mountain

Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson

Kilpatrick–Dahlgren Raid on Richmond

King, John H.


Kuhlman, Charles

Lakota Sioux Nation.
See also
Fort Laramie Treaty

claim to Black Hills

death of Crazy Horse

Lame Deer (chief)

Lane, Lafayette

Lea, John “Gimlet”

Lee, Jesse M.

letter to Custer, Elizabeth

Lee, Robert E.

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

Little Bighorn Campaign.
See also
Battle of the Little Bighorn

army weaponry and ammunition for

events leading up to

planning and preparation for imminent battle

Reno appointed commander of

Reynolds, C., scouts sight Indian village

supplied by steamship

Little Raven (chief)

Little Robe (chief)

Little Wolf (chief)

Logan, Will A.

Lone Wolf

Lord, George E.

burial site of

Lounsberry, Clement A

Luce, Edward S.

on Enlisted Men's Petition irregularities

Ludlow, William

Mackenzie, Ranald

malfunction of Model 1873 Springfield carbines

Marsh, Grant

Martin, John

Mathey, Edward

McClasky, William S.

McClellan, George B.

McCurry, Joseph

McDougall, Thomas M.

charges Reno with misconduct

McIntosh, Donald (“Tosh”)

McKay, William

McLaughlin, James

Meckling, Henry


on Custer, G. A., “disobedience”

pop culture

Medicine Arrow (chief)

Medicine Lodge Treaties (1867)

Merington, Marguerite

Merritt, Wesley

Custer, Elizabeth, on prejudice of


Michie, Peter

Michigan Cavalry Brigade

Middleton, J. V. D.

Miles, Nelson A.

on Gatlings for Indian fighting

Miller, David H.

Mills, Angus

Milner, Moses (“California Joe”)



Model 1873 Springfield carbines


Morgan, Anna Belle

Morgan, James

Moylan, Myles

charges Reno with misconduct

Murphy, Thomas


My Life on the Plains or, Personal Experiences with Indians
(Custer, G. A.)

Myers, Edward

Myers, Frank

myths and mysteries

body mutilation

“bravest man Sioux ever fought”


Enlisted Men's Petition deception

fatal blow to Custer, G. A.

lone survivors

“the man who rode the horse with four white feet”

Troop E

Nakota Sioux

Namozine Church battle

Nez Perc

No Water



Indian, as POWs

Indian, mourning their dead

Sand Creek massacre of

Wounded Knee massacre of

North, Luther

Northern Boundary Survey

Northern Pacific Railroad

Norton, William H.

Nowlan, Henry J.

Oglala Sioux.
See also
Red Cloud

One Stab (chief)

O'Neil, Thomas

Our American Cousin

“Owen's Garden”.
See also
“Garry Owen”

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